Friday, September 27, 2019

My brother and his girlfriend noticed my weight loss!

For context: I am 25, female, 177cm and I weighed myself at the end of 2017 and was 173kg (381.4lbs). I didn’t do anything serious about it after failing another weight loss attempt. Then I got some health issues in about June this year and realised I had to make changes, at the start of July I finally weighed myself (I’d been avoided it and made lifestyle changes for a couple of weeks prior) and I was 157.3kg (346.7lbs). I currently weigh 130.9kg (288.6lbs). I have been low carb (I have diabetes) and doing calories in/calories out. Measuring and portion controlling everything. Only drink water. I also try to walk 30 minutes 5 days a week, but often only manage 3 or 4 days. I am a lot stricter with my diet vs exercise at the moment. Still a long way to go, but I’m happy to be making progress for the first time ever.

Anyway, per the title, my brother and girlfriend noticed my weight loss! This is a massive deal for me. I look in the mirror and can’t see any change at all. I sometimes wonder ridiculous things like, is my scale broken? Am I imagining everything? I mean, deep down I know I’m not, but I just can’t see a difference and have a lot of anxiety about it all. Nobody in my family mentions it, I think they avoid saying anything as it is an awkward topic, so I don’t really blame them. My doctor mentions it every time I go so that’s encouraging, but I still struggle to see anything myself. Sometimes I think my clothes are looser, but again I often convince myself I’m imagining it. Do others do this too?

Anyway, my brother always speaks his mind. He has no filter and it often annoys me or he ends up insulting me without realising. Today though, he said “You’re skinnier. Like, a lot skinnier!” And I said “Haha thanks yeah I’ve been losing weight. Still nowhere near skinny though.” “No but you’ve lost a lot. It looks weird. Even your neck!” His girlfriend also said “Wow, you’ve lost a lot!”.

Anyway, it made me feel really happy, because I know he never lies to me and is obsessively truthful lol, too much so sometimes. The reason he said “it looks weird” is because we are only 1.5 years apart (he’s older), and my whole life I’ve always been overweight and obese, he doesn’t know me any other way. My brothers are all really skinny, and I’ve always been the fat sister. They’re all blonde and blue eyed, and I am brown haired and green/brown eyed. Always the odd one out lol. Anyway, it’s always a topic we’ve avoided, but now I’m losing weight I feel more comfortable them mentioning it. And I’m really glad he did mention it, as it helps me believe that what I’m doing is actually working and I’m actually making progress.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my vent/story if you’re still here! :)

submitted by /u/WhatsaGime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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