Thursday, June 11, 2020

First post here. From 290 lb (131.5kg) to 255 lb (115.6kg) and counting...

Okay. So it's gonna be a long one. I have a lot to vent out, please bear with me.

I am a 26 years old, 170cm high, obese Indian with no medical conditions.

As a kid, i was quite skinny. But after 6-7 years of age, I started gaining weight. So much so that, when my mother used to take me clothes shopping, the sales staff used to make fun of me. We used to live in small towns back then (towns as my father is in Indian Railways, so we move from city to city a lot), and obesity was a rare sight back then in such places. I don't blame them for it.

By I was 12, we moved to the big city, Delhi. There I discovered food joints, McDs, Pizza Huts, Dominos and all. I used to weigh 80kg when I was 13-14 years old. I had developed an ear for fat shaming by now.

Coming to recent times, I was never a regular drinker. Maybe once or twice a month. But due to some personal problems, I became a heavy drinker in the past two years. Drinking 250-300ml every other day, if not everyday. From what I have read on this forum, many seek comfort in food, that isn't the case with me. It was alcohol. Scotch, beer, rum, any dark alcohol.

In August 2019, I weighed 131kg. I told my mom about it. All she said was you need to do something about it. And something I did. I and a friend of mine (him then 105kg/231.5lb) went to his sister, who is a dietician. We took our diets and started on this painful journey of weight loss and healthy living. Comes May, he weighed 84kg/185lb, and I 125kg/276lb. He lost about four times more than me. That night I went into a trance like mode. Thinking about every mistake i did in these 8 months.

I always made fun of people who counted their calories. I had this notion that being a foodie, I can never do this unjustified and unholy of a thing. I did not cut down on my liquor intake. I kept ordering "healthy" food online. In order to not order in, I used to delete the app, but maybe for 3-4 days, then I would download it again. I just had to have something nice. This diet food was just too bland for me.

But on this day, when we measured our weights together, it just hit me. Hard.

It was time to change myself. And I tried. Now, I measure my calorie intake via MFP. I weigh my food before and after cooking to get accurate macros. I have reduced my drinking to 60ml in one week. And in this one month, I have gone from 125kg/276lb to 115.6kg/255lb. I don't do it for I have to, I do it as it's a habit now.

I know it's not much, especially when you compare it with other legendary losses this forum has witnessed, but this is my small victory which I thought of sharing.

And guess what, it's not painful. I enjoy it. I love to cook since I was a kid, and now I use that skill to make my own recipes of my favourite dishes. Oil free Chicken Tikka Masala, Oil free Butter Chicken, Quinoa Biryani, etc. I thought I was addicted to alcohol, but clearly I am not. I don't need cheat days or cheat meals, I can have it all, just by cooking things smartly.

Two things I need to do now, increase my daily steps from 4,000 to 10,000. I don't find it difficult to walk, but it's my work life that tires me out. Secondly, I want to cut down on my smoking, if not quit it completely.

I have set some targets for me. Like once I reach 110kg/242lb, I will have a nice big plate of biryani (a famous Indian rice dish consisting about 600cal). Not because I desire it, or crave for it, because I can have it. I might not go for it, let's see what happens there.

So this is my story till now. It's not perfect or ideal. But I am proud of it. If I can inspire someone, great, if not, please tell me where I went wrong and what should be my next step.

TL;DR Was an asshole sometime ago, got my ego hurt, tried to change my lifestyle, lost some pounds, no longer a big fatty, now a bit less fatty.

submitted by /u/anarchy911
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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