Sunday, October 6, 2019

Running to help kickstart next round of weight loss?

Hi everyone! I’ve lost about 23 pounds since the end of May (192-169.) Most of it was done over the summer through CICO and training for a week long bike tour. Since then, I have moved across the country to start grad school. I’ve lost around 4 pounds in the last two months since starting school, but am ready to give myself another push. I’d like to be in the low 160s by the end of October and in the 150s by the time I go home for Christmas.

I haven’t been very strict on my calorie intake the last few weeks....with the stress of school, I find my appetite to be kind of erratic. One thing that I know makes a huge difference in my ability to stick to my routines is regular exercise. I run a few times a week now, typically between 2-2.5 miles. I’d like to increase my mileage by running more frequently (5 days a week) and eventually working my way up to 4-5 mile runs. I would like to train for a half marathon at some point, but won’t allow myself until I am within 10 pounds of my goal weight (155) because I don’t want to cause long term damage to my I’m looking forward to that as a sort of reward for progress lol.

Is there anyone who used running as a tool for weight loss with tips on how to stick to it safely and effectively?

submitted by /u/leobernie1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1 (again)

After my on and off again weight loss journey over the past 8-9 years, I’m finally at my breaking point. I’ve tried all the diets, all the work out plans, all the quick fixes...but I keep coming back to how I felt on Whole 30. I felt in control and disciplined...I was aware of that voice in my head telling myself “no” or “I don’t need that” and being truly aware of what was worthy of treating myself and what wasn’t. I easily passed up stale donuts in the break room at work without batting an eye and made the conscious decision to have my MIL’s homemade chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake she made for my birthday because THAT is worth every calorie.

Whole 30 is strict and not meant to be sustainable forever...and I have every intention on transitioning into a more realistic version of the diet. However, I let the sugar dragon creep back into my life and take over, making me feel weak to all my cravings and food choices. So tomorrow is my Day 1...of tracking on MFP, of working out at least 4 days a week at my gym, drinking a shit ton of water, and listening to that voice again that I know is in there. I’m going to lean more toward Whole 30/paleo because I feel best eating foods with limited ingredients and doing my own meal preparation...I’m excited and scared and ready for a change. Stay tuned....

submitted by /u/lewhit6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Send Noods and Food Holidays for Week of Oct 6

That’s hot. Today is National Noodle Day! Now I’m craving Ramen!! The FOOD Holidays for this week are: Sun – National Noodle Day Mon – National Frappe Day Tue – National Fluffernutter Day Wed – National Moldy-Cheese Day Thur – National Angel Food Cake Day Fri – National Sausage Pizza Day Sat – National Gumbo […]

The post Send Noods and Food Holidays for Week of Oct 6 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Low Carb Benefits?

So I've been doing keto for a few weeks and I've actually been really enjoying it. Less hunger, more energy, more clearheaded, and fast weight loss. However, I can't get rid of the dreaded keto rash that I started getting all over my neck and chest. So even though I really enjoy the benefits of keto, I think I have to stop. Pretty bummed about it.

My question is, are there any real benefits of eating low carb (like 50g-100g)? Obviously you won't be in ketosis but will you at least get some of the benefits that keto has? I'm most interested in less hunger and less inflammation as well as the increase in energy.

submitted by /u/biggari
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone used yoga along with CICO instead of doing HIIT? How were your results?

I’m a pretty sedentary college student besides having to walk up this giant hill on my campus. My asthma sucks and I get scared of my inability to breathe whenever I do intense cardio, but I found with yoga and pilates I can control my breathing much better. My local yoga place is having a GroupOn and also has a student discount. Because I can’t go to the gym often, I feel like purchasing these classes and going at my own leisure whenever I have time on the weekends would be more beneficial to me, especially since there’s no hidden annual fees and such.

Classes would be about $4 each if I invest in this GroupOn, and it comes with 10 classes. I was thinking of either going 1-2 times a week and seeing if I enjoy it, then invest in a membership at the Yoga place or just do the drop-ins with my student discount. I’m not a fan of the gym because I have to pay an expensive (for me at least since I’m a full-time student) annual fee and down payment fee and then monthly fees.

I’ve been doing CICO (except for yesterday, I went to one of my brother’s competitions and was out late at night, but I am of course going to get back on track) and I feel like it is working, along with some unintentional intermittent fasting from skipping breakfast because I have such early lectures and I’d rather get extra sleep than eat. I want to help my fat and weight loss by doing something active but not super intense, but just so that I feel stronger and have a better mindset.

How has yoga helped your weight loss journey? Did it help you both mentally or physically, and did you see good results from constant attending of classes and good dieting?

I’m looking to cut 25 pounds! My goal weight is 105-110, and I am currently 132 and 5’2”.

submitted by /u/StarsAndTakoyaki
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please help me.

Hey guys, not sure if posting with throwaways is allowed here but i figured i'll give it a shot.

Long story short, I really, really need help with my weight. Honestly the reason I'm using a throwaway is becaused I'm too embarassed to use my main account. I've actually posted on this sub before, about starting my weight loss journey, around april.

It went well, and I got compliments from a lot of people. My previously diminishing confidence was growing, and I found myself taking a lot of photos of myself, compared to before where I hated looking in the mirror or the camera. Everything was going really well, until around june.

My family went for a trip overseas, leaving me alone in the house for about a week. The hunger pangs and temptations slowly started creeping in, and try as I might, I wasn't able to fight them. I ate like crap for that week, and basically threw all my previous effort down the drain. Even after they returned, I wasn't able to get my diet back on track, and I watched as I gained back all the weight I lost, and then some.

Well, now we return to the present. I STILL have not made any progress, and honestly, I'm really scared. Back at around 2016, I lost 30 kgs in 3 months basically by starving myself. Yet now I cant even resist the slightest of hunger. I stay commited to my diet throughout the day but just vacuum the kitchen at night, binging like there's no tommorow.

School is starting in about a week, and I dont want to go back looking like how I do now. Fuck, most of my clothes don't even fit me now. It really feels like shit, but I know I've nobody to blame but myself.

Help me, please. Advice, Tips, Motivation, or just a small note. Anything. This is one of the most supportive communities on reddit, and now, dejected and lost, I turn to you guys. Please.

submitted by /u/Plshelpaaai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Facing my 2,322 calorie binge

I'm a binge eater. I try not to keep junk food in the house, because I know I can't control myself and I will eat them all. But nevertheless, yesterday I bought a bag of takis and a package of oreos and proceeded to steadily eat an unhealthy amount of both. I don't eat them all in one sitting, but I tend to grab a handful every time I walk through the kitchen until I feel horrible about myself.. then once I feel a little better I go back for more.

This morning I stopped myself while munching on an oreo and got out a piece of paper and my scale to see how much damage I'd done in under 24 hours. I had eaten 6 servings of takis (855 calories) and 10 servings of oreos (1,467 calories). The remainder of both packages went in the trash.

Outside of my binges I'm a healthy eater. I workout frequently and I've lost 40 pounds in my weight loss journey so far and I'm fucking proud of that. This binge totaled 2,322 calories of unnecessary shit, but I'm not going to get down on myself. I'm going to simply remind myself that this is why I don't keep unhealthy snacks in the house and keep moving forward.

submitted by /u/clare2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat