Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I've changed how I eat breakfast/lunch for around a month now and the fact that I feel change happening is astounding.

I've lurked on this subreddit for quite some time mainly to look at weight loss ideas and other success stories of people losing weight loss and a good amount of them always seemed to follow calories in calories out methods and calorie counting. I've tried these methods in the past to little to no success. The came in the form minor changes to my typical diet. primarily portion sizing and how quickly I eat, and I also used an elliptical for half an hour four to five days out of the week. However, a few weeks ago I go hit with the flu and went the doctor by myself that day, mostly to find out my actual weight on my own as given to me by a doctors office.

As it turns out I hit 300 pounds. 300. Even. To put this in prespective, about a year ago I was 287. Sometime before that, I had gone to a cardiologist in regards to an unusually high heart rate and high blood pressure. To further add stress to this, I'm 20 years old as of this post.

That was the point where I realized whatever I was doing was clearly not enough and something else needed to be fixed. The work I had been putting in up until that point was doing nothing to stop weight gain but was just slowing it down. On that drive home from the doctor I really thought about what I possibly could have been doing wrong after trying for so long to put my weight on a downward trend. By the time I got home I looked at how I eat during the day and noticed that i tend to have very large breakfasts and eat a good amount of sugary things during the day. Waffles being the major problem in that particular case. I also noticed that I had been snacking from fast food places and buying unhealthy food fairly regularly, as well as snacking at work very frequently.

That next morning I began restricting my breakfast from there, at that point my intake in the morning would consist of either exclusively fruit, light toast with cream cheese, or a protein shake (this was a fairly recent addition). Things like cereal and waffles were out of the question, waffles especially due to the fact that I am a man who would rain syrup on his waffles like it's the Great Molasses Flood and the syrup can carry a ton of calories. I downsized my lunch and made numerous fast food places off limits. Places where I could technically build my own meal were still on the table up to a point, and specific breakfast locations were restricted to once a month and only to specific items. My lunches were further downsized, keeping portions small and refusing seconds. On occasion, i would eat my light breakfast and have a protein shake at lunch. I examined a local convenience store chains "build your own" menu and determined that if I felt like eating out I would get a turkey wrap as it had the least calories even if it was stuffed with toppings, these usually never went too far past 600 calories.

I made attempt to gain some self control as well, particularly at work. Where I work, the break room usually has a lot of junk food. Candy, cookies, chocolate, chips, popcorn, you name it and it has probably been in there at some point. I usually grabbed a few chocolates or some chips from there every now and again; as of a month ago, no more. This was a case where I had to learn self control, something I noticed was a huge problem when trying to lose weight. I would always find myself going "oh who cares" and gorging on crappy food. So though the help of willpower (and a rubber band around my wrist to flick if I find myself going for a snack), I have abandoned the break room for pretty much everything except water and to heat food.

This has been going on for about a month as the title of this states. And within the past few days, I've noticed some changes. I did notice change in regards to belly and some side fat. Additionally, I noticed i was actually able to feel by abs underneath the skin again. I by no means have a six pack, but I can actually tell there's something underneath that again. Out of curiosity I headed to the bathroom scale to see where I was. Lo and behold, 293!

I was ecstatic to see that it went down! I noticed I wasn't feeling as tired doing mild physical activity, wasn't sweating for no reason anymore, and I was feeling colder as a whole. I was feeling like a hoodie wasn't enough to go outside for the first time in the longest time, and my shirts and aforementioned hoodies are starting to feel like they're fitting better than they used to.

I'm hoping it can keep going down for the rest of the year, as my goal is to lose 50 pounds by years end, lose some of the weight that's latched onto me for years and hopefully get some of my damn wardrobe back.

submitted by /u/PilesOfPower101
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Today is my 1 year "veganniversary", and I've lost 35 lbs in addition to being a lot happier and healthier both mentally and physically


Left: Before going vegan in April 2018. Prior I was pescetarian/vegetarian and haven't eaten processed foods since 2008. I could not lose weight to save my life even with calorie counting and consistent exercise. I worked out at high intensity 5 days a week (most recent when that picture was taken I was doing Orangetheory). I am diagnosed hypothyroid and figured that was just my life, and it would just be worse if I wasn't living a healthy lifestyle.

Right top: July 2018, 3 months after going plant-based. I lost 20 lbs without working out and without trying. My body immediately loved a plant-based diet. In May I tore my hamstring and could not exercise from May to current so all my weight loss is just from diet. The short amount of time I still was doing Orangetheory while vegan, my workouts were so much better than before going plant-based. Weight 190.

Right bottom: 175-180ish. Photo taken a few days before this past Christmas, about 3 weeks after starting Intermittent Fasting. I lost an additional 15 lb from IF after my weight loss slowed from just eating plant-based. No pictures since then since I hate taking photos of myself.

Current weight:175, so at least I haven't gained since dropping off the IF wagon. The past 8ish weeks I've slacked a bit on the IF and will get back on it soon since I still do want to lose another 10 pounds or so and then I would be fine maintaining. My body is naturally curvier and has a lot of muscle, even though I haven't been working out. I have no desire to be thin, just healthy, sexy, and fit. I'm still in physical therapy and just re-joined The Bar Method last week. It's low impact and doesn't aggravate my injury and is a great workout. Now that I'm happy with my size, bar will be a good way to tone up (lack of fat loss results was why I stopped a few years ago and joined Orangetheory for more cardio). Overall I feel great about myself and a lot more confident!

submitted by /u/abandoned_faces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone had any not-so-pleasant reactions from friends/family about your weight loss?

I started my weight loss journey in June 2018. To date, I have lost 60 lbs! My husband is so proud of me (he’s lost about 45lbs btw) and I’m surprised and proud of myself as well.

Happy feelings aside, it’s becoming clear that with this weight loss, people are treating me differently. When I set out to lose weight, it never even crossed my mind about how people would treat me if my size changed. It could be all in my head about some people, but there is one person in particular that has now made me feel pretty uncomfortable due to my weight loss. My sister-in-law.

I have known her for 12 years now and she has always been overweight. I was also overweight until I decided to do something about it last year. We’ve always been roughly the same size with her being about 15ish lbs more. Ok, now onto the awkward/uncomfortable stuff.

I only see her once every other month or so. The first time I saw her, I had already lost probably about 15 pounds. She asked me how I was losing the weight and I basically told her that I was eating about 1500/cal a day and just making sure to track my food. Nothing magical or anything, just actually paying attention to my diet. She congratulated me on the weight loss and that was all that was said.

The next time I saw her, I believe I had lost 30lbs at that point. She again asked me what I was doing to lose the weight and I pretty much just repeated the same thing that I said last time. She almost became a little accusatory and said she didn’t believe that it was that “easy”. I said that it wasn’t necessarily easy, but that it becomes a lot easier if you track your food and watch your diet. She had a scowl on her face the whole time and seemed almost in disbelief at what I was saying. The conversation just kind of fizzled out after that.

Onto my son’s birthday party in February. At that point, I had lost about 50 pounds and she did the same thing that she had been doing, asking me about my weight loss. It was the same questions with the same disbelief as it had been previously. In addition, she mentioned that her friend had talked to her about maybe taking diet pills (for her, she said). After having that conversation with her, I just couldn’t help but feel like she thinks I’m using some other way to lose weight besides adjusting my diet.

We all went out to lunch for her daughter’s birthday about a week ago. Everyone was having pizza, but I’m not a big pizza fan, so I had some boneless wings. I think I ended up eating about 4 (I ate 3 donuts the night before, so I was cutting back that day). Right after I ate the last one, I hear her say “You must’ve eaten before you got here”. I kind of snapped back and said, “What? Are you watching me eat now?” I caught the snippy tone of my voice and I immediately let out a little laugh like I was just joking. She let out a laugh too and I don’t think she said anything else.

I had felt annoyed and a little badgered by her until then, but this was straight up creepy. I realized after the fact that she had been watching me eat.

I always wished I had some good comebacks when I get any responses that make me feel uncomfortable or aren’t congratulatory.

Anyone have any stories with odd reactions to your weight loss?

submitted by /u/GRAVY_andbiscuits
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Overeating healthy food...anyone else do this?

Oh hey guys.

I do meal prepping and portion my meals out at the beginning of the week, but lately I'm finding myself "over eating" fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. I should say "over eating" because really it isn't because I'm hungry, but just looking for something to do. In between meals, I'm finding myself gravitating towards the kitchen, going towards the celery and hummus or a salad bowl. I know I shouldn't feel guilty for eating an apple or a small handful of almonds or veggies, but physically I just feel kind of...bleh now. I'm trying to make myself feel better by saying that it isn't soda, sugary snacks, junk food, or bread.

Anyone else do this? Has it impacted their weight loss at all?

submitted by /u/FewBug
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else have panic attacks when they loose weight/hit certain weights?

TL;DR- I have a crazy egg donor/mother who used to beat me for loosing more weight than her, among other things. I also tend to have panic attacks when I am close to the weight where traumatic things happened in my life. My reaction to panic attacks is to go on a binge, which stops my process. Does anyone else go through this?

Howdy y'all. My Mom is Reddit famous on another sub because she's a puppy fur coat short of being an actual Disney villain. As in, my therapist who specializes in abuse and trauma actually asked if I'd ever considered she might be truly evil. Yeah, it HAD crossed my mind once or twice...

Basically, I Am Talking About My Mom, She Is Horrible, This Is A Trigger Warning.

Anyway, my Mom would force me to go on diets with her as a "diet buddy", my job was to remind her to actually do the diet and exercise plan (which if I did, I'd get screamed at and called horrible names, and sometimes hit. If I didn't her lack of results were my fault, so I'd get... you guessed it! Screamed at, called names, and sometimes hit.), and if I actually DID the plan she told me to do, as a 16-17 year old teenager who was a foot taller than her, I'd get results faster than she did... guess what happened then?

I can't tell if I am loosing or gaining weight. If I lost 20 lbs and she gained 2, I'd be screamed at for gaining weight, having no willpower, being fat, etc. Then she'd cry about how ugly I was, how I'd never know the "power of being a beautiful woman", and I'd have to comfort my mother for having such an ugly daughter. If I had gained 20 lbs and she'd lost 2, I'd get all kinds of praise. Once I had lost some weight because I was following the diet and exercise plan she'd picked for us, and she was eating ice cream every night and refusing to work out. She. Was. PISSED. While it might not sound bad, this really was- she glared at me with utter loathing and hate in her eyes, completely vibrating with rage, and made me eat an entire carton of ice cream as punishment. Being forced to binge eat ice cream does not sound bad, but the waves of rage and hatred from my Mom for doing the thing she told and nagged me to do when she had a hair trigger temper and had zero problem breaking my bones in a fit of rage (which I didn't even know were broken until I was an adult and my X-rays showed all kinds of weird things, I thought that's just how life was), was pretty awful.

I'd done something good I should have been proud of, and instead I got loathing, anger, rage and punishment.

From all of this I have a very hard time actually seeing weight loss, to the point where I can't tell the difference after loosing 50, 60, or 70 lbs. I have to have my (current, amazing) family tell me and point out the changes. It is REALLY discouraging to put in lots of gym time and effort and see zero changes at all, even when the people around me are gobsmacked, and my clothing is literally falling off. It makes it hard to keep up with positive changes when I see zero benefit.

So, I check my weight as a way of keeping up with progress. I've lost over 90 lbs, and am at 231.6 right now. Which means...

I'm about to hit 220 lbs. It was the weight I was when Bad Sexual Assault Things Happend With The Guy My Mom Wouldn't Let Me Kick Out when I was a teenager (she 'hired' my abusive boyfriend and he moved in with us, when things started getting bad I wasn't allowed to kick him out because she didn't want to pay him $30 a week.) A full decade + later, I was getting my poop in a pile and my Dad died in an accident. I haven't been able to get near 220 ever since. I realized that if I keep doing what I've been doing for the last month and stay on track... I'll be to that weight by the end of next month...

And I then was on the teetering edge of a panic attack for the rest of the day. Gibbering, awful, going black at the edge of my vision- right on the cusp ALL DAY LONG. I had a therapist and PTSD medication but with a layoff, I no longer have health insurance so that has to wait until I get another job. I just wanted to know if anyone else had these kinds of struggles and issues, and what they can do to help it.

I know this is made worse by the PTSD issues I've got (guess who gave me PTSD?), but since I'm job hunting I can't exactly do any of the things that have helped with PTSD in the past. I'm talking about weed. No go when you need to take pee tests. I have medication for the PTSD but I'm out and without insurance... it's a no go.

Sorry for the wall of text. I'm just not sure what to do. I keep sabatoging my own weight loss for what? To please a person who is not capable of loving another human being? To protect myself from not being physically abused by a woman who if she ever lays hands on me again, will go to prison?

I just wish my damn brain would shut up and let me get healthy without all this extra drama.

submitted by /u/madpiratebippy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2-year Lose It! Anniversary - My Story

This week marks two years that I’ve been using Lose It! so I thought I’d share my weight loss journey. I’m a 5’-11” male and will be turning 37 this summer.

I’m going to go back about four years to fully tell the story. I weighed somewhere around 195lbs and wanted to “get in shape.” Now I’m not going to sit here and say I was vastly overweight, but like a lot of guys, I tended to gain all my weight in the belly. I didn’t feel good about myself and always talked about doing something about it, but never did.

In July of 2015, I started lifting weights to try to get in shape, but I did not change my eating habits. I was absolutely against doing anything cardio because I had asthma and it was difficult. I continued with this method for about two years with minimal results.

In January of 2017, I convinced myself to incorporate cardio into my routine. It was extremely tough at first as I was only able to run a half mile or less. It was hard to breathe and just generally sucked, but you know what…I stuck with it. I actually started to enjoy running and built up my endurance to the point where I could run 6 miles at an 8:15 pace. Surprisingly, my asthma became a non-issue while running too.

In April of 2017, some friends were talking about Lose It! so I downloaded it to see what it was all about. I decided it was finally time to face the music and start getting serious about losing some weight. My weight around this time was about 180lbs, and I set a goal to get down to 170lbs. I purchased a Fitbit so I could start tracking my runs and bought a food scale. I created recipes in Lose It! to really analyze the source of calories in my meals. Over the next few months, I faithfully logged my food and tracked my exercise. I admit I’m a numbers guy and tracking everything became somewhat of an addiction.

By the fall of 2017, people were noticing that the pounds were literally melting off. I easily hit my original GW and just kept cruising because this was my new lifestyle and not a temporary diet.

In December of 2017, my most satisfying moment came when I went to the doctor. I weighed in at 158lbs and the last time I saw him I was in the 190s. He asked me if I saw the scale because he thought the nurse mis-wrote 158 instead of 185!

Today, I’m in maintenance mode and my current weight is in the low 150s. During the week, I try to be diligent and really control what I eat by eating home-cooked meals and minimizing eating out. Doing so allows freedom on the weekend to eat what I want and partake in consuming adult beverages without much worry. I make myself “earn” the freedom to do these things by getting in some good cardio exercise on the weekends.

A few closing thoughts: Knowledge is power and losing weight really does come down to numbers – CICO. A food scale is probably the most important tool for weight loss as it is all about portion control. I still eat the things that I want, just less at a time. I never take a bag of anything to the couch with me anymore. I always weigh out a serving size and that is usually enough. As for cardio exercise – If you can’t or don’t want to run, then walk! I don’t always run, but do try to get in at least 30 minutes of walking each day.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far and I hope someone out there can find some inspiration in my story!

submitted by /u/clhonu05
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am one of you again!

I'm just posting here to say that after 9 months of eating whatever I want and doing little exercise, I am back to healthy eating for my weight loss. One of the things that motivated me the most was being subscribed to this sub. Seeing everyone's positive posts about their weight loss made me realise what I was doing to my body. I actually felt jealous about other people's losses, which is not like me.

I am at that awful point where my clothes don't fit, I have to keep relying on that one big pair of fat pants for work, and I am out of breath walking up a hill.

It feels so good to get back on track and start caring about my body again. Before this 9 month binge I had lost 4 stone and looked the best I have ever looked. I promised myself I would never let myself get so big again, but meeting new people and actually developing a social life made this difficult.

I'm getting married in December 2020 so here's hoping I can lose enough weight in time to get my dream wedding dress.

So just wanted to say that I am back and now one of you :)

submitted by /u/amyholic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat