Sunday, March 10, 2019

Is losing weight *really* as simple as limiting calories, or am I missing something?

I always thought that losing weight entailed eating healthier (cutting out carbs and sugar, eating a lot of vegetables), but since I found this sub and started counting calories, I've pretty much just been eating less; I'm still eating plenty of bagels and pasta and Starbucks lattes and not eating any vegetables because I hate them (except mushrooms--roasted portabella caps are amazing!). I've mostly just cut out snacking.

In two weeks I've lost four pounds, so it's obviously working short term, but it seems...too easy? Have weight loss programs lied to me my entire life about how difficult weight loss is, or am I doing something wrong?

submitted by /u/pots_and_plants
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Diet recommendations for VERY picky eaters.

So my wife and I have decided it’s time to start eating healthier. Especially since I have a 20lb weight loss goal to hit in a few months. The issue is that we’re both extremely picky eaters. And it’s not that we haven’t tried to change that, we’re constantly trying to force new things to expand our pallet, it’s just not working. When we make dinner it almost always just consist of: - a basic protein like chicken, pork chops, or steak - some type of potato whether baked, mashed, sweet potato or regular - basic veggie like green beans, broccoli, squash, corn

The main thing for us is something to take to work for lunch. I’ve been doing pretty much nothing but grilled Ck salads or grilled Ck sandwiches from places like Chic Fil A, but that adds up quickly in costs.

What are some dishes that many might consider “basic” that we could try to help us take control of our eating habits?

submitted by /u/Exodus1818
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, March 9, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 10 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Under 100kg for the first time in 3 years!!

I weighed myself today and I was 99.8KG! The last time I weighed 99 was around the middle of 2015. My beginning weight was 130Kg, being that big/obese at only 15 years old was honestly ruining my self esteem and also future health. So I started eating 500 calories a day which was a big mistake since my arms are a now bit saggy/ I guess maybe loose skin or it could be genetics since I was very big? But I just wanted this fat off of me because I hated it so much. I know there’s no short cut to weight loss and it’s my fault for letting myself get that heavy. I’m now eating around 1400 and walking 3-4 times a weeks. I can now wrap a towel around myself, my bust is now 45inches instead of 49. I’ve also gone from size AU22 in clothes to a 18/20. I feel so happy I’m finally double digits not triple! I still have a long way to go but just wanted to share this with someone!!! Since I don’t really wanna tell my family because it might sound like I’m bragging or something.

submitted by /u/99realup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Alternatives to comfort eating

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone had any advice about developing non-eating habits for comfort. My job has me moving to a new place where I don’t know anyone roughly every year or so. I made a move a few weeks ago, and every day has been a struggle so far. I’m feeling lonely and isolated and a little bored, and I’ve found myself having small to medium binge episodes almost every night. Even with the binges, I’m only ending up slightly above maintenance, but I can see this escalating soon if things don’t get better.

I want to stop and figure out a way to deal with my emotions better, particularly if this is something I’m just going to go through once a year for the next few years.

For reference, I’ve developed a pretty complicated relationship with food over the last 4 years, mostly due to an endless pursuit of weight loss. I feel a lot of shame about my food control issues.

I wish I had the money for therapy, but I don’t. Hoping some of you might have some words of wisdom.

submitted by /u/poetichotdogs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those of you on the dark end of your weight loss journey. I’m ready to change but I can’t do it alone

I’m a FTM with a 7 month old. I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy. Yeah, that’s right 60. Don’t feel sorry for me, I used my pregnancy as an excuse to do what I wanted. Did the hormones make that decision to eat everything easier? Yes. Could I have been different? Also yes. Now I’m 7 months postpartum the only time I come out of sweats is on force and I have to wear my maternity clothes.

I’ve lost 20 of it. But I’m gaining again. It has to stop. I’m a miserable mess and constantly feel terrible. All I think about is how uncomfortable I am and how my clothes don’t fit as my pants and bra and underwear constantly cut into my skin. Yes I bought bigger. It doesn’t matter it still happens. I let it effect who I am to my husband. I let it make me depressed. I let MY weakness make me depressed.

The only way to change is eating different. I can not squeeze in gym time. Ok literally I can, but I won’t. Not yet.

Here’s my deal. I’m a full time student in a Biochemistry major, in class from 8am to 8pm on Tuesday and Thursdays. From 5-7 each morning i work my second job. My first job is 40 hours including weekend. (Do the math.. 40 hours in 5 days since the other two I’m at school = no days off). And did you forget I have a 7 month old? And when I am home and she’s sleeping I am studying because I’m paying for school so failing is not an option. And I sleep 4 hours a night to make it work, IF the baby sleeps. Haha, that’s funny to say.

I meal prep- but I also get too tired to be consistent. On those days I fail. I eat everything I shouldn’t. So much that it offsets all the work I’m doing. I eat so much and so poorly. It has to stop. I cannot go on looking, feeling and being so miserable because I am too weak to change.

So I’m trying something new. I’m telling my story to reddit in hopes I find solace in people who get it. My husband is tiny and eats what he wants and doesn’t understand my struggle, doesn’t have input or words of support or advice. Just straight up says i can’t help you I don’t get what you’re going through.

I will chronicle my journey. For anyone who cares or doesn’t, I hope one person can be impacted positively by someone who is GOING through the struggle now, on the dark side with no results yet.

Yay for those of you that have results! I want to be there, but right now your stories just make me hate Myself more.

So here we go. Thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/gibbs17jace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Food addiction randomly disappeared

I've been going to therapy for around 8 months to try to treat this issue, so it may be what helped, but I'm not fully sure.

It must have been psychological though. Quite often if I felt any negative emotion I would just hurry up and eat 2500-4000+ calories of food and then go into basically a food coma. Last Monday was the first time I just honestly cried instead (over something really stupid too lol). I cried for probably an hour and after that, I felt a lot better, didn't need to use food to calm me down. Since then I've felt so much happier overall. It sounds so pseudoscientific and almost supernatural that it worries me that the problem will eventually come back. I think what happened is I realized experiencing negative emotions without using food to cover it up wasn't so bad and actually it feels much -better- when you just let the emotions happen.

As for the physical hunger itself, I don't know really. I've always had issues with hunger. I'm on the autism spectrum, which is probably why I don't feel hunger very often. When the 'psychological hunger' went away it probably took me back to my 'normal' state which is to never be hungry. I remember when I was younger I would never get hungry and then I'd smell food and throw up because I hadn't eaten all day.

Now I barely want to eat at all. I've eaten less in the past week than I have in probably 10 years. The only thing I can do to maintain this is to not eat fast food, since it's addictive, and try not to eat too many carbs, since they're addictive too. I've lost around 10 pounds already (I'm sure some of it is water weight, but I was nearly 400 lbs so fast weight loss is to be expected) just because I haven't been eating in such a ridiculous way.

It's like my depression was suddenly severely lessened (although I still experience negative emotions of course). Has anyone had this kind of experience at all? It's still hard to believe, it's like a miracle almost. I already feel physically better too. I wonder if my brain is just tricking me... i didn't even really do any work to make this go away. I was thinking constantly about food one day, unable to resist it, and another day I don't care that much (I still like eating though obviously).

submitted by /u/NoHot7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat