Friday, July 5, 2019

I'm frustrated with myself, and sick and tired of having my yo-yo weight gain look like a successful stock market. How do I find stability and peace?

My weight peaked at 330 when I was 18, near 26, and now near 27. I even got bariatric surgery when I was 21, where I went from 315 to 250 back up again in the matter of a couple years. Looks like a goddamn stock market with so many ups and downs. Theres kind of a hard # limit where I say "no more" and that is 330. By all means my body just wants to inflate.

I lost weight a year ago by going to a store and getting their frozen meals, and by making a solid breakfast. But cooking blows because of dishes. I figured out I can do intermittent fasting with two meals a day and I'd do that at fast food places with chicken based meals. Both of these strategies worked, and I went from 330 to 305 just by monitoring what I ate and calorie tracking. Fucking calorie tracking. I got proud and then I stopped. I stopped counting calories and I stopped monitoring what I ate, some days I broke my two meals a day / IF schedule, anz the meals I ate were higher in calories. Then this spiraled out of control such that I maintained at 315+-5, now I am no longer doing two meals a day and back to my old self. With moving, starting a new job, I went from 320ish to 328 in just a month.

So why a few questions, because I am coming from a place of self annoyance (lets be clear here, I am pissed off at myself and pissed off at the fact that this is such a goddamn struggle)

1) Why is weight loss a goddamn struggle? Why do I need to be in a "weight loss mood" and its always reactionary and not proactive? I.e. the times where I'm like "I need to lose weight" are when I am about to hit a (bad) personal record, and not when I am huge but lighter than I was (e.g. when I was 305 lbs and stopped, I should have had a second wind and said lets keep going!). I love lifting weights but goddamn I never am active because why pour energy into something thats just literally wasting energy and time if my diet isnt there?

2) Why can I find something that works and never see it through? Clearly going to trader joes or going IF was working. Clearly spending the time to cook eggs+quinoa+yogurt for a 300-350 calorie fulfilling breakfast was working. Clearly eating fast food twice a day was even working. Lost 20-25 pounds in 2-3 months with that method, All without working out, too! So what the fuuuuuuuuuuck happens? Why cant I stick to something? Why is stability so hard to find?

3) Should I even try to do OMAD for even more simplicity? Basically eat 1 meal a day. Is this riskier nutritionally if I choose fast food as my one meal?

I dont know if this is clear signs for therapy, or if I need to dig deep myself and meditate or what. Because I am coming from a place of self-judgement and not love. i step on the scale and see a bigger number and I think fuck, of course. I've had therapy for several years but apparently it never really helped? Because if I cant find out why I sabotage any happiness and choose to live in a world where I hate shopping for clothing because I need to go to speciality stores, then idk what to do....

submitted by /u/dfrxn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I finally got the courage to go to the gym

I had a horrible day yesterday (weight loss wise). I ended my intermittent fasting early and basically ate almost everything. I got disgusted with myself at some point and decided to swim laps in the pool, I only did 12 min of it but way better than nothing.

I went to sleep pretty late last night but still woke up at 4:30 AM wide awake. My husband doesn’t have work today so I decided to seize the moment and go to the gym. I joined a boot camp style gym about two months ago. I consistently went for about two weeks then life happened and I never came back. I think mainly because I feel like everyone is looking at me thinking that I failed, or wondering where the hell I’ve been.

I don’t know why I have those thoughts because I don’t know anyone at all. When I went this morning, no one cared!! Everyone was focused on themselves and their workout. It was just me and my insecurities. It felt so good to be done with the workout. I’m hoping today would jumpstart my routine of going again.

I hope you all have a great Friday!

submitted by /u/helenczap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Are there any recommended medications that control hunger (not weight loss)

I'm not asking about those BS magical weight loss pills that just make you poop. I don't have a problem with working out daily and eating right. But damn if I'm not constantly hungry. Like, always. I'm on a 1800-1900 calorie diet, and I feel like I'm starving. Been doing it for months now, and while I'm loosing weight, I tend to go off diet on special occasions and boy oh boy do I go off.

I'd love some help curving my actual hunger. My body WANTS to eat an entire bag Doritos, but my brain knows better.

Before you all give me advice on spacing out meals and making sure they're the right foods, I am! And I'm still hungry!

Ok rant over. (munches on a carrot)

submitted by /u/Too-Far-Frame
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Workout nutrition hacks

Exercise itself is merely a stimulus for change. The purpose of exercise is to induce stress on the body (e.g. mechanical stress, metabolic stress, nervous system stimulation). It’s not just to burn calories or to get our hearts pumping. Exercise is a tool we need in order to force our bodies to change.

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

My heart is sad.

Hello all, tomorrow is my 24th birthday. I have been on this weight loss journey for what feels like a lifetime, and honestly, it has been. Only a few short months ago I weighed 150lbs, this wasn’t my goal weight, but I was content with myself (5’5 Female, for reference). I had this goal of being 145 by my birthday. I was SO close!! And then I stopped. Just stopped. I watched as the weight slowly crept up, I kept telling myself I would start again tomorrow..

Today I weigh 166lbs. My. Heart. Sunk.

I feel like crying, hiding, never eating again. I can’t believe I let this happen. Tears are rolling down my face as I’m typing this. My heart is so sad and this is the only place I know to go to. Nobody in my real life understands..

I know 166lbs may not seem like a lot to you guys. But those 16lbs that I gained represent almost all the weight I lost in the first place. Thinking about how hard it was to lose them to begin with is so disheartening when I think about having to do it all over again.

My heart is just sad.

Anyways, here I am, day one of many, and I promise myself I will never let me feel this way again.

TL;DR: I gained almost all my weight back in a matter of two months. Just sad and ready to lose it all again.

submitted by /u/SadButterfingers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss friends/groups/support for a girl (27) who wants to lose 15kg (33lb), starting from 75kg(165lb)? :)

Hello! :)
I've been lurking here for a while but this is my first post. I'm planning to start my last diet ever which means that I really want to do this properly. No more quick fixes and losing and gaining everything back + more. My history here is pretty sad as I started "dieting" some years ago when I was perfectly healthy and good looking at a weight of 61kg. I have no idea why I was not happy back then but now I realise that yeah, it was a good weight for me after all. Ever since I have been doing ridiculous diets with enormous amounts of exercise and too little food and after every diet I've gained the weight back really quickly and then some extra due to terrible binge eating episodes. And that's why I am 14kg fatter than what I was when I first started... Now my goal is just to get back there. :D

My plan is to do plain old CICO, counting calories and exercising too. But the point is: I want to lose this weight for good. I don't want to notice yet again after some months that I successfully lost 7kg but then regained some 10kg. Therefore my goal is to lose only 1-2kg per month meaning that with this pace I will most likely lose weight permanently and also save some muscle mass. Right now I'm very chubby looking because I seriously have no muscles. I love cardio but weight training... Hmm, not so much. So my goal is that I'll hit my goal weight next summer!

Now I'm looking for some support and advice from you guys and would also like to know if there is anyone who would like to do this together? Doesn't have to be anyone at the same weight, I would just like to talk with people who want to do a permanent lifestyle change and lose weight in a more relaxed pace. :) If you also know any kind of weight loss support group or anything that I could join, that would be amazing.

submitted by /u/sonjadeliina
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Bounce Back After a Day of Overeating

You headed into your weekend with the best of intentions. You really did. But one little indulgence quickly became two, and before you knew it, those sneaky little slip-ups spiraled into full-blown diet derailment.

It happens to the best of us.

Actually, according to a study published in the journal Obesity Facts in 2014, it happens to the majority of us. In this study, researchers determined that almost everyone gains weight on the weekends and loses weight during the weekdays. Most participants weighed the most on Sundays, and the least on Fridays. This weight pattern was consistent across both lean and the heavy subjects. And yet some subjects managed to lose weight while others experienced more permanent extra poundage.

As it turns out, the primary difference between those who were able to lose weight and those who were left with more permanent extra poundage was how the subjects compensated for their wayward weekend activities. Those who were able to lose weight demonstrated stronger compensation patterns―their weight decrease started immediately post-weekend, and continued until Friday. Those who gained weight, on the other hand, had more variability between days and no clear decrease during weekdays. These findings suggest that by being extra mindful during the week, you can recover from a weekend of overeating and still lose weight.

Here are three simple tips to for getting back on the trim-down track after a reckless weekend diet.

It may seem counter-intuitive, but the last thing you should do after overeating is starve yourself. Not only can swearing off food entirely slow your metabolism, it can also lead to extreme hunger―a recipe for further diet destruction. Instead of skipping meals, reach for healthy choices. If your indulgences involved sugary sweets, you may continue to experience sugar cravings. To quell the need for sweet, opt for an apple, orange or other fruit. Choose meals that are high in protein and fiber, which can help stabilize blood sugar stable and keep you feeling full.

Drink up
Filling up on fluids after a weekend of indulging is beneficial for a number of reasons. If the foods you enjoyed over the weekend were high in sodium, odds are you’re retaining excess fluid, which can contribute to uncomfortable bloating as well as a high number on the scale. Drinking water will help combat that effect by flushing out the excess fluid. Plus, it will help keep you feeling fuller and aid in moving food waste through the body faster.

Move it
There’s nothing like a good sweat session to torch extra calories, get rid of excess fluid, aid in digestion, burn calories, and just generally make you feel better. Just don’t push yourself so hard trying to compensate for a few days of bad eating that you end up so sore you can’t work in a workout the following day or worse: you injure yourself. Remember that you don’t have to compensate for a whole weekend’s worth of bad eating in one day. It’s more important that you are consistent in your compensation efforts.

The post How to Bounce Back After a Day of Overeating appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf