Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Accidentally unlocked the key to weight loss for my dad. Now the race is on.

So, my dad has always been a big guy as long as I've been alive. Throughout his adult life he's fluctuated between ~220-270lbs. When I was 12 I weighed in at 180lbs, to which my dad remarked "that's only 40lbs form what I weigh!". This scared the hell out of my and lead to me losing weight and becoming very fit by the time I got to college, getting down to under 150 (at 5'7''). Unfortunately, in the proceeding 4 years I gained weight until I was at 237lbs in December 2018. In the year and a half since I'm down to about 215 today.

Ever since I started gaining weight, I tried to use logging/CICO to slim down with the loseit app. However, I had poor discipline and a nonexistent support network so it didn't help until late last year/early this year when I actually started losing a little weight.

Now, my dad is also in an eternal battle to loose weight and has also had varying success over the years. Of course, I told him all about logging, which he sounded interest in but never had the patience to actually install the app and set it up.

Due to the lockdown, though, my dad is now Bored with a capital B and truly can't figure out what to do with himself. So, I walked him through the process of getting the app set up. I was expecting him to give up after a few weeks, or just not 'get' that he had to log every single thing as exactly as possible to see success. Amazingly, though, it's worked absolute wonders for him. In about a month and a half he's gone from 250 to 235. He's a very logical, math-minded type A personality so the concept of logging and CICO just clicks with him.

Of course, I'm super happy for his success. But a few days ago I had the horrific realization that he might end up becoming lighter than me at some point! We're almost exactly the same height so the comparison between our weights is valid. I've been floundering in my weight loss and self control lately, and if I continue it looks like he might beat me to 200lbs by late summer.

So, we're racing to the finish line. Whoever is lighter by Christmas wins. There are no 'stakes' so neither of us is going to be unsafe about this, but it's amazing motivation to keep on track. For the past few days, whenever I had the urge to stop logging/eat junk food, I thought about how little I want to win the title as officially the fattest guy in the family.

I understand that to some this may seem too competitive and potentially unhealthy, but in my view having this kind of friendly contest is an awesome motivating force to keep me on track.

submitted by /u/THICK_CUM_ROPES
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why it’s so hard (even though it’s simple)

Consuming less than you need - so simple! So why is it so hard?

I took a class in college about food and psychology, and while this doesn’t make me an expert by any means, I’ll share some takeaways.

The literal steps to lose weight are simple. But your relationship with food is ANYTHING BUT SIMPLE. In fact, it’s dizzyingly complicated. And that goes for everyone, not just people who are overweight.

Every day of your life, you have eaten. Almost everything in your life (yes, everything) affects your relationship with food and your relationship with food affects everything in your life. Eating was a primary part of your relationship with your parents for your formative years. It occupies a huge role in culture. Your self image, your social life, the media you consume, your sense of control. All of it plays a role. And those are just some of the big ones.

Your relationship with food does not exist in a vacuum. It exists at the center of a web with an infinite number of vectors. So when you try to change it, you aren’t just pushing against your “willpower” or “discipline”, you’re trying to reform that extremely complicated web.

So don’t trivialize the undertaking of weight loss because it’s “so simple!” Yes, the literal, physical requirement to lose weight is simple, but in doing that you are rewiring an incredibly complex relationship. Don’t beat yourself up because you think it should be easy. The work you are doing extends so far beyond changing the number of calories you eat, so be proud of it!

submitted by /u/dixon6183
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tune in This June! Lose Weight This Summer With Our Live Events

June is the bridge between spring and summer, bringing along hot weather, beach vacations and outdoor fun. However, with this entrance also comes sneaky temptations trying to sabotage your weight loss. With a little extra guidance, motivation and support, you can stick to your healthy diet this summer and avoid falling off the wagon. Our health and wellness experts are back this month with even more Facebook Live events to keep you on track with your Nutrisystem program.

As things slowly return to normal after a stressful and scary spring, it is time focus on ourselves and get healthier. Here at Nutrisystem, we’re all about making weight loss fun and easier for our beloved members. These live events are designed to help you get motivated, get moving and get healthy. Tune in this June for fun and fresh advice for the summer season!

Our June Facebook Live Events will be hosted by our nutrition experts, LeeAnn and Mandi, every Monday and Thursday at 5:30 pm EST. They will brush up on some Nutrisystem basics while also providing you with motivation, weight loss tips and nutrition education.

Check out the topics we are covering during the month of June below, then come on over to our Facebook page so that you can tune in! >

June Facebook Live Events:

June 1st: 10 Reasons to Go for a Walk Today
June 4th: 5 Things to Do Every Day to Lose Weight Faster
June 8th: A Review of SmartCarbs
June 11th: A Review of PowerFuels
June 15th: First Shipment Overview
June 18th: 8 Weight Loss Tips that Have Nothing to Do with Diet or Exercise
June 22nd: Unhealthy Diet Mistakes
June 25th: 5 Superfoods to Add to Your Diet
June 29th: 5 More Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

No matter where you are on your path to weight loss, we’re here to help you reach your goals and provide support. Continue your journey this summer with a little help from our Facebook Live events. Tune in this June and follow along for tips and tricks to help you succeed. >

10 Ways Following the Nutrisystem Facebook Page Will Help You Lose Weight

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from The Leaf

10 Banana Recipes You’ll Go Bananas For

Sure, you can simply peel and eat ’em: These sweet and creamy fruits are packed with heart-healthy potassium, filling fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals; on Nutrisystem, one medium banana counts as one SmartCarb. In fact, bananas are our top logged SmartCarb in NuMi, our easy-to-use food tracker app, being logged 510,925 times! If you’ve got some super ripe bananas sitting on your counter, and a little time on your hands, you can turn these awesome fruits into an array of banana recipes. Think banana bread, muffins, pancakes, smoothies and more!

12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat

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Try one (or all!) of these ten banana recipes and prepare to go “bananas”:

1. Gluten Free Banana Bread  >

Banana Nut Bread

To kick off our banana recipes, this delicious banana bread is a tasty classic that comes to mind when you’re cooking with bananas, and this healthy treat does not disappoint. Applesauce helps it bake soft and moist, ripe bananas and cinnamon offer the perfect blend of sweet and spice, and each hearty slice contains only 150 calories. Plus, it’s made with gluten free flour for people who have wheat allergies or other sensitivities.

2. Banana Nut Overnight Oatmeal >


Don’t let the idea of an “overnight” recipe scare you: All you have to do is toss a bunch of ingredients into a mason jar, stick in the fridge and voila—a ready-to-eat breakfast that’s equal parts nutritious and delicious. It’s got fresh-sliced banana and crushed walnuts, flavorful almond milk and maple syrup, and oats that are packed with satisfying fiber and protein. Enjoy the oatmeal cold; or heat up the jar if you prefer a warm meal to start your day. Each serving clocks in at 276 calories.

3. Rise & Dine Chocolate Crepes >


Paging all chocolate lovers: That “something sweet” you need to start your day is right here. These delicious crepes are light, airy and easy to make. Fill them with a combo of cream cheese, yogurt, vanilla and banana slices, and top with a sprinkle of cocoa powder for a picture-perfect finishing touch. Two crepes contain 217 calories and count as one Smart Carb, one PowerFuel and one Extra on Nutrisystem.

10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes You Need to Bookmark Right Now

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4. 5-Ingredient Banana Nut Muffins >


No need for flour, sugar, eggs, separate bowls for wet and dry ingredients, or any other complicated steps to make these muffins. With this recipe, it’s five simple ingredients (bananas, oats, raisins, cashews and cinnamon), one bowl and about 15 minutes in the oven. Not into raisins? No problem. Swap them out for cranberries or any other dried fruit. No cashews in your pantry? Use another favorite nut, like almonds or walnuts. Personalize your muffin to make the perfect grab-and-go snack. On Nutrisystem, one muffin counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

5. 4-Ingredient Banana Nice Cream >


Get this: One cup of standard vanilla ice cream weighs in at 273 calories and 28 grams of sugar, according to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). And that’s just plain old vanilla. With Nutrisystem’s nice cream, however, feel free to dive in spoon first, sans the worry. This banana-flavored version offers the same creamy sweetness you expect from the frozen treat, but at 110 calories per serving. And you just need bananas, almond milk, vanilla, salt and a blender to make it. Puree to a soft-serve consistency or pop it in the freezer for a firmer texture.

6. 3-Ingredient Banana Pancakes >


Bananas of course, plus eggs and cinnamon: Mash and mix, pour and flip. It’s that simple. You get four hearty pancakes that count as two PowerFuels and one Smart Carb. Top them with a Tablespoon of maple syrup (and add one Extra).

It’s Fruit Season! 11 Tasty Dessert Recipes Featuring Fruit

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7. Chocolate Covered Banana Bites >


You get the rich and indulgent flavor you crave in each decadent bite, with absolutely none of the guilt. And this frozen treat layers on the good stuff: Shredded coconut, peanut butter and chocolate coat a chunk of banana for a little piece of dessert heaven on a popsicle stick. On Nutrisystem, each serving counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

8. 3-Step Banana Pudding >

Cream pudding with whipped cream on wooden background

For some, banana pudding is pure comfort food. For others, it’s a taste of nostalgia. Whatever you’re feeling when you savor a spoonful of one of the creamiest banana recipes, the one emotion you won’t have is guilt. That’s because each serving contains 149 calories—and the serving is pretty large. Have it all and it counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and two Extras.

9. Banana Split “Nice” Cream >


It doesn’t seem possible that this dessert is diet-friendly: Chocolate chips, peanuts, strawberry sauce and chunks of banana over a bowl of cold, creamy goodness. But it most certainly is: The “nice” cream—made from bananas, vanilla and nonfat Greek yogurt—is packed with protein. The sauce—made from simmered and smashed fresh strawberries—offers a punch of vitamin C; and the peanuts provide healthy fats. The combination: just 259 calories per serving.

12 Mouthwatering Pudding Recipes to Savor

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10. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie >

banana recipes

The last of our banana recipes is a classic treat. Three favorite flavors, one yummy smoothie. To make it, blend a frozen banana, a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter and a packet of the Nutrisystem Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake with a little ice and water until smooth and sip-able. Each smoothie counts as two PowerFuels and one SmartCarb.

The post 10 Banana Recipes You’ll Go Bananas For appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Boyfriend doesn't support weight loss

I figured I try posting here as I'm feeling kind of desperate.

I've been doing cico for about three months now. I started out obese and am now overweight and need to lose 22lbs more to be in a healthy weight range. I've been pretty consistent in counting all my calories and reaching 1200 calories. I'm feeling great about my weight loss and finally start to feel fitter. I've started jogging and don't feel like being fat is the first thing people notice about me.

My boyfriend has always had a preference for curvier women and I knew that. I was never skinny and my goal has never been to be super light as I've always liked my shape when I was a healthy but not the lightest weight I could be with my height. But during our relationship I've gained a lot and started feeling super uncomfortable in my own skin and I've never been silent about it. My boyfriend knows this and he knows it's unhealthy to be overweight and even obese so he was never like "no, don't do it" but he has been really hard to deal with the past three months. It has gotten better. In the beginning he would make me feel guilty for not eating the same thing as he did or not drinking/eating as much as I used to. He also doesn't get the point of counting every calorie and finds it obsessive and has called me obsessive multiple times, even though I am fine with incorporating cheat days and I make room for wine or snacks by eating lighter throughout the day. He says he's scared I won't be able to stop at some point and become skinny, it doesn't matter how much I show him I'm not changing, he doesn't trust it.

I can't explain everything because it's so much but we've had so many fights about this the past couple of months and I'm just tired. It's way less than in the beginning (now it comes up maybe once a week) but I find myself worrying about the next time we're gonna be fighting again.

I'm afraid to say anything about my weight loss and try to hide it. He sometimes pokes my hip bones and says it's so hard even though it would have always felt hard if I lay in a certain position. He's also dieting with me and he's lost a lot of weight as well and he does this because he feels like it's a competition. (He also eats way too little for his height and weight and still calls my diet unhealthy and obsessive, even though I make sure I get enough nutrients and never go below 1200). He's had problems with weight loss when he was young so it's definitely a psychological thing, and I know he wants to better and I really want to help him deal with that but I just don't know how.

Other than this whole weight loss thing our relationship is perfect, we literally never had problems like this. I want us to help each other and I want him to take it serious that I need to lose weight.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_MWLRK
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is anyone else looking for a weight loss accountability buddy?

Hi there! I dunno if this is the wrong place to post but I’ll try.

I’d rather a female buddy (I’m a girl), but as long as you’re nice and respectful, anyone is fine. Might be good if you have an issue if you have a history with disordered eating (as in, we can understand each other). I really need to get back on track with my weight loss and would love someone to keep me motivated. Things I’d like to do together: keep each other updated with our progress, share recipes and exercises, discuss goals, keep each other on track! My goals are more focused towards my eating but I’d also like to exercise more than I currently do (mostly I just swim and go on long walks + sometimes yoga). I think this could be great if you also have the same idea as me and think this would help.

PM me if you’re interested 😄

submitted by /u/not_agamergirll
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I took my 'before' picture today

and I really, really hope I get to 'after.'

I'm not relying on diets or an app or anything, but I reached this place by spending a long time addressing the ...honestly grueling childhood that led me to where I am. After thinking for years that my pain was all there was to me, and after having deeply internalized the feelings of worthlessness that my abusers wanted me to feel, I'm finally at a place after a lot of therapy where I can accept that that trauma is a part of me, but it is not central to who I am.

And now that I've found that emotional balance, it's time to re-establish the physical. I've been taking steps to strengthen my relationship with my body. For a long time, it was just not there.

I'm a 24 year old woman, and I weigh 285lbs. I'm pretty tall, so my goal is to get back to 150lbs, my healthiest weight.

This time last week, I was 290. This is the first progress I've made in a long time.

I've returned to martial arts, which I loved as a kid until I had to move to a place where I couldn't go to practice anymore. I've been going to aikido classes 5 times a week, and I just absolutely love it. When my taekwondo dojang opens again, I'll be rejoining them, too. I've really been rediscovering the active things that I enjoy, and it's like reclaiming a part of myself that I let get buried when life wasn't kind.

A close lifelong friend and guardian of mine has been helping me adjust my eating habits so it's healthier food. Instead of soda, I've been drinking tea. Lots more tofu than meat, more vegetables. It's been good, honestly. Her support has been so freaking valuable.

I'm not counting calories because the feeling of accomplishment I get from staying under the goal encourages me to stay dramatically under the goal, and I wind up starving myself.

Instead, I'm going to take a somewhat more lassiez-faire approach, avoiding foods for the most part that I know aren't healthy, and reforming my diet in a way that incorporates the foods that I like that will also benefit me down the road.

My focus here is healing from trauma more than it is solely weight loss, but the weight loss is a very important step in the long term journey of finding a place where I am healthy - physically, mentally, and emotionally. (Fun fact, did you know that the largest and arguably most influential study on the long term physical fallout of childhood trauma began in an obesity clinic?)

Anyway. Sorry if this was rambly and esoteric. I'm excited to start this leg of my healing adventure. Not every part of it has been fun and exciting. :p

I know I've got a long road ahead of me if I want to get to my goal. What have you all leveraged to keep you going for the long haul?

submitted by /u/Je0ng-Je0ng
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from loseit - Lose the Fat