Friday, September 6, 2019

Question: Most sustainable method for weight loss?


For about 6 months I've been counting calories, I start/stop eating at certain times, I weigh all my foods and eat the serving sizes, and I regularly exercise. I'm not overweight but I am short, so there's a certain number that I have to stay around because even though I am "normal" weight, for my height it just doesn't work well. Anyways, with this system I've been doing, I haven't really lost more than maybe 1 or 2 lbs, but it's kept me from skyrocketing up on the scale. The thing is, I went on a 10 day vacation where I did not weigh, count a single calorie, really worry about what I was eating at all, didn't eat at my normal times, and wasn't eating all that well (typical vacation "junk" foods). I expected to have gained at least 5 lbs with how I ate on that trip, lol. When I stepped on the scale when I got back though, I had LOST 2 lbs! I went back on my typical "diet" and over the next few days I had noticed I was slowly gaining back ounces and I was back to where I started (even with restricting)! This really discouraged me and I binged for like 3 days (I didn't portion control at all). By doing this I gain 2 lbs, so now I am 2 lbs over what I was before I went on vacation (and 4 lbs over what I was upon my return). Why? What am I doing wrong (aside from the binge). Why did I lose weight when I wasn't tracking anything yet I come back and get back on the ball thinking I'll at least maintain, yet I gain 2 lbs within a week doing everything "right"? It makes me think this system I have in place is really not working. And I'm eating about 1,300-1,400 cals a day and some days I'm still hungry so I really wouldn't want to go below this. If I could get back down 2-4 lbs, I would be thrilled as I would love to stay at that weight and not have to worry so much about weighing, counting, etc. Seeing how I lost on vacation and gained when I started counting again, it makes me really want to stop my strict "plan"! The problem is that just with these 2 lbs I've gained (considering what I was before the vacation to where I am now) I can see the difference in how my clothes are fitting tighter, and it's been 2 weeks since I got back. What can I do? What have you all found to be the most sustainable method for losing and keeping the weight off?

submitted by /u/emben003
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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