Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Progress over 6 months

Not NSFW but shirtless:

36M, 6'4". First pic is at 395, last one is at 347. Current bodyfat reading was 22% but I want to get a few more measurements done to get a good data set and make sure that I have an accurate picture of it all. Highest weight was just shy of 450, and that was sort of where I rode along for two years while I was stationed in Riyadh. It was impossible to control my diet there due to a lot of factors, but since I got transferred out to a smaller province I've actually gotten a lot more control over my food options.

For those first two years I was just lifting heavy, building strength, enjoying being strong if I had to be big. It took a while but I eventually had people sometimes seeing a strong guy first and a fat guy second. Still, most of the time I felt like nothing but a stomach on legs,so when I had the chance to really work on my weight for a change I took it. Now I've shrunk out of everything. Waiting on new pants, new belt, looking for new everything.

My fiancee has been my biggest cheerleader the whole time. She's still stuck in Riyadh, but once she joins me out in the province she wants to start training with me and working on herself too. The biggest thing that I think anyone can do to help their weight loss is to play the long game. Build muscle, get stronger, and keep your metabolic rate high with lots of hungry muscle tissue.

PS: Yes I know those numbers for height and weight and bodyfat sound ridiculous. These are the most accurate numbers I have right now, so please don't just chime in to call me stupid or something. Trolling doesn't help anyone.

submitted by /u/bigbossfearless
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m over 420lbs and something has to change

I’ve been overweight most of my life. Started with being over-fed as a baby and I guess I never really stopped eating. Docs thought I had a brain tumor cause it happened so young.

Fast forward to 2015, I start Wellbutrin/Zoloft and I got pissed off enough, kicked myself into high gear and went low carb. Didn’t calorie count at the beginning. Got down to 250 before I crashed and burned. I think my calorie limit just got too low (below 1500, some days 1200 or less) because I wanted to keep losing. Extreme intermittent fasting and OMAD that didn’t help. I just didn’t realize weight loss slows the closer you get to goal weight (neither did anyone in my family for that matter, I started getting shit here and there for not losing fast enough, just compounded things)

And so here I am again, I need to change again. I’ve been cycling through antidepressants to find one that works (Zoloft gave me extreme anxiety this time around, lexapro gave me extreme hunger, no bueno). Currently on Wellbutrin again.

I’m reaching that point again where I’m just so frustrated with myself.

I’ve been going to see a different doc and turns out I have hypothyroidism. She insists I should only have 1500 calories a day, not do Keto or low carb this time, but an anti-inflammatory diet. I talked with her about slowly lowering my calorie limit and she insists 1500-2000 calories a day is safer to start with VS remaining unhealthy longer than necessary.

I just don’t know. Is that safe? I don’t think I can do Keto again even though some of my friends and family lose weight so effectively on it. My biggest issue was the constipation and having to monitor my electrolyte levels like crazy. Not to mention my candida being worse on Keto.

I’m not supposed to have wheat because of my thyroid issues, so I will be a little low carb, not to mention I might have a gluten allergy. Keto/low carb did make me less hungry and feel great when all my electrolytes were balanced, I’ll give it that.

I’m predisposed towards gout now (was taking a water pill that left me with gout, I’m on daily cherry extract now because allopurinol gives me stomach issues) and possibly have undiagnosed gallbladder issues this time around (state insurance doesn’t test for shit unless it’s life threatening so idk for sure), so I don’t know if I should do Keto.

My biggest trouble is the sugar addiction though. Moving soon should help as most of the rest of my family eats trash and hardly ever gains weight. Our fridge and pantry hardly ever have anything healthy in them, but I can’t just throw out the trashy food.

I’m not sure where to start. Something has to change though. Advice? Where did y’all start? Did you go straight to 1500 calories or did you gradually lower them?

submitted by /u/BuddhaMonkey420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m really good at losing weight!...until I’m not

(Sorry about the length of this. I just don’t really have anyone I can talk to about this and I’m feeling really lost)

I’m 27f. 5’8. 101.1kgs/222.8lbs

I’ve been wanting to lose weight since I was about 11 years old, since I put on my favourite slim fit, ankle length dress at my grandmother’s house, and noticed for the first time an unattractive bump breaking the line of the dress: my stomach.

I’ve done everything you can name over the years: skipping meals, strict exercise routines, cutting out carbs, cutting out sugary treats, no eating after 6pm, calorie counting. And yet I always start off well, then stop, and put on more weight than I had originally before I can get a hold of the reigns once more.

I can already hear some of you saying “well there’s your problem, you shouldn’t be looking at weight loss as something requiring a short term fix! You need to make changes that are sustainable long term!”

But I grew out of the crash dieting and weird eating rules YEARS ago. Between the ages of 21 and 22, I managed to get down from 100.2kgs/221lbs to 76kgs/169lbs. There were no weird rules I had to abide by, I simply had to eat a normal amount of food, and be more active. I didn’t cut any foods out, I was allowed anything I wanted but within reason. It felt easy. It felt like I could do this for the rest of my life. Then I had to move back home for a few months while I prepared to move abroad for work - and something just snapped. It was like some switch turned in my brain and I had to sabotage all my efforts in the shortest time possible. And it worked. I managed to gain 20lbs in three months.

And this has been the cycle for the last five years. At first I chalked it down to getting stressed out when major life changes have happened. But I’ve noticed that even when things have been fine…there will eventually be the day where the switch flicks on and I simply self destruct, and I won’t stop until I weigh more than when I started.

This happened most recently in May. My weight had reached 99.2kgs/218.7lbs. Almost at my highest once more. I decided (again) that once and for all, I would lose weight. And I’d do it right. I’d take my time. Only aim for 0.5kgs/1lb a week loss. No eliminating food groups. No exercise routine that I couldn’t keep up with. I just had to track calories, allowing myself 1700 calories a day. Hardly an amount I’d feel restricted on, right?

And it worked! I lost 4.5kgs during the month of May. And it was SO EASY! I’d gone out three or four times that month because of birthdays and other social events. My boyfriend and I had even ordered a pizza during the month. Awful hay fever meant I’d skipped maybe a week of working out. But I was losing consistently and I was feeling great.

And then…the switch turned on. And I had to eat everything in sight. I wasn’t even hungry, I just had to eat, no matter what it was. I shuddered at the thought of exercising, despite having the tools to work out at home. And here I am… it’s the 4th September and I’m up to 101.1kgs. I was 103.4 last week…but I’m not feeling hopeful about losing this weight anymore. I’ve gone through this cycle time and time again and I really don’t think I can persuade myself that it’s possible for me anymore.

Weight loss is so unbelievably simple. I know HOW to lose weight. I’ve done it time and time again, but I can’t get my stupid mind to stick with it long enough to see it through. I just keep getting fatter and fatter each year. I took my first “before” photo when I was 18. I have a whole folder dedicated to all of my before pictures that will never be united with their own after picture.

I feel so hopeless. I don’t know what to do. I truly feel I’ve tried everything but dodgy diet pills and weight loss surgery. I feel like giving in…I feel like I should because it’s clear that I can’t do this…but being overweight is having a huge impact on my life. I’ve hated my body since I was 11 years old. I haven’t worn a dress since seeing my stomach sticking out of my favourite dress and branding myself as ugly. I know losing weight won’t make everything perfect overnight but there are so many things that would be easier for me if I could manage it. My knees hurt constantly, I'm tired all the time, I have no confidence, and I am stuck in baggy, unattractive clothing.

I would really love to be able to wear a dress again.

I know I’m being really defeatist and it seems I’m already knocking down all the options, but if anyone has been in a similar situation or has any advice I’d be truly grateful.

submitted by /u/turyplepurtle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do I need to change up to kick start my weight loss and motivation again?

Current stats: 5'6" / 27 / F | SW: 291 | CW: 216.8 | GW: 140

Hi all! First time posting here but a very long time lurker. I began my health journey back on January 14th and have lost 74.2 pounds through eliminating added sodium and sugars, eating more whole foods and light exercise twice a week.

I am reaching the halfway mark of my 150lb journey and I initally set a goal of losing 100lbs by December 31, 2019. I have been walking at least 1.5 miles twice a week on the treadmill at the gym.

These past two months have been dreadful. I go to the gym and walk on the treadmill but it doesn't push me to my limit like it did before. I do it out of sheer habit but I don't feel like it's accomplishing anything.

I'm looking for tips on how to become motivated once again. My eating is pretty good and I have become disciplined in that sense but the working out aspect is where I fail.

What have you guys done when you guys feel like you need to push to the next level but you're not sure how?

submitted by /u/Amax2192
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Didn't realize 60 lbs would make such a difference

Current stats: 5'6" / 26 / F | SW: 274 | CW: 216 | GW: 160

Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I just wanted to talk about my journey so far and how much insanity weight loss can be sometimes.

After seeing a photo of myself at my sister-in-law's baby shower back in October of 2018, I knew I messed up. At 274 lbs, I wasn't able to hide behind a cardigan or a loose dress. I looked like a twin with my sister who is 11 years older than me, over 300 lbs, and also struggles with her weight. I lied to myself and said the photo was stretched, but a friend told me that's really what I looked like. I felt so defeated. I didn't want to see my life stuck at that moment for another decade.

In January of 2019, I started a pretty crazy lifestyle change that not a lot of people are able to do, but I am able to maintain it pretty well. I focus mainly on CICO and IF, consuming about 1000 calories a day or less and fasting 16:8. I don't eat any salt, drink over 2 liters of water a day, and stay away from processed carbs or sugar. I eat mainly baked or stir fried vegetables with small portions of chicken or salmon. I don't cheat on my lifestyle, I allow myself to eat a few hundred extra calories to feel more full, but I never exceed 1300 calories in a day. I once tried 1500 calories, and felt sick. I worked out 5 days a week trying to burn off at least 400 calories each time. Within two months, I lost 39 lbs.

With rapid weight loss, you obviously get some complications. I kept having these terrible cramps that made me feel like I couldn't breathe, and after the 6th time I decided I needed to go to the hospital. I was in the hospital for 5 days without anyone knowing what I had, and I didn't eat anything for those days. I developed gallstones, and having anything over 10 grams of fat triggered an attack. I took a break from the diet, had a surgery, and needed time to recover. It was 3 months of torture for me, not being able to work out as hard as I wanted, or even eat as little as I wanted. I needed a break, and thankfully when I started up my diet again I saw I didn't lose any progress.

Now I'm back into the swing of things. It's been pretty tough, especially since I've had some serious life changes recently, but I'm focused and ready to get down to a healthy weight. I'm down 58 lbs, and have lost about 55 inches off my body. I've been plateauing right before 60 lbs, but I know I have so much more to go before I'll be happy. I'm slowly getting back into the gym and working out, and being more strict again with my diet.

I feel really accomplished, as I've never lost this much weight before, but I know I have a long way to go. My mental health has been progressively getting better, I'm thinking more healthy, and my mood swings are getting less intense. My boyfriend is really proud of me, and joked that if I reach my goal he'll propose to me. It made me laugh, but all I want is for him to be able to lift me up with ease, and at my goal I know he'll be able to do that. I can't wait till we get to that point.

My sister visited for the first time since I saw her at that baby shower, and my brother happened to snap a photo of us together. I didn't realize that almost 60 lbs could make such a difference, and I'm proud of myself to even get down to this level.

Before and after

I didn't like my company photo anymore, so decided to change it up with something a little more happy. Realized that I had a chin again, and I haven't stopped smiling since.

Face gains

submitted by /u/rokiiin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A look back after losing 100+ lbs. M32 5'11" SW:373 CW: 267 GW: Under 200

Comparison pics to start off. The before pics aren't necessarily my highest weights but close. Same with the afters. But it still gives a good view of how far I've come.

I posted here when I was just getting started on my journey. I was 25 lbs down at that point. So I figured I'd post an update. Original post here.

As I mentioned in my first post, this is my second big weight loss journey. I lost a little over 100 lbs when I was like 20. Over the next 12 years I gained almost 200 lbs. That made this weight lost journey extremely daunting because I was 12 years older and way fatter. Luckily it hasn't been bad at all.

Like last time I started in the spring. Losing weight in the summer is hard. So many excuses to cheat. I've done my best to limit my cheat days though. Save them for holidays and vacations where I know it's going to be hard to eat properly. This has usually led to cheat weekends instead where I just eat whatever I want for 3 days. It's nice to eat without the stress of tracking everything. Honestly it's been working for me so I can't complain. I think knowing that I'm going to have a cheat weekend coming up helps me not cheat at other times. I want to be as strict as I can until then so I can make the most progress before my weekend of food begins haha.

It's very interesting seeing how my cheat weekends actually effect my weight. Sometimes I'm actually shocked at how little I gain back over the weekend. Honestly, I can't eat what I used to even if I tried. So usually cheating just consists of eating unhealthier food and not tracking what I eat. But I'm physically limited by what I can consume. I definitely noticed this on my first cheat. I went out of town Memorial Day weekend to visit a friend and we ate out a meal every day. However, I never finished a meal. I usually ate half then saved the rest for dinner at the hotel later. This is something that never would have happened before. I would almost always eat just a little too much then tell myself there's no point saving the rest. Finish the rest and hate myself. Rinse. Repeat. So it was a real nice change of pace to not feel disgusting after meals and to save money by not having to buy dinner every night as well.

There was one cheat day recently that I definitely ate way too much. We went to my wife's work party. Her boss is Polish and a doctor so they had a giant spread of great food. And it just kept coming out. I had 2 huge plates of entrees. I was completely stuffed already but couldn't resist a sampling of all the deserts. At this point I was so full and didn't think I could eat any more. Then the cheese and sausage and bread comes out. Delicious cheese and sausage platters. This huge loaf of bread and a spread for it that was apparently just some kind of lard. I ate a little bit of everything. I haven't been that full in a long time. It was worth it though. And the fact that it was actually good food I was eating and not just stuffing myself with shitty frozen food like I used to made it worth it.

Like I said, the overall journey really has not been bad so far. The benefits are endless and keep coming. I'm down from a 3x shirt (should have been in 4x but didn't want to make that leap) to an XL/2X. Size 54 pant to 40/42. My energy level is insane. I mentioned in previous post that one of my biggest motivators was my daughter. I have so much more energy to do stuff with her which is definitely needed since she is 20 months old and full of energy herself. There's so many things we do now that just weren't an option 100 lbs ago.

One of the biggest things I noticed so far is just how bad of shape I was in. I mentioned last time that watching My 600 LB Life is what gave me the final kick in the ass to start my diet. Even then I saw a ton of similarities between myself and the people on that show. However, looking back now, it was way worse than I ever realized. I was just in such denial. I always wondered how you can get to the point where you can't take care of yourself but now I can see that. It isn't a overnight change. It happens over time. You start doing less and less. Hell, I was to the point where I would avoid going upstairs whenever I could. I would be so out of breath just running upstairs for something. I avoided anything with a lot of walking. Little things like these start happening and you don't think much of them or even realize you're doing it. Then it just gets way out of hand. Luckily for me, I took action a little earlier than them. However, I wasn't far away from that. I gained the last 100 lbs within probably 3 years. If I didn't do something now, I easily could have gotten to 600 by the time I hit 40.

This ended up being way longer than I thought it was going to be. You don't realize how huge of an impact losing weight has on your life until you sit down and let it all out. I'm extremely excited to continue this journey and get my life back. For me and for my family. I don't know what weight I plan on getting down to. Last time I got down to 185 and was thin for my build. I mainly want to get under 200 this time. However, if I get down to 186.5 I'll have lost half my weight so we'll see haha. Obviously this time I have to focus on maintenance. Last time I let my 20's take over and ate and drank whatever I wanted. Luckily now I'm settled down with a family and I think maintaining will be a lot easier. Fingers crossed.

submitted by /u/MotherFuckinTom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Very discouraged Today. Any advice?

Good morning everyone. I'm a F/38/5'10. I've been overweight for most of my life, and I've tried every "diet" out there. I have familial high cholesterol (600 untreated), got a kidney transplant last year, and have been diagnosed with "NODAT" or New Onset Diabetes Post Transplant (but let's be honest. I was super borderline prior and it was coming either way). I decided I was tired of being fat and unhealthy, and told myself I'd once again start a program. This time I joined Myfitnesspal and am eating under 1700 calories a day (I'm OK with slow weight loss. I need to learn to change my habits) and am doing None to Run, which I started Monday. Those things are going great, but I forgot to weigh myself Monday, and I started this week thinking I was about 260 and by next week I'd be in the 250s again. I was wrong. I got on the scale this morning at 267. I know it's not a huge difference, but it devastated me. Now I have to lose 7 more lb just to get to where I thought I already was. I have no desire to quit, but something in my brain is saying "You can't do this. That's 7lb and you already needed to lose 100". Something in me is sabotaging my efforts and this happens every time and I eventually give in. I KNOW I can do this, though. I was wondering if any of you have been here and how you got through it? I need to make this happen so I can finally be healthy and a good role model for my kids. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

submitted by /u/whalesharksarecool
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from loseit - Lose the Fat