Sunday, November 4, 2018

Getting back at it!

I've been up and down all over the place with my weight loss journey. Before my daughter was born almost 7 years ago I was at my heaviest at 225 lbs. I managed to eat better, workout more and be more mindful of my actions that lead me to my heaviest. I managed to hit the 160s!

I've gained a lot of the weight back... 195 on the scale this morning. I know I can be even better than I was before. I've gained and lost the same 30 pounds so many times. This time around I have to make it stick. I feel like being a part of this community and reporting in every so often will help keep me on track, so that's part of the plan!

submitted by /u/Gettingbetter-155
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

115lbs lost in 11 months - you asked for it, here is how I did it!

Hello everyone!

I posted my progress pictures about 2 weeks ago and some fellow Redditors were asking how I did it.

Here is my original post. Was not really planning on posting how I did it because I have a feeling that I'll mess up and just jumble words here but I think I owe it to this sub to at least try, so here goes :)

Basic stats first: 33yo Male | H-5'9 | SW-310lbs | CW-195LBS | Lost- 115lbs 11 month progress

Bit of Medical background: Diagnosed Hypertension | Previous cases of Gout | Heart murmur | Ruled out Lupus (this will be important, later in my story)

Bit of story time: What triggered my frantic push to get healthy and lose weight was when I got Gout on my right foot damn that bitch hurt like hell, while I was at my GP's office getting diagnosed she noticed a red T pattern redness in my face which she said was a classic symptom of Lupus, what?!? Lupus! I've only heard of that in House episodes, she requested a couple of tests just to make sure but the results would take time, 2 weeks it would take. During the waiting period I went to a hell of an emotional roller coaster, I was really down at one point (note: I have suicidal tendencies but I'm good I can handle them) then on another point I was really hoping that everything would turn up okay and I would muster enough motivation in my head and convince myself that once I get good results I will finally push to lose weight. So results came and I was negative for Lupus yay! so that was my turning point.


While all of this is happening I am also taking my MBA so one thing that kinda made everything hard was I needed to get healthy and lose as much weight I can on a limited budget. I did try to go the Keto route but that triggered my Gout again so Keto is a no go.

  • Weight loss should be on a budget
  • No gym membership since it would cost too much
  • Diet pills are out of the question since I'm already taking various maintenance meds

Only really big item I bought were my Payless shoes ($10.00) and this digital scale ($36.00) you can say this is a budget friendly weight loss program lol

My only advantage: I can function with minimal sleep, 4-6 hours and I'm already good

How I did it: (note I never really wrote my process so my timeline is far from perfect below but it's pretty close)

Step 0: I have drawn most of my motivation from this, 3 years ago I stopped smoking - cold turkey. I always tell myself if I was able to do that with cigarettes that actually has an addicting substance in it, for sure I can control my eating habits, I also realized that stopping gave me extra energy that enabled me to move around more, so folks if you are smoking STOP!

Step 1: CICO initial target was 2000 Cal daily limit, I downloaded one of those free apps for Android to track everything, during my first couple of days it was rocky but I just kept on it

Step 2: Being Asian, Rice is a big chunk of my diet and I'm also a big fan of Sodas, when I noticed that I'm really struggling to keep below the 2000 Cal limit I quit Rice,Noodles and bread then as a bonus I stopped drinking anything except water. Boy when I did this 2000 Cal was sooo easy to achieve, I kept on it for about month, at this point I was losing 2-3 pounds a week.

Step 3: CICO target changed to 1500 Cal daily limit, harder that I thought, cravings were really constant I battled the cravings with that YouTube video of a morbidly obese lady being autopsied, couple minutes of the video and poof! cravings are gone. at this point still losing 2-3 pounds a week. I did this for about another month or so

Step 4: CICO target changed to 1300 Cal daily limit. Man the struggle was real here! It went down to me eating 2x a day only and eliminating anything salty or sugary. I would often skip social gatherings just so I can control my food intake, good thing I got used to it fast!

You might ask what I was eating at this point, I like eggs! and it is really cheap here a tray of it about 30 pcs. is only $2.72 for real! So I would often eat 2 boiled eggs in the morning then 2 boiled eggs in the evening with a piece of steamed chicken breast or fried pork chop. I mainly stuck to eggs because I really like em sunny side up, boiled poached, scrambled or omelet style I never get bored of eggs plus eating eggs does not trigger my gout!

At this point my weight loss was going around 2-5 pounds a week and I kept at it for a couple of months or so

Please note that I am only human so there are moments that I would over eat and there were weeks that I would not lose any weight (damn).

Step 5: The first time I plateaued, I panicked I realized I was on it when I was not losing anything for 2 weeks, this is when I went back to this sub and understood that I was only doing 1 part of CICO (hehe). So I kept the target of 1300 Cal daily but I added this clincher, I would walk/run 6KM (3.7MI) 4x a week.

It was great that we had a sports center that had an oval nearby (Entrance fee $0.18, seriously it's that cheap) and a lot of jogging paths (Free), time was not an issue, I can just walk the entire 6KM (would take 2 to 3 hours) since I don't sleep that much anyway, so I had time to do work do my MBA school work and still do the run/walk.

Note that when I was starting I would run 1 KM then walk the 5 KM, as I progressed I would "step it up" and run 2KM then walk the 4KM this happened till I was able to run the entire 6KM!

At this point the weight loss was insane 6-10 pounds a week! and I started to notice my hair thinned significantly!

Towards my CW: Currently my Cal limit is still 1300 daily and my physical targets are 10KM (6.2 MI) full run 4x a week and I have started to do weight lifting (I have a 30lbs set gifted to me at home, Free!) 1 day a week. Weight loss is now down to 2-3 pounds a week, I think this is because I'm also building muscles now and based on my understanding (from our sub, correct me if I'm wrong) the closer you are to your ideal weight the harder it is to lose weight.

My target weight: My realistic target is 180 pounds but my dream is 170 pounds. Hopefully I would be able to achieve this by May 2019. It would be really hard to control eating now due to the holidays but I'm riding on my achievement-high so we will see. After hitting that target the real work begins which is keeping the weight off for life (I read this is really hard)!

Finally: I really hope my ramblings above made sense, I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors English is not my first language and definitely I'm no expert in weight loss, what I wrote above is what worked for me and I still have a long way to go and a ton to learn, this sub is really great, there are a lot of things out there, try them and I'm sure you will find what will work for you.

I want to thank r/loseit for everything and for everyone who messaged me and told me that they were interested in what I did, I sure hope I was able to at least inspire someone to do something positive :)

Apologies for the very long post


Spotify playlist I use when I run: Run 'n' Bass 170-175 BPM

Peanut and Butters my cute Dachshund supporters

Me Enjoying high tea ( yup I drink tea now, no sugar tho)

submitted by /u/cluelessinreddit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Great start but unpleasant surprise

Three weeks ago I started on my weight loss journey (not for the first time). I am doing CICO, aiming for low carb, so no sugar, potatoes, pasta, bread, rice.... well you know the drill. The first two weeks I lost 5kg, so I was over the moon. This morning I step on the scale, only to notice that I have not lost a single gram. I am very dilligently using MFP and weigh every meal I eat. Although I imagine this happens to all of us at some point, this is the point where I previously lost faith and just gave up.

Rationally it shouldn't worry me but basically just looking for support and experiences from others at the start of their journey.

submitted by /u/WorriedGrape
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 3, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 04 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

*Rant* No mom, constantly talking about my weight isn’t encouraging me!

Sorry for the rant, but I need to get this out. I have been trying to lose weight for about a year now. Unhealthy habits mixed with a bad side effect of pills caused some weight gain. I’m not at all happy, so I decided to change things. I am currently down almost 10 pounds. I’m honestly proud of that, but my mom...she doesn’t see it that way. She had recently lost 20 pounds. I’m proud of her, I really am. But now it seems her life revolves around weight. She barely eats, freaks out if she gained even 1 pound, and will call herself fat. Now she’s getting on me about it. I told her I lost weight, she says she can’t see it. She will call me just to ask what I ate during the day, will shame me if she finds out I gasp decided to have a small treat for myself, and will always tell me I don’t exercise enough. She insists she’s being encouraging and watching out for me, but it comes off as nagging and it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I’m working so hard to lose weight, and I’m doing fine with my own way of weight loss. Just because it’s not as fast as hers, or it’s not the same method, doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything!! Okay, rant over.

submitted by /u/Cosplaybaby29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you stop other people’s insecurities from hurting you?

Background: I was 304 lbs this time two years ago. I’m now around 234. Still a long way to go, but I’m getting there. I have PCOS, BED, depression, and BDD, so weight loss has been incredibly slow and very challenging for me, but I’ve been giving it my all for nearly two years straight.

Now: Last week I got a free t-shirt at work for a volunteer event. I thought I’d have to get a 2XL but I was shocked to find that the Large fit perfectly! I was so, so proud of myself. Later in the week I was given the opportunity to get another t-shirt and I wanted to get one for my mom, as I work for a nonprofit and she is always so proud of my work with said nonprofit. This time they only had Large and XL. My mom is a Medium, but I figured I’d grab her the Large and she’d be happy with it. When I gave it to her, I said “sorry it’s a Large, they didn’t have any smaller sizes” and the first words out of her mouth were “Oh, it’s okay. I’m getting big and fat and disgusting now anyway.” Like, Jesus Christ. I know those are her self image problems and have literally nothing to do with me, but comments like that literally destroy me. I know for a fact she had no idea what she was saying was mean to me because it wasn’t about me, but it’s still really upsetting. I need some advice to keep my progress going in the face of other people’s comments. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do you deal with it? These comments are not new from my mother but have been fewer and further in between since her and I had a talk a few years ago about body image. But when they happen they still hurt and I haven’t really learned a way to cope with it yet.

submitted by /u/livkhaleesi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm not doing well.

I have a lengthy history with depression and anxiety, and they have both been taking it out of me the last few weeks (months?). It has taken a hit on my energy and motivation, including working on tracking calories and weight loss. Lately I've had a calorie surplus on the days when I've been keeping track, and a bigger surplus is likely on the days when I couldn't get myself to track. Somewhere in there was a binge of most of a bag of chocolate chips.

It's not just weight loss. I've been failing to do work (just getting by on the absolute necessities) and it's starting to show. A lot. All I want to do is drink and get high. Sleep and watch tv. Tune out and not be bombarded by so many negative thoughts and feelings.

I've got an appointment next week to see about adjusting my medication, which is good. I don't think that the Prozac is working anymore (it's been years and I'm just about at the max dose), and my physician took me off the Klonopin a few months ago because it is pretty addictive and not a long term solution, though I was mostly taking it as needed and not daily. Not that I think he made the wrong decision, but I'm going to a psychiatrist (haven't had one since my last move) to get a better assessment from someone whose main focus is mental health.

Some (most?) of my friends understand, but it's a lot to put on any of them over and over again. I don't want to hide it, but I also don't want them to feel like they have to be the ones to cheer me up either (if you ever need help explaining your depression to someone else, I highly recommend Living with a Black Dog: His Name was Depression [there's also a video]).

I just feel so gross every day and I want to feel better. But it's hard to get out of bed sometimes, it's even more difficult to turn off the tv, and it's so easy to lose myself in eating fast food, candy, chips, other junk, and getting drunk and dealing with the hangover, rather than dealing with life.

I just wanted to tell someone what's going on. I feel stuck and I don't feel like there's anything I can do right now. Thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/HaddenIndustries
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from loseit - Lose the Fat