Thursday, June 11, 2020

First post here. From 290 lb (131.5kg) to 255 lb (115.6kg) and counting...

Okay. So it's gonna be a long one. I have a lot to vent out, please bear with me.

I am a 26 years old, 170cm high, obese Indian with no medical conditions.

As a kid, i was quite skinny. But after 6-7 years of age, I started gaining weight. So much so that, when my mother used to take me clothes shopping, the sales staff used to make fun of me. We used to live in small towns back then (towns as my father is in Indian Railways, so we move from city to city a lot), and obesity was a rare sight back then in such places. I don't blame them for it.

By I was 12, we moved to the big city, Delhi. There I discovered food joints, McDs, Pizza Huts, Dominos and all. I used to weigh 80kg when I was 13-14 years old. I had developed an ear for fat shaming by now.

Coming to recent times, I was never a regular drinker. Maybe once or twice a month. But due to some personal problems, I became a heavy drinker in the past two years. Drinking 250-300ml every other day, if not everyday. From what I have read on this forum, many seek comfort in food, that isn't the case with me. It was alcohol. Scotch, beer, rum, any dark alcohol.

In August 2019, I weighed 131kg. I told my mom about it. All she said was you need to do something about it. And something I did. I and a friend of mine (him then 105kg/231.5lb) went to his sister, who is a dietician. We took our diets and started on this painful journey of weight loss and healthy living. Comes May, he weighed 84kg/185lb, and I 125kg/276lb. He lost about four times more than me. That night I went into a trance like mode. Thinking about every mistake i did in these 8 months.

I always made fun of people who counted their calories. I had this notion that being a foodie, I can never do this unjustified and unholy of a thing. I did not cut down on my liquor intake. I kept ordering "healthy" food online. In order to not order in, I used to delete the app, but maybe for 3-4 days, then I would download it again. I just had to have something nice. This diet food was just too bland for me.

But on this day, when we measured our weights together, it just hit me. Hard.

It was time to change myself. And I tried. Now, I measure my calorie intake via MFP. I weigh my food before and after cooking to get accurate macros. I have reduced my drinking to 60ml in one week. And in this one month, I have gone from 125kg/276lb to 115.6kg/255lb. I don't do it for I have to, I do it as it's a habit now.

I know it's not much, especially when you compare it with other legendary losses this forum has witnessed, but this is my small victory which I thought of sharing.

And guess what, it's not painful. I enjoy it. I love to cook since I was a kid, and now I use that skill to make my own recipes of my favourite dishes. Oil free Chicken Tikka Masala, Oil free Butter Chicken, Quinoa Biryani, etc. I thought I was addicted to alcohol, but clearly I am not. I don't need cheat days or cheat meals, I can have it all, just by cooking things smartly.

Two things I need to do now, increase my daily steps from 4,000 to 10,000. I don't find it difficult to walk, but it's my work life that tires me out. Secondly, I want to cut down on my smoking, if not quit it completely.

I have set some targets for me. Like once I reach 110kg/242lb, I will have a nice big plate of biryani (a famous Indian rice dish consisting about 600cal). Not because I desire it, or crave for it, because I can have it. I might not go for it, let's see what happens there.

So this is my story till now. It's not perfect or ideal. But I am proud of it. If I can inspire someone, great, if not, please tell me where I went wrong and what should be my next step.

TL;DR Was an asshole sometime ago, got my ego hurt, tried to change my lifestyle, lost some pounds, no longer a big fatty, now a bit less fatty.

submitted by /u/anarchy911
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Guys who have lost a lot of weight -

Morning guys, I'm curious about something. I'm 26 yo overweight male.

I'm just about to start my weight loss journey (again), I started a few years back, lost a few stone and then got sick and ended up gaining it all again and a bit more.

The lock down hasn't helped either! Being sat at my computer for hours on end everyday working, eating more often and generally just being less active has not been great.

I'm really motivated to get started on this journey, I'm investing time this week in getting all of my stuff ready to really give it my all next week. Meal plans/preps, exercise schedule, buying equipment for home work outs etc. My goal is to drop 3 stone by the end of August, I know this is quite ambitious but I think I can do it. In my first week last time, I managed to lose 10.5lbs!

Getting to the point of my curiosity and the question - after losing a lot of weight, did your penis appear bigger? Of course it wouldn't have grown but with less fat in the pelvic area I'd assume it would appear larger?

If you don't feel comfortable commenting on this post with your answers please feel free to drop me a DM.


submitted by /u/GAMC93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are some unusual habits that you have picked up?

19F SW 134lbs CW: 114lbs GW: 110lbs

I've been on a weight loss journey for 4 months now. Without even realizing, I picked up some weird habits that's a bit unrelated to weight loss, but for some strange reason, I have developed these habits as a result of my ongoing journey.

I suddenly brush my teeth like 5 times a day now because I couldn't stand the left over taste of food in my mouth nor the feeling of old saliva just sitting there. I used to just brush twice a day, one in the morning and one at night. I started crossing my legs more when I sit (although I could already do this before my weight loss). I unconsciously stretch to touch my toes when I sit with my legs in front when I used to not even get pass half of my calf. I now look after my skin more and have a nightly skin care routine, when, before my weight loss, I just use soap and water and wouldn't care about pimples.

Just now did I realize I unconsciously developed these habits without even meaning to. I changed some of my routines and I believe some of it is due to weight loss. I started taking care of myself more ever since I put off some weight, I started caring about my outer appearance even if I'm just at home due to quarantine. It amazes me how much a weight loss journey can change my ways.

Have you developed any weird, unrelated habits because of weight loss but doesn't necessarily help with the journey?

submitted by /u/IntrovertTrashx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

My weight loss is not a spectator sport

I have lost and regained over 50 lbs three times in my life. When I'm in the losing part of the cycle, it is absolutely infuriating when someone compliments my weight loss. It triggers my issues with my value as a person being defined by my weight.

Since January I've lost 60 lbs and I'm starting to get those comments again. I just got a text from my neighbour, who I don't talk to frequently and am not friends with, commenting how good I look. I fought the urge to tell him to fuck off.

I'm worried as quarantine ends and I start seeing my friends and family again that the onslaught of unwanted comments will drive me to gain weight again, as it has multiple times before.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep my cool and not let others affect me?

submitted by /u/AdoreLisbon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The day I stopped tracking

I stopped tracking my calories daily on the day that COVID was confirmed to have community spread in my state (early March). I was already extremely stressed and this put me over the edge. I still cared about my weight loss, but I couldn’t bother anymore. I half way gave up. I was still tracking a few days a week until my roommate told me she’d tested positive for COVID (end of March). I was pretty sure I was going to gain at least part, if not all of my weight back. I was down from 200 to 155lb at that point.

Despite that set back, and the lack of commitment, and all the stress, I have weighed in for the last few days at under 151lb. How did I lose four pounds..? My goal was to hit 145 by May, obviously that didn’t happen. But I’m really proud of myself for continuing to (slightly) progress despite losing track of myself and my goal.

I think for me, this shows that setting up realistic, sustainable, healthy eating habits will benefit you long term. After you’re done counting, you need to know how to eat at maintenance (unless you plan to count forever, I personally don’t). I thought I’d just been eating near maintenance this whole time, I tried to stay under, but I wasn’t counting. The habits and routines that I set up for eating healthy have been upheld in my time of crisis, and though the rate slowed down drastically, I continued to lose some weight and get closer to my goal.

I think the biggest change I made was taking control over my stress and binge eating. Instead of stuffing my face when I felt stressed and out of control, I used other coping mechanisms to keep myself relaxed. I still ate more ice cream than was “allowed” back during my counting days, but I didn’t let myself eat a pint and a half like I would’ve during my binge eating days.

Please, please focus on sustainability and realism when establishing your new eating patterns. Focus on breaking down those unhealthy habits of binging and stress eating. Set up realistic patterns and goals that can more easily be maintained. Your crisis self will thank you.

submitted by /u/gerrray
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Med record from when I was 16 revealed something crazy about my current weight loss.

I weighed in at 168.4 this am. I also got my medical records back from when I was 16 and in psychotherapy. I weighed 171 pounds at nearly 17 years old.

I feel fat right now. Not as fat as I did when I was 70 pounds heavier than now, but I still feel huge and uncomfortable in my body most days. Yet I weigh less than I did then.

I was also unfortunately doing a lot of harmful things to my body then in an effort to lose weight. Doing week long fasts fueled by nothing but self hate and other similar tactics. And yet I weighed about the same then as I do now.

Just puts in confusing perspective how different life is and how schewed my view of myself was then and is still in some ways now. I feel much fatter now than I was then and yet I actually weigh a few pounds less.

Just wanted to share. Good luck to you and thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/Grace_Rumi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This morning I finally reached my goal of 130 lbs (59 kg), which means I have now lost 50 lbs.

Before and After

outfit comparison

my biggest pants I ever owned (33 inch waist, I now wear a 27)

I, (F18, 5'5"/ 1,66m) went from 82 kg (180 lbs) in October 2018 to now 59 kg (130 lbs).

A little bit of background: I was a normal sized child, and the reason I even got fat in the first place, was the fact that my mum never had much junk food/sweets in the house. I love this stuff tho, so as soon as I started school and got out of the house regurlarly (and had access to some money of my own), I started to spend most of this money on sweets. It was really bad in 3rd and 4th grade, died down a bit for a few years, but came back in 8th and 9th grade. I would eat a full bag of chips and bags of gummy bears and chocolate every day, and also so much other stuff, and it was always just so so much. I'm honestly surprised I haven't gained more weight. My mum always encouraged weight loss, but I really didn't want to. I didn't feel good about myself by any means, but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of being right, so I kept eating. That terrible habit died down again, but the weight stayed. When I was in the lower 70s, I remember thinking 'oh, it's not to bad yet, I'll do something when I hit 75 kg'. I thought the same thing when I hit 75, saying I'll do something about it at 80 kg, and it finally clicked when I hit 82 (or maybe even a little bit more, but that's my highest recorded weight).

I went on to lose around 12 kg until I hit 70 kg again. I don't remember how I did it exactly, but it must have been through CICO, bc I have my weight recorded in MFP, so I must have counted calories. I don't know why I stopped, but I think bc I felt pretty good about myself again, and I also had the mindset of 'getting and staying in the 60s is so hard', so I didn't even try. This first part took me from October 2019 to April 2019.

I wasn't really aware of what I was doing, I didn't really know about the concept of proper maintenance, so I slowly gained back around 6 kg, so I sat at 76 kg again. I felt terrible, and in October of 2019 I decided to lose weight again. This time I properly counted calories, got myself involved in weight loss groups and reddits and read lots of tips and tricks, and I finally lost weight the right way. The 59 kg are a weight that I wanted to hit really bad, bc I wanted to see that 5 on the scale (I think the last time I weighed this much, I didn't care about my weight yet), and also bc that would bring my total weightloss to 50 lbs. I think the weight where I feel best is somewhere around 60 kg, +- 1 or 2, so I'll maintain there.

The last few weeks I struggled really badly, binged a few times (that never happened before), and I think that was because I kept a very strict deficit (every day less than 1000 net calories, which means eating 1200 calories and excercising) for weeks, almost two months, and that was really hard on me.

For months I felt terrible about myself, idk how many times I cried myself to sleep bc I hated the way I looked so much, and now, for the first time in so so long, I can finally say that I'm happy with my body.

I'm really glad I hit that goal now, and I'm happy to start into maintenance, properly this time. I also started excercising around 100 days ago, and I have noticed a significant increase in muscle tone and also overall fitness, and I'm finally a person that considers excercise as something that I do for fun, which I would have never thought

submitted by /u/lisa471
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from loseit - Lose the Fat