Monday, July 15, 2019

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long time lurker and first time poster, just needing to vent.

I’ve been morbidly obese for about as long as I can possibly remember. Last year around July was definitely the worst point of my obesity. At this time last year I weighed 340lbs, the heaviest I’ve ever weighed in my life. I had been bouncing in and out of the gym every few months or so, never thought about my diet (my diet was terrible). So I decided I didn’t want to live like that anymore and started eating better and portion sizing my food. Here we are 1 year later and I am now at 260lbs. I have some unrelated health issues at the moment but other than that I feel marginally better, great even. Usually an achievement like that would make me feel very proud as I have not seen the scale number that low since my Freshman year of high school, however all I have felt is that I’ve lost too much weight. All of my family is obese so I constantly get comments on how “you’re loosing weight too fast” or “are you okay you look sick. All I’ve done is a brief 2 months of intermittent fasting in combination of portion sizing my meals. My activity level is around the same, I did however cut out any drink that isn’t water. Any time my family sees me they remark on my weight loss being a bad thing and it’s done nothing but make the journey to the goal weight even more difficult. Last night I binge ate for the first time in 4 months and it was honestly one of the most defeating things I’ve knowingly allowed myself to do.

submitted by /u/gettin-the-succ
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Protein shake vs Meal Replacement shake for breakfast

Hi wise subreddit. I need your advice. I'm trying to lose weight. I go to the gym fairly regularly. I usually eat one boiled egg and an English muffin with butter/almond butter for breakfast. Or oatmeal and banana. But today I tried the Premier Protein chocolate shake instead for breakfast (plus coffee). I felt way more full and energetic throughout the day than normal; probably has to do with the 30 grams of protein in the shake.

So would it be okay do you think if I just drink this protein shake everyday for breakfast? It's 160 calories and gives me energy with the protein. And I eat regular lunch and dinner meals. Or would a meal replacement shake be better? Or should I go back to eating regular solid food for breakfast? Again goal is weight loss but I like not feeling so sluggish and tired, so I can move more and work out more. Thank you kind redditors!

submitted by /u/PizzaSupremeStat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I almost lost 25 kg ( 55 lbs)

So I didn't know where to post these pics because I ain't no insta guru or influencer so I came back to my roots. It has taken me about 3 months to lose this weight and I ain't stopping now. I'm currently 100 kg and I have 20 kg left to lose of pure fat (let's hope that's fat) anw I hope this inspires u young and old hoes to keep on pushing and beating life back at its damn head. You control ur life not food or ur mom, dad uncle, teachers etc wat things u show infront of people shouldnt always be wat u truly believe in, thats for ur self and if u wanna share it great but be careful yall. Love x x and be nice people

Weight loss

The first 2 pics are the after obvi

submitted by /u/katyasdemonchil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running with LoseIt - 7/15/2019 - Is running great for weight loss?

This is a weekly post for the runners of LoseIt. All levels are welcome. You can be someone who ran for the first time or an experienced ultramarathoner. Thinking about running and have questions, this is the thread for you, too.

This thread is mostly to post NSVs, recap your week of training, talk about future runs, and get/give advice.

In addition I tend to ramble on about some topic to get through the automod. This week, is running great for weight loss?

Is it great for weight loss?

I ran into this article on the "myth" of running for weight loss. It does a good job of keeping running "great for you" while making a case for the downside in weight loss.

Here's my major gotchas with running for weight loss.

Running Impact limits Your Burn

The best exercise for weight loss is one you do regularly and enjoy. Running regularly is very possible. I've run 5-6 days a week for months on end.

But because of the impact and stress that running puts upon your body it is not recommended to launch into hours of running each week.

The suggested and prudent ramp up to running just 30 minutes 3 times a week is 8 weeks. To get to a 5+ day a week, 60 minute habit should take 6+ months at least. I recommend a year.

Why is this a downside? Most other exercise methods you can ramp up to 6 days/60 minutes in a fraction of time. And you can ramp up to walk, elliptical, bike exercise daily after 3-4 weeks without the slow adaptation needed to safely up your workouts.

Also non-impact workouts are way more forgiving in terms of long sessions. Want to do a 2-3 hour bike ride on the weekends with your 3-4 days a week 45 minutes rides as prep. Chance of injury or a long recovery is very low.

Run 2-3 hours on the same level of weekly running and recovery days are necessary, and injury a possibility.

Running Intensity is even Harder on You

With a non-impact workout, like the elliptical, someone with 6+ months of experience can do hard interval training 3-4 times a week racking up 90-120 minute workouts 5+ days a week. Those hard intervals are gold for weight loss unlocking lots of post exercise calorie burn. Running with intensity 1-2 times a week is suggested for regular runners. You could do intense but short sessions more often, though. It's just less training and less calories burned.

You can bike or do incline treadmill walking for hard intervals as well. Or rower, swimming, plenty of choices. Once you adjust and adapt to any of these cardio exercises, you can do 3x more time each week at a hard intensity compared to running.

Calories Burned Running can be easily matched

It doesn't take much to match running calories on the elliptical, rower, incline treadmill walking, or swimming. In fact, you can exceed the calories burn of running on a per minute basis easily with most of these. Cycling can be close, especially if you do interval work.

Incline walking can exceed running? With some working up speed and incline, yes. Going uphill on a treadmill at 7% grade at a brisk 4mph (6.5kpm) pace -- it is nearly a match for a 5mph (8kpm) slow run. Myself I built up to walking at 4.3-4.4 mph (7 kpm) at inclines up to 12% - equivilant to a 7.5mph (12 kpm) pace.

Running is just as opposed to lean muscle as fat

Less overall mass is better for running. This would appear to perfectly align with weight loss.

But it's loss of fat and lean mass. Less mass wins here and running appears to show no favor in dropping fat or lean mass.

Look at the top endurance runners in the world, and they are incredibly toned, but at the cost of lean mass. Not just these top athletes, at races I've been to the top performers are always very lean and light.

Sprinters can be quite built up, but that is built with power/explosive intensity training that is way more demanding than running for exercise.

Here's an article that appears to suggest that running can build lean mass. But it suggests a mere 3 sessions of 30 minutes a week. The intensity needed here is high and the volume duration so low as to not contribute much to weight loss.

The completely sedetary person going to running is definitely going to add muscle in their legs, but it isn't enough to counteract the overall loss. To keep lean mass a runner losing weight needs to do strength training on top of running.

So I Lose Some Lean Muscle, I didn't want to be muscular anyways!

Someone losing weight should be mindful of lean mass. A good body fat percentage at the end of your weight loss will mean more calories in your TDEE, an easier maintenance, and a more toned appearance. Lean mass is hard to rebuild without gaining weight overall and eating at a surplus - something you won't want to do after losing the weight. But without lean mass you may be unsatisfied with the appearance and performance of your body.

Cardio exercises overall contributes to lean mass loss similar to running. So if you burn those calories on the elliptical or on the bike, be mindful of fat and lean mass dropping away. Do what you can to preserve lean mass.

Why Run Then?

You can do more of other exercises, at a higher intensity, and burn more calories. Why run?

Running is an iconic cornerstone of fitness. There is no simpler, direct display of endurance and speed.

The "high" and mood improvement workouts provide are real, and require nothing more than sneakers and a sidewalk/road/trail. No gym membership, no weights, no bike, no classes needed.

Weekly Check-in

How did your week go? Get in your training miles? Complete a week of C25K? Do your first run? Complete a race? Let us know!

submitted by /u/cmxguru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to sincerely apologize to this sub. I am sorry.

Hi, r/loseit! I am an 18-year-old female who has posted on this sub once or twice before. Awhile ago, I posted my story on how I was always overweight or obese as a kid and decided to turn my life around last year. I’m not sure how to link my other posts here, but it can be easily found in my profile if you want to see why I’m apologizing. It was awarded a silver. And it was also locked not very long after I posted it.

I feel unworthy of that silver. I feel I’m unworthy of getting any sort of praise. Backstory: I was overweight/obese my entire life. My highest weight was 230 pounds at 17 years old and 5’2.5. I was consuming around 2300 calories at that time, all fried and junk food. I changed my habits literally overnight and went from one extreme to another in 24 hours. Dropped down to 800 calories with mild daily exercise, sometimes moderate if I climbed 6 stories to get to my office. I ate (and still eat) mostly clean and whole foods. I’d been drinking only water way before this, so cutting out soda and juice wasn’t a problem, thankfully.

I caused a bit of a stir on here when I posted the full, detailed story. It seems everyone was shocked that I had dropped down to 153 pounds in 7 months. That’s about 11 pounds a month on average, 77 total. I was losing 4 pounds each week at one point. I didn’t know that was abnormal. I thought any weight loss was good. This sub taught me it wasn’t good, considering I wasn’t super morbidly obese and had a capacity to lose 30 pounds a month. I was 153 pounds in March. I started my weight loss August 2018. Maybe it wasn’t the rapid weight loss that alarmed you. I think it was my way of doing it. I’m going to tell you the things I didn’t explicitly state in that post, and why I understand your frustration with me.

800 calories is too low, and I understand that now. I maintained a diet of 800 daily calories for maybe 4 or 5 months before my body began derailing. Mind you, I was doing intermittent fasting (16:8) and am still doing it now (18:6). Every time I reached above my head or stood up to quick, I saw black spots in my vision and got incredibly dizzy like my blood pressure dropped to a deadly level. Or rose, I’m not quite sure. I should’ve started eating more when I felt it the first time, but I figured “Hey, it was once and it went away after a few seconds, there’s no harm.” And the first time it occurred, I didn’t know it was from not eating.

I was stupid. I kept on eating like that. 800 calories WITH exercise. Every single day. Even on the holidays; I would not eat anything until my family came over and brought their holiday goodies. I ate “reasonably”: thanksgiving, I only had a couple servings of Spanish rice (the only meat I eat is chicken so no turkey for me), a bread roll, and a few tablespoons of filling out of the leftover apple pie. I weighed myself the next day, was up a pound. I absolutely lost it, because I didn’t know jack about fluctuation and that the sodium in the rice would cause me to gain a little. I cried (actually cried) and limited myself to 600 calories that day as a punishment or redemption.

I went to Graceland a few weeks later. My mom and I drove there from Houston (10 hours), so I made sure to pack my health foods in the ice chest and stay on track the entire trip. 800 calories even if I felt dizzy while touring the place. Fasting at my set time even if I got hungry afterwards from all the walking. One night, we got back to the hotel after hours of walking. I was starving, but it was past my time to eat. I began my fasts at 9 pm. It was 9:03 pm. My mom had grilled chicken from the Hard Rock Cafe. She told me to eat it. I told her no, that I had to wait because I couldn’t break my fast. She said I wasn’t allowed to leave her side until I ate it. I was really upset and kept saying no. She persisted and shoved it in my hand. Did I cry? A little. And I gobbled that whole serving down. I was starving to death. I think literally. When I got home, I’d lost a few pounds.

I was kinder to myself at Christmas a week later. Had a couple amazing frosted cookies and rice. I didn’t weigh myself afterwards because I knew the consequences. I waited a day or two. Was still up a little. I didn’t take it out on myself. I just got back on track and lost it all and then some soon after. Still 800 calories.

Before I knew it, I was 160 pounds. This was in February, around my 18th birthday. I started getting ill. I was in driving school and had to take a jacket with me because I had these constant shivers and was always freezing, though the building was warm. My eyes looked kinda sunken in. At this point, I was around 900 calories a day at most.

My mom went to her own doctor for a checkup and told him how I lost my weight (I wasn’t there, it was just casual conversation). He was alarmed and told her to tell me to STOP doing that, because I was under-eating and eventually my organs would begin shutting down. She relayed this to me. I was a little scared, yes, but not nearly enough.

March of this year, I decided that getting to 1200 calories a day is not that bad. It was difficult, and I did plateau. When I made the “uproar” post that month, I was at 1100 calories. People congratulated me, but most were very concerned for me, especially when I said I had been at 800 at one time. Some said that I had symptoms of an eating disorder and that the mods should take care of the post because of harmful content. Some even went to my other posts and comments and dug up some details I didn’t expose here.

I get it now. And I’m sorry that I caused such a panic here. I’m very sorry, and I mean that with my entire heart. I’m sorry that I worried some of you, and I’m sorry that it seemed I was trying to promote an eating disorder. While I was never “hospital” sick, I was almost there. My mom even threatened to take that extreme if I kept on.

Now, I’m consuming 1200 calories. I am quite active on r/1200isplenty and r/intermittentfasting. I still exercise and sometimes exercise twice a day to tone my skin up. I am 145 pounds as of today, touching 5’3. I’m slowly but surely losing and am almost at my target weight of 135 pounds. I don’t feel sick anymore. I feel okay. But I feel really bad and sorry that I made it seem I was promoting something toxic. I don’t feel worthy of the silver it was awarded. I should have never made that post sound the way it did. I should have showed the ugly behind it all. I should have told you how I hurt myself and what I did to finally do things the right way.

Thanks to you all, I know what is healthy and sustainable now. I’m doing okay. I’m so sorry to everyone, for that post. I love this sub and I love all of you. I don’t ever want to make a borderline eating disorder seem okay or sustainable even for a month. It’s not. I am sorry.

So again, I sincerely apologize. And I thank you all for getting me to finally wake up and open my eyes. Today, I’m stronger.

submitted by /u/CeCesReesesPieces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat