Sunday, June 9, 2019

I'm so happy

Alright so this might be a little long so there will be a TL;DR at the bottom.

So growing up I was always a little big. I was only slightly overweight my whole life until high school. Looking back it was definitely due to stress and stuff but I ended up gaining weight even faster and more heavily. I ended junior year at 6'2 weighing 250 lbs. I was fat, I was unhappy, and I had a bad relationship with food. My senior year was the first year I was inspired by my wonderful PE teacher.

She made me realize that my body was like an engine, and I should not fill it with cheap nasty fuel that would ruin it over time. I started eating salads at lunch. Fruit I would carry from breakfast and eat for a snack at some point during the day. I cut out milk and juices (I never drank soda much) and stuck to water. I pushed myself in PE in every activity, Even Even our teacher went a Little crazy and had us circuit train for 1.5 hours 2x a week. I was losing weight slowly, but more importantly I was getting muscular to a point. My calves and thighs especially started popping out they were so defined. I was feeling good about myself and I had stopped using food to pass the time. I ended senior year at around 210, but much less fat and more muscle.

I went into college going to the gym twice a day 5 days a week. I'd run a few miles before my classes, and weight train after work. My friend that I've known since 5th grade was coming home with me from the rec center one night, and she didn't stop looking at me. I asked her what was up and she said, "you look so skinny in that shirt!" I remember laughing it off, saying it's cuz the t shirt I was wearing was black, but she lifted up my shirt and repeated what she had said. It was in a very incredulous "I can't believe I've never noticed" tone.

I was really happy about that. Someone had complimented me, and more importantly had noticed what I had convinced myself were imaginary improvements. Some family stuff happened and I had to go home, and take a break from college for a bit. I lost motivation to work out, I stopped caring about my diet, and I gained the weight back. Just around a month ago I got a new job as management in a small pizza place. I was shopping for slacks because my old ones no longer fit, and I thought "wow, back to the waist 38 size of high school for me".

I ended up having to get 42" slacks. I weighed myself that day and cried after realized how much I had gained. I weighed 309 lbs. I got back on track, intermittent fasting and body weight exercises every morning when I woke up, hoping to turn back. Today at work I was reprimanded because I was "sagging" even with a belt. In a month of progress, those 42" waist slacks were too big for me. I haven't weighed myself yet because I stay away from the scale for my first 3 months as a rule of mine. But I'm so happy I could do this, and trust me, if I can, so can you. I don't even know why I decided to write this I was just so happy I needed to tell it somewhere, so here it is I guess.

TL;DR: Got fat in high school due to stress, lost weight senior year and got swole freshman year of college. Feel off the wagon back home and gained back all the weight. Had to buy embarrassingly big pants for work. Losing weight again and those pants no longer fit. Go weight loss!

submitted by /u/Aristotle_Wasp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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