Monday, June 10, 2019

How do you CICO when sedentary and small?

My friend is 150 cm tall and 55 kg (4'11 and 120 lbs) and wants to lose 5 kgs or 10 pounds. She is also not active, spending most of the time studying, typing, reading and watching TV. And some walking, 6000 steps but I think that's parte of a sedentary lifestyle and not extra calories burned, right? So, I calculated she has a TDEE of 1400 calories and would need a 20% deficit to lose weight at a reasonable rate and not taking month to lose ounces. So that means 1100 calories that will soon become 1000 considering some adaptation and less weight. You always say exercising is not needed for weight loss, sometimes even a bad idea that sabotages weight loss by draining will power. But petite people without exercising would have to eat very little to lose weight, is that sustainable? And isn't going belle BMR not advisable or just a myth?

submitted by /u/discover2015
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, June 9, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 10 June 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I fell off the wagon. For like the 4th time. And I almost didn’t climb back on.

Saying that I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food would be putting off the blame. I’ve just had an unhealthy relationship with myself.

With family putting down my body and me since I was 7 I’ve hated my body. I tried every diet possible, and I feel like I’ve been starving myself since second grade. I’d get called fat by my family. I wouldn’t eat, I’d lose lots of weight. No one made a comment on how much weight I’d lost or that they were proud, I’d forget and give up and gain twice of it back. It was a cycle, just painfully going through it all it hurt. I’m so tired of all of it. I’m so tired I’m so hungry. I want to starve again, I want to lose it all I want to lose it fast, i want weight loss to be the path to my happiness but deep inside I know that won’t be good enough.

I don’t know how to feel about my body, I don’t know whether to love it or hate it the way it is but what I want is to change it. I don’t want to make myself throw up again, I don’t want to starve myself again. I want to get stronger and skinnier. I want to buy cute dresses I don’t want to be conscious about myself during pictures or embarrassed around the guy I like I want to go do things I’ve never done before and wear a friggin bikini.

I’m going to start calorie counting again. I will stick to it. I will eat very little of the delicious food and will stick to my diet. I owe it to myself, and it’s time I start being accountable for myself, but I know that’s going to take some time. My body does not trust my decisions, and I don’t trust it. So this is how it’s going to be. One week at a time. I give it my best shot. Shoot to be 2 lbs lighter. Next week, rinse and repeat. If I can do it for one week at a time, 52 weeks CAN and WILL go by. No more starving, only counting. 1200-1500 cals a day, I’m taking the first step one more time. Hopefully this will be the last first step.

But yeah. Also looking for an accountability buddy, just someone to check in on and someone who’ll check in on me making sure we meet our goals!

submitted by /u/chitti1013
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(Story Time) A bridesmaid dress and a turning point. Not a happy ending... yet.

My story starts with a dress. Not just any dress, but a bridesmaid dress. In October of 2017, a year and a half ago, my sister got married. I was her maid of honor, and I was thrilled. But there was a big problem bubbling under the surface.

I was in the midst of a rapid, life-changing weight gain. Unlike a lot of people on here, I wasn't "always a bigger girl." In fact, for most of my life I was super slim, but I freaking ballooned up in my mid 20's. I went a long time avoiding the scale, but I probably gained about 70 lbs in 3 years. The catch is- I was in complete denial and didn't realize it. Dismissed all the signs. I still felt cute and slim as ever.

It wasnt until 2 weeks before the wedding that it hit me. The dress I bought a few months earlier... it didnt fit. Oh my God. I couldn't zip it. It looked awful. Panic set in... the seamstress had to put a panel and a corset back in, costing a ton of extra money. I quickly had to stuff the sadness back in and put on a happy face for the wedding. It was beautiful and I tried to ignore the fact that I was stuffed like a sausage into an ill- fitting, brownish pink dress. It wasnt my day after all, it was hers.

A few weeks post-wedding, another reality check hit me like a ton of bricks. Yep- the wedding photos. It was worse than what I saw in the mirror. It was mind boggling, I didnt recognize myself. And now the weight gain was on Facebook for everyone to see. I got really depressed and sunk even further into my bad habits/denial.

It wasnt until January of this year that I weighed myself- holy shit. 215 lbs. 10 years ago, I was 115. 100 lbs gained!? I almost doubled in weight!? January is when my weight loss journey started. Seeing the number on the scale just really hammered it in and I could no longer ignore it. 3 months of trial and error, slow loss, inaccurate calorie counting later and I've finally gotten the hang of it. Since March, I've lost 17lbs. First time EVER losing weight successfully. Progress pics show a bit of difference and I'm gaining confidence.

Well guess what. I decided to pull that bridesmaid dress out of my closet. Bad news. It still doesn't fit. Ouch. Guess that whole denial thing is still a problem for me. I must have kept gaining a year after the wedding, and the 19 lbs lost put me about where I was on the wedding day. Am I sad? Yeah, I am. Am I going to give up? Hell. Freaking. No.

See, the difference between me in the dress 1 1/2 years ago and me in the dress today is this: I'm headed in the right direction today. I'm losing weight instead of gaining. I'm becoming disciplined. I'm learning what kinds of foods to eat, and not to eat and stay full while at a deficit. I've adopted healthy habits- tracking on MFP and running on the treadmill are second nature, part of my daily routine. And most of all- I'm self aware today. I have a healthy mindset today, and I'm doing right for my body and myself today.

Me in that dress 1 1/2 years ago and me in that dress today- we may LOOK the same. But make no mistake, we are two different people. And I'm proud of that. Who knows, maybe a year from now I can put on that horrid dress again and it'll be another story. For now- I press on. 💕

submitted by /u/heartfullxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I get started..... AGAIN?!

I’ve always been on the heavier side (5’5” 260lbs) and even at my skinniest, I felt big, ugly and out of place. Last year I joined weight watchers for the first time and in 4 months lost 40lbs. I was feeling great.. until summer came and photos were posted of me and I still looked fat. So I quit and gained it all back and more. Here I am... trying to start a weight loss journey again (for the umpteenth time) and I just don’t know how to stick with it. I’m so mad at myself for letting it go last year. I have about 80lbs to lose and really want to lose it. But I over eat when I’m bored, social, angry, sad, happy or lonely. Which means I over eat all the time. I know HOW to lose weight. Reduce calories. Whole and healthy foods. Work out. It’s just the execution that I fail on every. Single. Time.

Any suggestions on how to get started (AGAIN) and keep it going? I’m so frustrated and hate how I look.

submitted by /u/le_bice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm so happy

Alright so this might be a little long so there will be a TL;DR at the bottom.

So growing up I was always a little big. I was only slightly overweight my whole life until high school. Looking back it was definitely due to stress and stuff but I ended up gaining weight even faster and more heavily. I ended junior year at 6'2 weighing 250 lbs. I was fat, I was unhappy, and I had a bad relationship with food. My senior year was the first year I was inspired by my wonderful PE teacher.

She made me realize that my body was like an engine, and I should not fill it with cheap nasty fuel that would ruin it over time. I started eating salads at lunch. Fruit I would carry from breakfast and eat for a snack at some point during the day. I cut out milk and juices (I never drank soda much) and stuck to water. I pushed myself in PE in every activity, Even Even our teacher went a Little crazy and had us circuit train for 1.5 hours 2x a week. I was losing weight slowly, but more importantly I was getting muscular to a point. My calves and thighs especially started popping out they were so defined. I was feeling good about myself and I had stopped using food to pass the time. I ended senior year at around 210, but much less fat and more muscle.

I went into college going to the gym twice a day 5 days a week. I'd run a few miles before my classes, and weight train after work. My friend that I've known since 5th grade was coming home with me from the rec center one night, and she didn't stop looking at me. I asked her what was up and she said, "you look so skinny in that shirt!" I remember laughing it off, saying it's cuz the t shirt I was wearing was black, but she lifted up my shirt and repeated what she had said. It was in a very incredulous "I can't believe I've never noticed" tone.

I was really happy about that. Someone had complimented me, and more importantly had noticed what I had convinced myself were imaginary improvements. Some family stuff happened and I had to go home, and take a break from college for a bit. I lost motivation to work out, I stopped caring about my diet, and I gained the weight back. Just around a month ago I got a new job as management in a small pizza place. I was shopping for slacks because my old ones no longer fit, and I thought "wow, back to the waist 38 size of high school for me".

I ended up having to get 42" slacks. I weighed myself that day and cried after realized how much I had gained. I weighed 309 lbs. I got back on track, intermittent fasting and body weight exercises every morning when I woke up, hoping to turn back. Today at work I was reprimanded because I was "sagging" even with a belt. In a month of progress, those 42" waist slacks were too big for me. I haven't weighed myself yet because I stay away from the scale for my first 3 months as a rule of mine. But I'm so happy I could do this, and trust me, if I can, so can you. I don't even know why I decided to write this I was just so happy I needed to tell it somewhere, so here it is I guess.

TL;DR: Got fat in high school due to stress, lost weight senior year and got swole freshman year of college. Feel off the wagon back home and gained back all the weight. Had to buy embarrassingly big pants for work. Losing weight again and those pants no longer fit. Go weight loss!

submitted by /u/Aristotle_Wasp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A year later

I started my weight loss journey in August of 2018. I was at 290ish and I hated my body. I was also on medicine that makes you eat way too much. So I sat down with my doctor, who was a huge help and proponent of weight loss, and we reworked my medicine. Through some trial and error, we got my medication set up much better and more modern than the previous prescriptions. To date I've lost about 47 lbs, (I've lost some weight since the picture) and I have enjoyed a myriad of changes in health, eating habits, and just general stuff like clothes looking better on you and things of that nature.

I'm not the best at sticking to a workout regiment, but eating healthier and being more conscious of what I have been putting into my body made a world of difference. I did track my calories using myfitnesspal. Overall, I tried to be active more, and I also started working in retail so there's a lot of walking involved with that. I've lost a couple of pants sizes and an underwear size, as well as a few shirt sizes as well.

I don't have a body pic to show, because I didn't save them to the computer when I was about 290. I bought a new phone and traded the old one in. My weight loss may not be as drastic as someone else who really sticks to a hardcore regiment of exercise and healthy eating, but I'm still proud to say that I have lost practically 50 lbs.

Some advice to those who are still in the process of getting to the point where you decide to actively try to lose weight:

  • Not every day you'll see weight loss on the scale.
  • It really is a lifestyle change, gradually you'll work in time into your schedule for meal prep and exercise.
  • If you're gonna try, make sure that you put your best effort forward.

Here's a picture of the scale from when I first started and the other half was about 2 weeks ago. Proof!

Thanks for being here guys, this subreddit really helped me get motivated. I'm trying to lose 100 lbs so I'm practically half way there.

submitted by /u/ChromaLife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat