Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Loose skin

Is there ways without surgery to tighten the loose skin ? Non invasion options ? I know muscle can hide it , but the areas that are the worse aren't managle by muses ,

Inner thighs & lower stomach .

I genuinely cannot keep up with the weight loss journey because of it , I am not happy being big but I am not happy being small and loose. I just want to find alternatives to tighten it or lessen the appearance

I am 4"11 sitting at 147lbs lost about 13 lbs aiming to loose 30 more .

I am female.

Also if anyone knows how to help or limited the skin pigmentations , I swear since I got bigger my entire skin has shifted in ways I didn't think was possible , I gained 25 lbs after listing 10-15

Genuinely need advice . It's really affecting me and my eating disorder /body dismorphia

submitted by /u/sweetescape105
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hxD1RXw

Monday, July 8, 2024

Struggling to lose weight

My weights been everywhere for the past 5 years.

I got pregnant at 120 lbs, had a baby at 170 lbs, got down to 135 lbs at 8 months after, got pregnant again, got up to 180 lbs from second pregnancy, got back down to 135 last year, went through a breakup with my next relationship after baby daddy 8 months Ago and put on 15 lbs. I currently weigh 148 lbs and would like to get back to around 120. My breakup caused so much depression and stress and etc. and it’s been so hard I have never weighed this much except when I was heavily pregnant. I’m really looking to get serious about weight loss becaus it and been effecting my self esteem, clothes from even last summer don’t fit, I feel like nobody looks at me and I’m embarrassed of taking pics, I don’t feel attractive at all. So I’m hoping posting on here will help me lost weight as I don’t have many people to talk to in general. I am 5’4.

I’m a single parent and I have a full time job and my 2 kids are 5 and under. I don’t have time to go to the gym unless a hire a sitter after work plus paying for membership is expensive . I try working out at home, my kids literally jump on me when I pull out a yoga mat & incessantly nag me they want xyz or complain and it’s so stressful to workout when I don’t even want to.

I don’t know waht to do. My weight is making me so depressed but I find it so hard to lose weight, restrict calories and exercise

submitted by /u/Unfair_Choice_1408
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/meNtXZy

Frustrated with weight loss with a badly sprained ankle

I am feeling absolutely stuck at the moment and would love some suggestions. I'm F 5’5 240 lbs. I have always been a little on the bigger side and played sport (rugby) for 9 years, but the last couple years really got out of control weight-wise. I felt motivated to get back on track and started taking alli & trying to eat more cleanly. I've been tracking with MyFitness Pal with a goal of 1300 calories a day. Usually I am able to meet that goal. I had been walking more, doing Solidcore classes once a week, playing weekly kickball, going to the gym! I hadn't seen much of a weight drop, but I was feeling happier.

However, a couple weeks ago I had a tumble on a hike and badly injured my ankle. Consequently, I'm on crutches for another 3 weeks and I feel very isolated and frustrated. It also makes food and alcohol more tempting as my lifestyle changed very quickly and I honestly do just feel sad and lonely in a way that is hard to explain to friends.

Any suggestions on how to kick the weight loss back into gear and maybe feel a little happier?

Thanks so much

submitted by /u/Charming-Aspect-3466
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/iEmXV9u

Sunday, July 7, 2024

to maintain or not to maintain

howdy y’all! since last february I have lost 30 pounds (166 to 136). I feel much better, mentally and physically. I've maintained my weight loss for a few months and I have decided to continue my weight loss after being stable for so long. but I’m struggling to figure out when I’m supposed to stop losing weight. how have yall decided when to stop losing weight? aesthetics? advice from health professionals? body cues? something else? I'm feeling a bit lost. how are we supposed to know what weight "suits" our needs?

submitted by /u/Leehlahluurve
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ATO3mqk

Body recomp is so hard and discouraging

I'm going back into weight loss journey for the 4th time in my life. Since I really wanted it to be lasting I decided to join the gym instead of running 3x times a week for 3 (summer) months and leave it at that like I used to do it previously.

I started in May and I definitely see the difference in the mirror but I only lost 3 pounds. It drives me crazy and is so discouraging for a person who associates weight loss journey with exactly that - weight loss. I know, in my head, that muscles are heavier than fat, that it takes time but I'm kinda in a low place right now and don't feel it in my heart. I enjoy strenght training more than I did running but the results are slower. I hope they will be longer lasting since I can go to gym year-round and I can only run outdoors in the summer due to smog.

I don't know what is the point of this post, I guess I just wanted to share my hardships in the hope that someone here already passed them and can share a success story to show me that it's hard but possible and worth it.

submitted by /u/camusdmc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/6RJSIgn

Struggling with acceptance

Hi all,

I am just at the cusp of losing 100 pounds. I started my journey last May. I’m about 2 pounds shy of 100 pounds down.

Went from 286 to 188. I’m 5’3.

Im struggling because I thought I would be really happy. And i am going to feel happy when I officially hit 100 pounds down. However the last few days I have felt really down on myself and depressed about my body. Because even though I’ve lost so much I still look in the mirror and see my old self 99% of the time. I struggle to see a real difference, apart from the times I catch my reflection in an off angle or a flash of a moment. I know I went from a size 22 to a size 14 but I still just view myself as a failure body-wise.

Anyone else struggle with this? How did you deal with it? Of course after going through long and emotionally difficult plateaus I am ready to keep going, but it’s just hard feeling like I have gotten to this major marker and I still feel uncomfortable and not confident in my skin.

Right now I’m coping by setting my focus on my first weight loss goal: 164 pounds.

submitted by /u/Right_Selection3734
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/UdbkpX2

Saturday, July 6, 2024

I’ve lost 52lbs in the last 52 weeks, thank you very much r/loseit community.

I started my weight loss journey 52 weeks ago and as of yesterday I hit 52lbs of weight loss. When I started last year I was 8 months postpartum and still breastfeeding. In the lead up to my weight loss I didn’t have the mental or physical energy worry about my weight, but had really secretly hoped that it would naturally fall off from breastfeeding. So when started feeling like I was returning to a normal person I stepped on the scale to find that not only had I NOT lost any weight, but I had gained 4lbs since the last time I had weighted myself putting me at 189lbs. I redownloaded My Fitness Pal that day and started tracking my calories.

Since I was breastfeeding, and my goal was to make it at least until my baby was 12 months, I consulted an online calculator someone recommended in the breastfeeding Reddit sub. I customized my calories, to that and have been counting my calories nearly everyday since then, with a two week break around Christmas and in May when I went to Europe for vacation. I do intermittent fasting most days, and two days a week I will eat OMAD. I started out walking and then eased back into running to try avoid injury. I now run about 4 days a week for 30 minutes at an easy pace (I did end up injured anyway 🙄).

When I weaned my little one in December, I set my calorie goal to 1lbs a week, I also ended up switching to the LoseIt app in September. But lately my calorie allotment has been tighter and tighter and I can feel it.

My original goal was to get to 135,now that I’m within 2lbs, I decided I want to keep losing since I don’t think I’m at my ideal weight yet but more slowly than a pound a week. I’ll do a custom goal for that puts me closer and taper that to a half lb a week until I’m good and then taper to maintenance.

I’ve really relied on r/loseit for advice and reality checks. So thank you everyone 🙏🏻. This community absolutely played a part in all the work I’ve done in the past year.

submitted by /u/dierdrerobespierre
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/W0PUu2E