Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Monthly update to my weight loss

I started my weight loss journey 5 weeks ago.

I'm now a freshmen in college. I no longer struggle with the depression I used to suffer and have been able to take control of my life in ways that I would never have been able to before while I was living at home with my parents. I now am able to fully control all the food that is available to me and I never have to worry about wasting food or eating huge meals since I now have to buy, prepare, and cook almost all my own food.

I've lost an average of 4 pounds per week since I started and am down 23 pounds since I began my weight loss journey. I never thought that I would be able to get my weight under control but this subreddit and many others gave me a lot of the advice and motivation that I needed to get going and continue with it. 4 Pounds may sound like a lot per week, but I never feel fatigued, get headaches, or feel ill in other ways. I eat healthy and I drink lots of water.

Earlier today I made the hour long journey from my own college to one about an hour away to get a Bod Pod (body composition) test done. It was $40 for me as an individual (It's less if you attend that school) and after 15 minutes I was able to get detailed and accurate info on my fat mass percentage and my fat free mass percentage. Another important bit of information I attained was an accurate Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and my TDEE based off of activity levels. I am sedentary most days so this will be really helpful as I continue weight loss.

I now know that my original goal of 180 pounds is actually impossible (and unhealthy) because that would put my fat percentage at 2.5%. At 5% fat i'd be at 185 pounds, so I am going to settle for a new goal of 190 (about 8% fat) and then decide what I want to do from there.

If you're not sure how much weight you can lose, I would strongly suggest getting one of these tests done. I have a lot of muscle mass, but I now know that I can't get down to what my original goal was. My new goal is more realistic and closer, so I'm also a lot more optimistic and excited to reach it.

My daily deficit is between 1000-1500 calories per day, and I feel great. I go to the gym often (2 to 4 times a week) and while I'm not trying to bulk up one of the main reasons I go is to maintain my current muscle mass and to make sure i'm not losing muscle instead of fat. I used to think exercise was the key to losing weight but it's all about what you eat and how much you eat. r/1200isplenty is an excellent resource for food ideas and motivation to eat less everyday.

Thank you all for being here and giving the great advice that you give! r/loseit is truly a blessing to me and so many others. Keep up the good work!!!

submitted by /u/Yimmelo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] Finally lost significant weight, thanks to this sub.

I'm a 28 year old man, 193cm (6'4"). I've been overweight my whole adult life. Not massively, but I've never liked my body. I've always wanted to fix it, but thought that I just wasn't exercising enough. A bad breakup at the start of the year was the catalyst for a lot of changes in my life. Reading this sub finally drove it home: weight loss is 95% diet.

At the start of the year, I weighed around 101kg. Weight today: 87.6kg.

I credit 2 things for this progress: calorie counting, with a strict deficit (my daily target wad 1500kcal), finally made an impact. The second change was going vegan. It means that most of the food I eat now isn't as calorie-dense as before, and not being able to just grab a chocolate bar or a cake whenever I see one has meant I generally make healthier choices.

I'm not at my destination, but I've come a long way. This is the lightest I can ever remember being. I didn't become vegan for weight loss reasons, but it sure helped. Thank you to this community for always being so positive, and for giving the correct advice.

submitted by /u/cant_b_arsed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think my lack of water intake is slowing my weight loss but I don’t have time to pee all day every day.

Title explains it all basically lol. I’ve stopped drinking soda. I only either have a carbonated water or regular water. The issue is I only drink like one or 2 glasses a day. In my previous diet, I would have 2 sodas a day and that was it. Now I have just replaced it with water.

I know that if I start drinking a bunch of water I’ll have to pee at least every hour. My job is kind of time sensitive most days of the week so I need to be at my desk and I can’t be getting up and stopping my work to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes or every hour. Also, does anyone else just never feel thirsty for water? I can barely finish a glass and then I’m tapped out. Drinking more would make me feel sick and bloated all day.

copy paste to avoid bot taking my post down

Title explains it all basically lol. I’ve stopped drinking soda. I only either have a carbonated water or regular water. The issue is I only drink like one or 2 glasses a day. In my previous diet, I would have 2 sodas a day and that was it. Now I have just replaced it with water.

I know that if I start drinking a bunch of water I’ll have to pee at least every hour. My job is kind of time sensitive most days of the week so I need to be at my desk and I can’t be getting up and stopping my work to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes or every hour. Also, does anyone else just never feel thirsty for water? I can barely finish a glass and then I’m tapped out. Drinking more would make me feel sick and bloated all day.

submitted by /u/Meganelizabethhhhhhh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss, depression & alcohol

This time last year I was gaining the weight that I'm losing now. I've never been a healthy weight as an adult, but I also had never crossed into obese before November 2017. I had a number of factors lead to the worst depression of my life & I gained over 60 pounds in 7 months. In February of this year, I went to a doctor to evaluate my depression meds and discovered I had ballooned up to 226 pounds at 5'5".

I was miserable and had very little hope for my own future mental and physical health. Starting from that day, I started making small and the huge changes in my life that have ultimately made me much happier. I've lost 60 pounds and want to keep going to reach a healthy range. Throughout all of this, I keep coming back to my relationship with alcohol and it's affect on my mental and physical health.

I work in the craft beer and wine industry, and alcohol has been a part of my work and home life forever. I noticed that it was draining me, stalling my weight loss, and aggravating my depression (after changing almost all the other causes) and so I took September off from alcohol outside of a few work related moments (where I spit the beverages out instead of swallowing them).

I had a couple of beers over the past few days and I've noticed that the depressive cloud has started to settle over me again. I think it's time to become a firm non drinker. I'm finding the prospect difficult, as much of my social and professional life centers around consuming and tasting alcohol, but I'm pretty sure it must be done.

I'd love to hear from other people who have similar experiences with alcohol, depression, weight loss and self improvement. I'm trying to work towards being my best self and it looks like drinking any amount of alcohol is not a part of that.

submitted by /u/cest_wat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

700 (ish) calories per day?

So recently I’ve had a complete overhaul of my diet. I’m a 5’7 female and was around 220 pounds at my highest (in short, very obese), and my diet mostly consisted of processed, crappy foods. Now I’m eating a mostly plant-based diet, with lots of added plant/ soya-based protein as meat replacement. Because I ate so many carbs before, and knew that this is where I was going wrong, I decided to go for a low carb diet. Since doing so my calories have also been greatly reduced.

Now, I’ve been logging everything I eat into MFP, and have found that I am only eating around 700 or so calories per day. Sometimes it’s a little more, sometimes it’s a little less. My goal is around 1,200 for weight loss, but because the meals I’m eating are so low in calories I am finding it hard to hit this number.

I’m eating 2 good-sized meals per day. I don’t really eat breakfast and never have as I find myself feeling sick early in the morning when I eat, but make sure I eat a good amount for lunch and dinner. All of my meals are satisfying and I find myself very full, and have had no issues with hunger yet. I’m not intentionally eating so few calories, it’s just happening.

I just want to know, is this safe? I’m not restricting in any way, I’m not eating small amounts of foods or starving myself. I’m just eating good, protein-reach meals that are low in carbs and helping me also reach my vitamin/mineral needs. I’ve lost over 20lb in the past couple of weeks, but assume this is just because I’m so overweight and it’s been a bit of a shock to my system.

I’ve read a lot online about how low calorie diets can cause problems with metabolism, and can slow it right down or put your body into ‘starvation mode’. I’m just looking for some advice on whether I can continue with this, or if I should look at some alternate options. Like I said, I’m not making myself hungry or doing a low calorie diet deliberately, just making much better/healthier choices.

submitted by /u/hanh9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost a lot of weight but now the heaviest part of me is my wedding ring.

When me and my wife got together we were both bigger. I was close to 300 pounds and she was about 230.

in 2013 we lost a ton of weight together. I got down to 230 and she got down to 180 we decided to have a kid because we loved each other and it made since we were getting married that year and we wanted to share our lives with a part of both of us.

My son was born in 2014 and my wife gained back all the weight she had lost and I also went back up to 270 because most of our eating habits went out the door.

then in 2017 I was sick of not fitting in my clothes and I made the choice to get fit again. I worked hard with CICO and jogging and lost all my weight again. I've kept it off this time and though she has tried she cant seam to lose the weight this time.

Now in 2018 we have a stress in our dynamic because I am confident everyday with the weight loss I've attained and she constantly thinks I now did it because I am cheating on her and want to leave her.

this has been going on for months now and I feel as though my good eating habits are an now working negatively for her and she now eats bad because of how well im doing out of a kind of depression or something.

I keep thinking that if I leave her that she might be better off and get back into a mind set that makes her happy again but I don't want to lose my son who is more important to me than anything but her constant over thinking of everything ranging from me posting a selfie to me taking longer going to pick up dinner (I went inside instead of the drive through) is making me second think the whole thing.

Am I being selfish anywhere here?

submitted by /u/DHMIS_Vancha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just stepped on the scale and saw a number I never thought I'd see.

Sadly, this wasn't a low number. I never thought I'd weigh 195 pounds! Trying to push back tears while I write this. I know there are people who weight a lot more than I do, but it's hard finally realizing that you're fat now.

I was always relatively skinny, (100 pounds in 7th grade) until I hit puberty. For reference, I'm female, 5'7", 26 years old, and hovered around 150 until I started emotional eating. I always considered myself curvy because I have an hourglass shape, and never had that much extra visible fat.

So now I found that my eating habits have gotten way out of control after moving in with my husband. He's the kind of guy who can eat whatever and however much of anything, and barely gain any weight. I started eating a ton more junk food, and now I think I'm struggling with a sugar addiction. Keto was really helping me last year, when I was back down to 160. Both my husband and I were doing it for health and weight loss, but we had ice cream as a cheat once, and I haven't stopped gaining since.

My weight has gotten to a point where I cry when I'm trying to get dressed to leave the house because nothing fits me anymore. I wear leggings everywhere and I can't indulge in fashion anymore, which is something I've always loved.

I'd really love an accountability buddy or something like that, because I don't feel like I can do it on my own anymore.

submitted by /u/Sanaeko
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from loseit - Lose the Fat