Thursday, April 4, 2024

Has anyone else noticed that they see changes in specific areas of their bodies first before anywhere else?

Hi there! We all know spot reduction is a myth, but there's something interesting I've noticed about myself while losing weight. Even though fat loss happens all over, I swear I see the biggest difference in my back first! Like, my clothes are starting to hang a little looser there before anywhere else. Now, I understand everyone's body is different, and weight loss can show up in various places first. Some people lose weight in their face, others in their midsection the fastest. It's all about genetics and body composition, right? But this got me thinking; maybe where you see initial changes says something about your body type or how your body stores and burns fat. Is there any science behind this, or am I just imagining things? Does anyone else out there notice weight loss happening in a specific area first, even though they know spot reduction isn't a thing? Curious to hear your experiences and see if there's a pattern!

submitted by /u/teenyspaghetti62
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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