Monday, May 6, 2019

Not Motivation, Discipline!

I am a 21 year old woman, and I took this spring semester off to get a handle on my mental health. I am on a better medication (Wellbutrin) and have been feeling better these past months because of it, I have been working on balancing classes with how I feel day to day, and I have been trying, and succeeding, to eat more nutritious foods so there are as few roadblocks as possible in feeling better.

My problem has been consistency with the gym. In the past two years, I've gained 25 pounds from emotional eating as a way to cope with my depression. I want to lose weight because I don't have the confidence to do things I used to, and I try to cover myself up in public. I have body dysmorphia and come from a fat phobic household, so the fact that I've gained so much weight has taken a toll on my self esteem, to the point where it's hard for me to feel beautiful at all anymore. It's uncomfortable for me to move around, and I know exercise is the final component to feeling better physically, and when I do exercise, my emotional state improves dramatically because of endorphins.

What I lack is not motivation, but the discipline to go to the gym as much as I can, unless I absolutely cannot. I want to be able to push myself and get there as often as I can, so here is my question: How do you stay disciplined every single day, or at least most of them? what are strategies or mantras yall have used? I know it is the fear that I will stay this way forever that is keeping me away from the gym, as in, what's the point? I've been uncomfortable in my body this long, why do I expect it will change?

I know weight loss isn't easy, but I want to feel good about myself, and moreover, I know it helps me keep my head straight. These two things I know to be true, yet I am inconsistent. How do I toughen up and make it happen?

submitted by /u/lhey252
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting an anti depressant today... worried about weight gain.

Do anti depressants(specifically, Zoloft) cause weight gain on their own, or does it just lead to an increase in cravings/appetite? I’ve been at 197lbs for a few months after a 30lb weight loss & a few weeks ago started being super vigilant about monitoring what I eat/exercising daily. I’ve avoided pursuing medicinal treatment for depression bc I’ve been scared of gaining even more weight. I’m kind of freaking out about the whole thing bc I would hate to lose all of my hard work because of this. Will I continue to lose weight if I keep up my current regimen? Or will it be a lot more difficult?

submitted by /u/melissakate8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

499.6 lbs. The 1st follow-up (also long, but not as dramatic)

Hey loseit, I hope it's ok to post a follow-up to my long story yesterday about being as close to 500 lbs as one can without actually being there, and my modest but ongoing battle to lose weight since.

The response and number of private messages and comments I got was so much larger than I ever could have imagined, and I don't think I have the ability to respond to everyone individually. I also think I'd end up repeating myself a lot. So I thought in an effort to acknowledge how grateful I am and respond to the questions asked, I'd make a summary response.

First, thank-you so much to everyone. I went for a walk around a park near my home this morning. I usually do the 6.5 km at a very fat man plodding pace of about 18m30s. This morning my pace was 15m52s. I think your comments and encouragement were fueling me on.

Second, in case you missed the edit to the bottom of my post, I wanted to acknowledge a book that helped me a lot. I'm not affiliated in any way, but I took a great deal of inspiration (as well as the Wendy-as-a-lover joke) in how I told my story from how Tommy Tomlinson told his in a recent book called 'Elephant in the Room'. I won't link it again because people think this is some kind of marketing effort for him or something. I'm just a guy who bought and enjoyed the book.

I am not a medical doctor, and I'm not super comfortable giving advice. This is just my personal take on things.

Some people asked what I did to get started. I wish I had a story about how I finally snapped or how everything finally 'clicked' for me, but it isn't like that at all. The closest thing to that moment was seeing the 499.6 lb number on the scale. After that, and encouraged by a close friend, I decided I was going to be brutally honest with myself and track everything I ate. I wasn't even going to try to lose weight. After all, I'd already failed at that so many times. But after tracking for just a few days, I realized I was eating a little better just because I didn't want to put the bad food into my tracking app. I started actually trying to hit my recommended calorie intake for 2 lbs loss. It's getting easier to eat under that number as time goes on, but there were some VERY bad days in the early going.

After about two and a half months of just losing without any exercise (and I mean NONE), the weather in my part of the world started warming up and I started walking. My first walk was .8 km and took me 18.55 minutes. But that improved pretty quickly, and in the month of April I walked over 70 km.

For the past several weeks, I aim to average about 2000 calories per day. That seems comfortable to me if I eat lots of vegetables and protein with just a little bit of carbs (I don't have any 'no go' foods, but I try to limit carbs quite a bit) I have a very long way to go, so I'm sure my strategies will change. For now, my plan is to eat about 2000 calories a day for the rest of my life. That means I'll lose weight very quickly for now, and much more slowly as I get closer to 2000 being my maintenance. So I don't have a long term goal. I have a goal to eat 2000 calories a day right now.

I weigh myself every day. My weight fluctuates A LOT, and I use an app called Libra to 'smooth out' the variations with a trend line. As long as my 14 day trend continues down, I'm happy. I find the fluctuations quite interesting and love the data, but I totally get how some people could find the scale and numbers discouraging (especially when you're not starting out so big and can't lose nearly as dramatically). Do what works for you.

A number of people brought up surgery for someone like me. I've looked into weight loss surgery a bit, and I know enough to know what a difficult journey that can be. I know it's a tool that many morbidly obese people need and use. I have a lot of respect for people who make that difficult life change. I haven't ruled it out for me. I may get surgery yet, but for now I feel strong and good about the way I'm losing weight. I feel like I have a responsibility to myself to see how far I can take things.

A lot of people also recommended therapy. I'd a be a complete fool to dismiss mental health as a major contributor to how someone can get to 500 lbs. That said, I haven't yet engaged with a professional therapist myself, and I don't feel at all ready to do that. Maybe I'll get there some day soon. I love talking to a few friends and family about things, and I have some good listeners and strong supporters in my life.

I've gotten lots of advice, from drink more water to keto to intermittent fasting to long term water fasting, to some truly bizarre stuff. I appreciate it all. I'm happy with what I'm doing to lose right now and it feels like something I can continue for a very long time. When things change for me, I'll adjust my strategy and experiment with other options. I'm already starting to investigate ways to continue exercise when the weather here turns cold again.

A few people asked what I thought they should do for someone in their life who needs to lose a large amount of weight. This is very difficult for me to answer, and something I've been asked before and given a lot of thought. This might seem too simple, but I think you just need to love them unconditionally and not much else. Let them know you are ready to help. Listen to them when they want to speak. If they ask for help, give it to the best of your ability. But show them love and acceptance without slipping into fat logic or health at any size (which is an absurd concept, imo) But know this, sometimes unconditional love isn't enough. Someone has to want to lose weight for themselves in order to do so and sustain it. I'm the kind of person who responds extremely negatively to nagging, pestering, suggestions from others on how to live my life more like they think I should, and mocking. I get all of that sometimes because of my weight, and none of it ever helped. But the people who love me inspire me to want me to do better for myself and for them.

A lot of people complimented the writing. That is very gratifying. I'd be lying if I said I didn't work hard to make that post as entertaining and informative as I could, so it was nice to have that recognized. I work for myself doing content writing, photography, and video (including script writing), so to everyone who recommended I should write professionally - I sort of already am. I don't think I have the stamina to write a book, but if people dig it I'll try to make periodic future updates better than this one, which I'm rattling off quickly today.

I guess that's it for now. Thanks again for being such a supportive community. I'll stick around as often as I'm able to update, participate, and encourage everyone else too.

Losing weight is hard, but being fat is harder. Until next time, make good choices and love each other.

submitted by /u/culberson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

OC Half Marathon Results and Top 13 Highlights

Hello!! I ran the OC Half Marathon yesterday and have a ton of fun to share from the race… What are you doing today? Did you race this weekend? Check in on the Run Eat Repeat Instagram now!

I have 13 highlights from my race to share…

oc marathon half marathon results recap

Highlights from the OC Half Marathon:

  1. OC Half Marathon finish time: 2:01:46 average pace – 9:18

  2. Last year my time was 1:45:07 average pace – 8:02 I was a lot slower this year for a few reasons…

  3. Taking time off from running to freeze my eggs last month and the recovery following that.

  4. I’m training for a full marathon – I wanted to add a few miles to the end of the race so I needed to pace myself for more.

  5. I stopped 2 times during the race [explained below]

  6. I ran the race with Kristin @Stuftmama and she is building back up and a lil slower right now [she’s fast but hasn’t run a full marathon in 3 years]

oc marathon half marathon results recap 17.

7.  I live in Orange County and saw a ton of familiar faces!! Love that! Pam (and guest on the RER podcast) ran and it was just her birthday!! I also saw a few Sole Runners… Natalia pacing… Sheila running with Kids Rock and Kelly dressed in the cutest Sparkle gear! 

8.  My first stop during the race was to take a pic with the Star Wars guys!

oc half marathon star wars runners

9.  A few miles later we ran by some houses and I noticed a woman holding a cute lil baby… I thought she looked familiar and told Kristin I think I know her… wait, I think she’s Kate Casey, host of the Kate Casey podcast.

So I insisted we go back to ask. Yep – it was her! Her show is about reality TV if ya wanna check it out. Her website is Love and Knuckles … but if you want to check out the podcast just search her name in your favorite pod app.

10.  After the race Kristin and I didn’t feel like running more – it was getting hot and for some reason we both didn’t feel great. And I was worried Diego should be let out [ I’m going to have to get a pup sitter for long runs and full marathons soon!]. So we went to my place, let Diego out and then ran 2 more miles.

oc marathon half marathon results recap pre race

Starting line:

oc marathon half marathon results recap start line

OC Half Marathon run and done in 2:01:46…

oc marathon half marathon results recap 2 hour finish

I saw Charlotte at the finish line too! She was volunteering at the finish. She’s @ccclbc on the gram.

oc marathon half marathon finish line 1

11. Total mileage for Sunday – 15.6 miles. It was slow, but it’s the first time I’ve ever made myself run extra after a race so I’m proud of myself!!

12. I thought I had never run extra mileage before or after a race but I just remembered I have!! A few years ago I ran the Duxberry Half Marathon with Tina from @carrotsncake – she was training for Boston and needed to run 20 miles for her last long run.

We ran the extra 7 miles before the half marathon. I think that’s the way to go – run it before if you have extra mileage. So I have done that! I’ve added extra miles before just not after (which is 100% the way to go.)

Diego and Medal Monday…

oc marathon half marathon results recap medal monday

13. Want to run a race?

Check out these Race Discounts posts with a list of all the latest discount codes for upcoming races!!

Race Discounts – Revel Marathon / Half Marathon and Renegade Race Series

Lexus Lace Up Race Series Discount Code – MONICA10

Rock N Roll San Diego Discount Code

The post OC Half Marathon Results and Top 13 Highlights appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Easy, low-cal meal and snack ideas

I've been figuring this out as I go along my weight loss journey, and a lot of the stuff I see online is just kinda boring to me, and I like to be flexible and find foods that I will actually eat and stick to. You know you can always meal prep yourself some grilled chicken but here are some meal and snack "recipes" (term used loosely) that I enjoy. I'm busy AF like we all are and meal prep just isn't for me, so here are some of my go-to's as I've been losing weight. Almost zero effort/prep required. These aren't my main foods, just my go to snacks and lunches during the week.

*not vegan* *not vegetarian* *no hate*

  • "Instant" beans, ham, & onions. I use pink or red beans (canned, well rinsed), cubed ham (about 70 cal) and a bit of cut up onion and microwave for 1 min until heated. The onions will still be crispy but I find this a satisfying, low cal snack or meal.
  • Hard boiled eggs - 1 or 2 depending how hungry I am. My perfect boiled egg method: eggs in cold water, bring to boil, cover, let sit for 10 min, then ice bath.
  • "Easy" veggies like baby carrots and cherry tomatoes with Bolthouse yogurt ranch dressing.
  • Sugarfree Jell-O and cool whip for dessert. 10 cals, 35 with 2 tsp cool whip. Sorry I know Jell-O is a bit gross but when I'm at my calorie max and can't afford dessert in my daily allotment, it's a lifesaver and very satisfying.
  • Go-to tuna & white bean salad. Canned tuna (90-100 cal), 1 tsp mayo, 5 olives, sliced, 1/4 cup white beans, serve with greens of choice - arugula, spinach, iceberg.
  • Rice cakes with FRESH salsa - the Quaker white cheddar ones are bomb. 90 cals for 2.
  • Baby Bel cheeses - portion control. Love these little suckers.
  • Cheating my sweet tooth with Greek yogurt, 1 tbsp semi sweet choc chips and unsweetened coc flakes. Protein fix with minimal sugar.
  • Add Frank's Red Hot to anything and everything. Adds so much flavor for zero cals.
  • "Skinnygirl Sauerkraut Salad" - mix any 3 kinds of beans (your choice, I used red, garbanzo, and wax) with sauerkraut, serve with hot sauce or dressing. Can serve with greens. Low cal/high fiber/moderate protein. Evidently fermented foods are supposed to be good for weight loss. Warning: sauerkraut smells awful.

Hopefully these give you some ideas of things you can make if you're lazy like me and maybe don't want to meal/snack prep, but also don't want to get derailed from your diet. Add your ideas below if you want. :)

submitted by /u/lipstickeveryday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 year update: Been working on my health for a year now. Haven't lost nearly as much weight as I hoped, but I'm much healthier than I was a year ago and will keep pushing myself. 65lbs, 6 pants sizes, and 2 shirt sizes down.

Last May I weighed myself at 350lbs. I wanted to see how much I weighed because my 4X shirts didn't fit very well anymore and I was having a hard time finding pants larger than a Men's 50. Needless to say I was disgusted.

I started tracking my calories and casually going to the gym, between May and September I lost about 15 pounds. Nothing crazy I've gone on short spurts and dropped a few pounds plenty of times before, then always gained it back plus more.

Interestingly (to me anyway) I've been fat my entire life except for a few years as a teenager where I would just constantly make myself throw up, I lost a ton of weight really fast. The temptation to go back to that is constant. Like most people on this sub I don't have a good relationship with food.

Anyway in September I finally went to the doctor and found out my cholesterol was through the roof. I was on the fast track to a stroke and early death. The doctor gave me a prescription to help with weight loss, obviously insurance won't cover anything so it's crazy expensive but it helped a lot while I had it.

I also started going to the gym more regularly. In October I attempted to start C25K and hurt my knees so badly that it was hard to walk the next day. I postponed that and focused on the elliptical.

Between September and January I lost the bulk of my weight, about 35 pounds. I also started taking care of my mental health. Got better antidepressants and started seeing a therapist.

Since the start of 2019 I'm still losing weight but in the last few weeks I've plateaued HARD. It's frustrating but I'm trying to keep going. I've only lost 15 pounds this year so far. It's pretty disappointing. Overall I've lost a total of 65lbs and gone from 350lbs to 285lbs. My goal is 175lbs and I hope to make better progress in the next year.

But my health has improved a lot. My cholesterol is within 1 point of healthy. I can do C25K on the treadmill, I can't actually run yet but I walk really fast and will have the program complete this week. I signed up to walk a 5k for real this month as well. I have way more stamina, more than I've ever had before. I helped a buddy move out of a 2nd story apartment without issues. I wear 2X shirts again. And what prompted me to make this post, this morning I put on size 44 pants for work. That's 6 pants sizes over a year.

I don't have a lot of pictures of myself but here's selfies roughly a year apart:

submitted by /u/backlogplayer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Chewing Gum - Miracle Diet Helper (But at what cost?)

So - I'm down 15-20lbs depending on the day and what my scale feels like (water weight is a bitch?), and I attribute a lot of my success so far to chewing gum between meals to curb my appetite and keep me from snacking unnecessarily. It's worked like a charm!!

Unfortunately it's proven not to be worth the payoff, and is now contributing to my weight loss in a new, more painful way; LOCKJAW!

Fun fact - Chewing too much gum can cause a muscle spasm in your jaw, preventing you from being able to fully open your mouth, and hurting like a bitch when you try to chew or bite into anything. So now I am on some fun medications (muscle relaxers, stronger pain relievers..), and am on a soft/liquid diet until my jaw releases and I can eat normally again. And I've basically been banned for life from chewing gum again.

Wanted to share as a cautionary tale to anybody else who is using it to get between meals while dieting. Maybe try adding some hard candies or something into the mix and cutting back on the chewing gum so you don't end up like me!

submitted by /u/StageMeowMix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat