Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Didn't realize 60 lbs would make such a difference

Current stats: 5'6" / 26 / F | SW: 274 | CW: 216 | GW: 160

Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I just wanted to talk about my journey so far and how much insanity weight loss can be sometimes.

After seeing a photo of myself at my sister-in-law's baby shower back in October of 2018, I knew I messed up. At 274 lbs, I wasn't able to hide behind a cardigan or a loose dress. I looked like a twin with my sister who is 11 years older than me, over 300 lbs, and also struggles with her weight. I lied to myself and said the photo was stretched, but a friend told me that's really what I looked like. I felt so defeated. I didn't want to see my life stuck at that moment for another decade.

In January of 2019, I started a pretty crazy lifestyle change that not a lot of people are able to do, but I am able to maintain it pretty well. I focus mainly on CICO and IF, consuming about 1000 calories a day or less and fasting 16:8. I don't eat any salt, drink over 2 liters of water a day, and stay away from processed carbs or sugar. I eat mainly baked or stir fried vegetables with small portions of chicken or salmon. I don't cheat on my lifestyle, I allow myself to eat a few hundred extra calories to feel more full, but I never exceed 1300 calories in a day. I once tried 1500 calories, and felt sick. I worked out 5 days a week trying to burn off at least 400 calories each time. Within two months, I lost 39 lbs.

With rapid weight loss, you obviously get some complications. I kept having these terrible cramps that made me feel like I couldn't breathe, and after the 6th time I decided I needed to go to the hospital. I was in the hospital for 5 days without anyone knowing what I had, and I didn't eat anything for those days. I developed gallstones, and having anything over 10 grams of fat triggered an attack. I took a break from the diet, had a surgery, and needed time to recover. It was 3 months of torture for me, not being able to work out as hard as I wanted, or even eat as little as I wanted. I needed a break, and thankfully when I started up my diet again I saw I didn't lose any progress.

Now I'm back into the swing of things. It's been pretty tough, especially since I've had some serious life changes recently, but I'm focused and ready to get down to a healthy weight. I'm down 58 lbs, and have lost about 55 inches off my body. I've been plateauing right before 60 lbs, but I know I have so much more to go before I'll be happy. I'm slowly getting back into the gym and working out, and being more strict again with my diet.

I feel really accomplished, as I've never lost this much weight before, but I know I have a long way to go. My mental health has been progressively getting better, I'm thinking more healthy, and my mood swings are getting less intense. My boyfriend is really proud of me, and joked that if I reach my goal he'll propose to me. It made me laugh, but all I want is for him to be able to lift me up with ease, and at my goal I know he'll be able to do that. I can't wait till we get to that point.

My sister visited for the first time since I saw her at that baby shower, and my brother happened to snap a photo of us together. I didn't realize that almost 60 lbs could make such a difference, and I'm proud of myself to even get down to this level.

Before and after

I didn't like my company photo anymore, so decided to change it up with something a little more happy. Realized that I had a chin again, and I haven't stopped smiling since.

Face gains

submitted by /u/rokiiin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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