Friday, August 30, 2024

On Instagram Fitfluencers, Weight Loss, and Loose Skin

It grinds my gears so much to see Instagram fitness influencers (fitfluencers) making those clickbait-y posts saying things like, “I lost 128 lbs with NO excess skin by following my 2-4-6 method! DM me “SKIN” for the link to my guide.” No matter how much damage they think they’re absolving themselves of by pinning a comment full of fine print (saying “Guys, this was just my experience, and you CAN minimize loose skin, I’m just saying that you don’t have to have any, etc.”), it still plants the idea in people’s mind that a specific workout plan or diet or “method” can fully prevent something that in the end, will be decided mostly by genetics.

I also think about the person who’s in a position to lose weight and is being told that they need to avoid loose skin: is that the kind of thought we should be having, right now? If someone’s joints, heart health, hormones, cholesterol and more are at risk, is loose skin something they should be sending an influencer $100 for? It’s normal to think and worry about loose skin. I did. I sometimes still do! However, on my list of priorities… It falls lower and lower every day.

If you haven’t been told today, I hope you remember to take what you see on social media with a healthy handful of salt! There are a lot of resources on this subreddit, and you can learn LOTS about weight loss, healthy eating, your body, and movement here, and from certified experts.

submitted by /u/curioussox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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