Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I lost a lot of weight but now the heaviest part of me is my wedding ring.

When me and my wife got together we were both bigger. I was close to 300 pounds and she was about 230.

in 2013 we lost a ton of weight together. I got down to 230 and she got down to 180 we decided to have a kid because we loved each other and it made since we were getting married that year and we wanted to share our lives with a part of both of us.

My son was born in 2014 and my wife gained back all the weight she had lost and I also went back up to 270 because most of our eating habits went out the door.

then in 2017 I was sick of not fitting in my clothes and I made the choice to get fit again. I worked hard with CICO and jogging and lost all my weight again. I've kept it off this time and though she has tried she cant seam to lose the weight this time.

Now in 2018 we have a stress in our dynamic because I am confident everyday with the weight loss I've attained and she constantly thinks I now did it because I am cheating on her and want to leave her.

this has been going on for months now and I feel as though my good eating habits are an now working negatively for her and she now eats bad because of how well im doing out of a kind of depression or something.

I keep thinking that if I leave her that she might be better off and get back into a mind set that makes her happy again but I don't want to lose my son who is more important to me than anything but her constant over thinking of everything ranging from me posting a selfie to me taking longer going to pick up dinner (I went inside instead of the drive through) is making me second think the whole thing.

Am I being selfish anywhere here?

submitted by /u/DHMIS_Vancha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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