Saturday, September 28, 2019

NSV-Blood Work is perfect!

I am 2 pounds away from overweight (so SV post is coming in a week or two!) but I wanted to post my NSV as well. I started my weight loss at a HW of 240 pounds at 30 years old. I was prediabetic with an a1c of 6.1, and my triglycerides were terrible at 246. The only problem I didn't have was high blood pressure, and that was just a matter of time. I was "healthy" through my early and mid-twenties while obese, but of course that doesn't last forever. So, there I was at 30, looking at future health problems in my late 30's. No doubt I would be diabetic if I didn't change, so I decided it was time to lose weight. I lost 20 pounds on my own, then I started on phentermine/topirimate combo (9.25mg/50mg in an effort to mimic the weight loss med Qsymia, which is far to expensive on its own) which has been a very effective tool, in combo with counseling to treat disordered eating. I use CICO and track calories carefully, eating between 1200-1600 most days. I'm down 70 pounds, and just had a full blood panel. My a1c is now 5.4, and my triglycerides are at 46, both of which are considered totally normal! I have reversed prediabetes. I am currently tapering off the weight loss meds, only taking them 2x per week in an effort to get to my goal on my own, as I only intended to use them as tool anyways. I'm still losing at the same steady pace, so I don't believe I need them anymore, if I ever did.

I also have rheumatoid arthritis, recently diagnosed. It's a major bummer but I'm really glad I was half way through my weight loss journey when I started to have a major flare, because it would have been so much more difficult to have major, chronic pain in my feet at 240 pounds than it is at 170. The disease might be easier to manage at a normal weight, and my goal is 125. No guarantees but my chances of successful treatment and possible long-term remission of symptoms is greater so I have even more incentive to get there. If I can do it, anyone can! I certainly didn't think I could a few years ago, and had bought heavily into "health at every size" bunk. It was making me sick, and I'm glad to be free of it!

submitted by /u/superstitiouspigeons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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