Saturday, January 26, 2019

I'm down 11lbs. I'm actually doing it this time!

My highest weight was 243lbs. I've officially dropped 11 pounds! I struggled for a while trying to find something that worked for me. But since Monday, I have been doing 16/8 intermittent fasting as well as portion control, eating slower, and I stopped drinking my daily slurpees. I still eat the same things I used to, except my dinners are far healthier now. I just eat less food and no longer snack at night.

Every other time I've tried to lose weight, I've given up because the diet or weight loss regime I was following just wasn't right for me. But I've FINALLY DONE IT. I've found something that works for me and is sustainable. And I'm very proud of myself.

submitted by /u/thismomsazombie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey

I’ve recently decided that this is it, I need to loose weight, I went up from 130lbs to about 165lbs within about 7 months and I am utterly depressed about my body. I’ve cut down to a max of 1300 cals a day, and am hoping to commit to gym three times a week at minimum. Even when at 130 I was unhappy with my body so my goal weight atm is 120 but it really depends how my body looks and how healthy I feel.

I am a 5ft4 female, 19, inactive lifestyle (started going gym however). Does my goal sound reasonable? If I could gain so much in 7 months do you think I could loose it in that same time too?

(I’m struggling to post this in the Q&A section so if I failed again then delete!)

submitted by /u/why_notttt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Beautiful Boy changed my mind

The movie taught me something about my weight. I'd never realized how much my unhealthy choices have been hurting my parents as they've watched me balloon up over the years. Recently, I talked about my weight with both of them and my father and mother cried. I used to be a varsity athlete in high school. Now, I am 25 years old, 377 lbs at 5'7. I am 60 bmi, which classifies me as super, super morbidly obese. I recently had to start buying 3xl and 4xl shirts. I've started to develop sleep apnea, which leaves me listless and worried about dying in the middle of the night.

SFW pictures of me from two angles.

Worst of all, I started my dream job two weeks ago. One of my reasons for my weight is my single-minded focus on attaining this specific job. (I work as a behind the scenes content creator for a creative endeavor. Kinda have to be vague about it, also why I'm using a throwaway.)

But there's no point in keeping the job if I use it as an excuse for binge-eating habits that will cost me my life.

More than anything in life I want a family one day. I've got Greek, Italian and Turkish roots. Big family is in my blood. But I can't see myself, if I continue this trajectory, ever being there for my future wife or kids in the way they would need me to. I'd die by 40.

Anyway, funnily enough, the way I got my dream job STARTED on reddit. I posted in a couple of well-known creative subreddits. Got some traction there, leveraged it into something else, which then again--quicker than I ever expected--leveraged into something wonderful.

I did notice, however, that my productivity, the quality of productions and the frequency of them shot up while posting to reddit. I'm anticipating this having a similar affect. Some people are motivated by accountability and shining a light on things in public.

Thanks for reading this far. I've studied weight loss for a large chunk of my life with the mindset of "One day, I'll do it." And occasionally attempting, but giving up rather quickly. I have the knowledge, I just need to apply it now.

In that vein, are there any accountability type groups branched off of r/loseit?

submitted by /u/becauseipromised
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Take photos and measurements!

It’s been said here before, and it will be said again, but the scale is just one way to measure your progress.

Sometimes your weight plateaus while you continue to lose fat. The stalled scale can be frustrating so having other ways to measure your progress is key.

I’ve been pretty much stalled on weight loss since December. My workout routine has changed with a bigger focus on weights, so I wasn’t totally surprised by the plateau. Nonetheless, seeing the same numbers on the scale sucked. But I take measurements, so I decided to check up on that. Since Nov 21 I’ve only lost 3lbs, but I’ve lost 1 inch off my waist and 1.5 inches off my hips.

Multiple ways to measure your progress can help you tell whether a scale plateau is a true plateau or a recomp. So get a tape measure out!

submitted by /u/bozo_learns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

/r/loseit Culture: Why We Post our Stats in /r/loseit, and How You Can Help

So my stats are

M55 5'11 SW:298 CW:183 GW:183 IT Field Tech, Walking/Lifter

One line that says a lot. You can figure out my starting BMI, you can figure out my TDEE, you can imagine my before and after. You can give me advice about preparing for my GW lifestyle. You can estimate my SW lifestyle.

And if you have my SW or GW, you can lean on me as a fellow traveller. Weight loss is a lonely business, and we're all doing our own lonesome journey but we're not alone. We all know a place where we can find people who are doing the same kinds of things: /r/loseit. The stats make that happen.

Reddit is undergoing a change right now. It was a website, with a few mobile users. Now it's becoming a mobile site, with some legacy website users. What's not changing is the focus on quality: the best submissions and comments will generally be the top ones. In the middle of that change is something called 'flair.' Flairs will be part of the redesign and there is mobile support for them.

Right now, my flair says "Maintaining 3½y ♂55 5'10½" 298→183℔ MFP+πŸšΆπŸ‹+TOPS" and maybe you see some or all of that on your mobile app or on the website. The place to set that is on the website, in /r/loseit, on the right panel: (see image) and if the redesign covers that up, try and look at the right panel.

You can also just write it somewhere in your message. It doesn't even need to be relevant to your post, as half the point of it is to identify yourself with your journey for the purpose of the readers (most of which are lurkers).

Please post your stats and a general description of your daily activity...

Your stats should include your age, sex, height, starting weight, current weight, and goal weight, and a few words about the physical activity of your typical day.

Posting your stats helps others help you, if you need help. But it also helps readers get an idea about you or your effort, and become inspired by you when we're giving advice, celebrating a victory, or just checking in.

Aside from being helpful, it's a tradition. It's not required, but it is a custom and has been for years.


  • 25M 5'9" SW:225 CW:200 GW:160 Desk Job with jogging habit
  • F/33 5'4" SW:14 stone (196 lbs), CW:14 stone (196), GW:not-sure at-home mom chasing the children
  • 34F 168cm SW:73kg CW:68kg GW:whatever looks good -- full time busy retail clerk

So post your stats. Put them in your flair. Keep them updated. Celebrate changing your flair!! (It's both an SV and an NSV, worthy of the daily thread) and be sure to mention how you're achieving your victories!

The thing with a custom/tradition is it's self-reinforcing. If more people share their stats, more newbies will do it, too. Don't let this important and useful custom die: share your stats. Share them often. You posting your stats helps in many ways.

♂55 5'11/179㎝ SW:298℔/135㎏ CW:183℔/83㎏ [3Y AMA], [1Y recap] MFP+πŸšΆπŸ‹+TOPS

submitted by /u/funchords
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling deflated, worked really hard but have only lost 1lb, what am I doing wrong?

So I [28F] started my weight loss journey exactly a week ago today. I was 12st 5.5lb (173.5lbs) and I am 168cm tall.

I joined a slimming class and have been strictly following the eating plan (basically making sure I eat more because I don't eat anywhere near enough as I should be) and I was told to expect to lose a lot in the first week.

My usual weight is 131lbs but due to medication and chronic illness I've piled weight on super fast in the last year and a half.

So today was weigh day, I was nervous but excited to see how much my hard work has paid off and I only lost one pound. I'm so disappointed in myself and don't know what I'm doing wrong.

The only thing that I think could possibly have affected this is the fact that I have been at the gym almost daily (3 rest days in total) every day in the last 2 weeks. I've been doing a mix of cardio and core. And there's a noticeable difference in the muscles in my thighs. Could the exercise possibly be the reason I didn't lose a lot? Previous to the last 2 weeks the only exercise I ever done was walking around the house while doing house work due to pain.

Hopefully next week is a better week. Any tips are appreciated.

submitted by /u/LazySugarCane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feels like ive been cheating but im below TDEE

So, two days ago i went out with coworkers and had drinks and came in at 2400kcal, below my TDEE. Yesterday i had a houseparty to attend and had some cake and a bottle of wine. Coming in for the day around 2400, but had done cardio for 30 minutes. Today i have another event, but will make sure to go lift and do cardio.

I feel crappy though. It feels like i am on a cheat binge, but realistically i am not even hitting maintenance. Normally i am at 1000-1500 kcal deficit (MFP sets me at a 1000 before i go into the red to lose 2 lbs a week and then i have 500 kcal from cardio).

How do people deal with this, not hitting their weight loss for the day. I thought i'd feel fine knowing i was still below maintenance, but it mentally doesnt feel like that. Granted, i am heavier bc of the water weight.

submitted by /u/BelgianBillie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat