Thursday, June 6, 2019

Do you ever want to self-sabotage your weight loss journey after hearing people try to motivate you to keep up the good work because being overweight/obese is bad for you?

Obviously being overweight isn't ideal. But for some reason when people tell me it's "bad" to be overweight I want to rebell. But then I'm just self-sabotaging my progress. Idk if this makes any sense. I guess it just feels like who I am now is bad? It wasn't even said in a bullying or judgemental manner. My friend was just trying to explain to me that it's not healthy, it can lead to diabetes and other health problems and hoped to motivate me to not quit by saying this stuff to me. But all it did was make me annoyed because it's not my motivation for losing weight. I hate to say it but my motivation for losing weight has come from people telling me being overweight is bad, being normal weight is good. I know it should be for myself too. I'm not just very self motivated and losing weight is SO stressful on my mental health... Idk, this became a full on vent. Hope I made sense.

submitted by /u/Sloth-for-knowledge
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 07 June 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss as ultimate form of self care

Hi all, I'm 24F, 5'5 and 182 pounds. I actually wasn't always overweight. Growing up, I was SUPER skinny, and all through high school I was like a size 2 or 4. However, college is when everything changed. My depression got really bad. Scary bad. And I no longer cared about my well-being, so I ate like absolute garbage. I thought "Why bother eating healthy, when I'm not going to be here for much longer?" I lived off Taco Bell, pizza, Chipotle, and soda, and now I'm carrying around an extra 60 pounds. I'm doing much, much better now! I found medication and a therapist that work for me, and I feel almost normal again. The way I see it, is my self-harm marks have gone away, the suicidal thoughts are (mostly) quiet, and now the next step is to get rid of all this extra weight I gained when I was depressed. I'm so surprised that it's actually not as hard as I thought it would be, and I can't wait to keep going on this journey and get my body back to the way it's supposed to be. (Really not trying to fatshame people, some people can be perfectly healthy at my weight, but I know that it's not for me since I've been skinny all my life until I went off the rails.

submitted by /u/Everybodyslonely
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 150lbs! ...and gained half back.

I don't post much on reddit.. so my apologies for whatever shit I'm about to let off my chest. yadda yadda yadda....

A few years ago I set off on a weight loss Journey. Through consistent diet and exercise I managed to lose 150 pounds and keep it off for a year. I felt great, started getting a decent following on Instagram. I finally felt confident and beautiful after a literal lifetime of being obese. ( I was 12 years old weighing in at 220lbs)

I remember the day I went off the rails, I was at a friend's house and we baked Reese peanut butter muffins. I must have had seven of those muffins that night. I feel like ever since that afternoon with my friend I haven't been able to get back on track. It's been like a steady binge since then.

Binge more=depression, more depression= more binging and the vicious cycle repeats itself.

For those of you who beat binge eating disorder or at least have it under control how did you guys do it? What led you to binging and what got you back on track? I'm desperate to overcome this lame ass thing.

submitted by /u/vonnie2017
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I finally made it to my goal weight

It probably isn’t as impressive as some of the posts here, but I finally made it down to my goal weight of 130 lbs. I’m a 5’7”, 38 year old guy. I started being concerned about my weight when I passed 140 lbs. My highest weight was around 147 lbs, and the last time I was under 130 was back in early 2016. I got on a fitness kick last year (mostly biking and gym) combined with intermittent fasting (16/8) and lost about half the weight. Then I hit a plateau. In March, I started taking measures to correct my insomnia and as a byproduct of that, the rest of the weight started to come off.

I’m guessing the largest item that helped is only eating soup after 6:00pm. It may sound odd, but this was a recommendation to help with my sleep. It keeps me from snacking at night and many soups are lower in calories than other items I would have been eating. Being on a more regulated sleep schedule also helps me regulate my diet (and many other aspects of my life). I also ditched the intermittent fasting when correcting my sleep, which unexpectedly coincided with the rest of my weight loss.

So, my goal now is to stay under 130 at minimum, but hopefully I can shed another 5 pounds or so.

submitted by /u/AllOutOfMP
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've lost weight but I still have a lot of belly fat... help?

Hi, so this is my biggest concern with weight loss. I've lost about 20 lbs in the last 2 months and I'm still going strong. I currently weigh about 160 lbs, but based on my height (5'7'' I think, or 170 cm) I should weigh around 140. I'm about halfway there, and people have noticed that I look skinnier (I mean friends and even teachers, not like my mom or something), but I still have a lot of fat in my stomach area. I've heard that belly fat usually goes away last but is it really this resilient? I'm really worried that I won't be able to lose all that fat as those 15-20 lbs I still have to lose in order to hit my ideal weight. Am I doing something wrong or what?

I'm 17, on a very stict low carb diet, at a calorie deficit, and I'm going to the gym, but I've barely gone in the last month or so because of school as I literally don't have enough time.

submitted by /u/William_MM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have a goal I’m working towards and that means getting my health back together after falling off of the wagon for about a year and a half! [5’8”, 237lbs, 28 years old]

So my girlfriend and I are going to Canada in November for our anniversary/my birthday and I feel terrible in my own skin!

A little back story for you all...I’ve been over weight my whole life and can lost weight, but then I gain it all back again. I’m a serial yo-yo dieter and it sucks because I know it’s terrible for my body. However, I have a history of eating disorders. Back in college I got diagnosed with EDNOS after losing about 80lbs in 2 months. I ate very little and then “purged” by spending about 4 hours in the gym and refusing to drive anywhere because I could walk. Then I went to the other end of the eating disorder spectrum and started binge eating and not purging. I ballooned up to the 240s.

In 2017 I decided THIS IS IT and wanted to lose weight the health and slow way. And it worked. I lost about 45lbs in 4 months. I felt amazing. I was around 195lbs and had so much energy, my skin was clear, and I just felt like me again.

Fast forward to 2018 and I got depressed. No reason, just an unfortunate chemical imbalance that I’m cursed with and have been for years. But it got pretty bad and I gained all of the weight back from overeating and not working out. Today I weighed in at 237lbs and it is the restart of my weight loss journey. I’ve been a vegetarian for about 6 months and plan on becoming vegan. This brings new challenges as I’ve never tried losing weight as a vegan. I’m used to eating dairy like yogurt and a bit of cheese when losing weight so wish me luck on this new journey!

TL:DR Tired if yo-yo dieting. Lost 45lbs and got under 200lbs in 2017 but gained it all back. Starting over today but as a vegetarian looking to become vegan.

submitted by /u/elizabeth_clairex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat