Sunday, September 1, 2024

If you could go back to the start of your weight loss journey, what's one piece of advice or belief you would tell your past self to completely disregard?

Whether you’re here to share a piece of advice or just need to vent about something that didn’t work for you I’d love to hear all of it.

To answer my question, I’d definitely tell myself to ignore the myth that carbs are bad and should be completely avoided. At the beginning, I was convinced that carbs were the enemy and that cutting them out entirely was the only way to lose weight. I was avoiding bread, pasta, potatoes thinking they were sabotaging my efforts. So, if you’re just starting out, don’t get caught up in the myth that carbs are the enemy.

No matter where you are on your journey, your experience is valuable, and sharing it could make a real difference for someone else who’s struggling or just starting out. Let’s help each other out by being honest about what didn’t work and support one another in finding what actually does!

submitted by /u/Secret-Asparagus4885
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What did you notice going from midsize to skinny?

Hey all! So recently I lost about 20 pounds, and went from 5’5 137-140 at my heaviest weight, to now solidly around 118-119. I was never “fat”, but I do think I was blind to how chunky I really looked. I was never happy with how I looked, never liked how clothes fit on me, overall miserable. It’s crazy to me now that for so long I didn’t want to accept that I just needed to lose some weight.

Also, just a disclaimer, I lost in a very healthy way! I am all for healthy transformations, and changing my overall lifestyle to a healthier one has made it easier and easier to maintain this smaller size.

Anyway, like I said, I didn’t realize how big I was - but I did always feel invisible, ignored by guys. I always got “sexual” attention, but never by the guys I wanted, and overall I never felt all that desirable.

Recently, going into my senior year of college at this size, I feel things have changed. Over the summer I was hit on by multiple guys at work - like actually asked out on dates - which never happened before. I feel like I actually get acknowledged by “cooler” guys at the bar. I have one close friend who’s always been a part of the “cooler” crowd, and I even feel far more accepted by her girlfriends. Even loose members of the circle seem more inclusive of me, inviting me to sit and dance with them, accepting me as one of their own. I’ve also never been complimented so much by girls (a girl I’ve always thought was drop dead gorgeous recently was introduced to me at the bar and the first thing she said was “wow your stunning”).

My point here is, at first I thought it was in my head, but I’m really thinking it has to do with my weight loss. What have u guys noticed?? Anything similar?

submitted by /u/Breakfastatlanas_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 31, 2024

(Vent) how do you have a life while losing weight

For context I’m 168cm and I weighed 142 the last time that I checked. I’d say that I burn an average of 1600 calories per day so in order to lose weight I’d need to drop to around 1300 calories to see any real progress. 1300 is NOTHING, I’ve done this amount of food previously and I was absolutely miserable, o don’t know if the weight loss is worth giving up all the stuff that I love. I know everyone says that like you eat in moderation and all that crap but it doesn’t work for me, I’m always hungry. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been and I don’t know why, I’m only 22, and even on the days that I don’t walk that much I spend most of my time standing and I don’t eat an exorbitant amount of food. I’ve tried losing weight before and I look my best at 119 and feel my best at 128, but I have no clue on how to get back to either of those numbers without hating my life, but I hate that my jeans don’t fit me anymore and i look bigger, but simultaneously I have no idea what I look like and it’s messing me up. This post is also probably just precipitated that my family was hosting some friends for vacation and we went out to eat most nights of the week and I’m absolutely terrified to step on the scale

submitted by /u/hissyhi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s been 3 years since I first started my weight loss journey

SW: 175, CW: 145, 35 y/o, qfemale, 5’ 6.5”, body type: athletic (used to think I was curvy!)

Holy cow, I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since I joined this community. I’m SO happy with my progress. I’m at my ideal weight, and now I’m no longer focused on losing but maintaining and gaining muscle tone/shaping my body via exercise. I plateaued about a year ago, and have been a consistent weight since then. I lost a bit of roundness to my face, and people actually think I’ve gotten taller (lol). There’s some loose skin around my abdomen but it doesn’t bother me that much, I’m just thankful that I did something positive for myself. I fluctuate about +- 5 pounds when I go on vacation. I aim to exercise 3 times a week and focus on weight lifting, I eat about 1,600 calories a day. I walk an average of about 8,000 steps per day. I live in New York and prioritized biking or walking to work more than taking Ubers or the subway.

The most important detail I can share is that I have completely changed my mindset about food, what a “meal” is, what I like has shifted drastically. I actually crave healthy things, BUT if I go on vacation and over indulge on carbs and sugar I do find myself slipping back. Just 2-3 days off sugar and carbs brings me back to normal levels with less brain fog and cravings. :) just sharing here in case my journey is helpful for others! It does get easier!

submitted by /u/Affectionate-Rub-271
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, August 30, 2024

(Vent) Losing the weight did not make me *That Girl*

Hello folks. Long time lurker. First time poster here. Since last year, I have lost 15kg (33 pounds) and now I'm currently 5kg (11 lbs) away from my goal weight and I'm starting to feel ....what's the point of all these effort in losing the weight.

From young, I have always put off many things because of my weight. Small things like clothes, I just didnt feel like I deserve it. I guess it's like I'm waiting to become a different magical skinny unbothered queen before I can be happy.

I thought that once I lost the weight, I could transform into That Girl, beautiful, productive and....happy.

Instead, I'm still very much just me. Losing the weight did not make me beautiful, productive or...happy. I used to be able to dream that once I lose the weight I would be happy. But now my hopes are dashed because I know the truth now. I'm never going to be the swan in ugly duckling. Just one of the ducklings with a little less weight.

I'm mourning the loss of my old body, being able to look down at my boobs used to make me feel a little better about being overweight. Hey at least I've got these girls.

I'm mourning being able to eat whatever I like and not think whelp there goes my calorie limit. Eating is my source of endorphins, and limiting that has been really tough.

I'm mourning the girl I'm never going to be. The girl who wakes up at 5am, does pilates, meditate, exercises, eats healthy and be happy.

I went into weight loss with shallow reasons and I'm losing my motivation...

Yes walking and running feels easier, almost effortless. Yes finding clothes is so much easier. There is a myraid of benefits weight loss has given me but it has not fulfilled me.

At this point if you are still reading my shallow rambles, thank you. I don't want to discourage anyone from their journey. I hope that your journey would be a positive one.

Ps. Apologies if the formatting is weird as I'm on mobile

submitted by /u/dryrainy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

On Instagram Fitfluencers, Weight Loss, and Loose Skin

It grinds my gears so much to see Instagram fitness influencers (fitfluencers) making those clickbait-y posts saying things like, “I lost 128 lbs with NO excess skin by following my 2-4-6 method! DM me “SKIN” for the link to my guide.” No matter how much damage they think they’re absolving themselves of by pinning a comment full of fine print (saying “Guys, this was just my experience, and you CAN minimize loose skin, I’m just saying that you don’t have to have any, etc.”), it still plants the idea in people’s mind that a specific workout plan or diet or “method” can fully prevent something that in the end, will be decided mostly by genetics.

I also think about the person who’s in a position to lose weight and is being told that they need to avoid loose skin: is that the kind of thought we should be having, right now? If someone’s joints, heart health, hormones, cholesterol and more are at risk, is loose skin something they should be sending an influencer $100 for? It’s normal to think and worry about loose skin. I did. I sometimes still do! However, on my list of priorities… It falls lower and lower every day.

If you haven’t been told today, I hope you remember to take what you see on social media with a healthy handful of salt! There are a lot of resources on this subreddit, and you can learn LOTS about weight loss, healthy eating, your body, and movement here, and from certified experts.

submitted by /u/curioussox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Opinion] Are my techniques for restaurants/fast food during my weight loss good?

So here I am, I've been losing weight for 5 months and I'm quite happy with the journey I've made even if it's far from over. But I had reached a point where I refused any restaurant/fast food outing with my friends or family for fear of knowing how much I was going to eat and no longer being in my calorie deficit.

But I had a break during my vacation because I couldn't weigh what I ate, count calories precisely or simply refuse restaurants/fast food. (I went to 5 restaurants/fast food in 2 weeks) . At first this situation made me stressed but it has been a little better since then.

Here are the techniques I used:

For restaurants, I knew it in advance so I ate less before or after to fit in my daily calories. Then I didn't have a drink, I stuck to water and I didn't have dessert. As for the dish, I prioritized chicken with baked potatoes or vegetables.

For fast food I took nuggets because I noticed that they were the least caloric compared to burgers or others. Of course I don't have fries, drinks or dessert. (ex: at Burger King I take 13 nuggets for around 568kcal and 50g of carbohydrates, 35 of proteins, 30 of lipids). I didn't know but fast food places put the nutritional information on their website

That's what I learned during my vacation, it's that I can go out with my friends or family without necessarily feeling guilty. I just need to anticipate and try to make the best choices to meet my calorie deficit. My techniques may not be excellent but it's the way I found to continue going out without too much stress.

When do you think? Do you have any other tips?

For your information, I weigh around 130kg for 190cm and I work at around 1800kcal per day. Breakfast ~ 300kcal Lunch ~ 700kcal Snack ~ 100kcal Dinner ~ 700kcal

With 45 min of strengthening exercise at home 6/7 days and between 5k-10k steps per day.

Thank you to those who take the time to respond. (sorry for spelling mistakes)

submitted by /u/Tiny_Elderberry2836
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from loseit - Lose the Fat