Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Can’t stop gorging on protein nut butter…

Any advice for binging at the end of the day? For my height my BMI is literally one pound away from being considered overweight, and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong that I’m not losing anything.

I exercise for 1-2 hours everyday Breakfast is always a protein bar or protein shake with unsweetened almond milk

Lunch is always salad, usually a caesar salad and a sugar free Chobani or Icelandic Provisions extra creamy skyr yogurt

Dinner is salmon with a cup of blueberries and a bag of Wegmans cauliflower rice or steak with cauli rice

Then I get this unbearable craving for something sweet and I eat like 4-5 servings of Nuts n More dark chocolate almond spread. I get hunger pains as if I didn’t just eat dinner unless if gorge myself on this stuff. I drink plenty of fluid throughout the day and track my calories and macros with MyFitnessPal. I feel like I eat a pretty balanced and healthy diet, I don’t drink alcohol or smoke either. I’ve had bloodwork and tests done and nothing is wrong medically. Does anyone possibly have an idea or suggestion of what I could be doing different? I feel like my weight loss stall is because I keep overeating this stupid nut butter but I have zero self control once I open it and can’t get myself to stop eating!

submitted by /u/BuffaloMarathoner91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/rgcJTsA

getting down about the future of my weight loss

i’m 4’11, 245 pounds was my starting weight and it’s pretty much all in my belly, some in my arms and thighs but basically all belly. i have a apron belly and my main inspiration for losing weight is the hopes of being confident enough to get into a relationship. but i cannot help but think about the amount of extra skin i will probably have and i do not want any surgery i’m very very afraid of surgerys/doctors. i’m just getting down that even after all my work ill still hate how i look and still wont be able to get into a relationship or feel confident

i know this is probably a bad mindset to have but its just the truth and all i think about daily and it seriously is demotivating me

(also i appreciate when people say things like “someone who truly cares and loves you won’t care about the extra skin” but it doesn’t make me any more hopeful i feel like i will be unattractive with it so😭)

submitted by /u/Odd_Maintenance_1246
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/cuWew7q

Beach trip in October and wife wants to do a weight loss challenge. Need some help making it fair.

Hey /r/loseit,

We are taking our first family beach trip since before covid, and three kids later, this coming October.

My wife has suggested a weight lost challenge as we've both been working out and working on our diets. My wife just finished breastfeeding our youngest, and I'm just fat. lol

I did some quick google/reddit searching and it seems most posts like this end because men can lose weight more easily. Given this was her idea, what are some ways of measuring or altering the challenge I could do to make this more fair?

There will likely be a hefty bet on this if we can come to terms. We are fairly competitive. lol

submitted by /u/2001em2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ZzXL54G

Lost 10% of my overall starting weight!

I posted here a few months ago about how I was daunted at the thought of being so consistent to lose weight… but —- I’m doing it!!!

I started at 110kg (~243lbs) in january and today I’m 98.8kg (~218lbs)! My eventual goal is 75kg (~165lbs).

I have been really sick recently and so haven’t been able to do any physical activity, so this has all been through calorie counting. I’m not totally consistent and regularly find ways to enjoy a pizza out with friends.

If I were to go back to myself at the start I would just say… so far it’s way easier than you think it’s going to be. You just have to be militant about tracking everything and staying in a boundary where you can still enjoy treats - I aim for around 1600-1800kcals and don’t mind how long it takes to get to my goal.

As time progresses, I know this will slow down dramatically. But I have an arsenal of weapons left to help add to the balance - namely exercise! I am looking forward to the raft of illnesses being over so I can begin accelerating weight loss in this way without compromising on eating less kcals :)

My top tips for anyone starting out: - track weight and inches to see progress and stay motivated - don’t sweat any fluctuations - water weight is a thing! - stay consistent through plateaus - give yourself treats within your allowance - one bad day doesn’t negate the rest of your progress - one step at a time - it doesn’t matter how long it takes as you’re making healthy choices! I personally aim for a lb a week of weight loss but I’m not mad if it’s less or nothing. - take progress pics - it’s amazing to see the difference even this early on in my journey

I’m really happy today. I wanted to share my joy!

submitted by /u/Upbeat-Bear1443
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/eoWVNGw

Monday, May 6, 2024

I touched my toes today

Guys, I just wanted to share a huge triumph I managed to do today. I haven’t been able to touch my toes bending over, almost my entire life, and today when I was stretching during my P90 Sculpt 1-2 routine, I bent over and was able to grab my toes and do the stretch on both sides!!! I can’t even really describe the shock I felt in the moment. I think I was able to do it because of all the other ways I’ve been working towards my goal. I am more mobile than I was, and I’ve been strengthening many different parts of my body. I knew getting further into it I’d see results but this wasn’t one that was on my radar. After two months of work, I can bike for more than 6 miles, whereas before when I started, I would struggle to do even a mile. If you’re here in this discord and you’re just getting started, you will find you have little wins as you go along. The weight loss has been incredible to be sure- but I’m most amazed at what my body is capable of. Don’t be discouraged- and if you are, keep going. Because continuing on will feel so much better tomorrow than giving up!

submitted by /u/Sunny_pancakes_1998
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/UPxNkoS

Fall in love with the process

A key realization I’ve had on this journey is that the best, most painless, and most fulfilling way to go about it is to learn how to enjoy the process. Life doesn’t pause until you lose the weight, and if you’re spending every day wishing to fast-forward to your goal weight, you’re gonna miss out on a lot and make your weight loss journey feel agonizingly slow.

From my experience, when you hate your body and are just counting down the weeks until you reach X goal or Y milestone, it’s like watching paint dry and just drags on and on.

Whereas, when you can manage to affirm yourself and treat your body with respect and kindness, the time seems to fly by. I’m not thrilled with how my body looks right now, but I still put on a nice outfit in the mornings and shut down any negative or self deprecating thoughts about my body. I still go on my run and do the best I can and just try to enjoy it, rather than waiting around to hit my goal weight.

Anyway, just a reminder to try to be present and enjoy where you’re at, don’t wait around to hit your goal weight or put your life on hold until you achieve your goal. Life happens in between goals you achieve, and it’s about finding happiness where you’re at while still taking steps toward your goal. This also helps prevent the logical fallacy of “I’ll be happy when ____”. Try to find happiness NOW, because the process will be much easier and you’ll look back and be glad you chose to enjoy the journey rather than treating your weight loss as a transition period. This IS your life, not some transitory period while you’re waiting for your life to start :)

submitted by /u/While_Then
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/IUSdX0h

Before and after pics - take a before pic now, it’s worth it

I started my weight loss journey in June 2023. I have lost a little over 90 pounds to date. I’m 5’0 and 51 years old, so 245 pounds was a lot on my body.

Today I thought about putting together a before and after pic, and guess what. I hated getting my picture taken so much a year ago, there were practically no photos of my “before”. I found one finally, work related, where I had no choice about getting my pic done, thankfully.

My before and after https://imgur.com/a/p4mTmxs

I still have about 25 pounds to go to my goal weight, but I’m pretty happy about life these days.

The moral of my story is you should take those “before” pics when you start your journey. I’m sad I don’t have more, because it helps me to really connect to the positive changes I’ve made it my life. I know what it’s like to avoid the camera, but I promise, this time you’ll want the pics!

submitted by /u/Tracydeanne
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/F5oDTOp