Saturday, April 4, 2020

How it feels to lose over 1/5 of your body weight

I first found this subreddit a few months back as I was first getting into the swing of things with my weight loss journey that’s I started last March 2019. I was feeling low on how my body always made me feel. My body felt like a burden, not fitting into chairs properly and being uncomfortable no matter how I was sitting/laying/etc. I never tracked my calories, weight, or anything. I barely worked out. I had a kick where my friend and I went and that was short lived.

I got sick of things and told my boyfriend I needed his help to get me on the weight loss journey. He was the reason I finally started it, and helped encourage me along the way. When I found this subreddit, it was actually a couple months into my journey and from a link my bf sent me, since he was also on this subreddit. He would send me posts from this subreddit of other people and how their journey was. It was inspiring content every time, whether it was someone my size losing weight or someone even less losing 20 pounds. It was a relief to read words of struggles similar to mine. Sometimes he found a post that had someone else relating to me after I complained to him about how I felt LOL. So, I thought it was time I post something, in the hopes that it inspires other people!

The month of March, 2020, marked my first official year of my weight loss journey. I was hoping to hit 250 by the time the one year hit, but I’ve been hovering between and stuck at 257-258. While part of me blamed the stuck at home orders in this quarantine time, another part blamed myself. I was going through old photos today and found the photo to the left (see link at the top). The photo was taken July 2017, and who knows how much I weighed then. I think it was more than when I first finally stepped on the scale a year ago after avoiding that thing like the plague. I was at 330 a year ago. Overall I’ve lost 73 pounds and 22.1% of my body weight. My weight loss graph (second photo link at the top) shows the trend that I’ve been on track as much as I could be, but sometimes you have to go up and down to get the downward slope. And it’s okay!! I had cheat days and days when I didn’t work out (especially now 🙃).

All in all, I’m a different person. I track my calories, nutrients, weight, and exercise in MyFitnessPal. I’ve started to take measurements to measure the areas getting smaller even if the number stays the same. I make sure to check in with how my body is feel during meditation. I hope that showing that I could do, especially after all these years of being a big girl, can help others. Even if it makes not a single impact on anyone, I know that it makes an impact on myself looking back. I’m a happy, healthier person than I used to be. I have a better relationship with food and my body. I was even confident before, so you could imagine how much more confident I am now. Life is good, and while others have helped encourage me along the way, I have to thank myself for it too. Shoutout to me for being able to wear an old fat girl shirt as a dress. Pop off sis! 180 may be the end goal, but I’m happy to have hit the goal of being happy with myself. 🥰

See y’all next year!!!

submitted by /u/emilyyymayk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1 for me :)

Hello everyone! Today I start my weight loss journey!

Here are some stats F/36/5'/HW177/CW160/GW135

I'm not sure about my goal weight yet, I think when I get down to 135 I will reassess.

This is what I will be doing; loseit app to track my calories which will be about 1300 a day, eating mostly healthy, walking, weight resistance at home, and some jogging.

I chose exercises that I enjoy and know I will stick with.

On my loseit app I have my goal set to 115 because that's what they suggest, and I would like to see that as well, as long as it doesnt create any negative mental issues trying to reach and sustain that weight. The app gave me a goal date of Jan 2022, at half a pound per week.

I believe success is mostly mindset, so I need to believe I can do this and that I will do this even though I've failed so many times, even last week. And also, I don't have that emotional excitement at the start like I usually do.... I'm usually super pumped, but I still feel upset about the gain and defeated.

But I read somewhere once that it doesn't matter how you feel, just do the right thing, eventually your mind and emotions will catch up. So that's what I'm doing :).

Today will be a great day!

submitted by /u/Mel_Chlor_1984
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t know how to eat normally and I need advice

Hi everyone, I am a 21 y/o female, first time posting in this sub. I’m posting this out of sheer desperation- I’m so at my wits end trying to deal with my eating habits and I need advice.

I’ve always been obsessed with food. Sometimes I feel like it’s the only thing I really enjoy. I find it basically impossible to shop thinking about it. Simultaneously, the thing I want most in the world is to lose weight. Regardless of what else I achieve in life, because I am not as thin as I want to be I feel like I am failing.

My whole adolescent life I was pretty significantly overweight. Then when I was 18 I started going to the gym, going on long walks and counting calories. I lost about 50 pounds in around 6 months (out of around 65 that I wanted that I wanted to lose). In the three years since, my life has basically revolved around trying to lose those last 15 pounds, or at the least to maintain what I’ve already lost. My weight has fluctuated like crazy. I’ve always stayed pretty far below where I originally was, but this is because of periods of dieting followed by periods of overeating every day. I am very inconsistent, and on multiple occasions I’ve gained something like 10 pounds in the space of a month, then lost it again the next month. I feel like my obsession with weight loss has stopped me having the university experience I wanted. I’ve avoided social situations because I feel fat, I’ve said not to invitations out because of the likelihood that I’d consume lots of excess calories in alcohol and takeaway food- basically food has taken precedence over everything. I never ever stop thinking about what I’ve eaten that day, what I’m going to eat next etc etc

I kept telling myself once I got down to my goal I’d start doing more stuff, but now my degree is basically over (my uni like every else’s has shut down for the year because of Coronavirus) and, predictably, I never reached my goal and therefore never allowed myself to have a life.

I never thought of my eating as disordered, I saw myself as just a classic yo yo dieter with a lack of willpower who just loves food too much. I sometimes still think this, but I’m not sure whether the extent to which food dominates my life is normal.

On the rare occasions when I did go on nights out at uni, I got into the habit of allowing myself to go and get late night take away with my friends, then purging afterwards. This was up until recently something I only ever did when I was drunk, but in the last couple of months I’ve started doing it occasionally when I’m sober and I overeat. I don’t do it that often, maybe once, maximum twice per week. I don’t even do it every time I eat too much, just when I feel especially guilty, and when I have the opportunity. I know it’s dangerous, I know I shouldn’t make it a habit. But my head keeps on telling me that it is logical, that because I crave food constantly and I overeat so often, this is the only way I can maintain my weight. The lockdown situation is making this all ten times worse. I can’t stop thinking about food, I can’t distract myself from cravings. I just want to eat anything and everything all the time, and I can’t help thinking that purging will be an effective ‘get out’ clause.

I just can’t see myself ever having a normal relationship with food. I can’t just ‘eat intuitively’ because there has quite literally never been a time in my life when I ate the right amount for my body over a sustained period of time. I think I was about 9 years old when I first started to gain weight. Now I am technically a healthy weight, but i feel like my current body is on loan to me, like gaining all that weight back is basically inevitable. I feel like I am a fat person in a thin body.

Will I ever be able to have a ‘normal’ relationship with food? Do I have a problem or do I just lack willpower? How do I resist the temptation to purge when it seems like such an obvious solution to this thing I have wrestled with my whole life? Can I get down to the weight I want in a healthy way?

Any advice is appreciated, hope everyone is well and staying safe

submitted by /u/bethshw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight when you have a history of ED.

Can you do it? What did you do to lose weight without triggering something in you? Losing weight is really hard for me, but I’m 160lbs, the heaviest I’ve ever been. I have thoughts of losing like 20-30 lbs. but I’m nervous about spiraling because when I try to actively lose weight I think too much, and obsess with it.

I can’t take normal weight loss advice like... “Intermittent fasting” which is really just a sugar coated way of having an ED to me... nope, no thank you! Or measuring food out and counting calories, these things just make me super hyper focused and instead of feeling good about the weight loss, I just feel bad about myself and my brain remembers these things as being bad for me.

But I want to be 130lbs again. I look in the mirror, and feel indifference to my body, which is different... I’ve always thought I was fat when I looked in the mirror (body dysmorphia, even at 100lbs my body doesn’t look physically different to my brain now than it did 4 years ago tbh) but this is a part of my brain I don’t listen to anymore because I’m aware that I am not fat. However I don’t know if it’s possible to lose that much weight without doing those sort of weight loss things that make me think too much about food and weight loss.

Anyone here have experience with this?

submitted by /u/rebeccalaurenx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I Lost My Dog! Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned

It’s almost exactly one year since I officially began losing weight, and yesterday I achieved my final goal weight! I realized when I was thinking about having lost 62 lbs that that’s about what my dog weighs, and god knows that feels like a whole lot when I have to pick her up when she refuses to jump into the car! I can’t believe I used to walk around with all that extra weight all the time. I distinctly remember, many years ago during one of my failed weight loss attempts as a teenager, getting off the treadmill panting my ass off, and having the realization: “I’m never actually going to do this. I’ll keep convincing myself I can, and I’ll try over and over, but realistically, it’s never actually going to happen.” I am so, so glad I was wrong.

Progress pics:

And, my dog (because I know better than to forgo the dog tax):

I’m happy to give more detail of how I did it in the comments if it would be helpful to anyone, but I mostly just count calories. I’m working out now to build muscle and because I enjoy it; for me it’s much more of something to make me feel good and happy than to help me lose weight. But that brings me to my first tip:

- Do what works for you. Weight loss is very individual. If you can’t sustainably keep to a lower calorie budget, then try a bit of a higher one. If exercise helps you lose, then do that. If you hate exercise, don’t do it. What works can even vary for one person across the course of their weight loss - for me, at the beginning of this I cut out snacking completely and didn’t eat breakfast, and now I have breakfast and a bunch of little snacks spread out throughout the afternoon. It’s totally okay to experiment with different things until you find what works for you.

- Planning is key. I found that the times I was most likely to slip up were when I was faced with unexpected changes, or decisions in the moment. If I didn’t have anything to eat for dinner, it was much easier to fall back on old habits than to make a healthy decision right there and then. But if I knew what I was going to eat each day, I just followed that plan. Same thing for treats or eating out- if I knew I was going to, I could work it into my calorie budget and feel absolutely fine about eating it.

- The first few months and the last few pounds are the hardest. I found that after the first 2-3 months, it really just became an ingrained habit, part of my routine, enough that it didn’t take as much effort and self-control as before. If you’re struggling in the beginning, know that it won’t always feel that hard. And the last few pounds have been sooo stubborn- I got down to 145 in 8 months, and it’s taken me 4 to get the last 10 pounds off. It can be frustrating. Just keep at it, you’ll get there.

- Weight loss needs to fit into your whole life, not just your life when it’s ideal. Things that happened during the course of my weight loss: Knee surgery, moving to a new state, starting grad school, being home for the holidays for a month, my best friends’ wedding, a trip to Amsterdam – you get the picture. Weight loss is easiest when you can focus on it, when it’s the only thing in your life that’s different from your routine. But in order to be sustainable, you have to accept that life is going to keep happening, and weight loss needs to be compatible with it. Things aren’t going to be perfect, but you can keep trying – accept that you might only maintain over the holidays, allow yourself to still enjoy celebrations, but maintain control and remember that this is a whole new lifestyle, not a temporary fix.

You can absolutely do this. If you ever find yourself thinking like I did as a teenager, remember that this is entirely within your control, and that there are lots of people just like you who did it and are now here to cheer you on. Lots of love <3

submitted by /u/just_moss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Really struggling mentally.

This may be triggering to some, as there's ed mention.

This is the first time I've attempted healthy weight loss. I've struggled with anorexia in the past which I "solved" with a binge eating disorder. My weight and eating have taken a massive toll over me since I was 13. I'm currently 5'3 145lbs. I work out nearly every day and cutting down my binging has been massive, like this is the best I've eaten continuously (for the past month or so) for a very long time. But it's all tainted as I continue to have these really bad panic attacks about my general appearance and I don't know what to do, I look at myself and I just completely shut down. Does anyone have any advice from similar experiences because it's getting really difficult to continue my journey with this massive weight almost.

submitted by /u/panettonebb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm now 15lbs further away from my goal

Hi reddit, I'm a formerly obese person. At the age of 16, I lost around 30lbs in the summer of 2018 and weighed around 130 lbs at 5'2. My goal weight is around 110-120 and a body fat % of around 25%. However, this quarantine has been throwing me off my loop. I checked my weight just a few minutes ago, and now I'm a whopping 145 lbs! People praised me for my weight loss in school, but now I'm afraid to undo my hard work if I return

My family always always ALWAYS buys junk food. It's safe to say that everyone in my house is unhappy and resorts to eating food to cope with their emotions. For god's sake, there's this cabinet in my house that's so filled with junk food that if you open it, it spills out! Who even needs that much food?? We aren't gonna starve to death, we're fat! My sister and my dad collectively bought 10 boxes of those entenmann's cookies, and guess who's been snacking on them?

There's a good chance that I have an ED, so once this virus dies down, I'm planning on going to therapy to sort out my emotional issues. However. I need to focus on the now. I've tried measuring my food and tracking on my fitness pal, but the boredom snacking demons have got the best of me.

I feel so disgusted with myself, I feel certain parts of my body become flabby. A previous gym rat who'd exercise a lot, to a hermit crab with little to no exercise

The people in my house look down upon self improvement and healthy eating, because to my dad "you only live once, life sucks and we're all gonna die anyways. Worry about your health later." But I DONT want to become that. I don't want to be miserable and overweight. I want to feel like I have some worth (btw, being overweight does NOT mean that you're worth less than others). My mom and sister used to constantly point out my weight problems while continuing to shove food down my windpipe, like make up your mind!

Sorry for the long rant, just gotta get some things off my chest.

submitted by /u/sinnohemblem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat