Friday, September 27, 2019

Can't cheat on diet since weight loss.

So I'm a 35 year old male. Earlier this year I was carrying almost 290 pounds on a 6'2" frame, my all-time highest weight. I decided that enough was enough and started to do a very simple diet. 1,500 calories a day, six days a week, while also trying to exercise fairly regularly. On the seventh day I'd have a cheat day and eat whatever I wanted.

For the first few months it worked amazingly well. I lost weight quickly and the one day a week where I let myself eat whatever I wanted allowed me to be ok living with a restrictive diet the other six. I currently sit at 235 lbs, so I'm down almost 55 pounds and over halfway to my goal of 100 pounds of weight loss.

But starting three months ago, I started getting stomach pain at the end of every cheat day. Awful pain in my stomach right in the dead center, right below my rib cage that would keep me up at night. I also experienced excessive burping that smelled like sulfur. For the first few months of the diet, no problem on cheat day. Now this happens almost every time.

I've asked a doctor about it and they think it's just indigestion I'm suffering now that I'm healthier. Zantac and GasX help to a degree, but not too much. It's frustrating because my whole life I had an iron stomach, could eat whatever I wanted. Before I got in better shape this year I think I could count the times in my life that I had indigestion like this on one hand. Now it's once a week.

I realize the easy answer here is "Just don't eat so much food, especially bad food, on your cheat day", but as stupid as this sounds, being so excessive one day a week has really made this diet work for me. I'm an all or nothing kind of person, I can't have just one cookie, because then I know I'll eat half the bag. But for some reason, I can eat a half bag of cookies and then eat none for the rest of the week. I'm either going to have a really strict diet and exercise day, or the complete opposite, and I need that one bad day a week as kind of a pressure release valve. My cheat days I don't gorge myself to the point of getting sick or anything like that, but I definitely treat myself to a lot of my old favorites that I don't allow myself to have at any other time, pizza, ice cream, etc.

So does anyone else experience this and do you have any advice? It's so frustrating because I found a healthier way of living that works for me, but being up half the night once a week with stomach pain is really starting to get to me. At the same time, I don't know if I can modify my diet in a way that would avoid that pain and still be able to stick to it.

submitted by /u/ConcreteFireworks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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