Wednesday, October 2, 2019

I have plateau'd and am banging my head against the wall as to why

I tried to post in r/fitness, but can't because the bot there deletes your post no matter what when you post this question.

First off, this sub (loseit) has been a huge inspiration for me. I've been watching posts on here for years as I slowly fell into worse and worse shape, but I was always able to cling to hope. I finally started really trying to take care of myself this year and since May have gone from 210+ lbs to ~174. I feel awesome and I was able to take vacuum-sealed clothes out of storage that I thought I'd never wear again and they fit better than before! That being said, my goal weight was to hit consistently under 170 (with consideration towards muscle mass and body fat). That is the weight that is healthiest for my body, according to my doctors. But my weight loss has STOPPED. Like hard. I am going insane.

I have been at roughly the same weight and BF for over 8 weeks. Done TDEE calculations up the wazzoo and while I don't use an app to track my food (my diet is seriously not complicated), I count in my head and know for a fact that I absolutely, consistently stay well below maintenance. Details - male, 6 foot, 3x workouts per week (MWF, Stronglifts 5x5, and I start with a ~1000m warm up on the row erg). On weekdays I'll usually have a small coffee in the morning (black), I drink a Huel with a protein shake mixed in (400+120 calories) at around 11 or 12, occasionally I'll snack on HEALTHY jerky (<1g sugar and 8% sodium per serving; it's like 45 cal per oz) or a protein bar if I get peckish before dinner (so about 0-250 calories). Depending on dinner, I'll supplement with additional protein (shake/bar) and on workout days, I always have a shake right after working out. Dinner isn't consistent, but I balance macros with an emphasis on clean protein, while keeping the calories under threshold. I've NEVER had a dinner exceed 1200 calories, the average is probably between 600-800. You can do the math if you want, but even if I pound 6 extra protein shakes in a day, I don't exceed ~2000 cal, which is around my cutting requirement. I rarely drink alcohol (maybe one drink a week) and I don't consume any kind of soda, diet or otherwise. There are no hidden calories in my diet that I'm not counting and, if anything, I have trouble getting enough calories rather than eating too many. This is the crux of my issue because the only advice I'm getting is basically that I'm wrong about either how many calories I'm eating or how many I need. I already feel like I'm on the verge of not eating enough and I'm working out pretty intensely for ~4.5 hr/week ... it just doesn't add up.

I should be consistently losing something, instead I have plateau'd at ~174 lbs and ~21% body fat (based on a scale). I've obviously seen muscle gains, but nothing that would explain a completely flat weight distribution across 8 weeks. There's just no way.

tldr; 6 foot male @ ~174 lbs working out 3x week and consistently, 100% certainly, in a cutting calorie range. Total weight plateau for over 8 weeks now. Help!

submitted by /u/tokoraki
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running Costume Contest

I’m excited to announce the Run Eat Repeat Running Costume Contest is back this year!! I love to dress in costume for a race. And I love seeing other runner’s costumes too! This is a great way to meet other runners in a super fun way – by sharing your running costumes on Instagram. And […]

The post Running Costume Contest appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

When did people start commenting?

In the early stages I didn’t feel like I lost any weight. Despite the scale showing a difference and downward trend, I still felt like I looked the same in the mirror. In total I’ve lost 17 pounds so far. SW 153, CW 136.

It wasn’t until I lost 14Ibs when people started to comment on my weight loss.

At work, no one comments. So, I was convinced it was unnoticeable.

Then suddenly the comments came flooding in quickly. Friends I didn’t see since August 17, started commenting about my weight. To them, they felt I lost a lot of weight. One commented that if I lost anymore weight I would be too thin. Despite this my BMI is still in the healthy range of 24.1.

But generally the comments were positive and lots of you look really good type of comments. One senior guy even commented how I look so much younger. He seemed quite puzzled and kept staring at me for a very long time.

submitted by /u/Nikitastar2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm trying.

My first post on here. I just started my weight loss. I am 28 (f) with a semi active job ,(lots of walking) and I am 210lbs. It's the biggest I've ever been, and I do not like myself this way. I used to have a very good metabolism and ate breakfast burritos and pizza lunches with takeout dinners constantly when I was younger. I realize I can no longer do that, and my past has really affected my relationship with food. I am on day four, logging food and counting calories and I already want to quit. I feel so hungry all the time, and healthy foods... do not taste super good. I already have the quits, and am unsure how to push myself through this quitting mentality. I love food so much. :(

submitted by /u/Meekasqueek
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finding time to lose weight in a busy life (23, M, 190)

Hi all,

I am facing quite the challenge trying to find time to lose weight in my very busy schedule, and am desperately in need of some advice/ support. Additional background below:

About 2 years ago, while in college/ over a free summer I completely changed lifestyle, eating habits, and exercise routines, and dropped from 230 to 175. Everything was great, I felt healthy, looked amazing, and thought for sure that I had completed my last fight with weight loss.

Fast forward to now, I have graduated college and work full time as a scientist, while also taking 3 classes in the evenings to pursue an advanced degree in computational biology. Slowly but surely my weight started to rise, and now I am so disappointed to see I’m back up to 190. The schedule my life follows is just completely different than it was when I lost all my weight the last time. I have to drive >1 hour each way to work, and find that any time not spent at work or in the car is dedicated to school work or the bare necessities of life. I feel like I have a solid understanding of what it takes to lose weight, how to eat, and the importance of exercise. But knowing about something and actually having the time to dedicate to it are two very different things.

I guess my question for you all is, what do you do when you don’t have time for elaborate salads, and 2 hour a day gym sessions? What are small things that I could work into my life that might help me get back to where I’m fit and happy? And has anyone else with similar life situations/ overcommitted schedules found a good balance?

Kinda losing hope here

submitted by /u/hemlock_adelgid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just started on a high protein meal replacement shake for lunch, how much do I take?

as title says. After 6 months of workouts, cycling and little no weight loss I noticed my caloric intake was too high so decided recently to start skipping lunch in favor of MRE lite.. It's absolutely delicious but recommended servings seem to indicate usage in a workout setting rather than as a meal replacement as it says on the tub. How many scoops are you supposed to use if using it as a liquid lunch? 1 scoop/6 ounces of water is laughable.

I still cook some bomb ass dinners, so don't think i'm trying to shortcut my way through shit, i'm just trying to skip a few lunches here and there to cut calories while still getting some protein so I don't die every time i work out.

submitted by /u/Superfluous_Thom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone ever sweat like crazy during the night?

Hello people. I’m new to r/loseit and reddit in general, so if this post needs to be elsewhere please let me know!

In March I decided to start my weight loss journey. As of today I’m 60 lbs down and I have a looong way to go, but a few weeks back I noticed that some nights I wake up drenched in sweat specifically in my leg and thigh region. Is this normal during weight loss?

The only times I can recall sweating like crazy at night is during a nightmare or if I have a fever but that would be my whole body, not just one targeted area.

It gets to the point where I wake up thinking I’ve wet the bed because my blankets and sheets are wet to the touch where my thighs were as I was sleeping, and I can visibly see wetness on my thighs.

Please tell me this is normal because I don’t want to go to the doctor haha.

submitted by /u/DarkMndVirtuoso
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from loseit - Lose the Fat