Friday, September 6, 2019

Looking for a weight loss buddy

Hi! I'm looking for a one-on-one weight loss buddy to talk/text/email with regularly for accountability and support. Someone who I can reach out to when I'm tempted to binge or to celebrate passing on office donuts.

Ideally someone who:

-is female

-is around my age - 37

-doesn't have kids

-has a lot to lose (or is maintaining a large loss). I have about 120 to lose and am about 10 pounds in

-shares the same ideals: sustainable and maintainable (life-long) habits and the importance of the mental/emotional aspect

-is doing CICO or similar like Weight Watchers

-If you're in the Houston area, that'd be awesome!

I of course don't expect anyone to have all of these in common with me but the more the better! Let me know if your interested!

submitted by /u/ermagerdskwurlz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your top 3 food prep tips for weight loss?

Original post SSC:

Here's mine:

1: Cook food I look forward to eating. I don't want to be eating food I don't like, even if it is really good for me. It's important that the food you are eating in your meal prep plans are foods that you are excited about eating. Foods that you love.

2: Invest in high quality food-storage containers. Having a set of nice containers that you love using makes it soo much easier to stick to your meal prep plans. This one is surprising very beneficial.

3: Get on the Mason jar salad bandwagon (Search it up if you don't know what it is).

submitted by /u/Dec0yyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Jounrney] 300lbs Man's Journey to be fit and happy

Hello, I'm a 28-year-old man from India and this is my journey to lose half of my weight in the shortest period of time[I guess 6 months?]. I started on the 27th of July with the keto diet and lost 10 kgs within days but then I started having metabolical problems. I was not able to digest anything even cucumber. I was vomiting and heartburn was like every second. I left that and regained those 10 kgs in the next 6 days.

I was again 132 Kgs and all my effort was in vain. But, I had some idea of what I'm going to do post the keto diet so I read /r/loseit and other Reddit posts to understand how weight is lost properly. I also kept on on eating few calories each day. Moreover, I increased my steps as the days passed. I'm now 120.2 Kgs and It's been a pleasure. I'm able to see myself as thin and smart in my dream. I hope you will read my updates.

I have attached an Excel sheet that has all my weight loss details. I will keep updating the sheet and this thread almost every day. Thank you!!!AhKkm-Nrf1nhgifg9Puz4oDLL0Sn?e=lhpxec

submitted by /u/truerulerJR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

48/F/5’2”/SW:217 CW:120)The emotional aftermath of weight loss, aka my body is a ruin and I’m really struggling with it.

I was always a bit chubby as a young girl though I slimmed down some during my wild teenage years. I started getting pretty fat in my late 20’s and by the time I was in my early 30’s I was bouncing around 200, give or take 20 pounds. Giving birth to 3 kids didn’t help.

In 2006, at 217 pounds, I started Weight Watchers and got down to a very fit 147 pounds. I was hitting the gym 4-5x a week, 2 hours at a time. It wasn’t sustainable. My boyfriend moved in from across the country, we started going out a lot for beer and dinner, we stopped going to the gym, etc. I put about 50 pounds back on. A couple of years later I lost 30. Gained them back. Lost 20. Gained them back. Etc. etc.

In January 2018 I was 196 pounds and decided to try again and just see where I could get. This time I decided to do it differently. I wasn’t going to the gym, because I know I won’t keep going. I wasn’t going to track calories, because that just starts to fuck with my head after a while and I know I won’t sustain that either. So I decided I would try to “retrain” my body. I started eating less while still making good choices. I stopped drinking and started smoking weed (which actually suppresses my appetite rather than giving me the munchies). I weigh myself daily, once in the morning, and that is the only tracking I do. If my weight trends up, I eat less for a few days. If it’s trending down past my arbitrary range (120-123), I eat more (those are exciting days lol).

My initial goal was 145 and I reached it in about 10 months (late October ‘18). I decided to go for 135, then 130, then 125, then 120, which I reached in March. My rate throughout the process was about a pound a week.

I’ve been able to maintain this weight for the last 6 months and I really like being small. :D I feel actually tiny. I feel petite. It turns out I have a great waist-hip ratio and a thigh gap, who knew? I have the body I always admired in other women! I’m a size 4, wtf?

But underneath the tight skinny jeans I can finally look good in, and the close-fitting clothes... I am a mess. My upper arms are very muscular, but they’re covered in crepey, flabby loose skin. My ass is literally wrinkly old lady ass. My boobs are gone. Like, almost gone. From a 44 full C to a 34 small A. Too low, the wrong shape. I have vertical folds from my sternum to my belly, like drapes. My inner thighs are water ballons. If I lean forward or bend over, my stomach skin hangs down like an iguana’s dewlap. There’s a six-pack under there, but I only know that because I can move the skin to one side and see it. Surprisingly, my “apron” isn’t as bad as I thought it would be so that’s a blessing I guess. It’s not pretty, but it’s small, all things considered (obesity, 3 kids).

Most of this I can cover, but it’s summer, it’s hot, and every time I catch my gross, crepey, wrinkled, saggy upper arms out of the corner of my eye I’m repulsed by my own body. I’m so ashamed of the way my skin moves and looks that sex is becoming a problem (for me). No more getting on top, that dewlap just kills my mood, as an example). I can’t just bulk up for the rest of my life to fill it out, I’m already pretty fit and there’s WAY too much to fill. I just don’t think at my age that it’s going to spring back. I can’t afford and will never be able to afford surgery and even if I could, I couldn’t spend that kind of money on my own vanity when there are so many other uses for it.

I’m not really looking for advice, I’ve done the googling, I just wonder if anyone else is in this position and how you coped. I go back and forth between trying to cut myself some slack and be proud of the weight loss and just hating myself for being this way. I get down on myself for being vain but I just can’t seem to shake the shame and repulsion when I see my body and all the damage I did to it.

How do you cope?

submitted by /u/FlabbyMcFlabberson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss with Hypothyroidism

Hey all,

I'm back on the wagon after being off of it for about a year. I got down to 218, then just sorta stopped. I was still weighing in to make sure I wasn't getting out of control, but I wasn't dieting. But here I am again! About a month ago, I went to the doctor was weighed in at 235 pounds. Come to find out after some bloodwork, I have hypothyroidism! It made sense since I gained about ten of those pounds within a month, and I didn't just start eating a lot of food out of nowhere.

I started treatment for it and I'm down about seven pounds. Which is great! However, I'm worried about moving forward. Has anyone lost a lot of weight with hypothyroidism? Everything I'm reading says it's pretty much impossible. Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/katwontbudge
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Onederland! It’s possible!

Hey y’all, 20y 6’0 male here. I started my journey in mid May at 255 pounds. This morning I stepped on the scale to read 197.8 lbs!! I have more work ahead, with a goal weight of 185. I’m sitting at 14.5% body fat right now. I had horrible self confidence issues at my heaviest weight, and slowly but surely, those insecurities are dissipating. I got to my heaviest weight due to some pretty severe injuries in both of my legs about 2 years ago. I became too lazy to rehabilitate them, and I ballooned up in size, gaining about 70 pounds in ~6 months. I fell into a deep depression, got diagnosed with Bipolar II, and started flunking school. This summer I set out to undo all of my shortcomings, and I’ve lost just over 55 pounds in 3.5 months! Small shoutout to lower carbs and IF. For anyone feeling discouraged, trust the process. Results will come- you didn’t put the weight on in a day, even a month. Good luck to everyone in your weight loss (and other) endeavors!! Big thanks to this community.

submitted by /u/julesjuuls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question: Most sustainable method for weight loss?


For about 6 months I've been counting calories, I start/stop eating at certain times, I weigh all my foods and eat the serving sizes, and I regularly exercise. I'm not overweight but I am short, so there's a certain number that I have to stay around because even though I am "normal" weight, for my height it just doesn't work well. Anyways, with this system I've been doing, I haven't really lost more than maybe 1 or 2 lbs, but it's kept me from skyrocketing up on the scale. The thing is, I went on a 10 day vacation where I did not weigh, count a single calorie, really worry about what I was eating at all, didn't eat at my normal times, and wasn't eating all that well (typical vacation "junk" foods). I expected to have gained at least 5 lbs with how I ate on that trip, lol. When I stepped on the scale when I got back though, I had LOST 2 lbs! I went back on my typical "diet" and over the next few days I had noticed I was slowly gaining back ounces and I was back to where I started (even with restricting)! This really discouraged me and I binged for like 3 days (I didn't portion control at all). By doing this I gain 2 lbs, so now I am 2 lbs over what I was before I went on vacation (and 4 lbs over what I was upon my return). Why? What am I doing wrong (aside from the binge). Why did I lose weight when I wasn't tracking anything yet I come back and get back on the ball thinking I'll at least maintain, yet I gain 2 lbs within a week doing everything "right"? It makes me think this system I have in place is really not working. And I'm eating about 1,300-1,400 cals a day and some days I'm still hungry so I really wouldn't want to go below this. If I could get back down 2-4 lbs, I would be thrilled as I would love to stay at that weight and not have to worry so much about weighing, counting, etc. Seeing how I lost on vacation and gained when I started counting again, it makes me really want to stop my strict "plan"! The problem is that just with these 2 lbs I've gained (considering what I was before the vacation to where I am now) I can see the difference in how my clothes are fitting tighter, and it's been 2 weeks since I got back. What can I do? What have you all found to be the most sustainable method for losing and keeping the weight off?

submitted by /u/emben003
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from loseit - Lose the Fat