Saturday, March 9, 2019

How getting a new Job changed my life

I've been jobless for a good amount of time. - Then i finally got a new job, and what a surprise: there was a gym right next to it. So I signed up right when I started my new job. (December 2017)
In April 2018 I found out what tracking calories is about and started doing that.
In 9 months I lost 20kgs. I went running, lifted a little bit on the machines. nothing serious. I think it was the end of October, where I finally hit my goal.

Starting weight of 85 kg. Made it to 65kg.

In November I started weight lifting/powerlifting. Trying to hit my protein every day and building muscle. - Here you can see in the second picture my actual weight loss and in the first picture my progress from becoming skinny fat to hitting my protein goals and working on gaining muscles.

Sorry for the wrong order.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help. :) (Since I went through a lot of crap with diet pills, shakes and stupid programs)

submitted by /u/Panierschnitzel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[M25] 282 --> 194: Slow and steady progress 3+ years, with tons of ups and downs. Slowly crawling to my goal weight of 180.

Like many of you, I've been a heavy guy my whole life. I consistently gained weight from childhood until I was around 21 years old. Before then, I told myself countless times "today is the day I begin my weight loss journey", followed by maybe a day or two of good eating, and then falling back into bad habits. The heaviest I ever weighed myself at was 282, but I'm pretty sure my heaviest was probably closer to 300, but at that time I wouldn't even weight myself because I had a crippling fear of seeing a number that started with "3" on the scale

I managed to get myself down to around 250lbs from the age of 21-24 through sporadic diets, some calorie counting, and exercise. Finally, in August 2017, I managed to get focused, started weighing myself almost daily, and managed to get to around 200lbs by April 2018. Life happens, and I slowly lost the drive I had for those successful months of weight loss. I have been bouncing around the 200-215 mark, until these past couple months, where I've managed to get back some of the motivation I had in that first big burst of weight loss. I'm posting this to provide some insight to people that may be in a similar situation to me when I started, and also to kind of kick myself in the ass to finish what I've started.

My number one tip to anybody that wants to lose weight is to build an environment around you that is conducive to overall health, and the weight loss will follow. For me this mostly meant removing unhealthy, high calorie food from home. I have always been both a stress and binge eater, and its natural to go towards the lowest effort, most comforting food possible. In the past, this would be things like sugar cereal with milk, baked goods, pasta, bread, etc... (Im a big carb binger). So what I did is stop buying these things, and instead having things like fruit, oatmeal, peanutbutter, deli meat. I always thought my cravings were for delicious food, turns out all my binging brain wants is to shove food in my mouth. By having these as my only option, I was immediately cutting huge amounts of calories without even trying.

I originally started counting calories, weighing my portions, the whole deal, and this was absolutely essential for me in gaining an understanding of portion sizes, calorie density of different foods, etc. However, for me this was unsustainable. I only managed to keep this up for a month or two, but eventually found my groove, and managed to lose most of the weight, and have maintained my weight, without this.

Another big change I made was moving in with a health conscious room mate, that had a ton of good habits that I could replicate. I truly believe you are a product of your environment, and by spending time with people with good habits, it helped reinforce the changes I was working on. Obviously this isn't an option for everyone, but I guess I would recommend trying to spend time with people you hope to be like(this works for muchmuch more than weight loss!!). I think its important to realize the massive effect the people you associate with have on your life.

There are a million other little changes I've made that have helped, and its the combination of all these changes that have led to success. I'd be willing to answer any questions and go into more details if people want to hear more. One thing I will say is it gets easier as you go. Start cutting out some unhealthy food, take the stairs, if you can find the time do some exercise, and get the number on the scale dropping. Once you see the number going down, it will start a feedback loop that will help drive and reinforce the good habits you are building. Don't expect to make all the changes at once either, take one little step at a time. At least in my experience, there wasnt the one day where I suddenly decided to change and then changed, it was more about having an understanding and acceptance of my weight problem, and using this to help drive decisions in my life.

Good luck to all of you on your journey

submitted by /u/ND711247
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why is the truth so demotivating? (Might be a bit TMI)

Tldr; Weight loss is hard when the "beauty" surgery you need/want, you have practically no control over.

SW 217lbs CW 201lbs, 5'7". Goal for surgery: 190, or less. Then, more to lose after that, when I can properly excercise.

I am a big chested lady. (36 I or J), basicaly watermelons. (I wont rant about back pain or sexual harassment here, that's for another forum).

Before my weight loss, I went to the highest rated plastic surgeon in the area. He told me that they couldn't operate unless my BMI was under 30. I totally understand. So off to the normal doc for weight loss help.

She's been very helpful, getting me access to resources, motivation, etc. And it is working.

So what's frustrating?

If I pay the plastic surgeron the $7k he can only take the breats so far in before there is a risk of nipple death (read about 2 cup sizes, still an F+). If I go through insurance for the surgery using back pain as justification, I have little to no say in my final size, insurance decides it all because then it's a health procedure, not a beauty one.

What is the point of losing weight when I get practically no say in my body in the long run? internal rage starting to leak out

(Yes, I will keep going for health reasons, I'm not totally wrecked. But seriously the more weight I lose , the more breast size comments I get, again. Its like being fat made them less noticeable. I also appreciate the forthrightness and honesty about expectations with the surgeon, I have no ill will toward him. Just a frustrating situation.)

submitted by /u/FluteMomma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where does the taboo around counting calories come from?

I've been using some form of calorie counting software for about 12 years now. Fitday, Myfitnesspal, cronometer, etc. They've been pretty invaluable tools for me, and I genuinely enjoy having them in my arsenal of fitness apps and gadgets.

However, the vast majority of people that I talk to about them have a negative outlook on their use that they don't feel about other forms of weight loss aid. I often hear that it's "dangerous" to look at food/fitness in that level of granularity. Yet I don't see exactly the same type of skepticism around other weight loss techniques, even if the same people view those other techniques as also negative.

For example, people don't want to wear a fitbit or buy a wifi scale, but they don't see the harm in others using those. For counting calories it seems to be different. Basically, I tend to witness others describing the use of calorie counters specifically as some kind of eating disorder; there is a taboo around using them.

I really get into these types of conversation in 2 ways:

  1. Someone just sees me logging my calories

  2. I'm asked for nutrition advice, and I tell them to log their calories

One or both of these situations occur(s) fairly often, and over the years I've eventually talked to dozens of people about it. Rarely is anyone receptive to try them, or accepting of me using them.

So I guess my question is, how has counting calories removed itself from exercise/diet into this sort of taboo area? I'd say some of the more (recently) socially acceptable forms of diet, like intermittent-fasting and keto, are way more obscure than just caloric restriction. However the conversations surrounding those are fairly accepting.

Anyone else have the same experience and wish to chime in?

submitted by /u/profesh_2_death
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If you're feeling hungry, tired, or ill and don't think you should be, try drinking a glass or two of water. Our bodies can be very bad at signally to us that we're dehydrated and we'll often mistakenly feel like we should eat more or go to sleep instead.

I should start by saying this isn't to recommend water over eating or sleeping when you actually need it. This is more about helping to cut out snacking because you feel hungry, or help with overall energy levels. Please still eat good food and in good amounts and get healthy amounts of sleep.

This was many years ago now that I found this out, but I thought it was worth sharing. I didn't realise how important drinking water was, but I do now.

I used to have a real problem with snacking even though I'd had a good meal not long ago, and it was really impacting my weight loss. I can't even remember how I found out, but I read that our bodies can often not signal that well when we need water.

Turns out this was contributing to my feelings of hunger. Now when I start feeling hungry but I don't think I should be, I make sure I finish my bottle of water and most the time the feeling of hunger goes away. I also find when I start drinking my body natural then wants to drink lots, further confirming my suspicions.

I've been doing this for years now, and to me it still just feels like hunger. But I know better, and try drinking more water as a first step :)

submitted by /u/Lockdude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New Race Discounts and Coupon Codes OC Marathon, Revel and More!

New Discount Codes for Marathon, Half, 10k, 5K Fun Runs and more! Register now to save the most on your next race. Are you in? Or in the way…

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More discounts and promotions coming soon!

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from Run Eat Repeat

Superfood Saturday: All About Avocados

In the world of healthy eating, avocados have hit superstar status in the last few years. They have always been popular in guacamole and other Tex-Mex dishes, but they are now getting lots of attention for their versatility in the kitchen and for their rich supply of healthy nutrients. And avocado lovers are discovering delicious new ways to enjoy them—for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snack time.

Avocados are fruit (technically berries) that grow on trees, which are native to Mexico and now are raised in warm climates like California and Florida. Avocados have a thick, inedible skin and a single large pit (or seed) in the center. When fully ripe, the light green flesh inside is mild-flavored and has a creamy texture. It blends well with other ingredients and can be used as a healthier substitute for foods that are high in unhealthy saturated fats.

If you’re an avocado fan already, you’re about to get a lot of good news about why you should keep eating them and fresh ideas for doing just that. Haven’t tried avocados yet? We’ll give you the skinny on why and how to find a dish that fits your tastes.

7 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein

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Nutrition Highlights

avocadosOne-eighth of an avocado, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), comes with 40 calories, 2.1 grams of carbohydrates, 1.7 grams of fiber, and 3.7 grams of fat. Avocados are high in mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are associated with lower levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides in our bodies, as compared to saturated and trans fats.

Yes, all fats are high in calories, so you want to be aware of portion size when eating avocados. That’s why they are listed as an “Extra” in the Nutrisystem Grocery Guide. But using avocados in place of saturated or trans fats is a healthy choice.

According to Harvard Health, avocados also deliver other potent nutrients to you, most notably potassium. One serving of avocado (one tablespoon of the whole fruit) contains 122 milligrams of the mineral—more than in a comparable serving size of banana. Potassium plays a crucial role in regulating your heartbeat and blood pressure. And it helps to keep your body’s sodium levels in balance. Avocados’ high fiber content also helps you feel full after eating and ensures healthy digestion of the foods you consume.

Health Powers

avocadosAvocados have earned their reputation as “superfoods” mostly because of their mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These kinds of healthy fats are essential when you’re trying to eat well and lose weight. Your body needs fats to help you feel full after eating, to provide quick-burning energy, and to aid in absorbing the vitamins and minerals in the foods you eat. But not all fats are created equal. Avocados are an excellent “whole food” source of healthy fats, meaning you also get valuable fiber, vitamins and other vital nutrients when you eat them, which you don’t get with many other kinds of  fats.

Nutrition researchers have found that avocado consumption is associated with eating healthier, better cholesterol readings, and even slimmer waistlines. People who regularly eat avocados have significantly lower body weight, BMI (body mass index), and waist circumference, and higher HDL (good cholesterol levels) than people who don’t eat the fruit, according to a study published in Nutrition Journal.  What’s more, the researchers found that avocado eaters are 50 percent less likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome, the conditions that often lead to diabetes. The researchers state that eating avocados is “associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake,” meaning that adding them to your meals leads to eating better overall.

Superfood Saturday: Even More Reasons to Be Sweet on Sweet Potatoes

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Buyer’s Guide

avocadosYou may see different kinds of avocados in the produce department of the grocery store, but the most popular and widely sold variety in most of the U.S. is called Hass. Its skin is bumpy, and dark green to purplish back, depending on the ripeness. The flesh inside is pale green and exceptionally creamy.

No matter the variety, the only question when choosing an avocado is when you plan to eat it. If you’re ready to include avocado in your meals within a day or so of buying it, look for one with very dark skin and flesh that gives a little when you squeeze with your fingers. Beware of any avocado that is already shriveling or mushy.

You can you can buy avocados when they’re still green and hard, but they’ll need a few days to darken and soften up. Don’t put them in the refrigerator—leave them at room temperature. They’ll ripen a little faster if you set them next to a bunch of bananas. Give them the squeeze test every day until they soften a little, then eat them within a day or two after that.

Many supermarkets offer pre-packaged guacamole. Dipping is a fun way to enjoy the benefits of avocados, but be aware that these products can come with added saturated fats that you want to avoid. You can make your own guacamole in minutes by mixing mashed avocado with your favorite salsa (a Free food on the Nutrisystem Grocery Guide) and a squeeze of lemon or lime juice (also a Free food).

Superfood Saturday: Why We’re Loving Lentils

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Fresh Ideas

avocadosWhen you slice an avocado in half, you’ll hit the large brown seed inside with your knife. Cut open the skin and flesh around the hard-coated seed rather than trying to hack through it. Once have the avocado open, you can pull the seed loose with your fingers, but this video shows you a simpler and safe way to remove it and scoop the flesh out of the skin >

Since you’ll be eating only a portion of an avocado at a time, you’ll often be storing the leftovers for another meal. To keep the flesh bright green and at its peak of flavor, we’ve come up with a simple kitchen hack that protects it from spoiling. This quick video shows you how to preserve fresh avocado so you have it on hand to eat it when you’re ready >

Healthy eaters have found lots of delicious ways to use the mild-flavor and creamy texture of avocados to make many dishes better. If you like to make smoothies that are as thick and creamy as a milkshake, for instance, you can add avocados to the blend. Toss a few slices of avocado in a salad and skip the high-fat dressing. Hold the mayonnaise on a turkey sandwich and instead mash a little avocado and spread it on the bread.

Research Reveals the Top 25 Superfoods

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Here are a few more tasty ideas for enjoying nutrient-dense avocados:

1. 3 Avocado Toast Recipes >

avocado toast

Avocado toast has become a go-to breakfast or lunch for many people. After mashing the avocado onto whole grain bread, you can add a wide variety of other toppings, such as cucumbers or cherry tomatoes. To get you started we collected three of our favorite combos >

2. Avocado Pesto Panini >

avocado pesto panini

If you’d like a Flex meal that’s loaded with protein and fiber, try this hot and hearty sandwich. It has just six ingredients and is simple to make in a panini maker or even your stove top. Check out this simple recipe >

3. Skinny Avocado and Egg Salad Sandwich  >

Avocado and egg salad

Do you love the rich, gooey goodness of egg salad? Our version is perfect for a filling Flex lunch that’s high in healthy fats and loaded with flavor. Whip up this skinny recipe for lunch >

4. Mahi-Mahi With Blood Orange, Avocado and Salsa >


Firm, mild-flavored mahi-mahi makes a healthy dinner with a tasty topping of tart citrus fruit, spicy salsa and creamy cubes of avocado. You can try this with just about any type of fish that you like. Get the delicious recipe here >

Want to add another superfood to your weekly menu? Check out Why Eggs Are So Egg-Cellent >


The post Superfood Saturday: All About Avocados appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf