Tuesday, August 4, 2020

NSV - My Nutritionist Broke Up with Me

32F - SW: 333 - CW: 278 - GW: 180

My Nutritionist specialized in people struggling with health problems. I have fibromyalgia and was told eating correctly and losing weight would help my pain. We've been working together for about 2 years. 2 months ago she asked me to maintain my weightloss, not lose, just maintain, for a month. I got busy and took an extra month.

Today she called me and we did our normal check in. "How's your eating? How's your pain? Are you taking your vitamins? Do you poop regularly?"

At the end of our conversation she explains that I'm doing so well and on course with my weight loss that it is time to transition me, and to say goodbye. She referred me to 3 different programs and told me how to get involved with each.

I feel like I've hit a milestone. No, I'm not perfect. I've still got a lot of weight to lose to be considered healthy, and I will always need to manage my pain, but I've made enough progress that she feels comfortable saying goodbye. I've made progress. I was able to maintain a stable weight for 2 months! I've never done that before.


  • I've been doing keto/low carb since February.

  • I go for a couple of short walks throughout the day, every day, but do not have an regulated exercise (trying to find one that I can tolerate, if anyone knows painn-friendly programs!)

submitted by /u/inclinedtothelie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/31gXnj3

I'm desperate because now that I'm putting more effort nothing seems to work

For about a year and a half I lost weight tracking calories. Around 17 kilos. I wasn't super strict and it worked for me. I was studying abroad for six months so on January before coming back I decided to indulge and gained around 1.5 kilos which I was okay with. Then quarantine happened and I gained 3 kilos in total. A month ago I started following youtube videos to exercise a bit, before this my weight loss didn't include any exercise. I gained another kilo and it freaked me out. I wasn't eating more calories, I was still eating the same plus losing some with the routines. People told me exercise can inflame muscles at first and all that but I was still worried. 3 days ago I got two wisdom teeth removed and since I'm only supposed to eat soft foods and smoothies, I wanted to see if I would see a difference on the scale. I'm not eating much and there's not a single difference. Not even one.

I'm basically desperate because I don't know if I fucked up my metabolism or something. Before starting the exercise I could eat strictly 1200 calories and lose let's say half a kilo in less than three days. I want to lose the 4 kilos (plus 8 more) I gained since the beginning of the year and I'm stuck. I've been wanted to cry because I don't know what's wrong with my body.

My maintenance should be around 1600 calories but I was eating around 1300-1400 to lose the weight. As I said I wasn't super strict so that's why I took it slow but it was sustainable for me. Now I'm extremely scared.

submitted by /u/goldsnafu101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Da0Mbv

Down -18.3lbs since 7/1 but feeling stuck

I started CICO tracking on 7/1 and have gone from 255.6 to 237.3. While I know this is a great accomplishment, I'll be honest I'm feeling kind of stuck. I feel like I need something to jump-start my system or something. I know the weight loss will be slower as I progress but the past week or so it's like I gain 0.2 lbs one day then lose it the next, then gain it then lose it, not really making any process. I guess this is the "plateau" people talk about. I'm sticking religiously to at or below 1500 calories per day, not eating garbage and logging every single morsel of food/drink. How can I get the momentum going again?

submitted by /u/Nadadepeti
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39Smywi

In general, is there any reason to cycle in a CICO maintenance period if I haven't hit a plateau? F28, SW305, CW278, (1st)GW250

Hello! I reviewed the loseit posts I could find about maintenance and calorie cycling regarding plateaus, but didn't see anything that specifically addressed what I am looking for.

Everyone seems pretty in agreement that a good way to break out of a plateau is to calorie cycle or take a week and eat at your maintenance CICO. However, a couple IRL folks (coworkers and family friends) have mentioned that someone trying to lose weight and change lifestyle should institute maintenance periods during their weight loss even if they are still actively losing and not at a plateau. One person said it's advised to lose for 12 weeks, maintain for 12. One person said lose for 2 weeks, maintain for 2 weeks. Both said that alternating losing and maintenance will help the metabolism catch up to a new normal.

Hoping to learn if anyone has cycled maintenance periods like this and found it beneficial, or if I just let these folks get in my head and shouldn't worry about it unless I plateau. I only weigh myself every couple weeks, but overall I've averaged 1.6 lbs down a week since I started and I haven't noticed any plateau/gain that wasn't temporary/hormone related.

Thanks much for any guidance!

submitted by /u/MadMadameMir
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ETwZV3

I’m really struggling to lose these last 20 pounds.

I’ve even eating at a 1600 caloric intake(5’6, 180 pounds) for 10 days so far and I don’t see any bodily changes. The last 2 days I fell off and gave into cravings. I didn’t eat the entire world, probably more at maintenance, but I definitely ate over my calories.

I am really struggling this time around. I am not seeing results as fast as I hoped and I feel BIGGER if anything. Maybe that’s body dysmorphia though. I was going to the gym but I hurt my back and had to take a week break(so basically the entire time I started my weight loss again.)

I came from 208 pounds.

I am trying to get to 150-155ish. Maybe even 160 if I like how my body looks then. But these last 10-20 pounds feel so hard. I don’t know if I’m just being impatient or what but I feel like this time around feels harder than ever. I’m really struggling to stay on track.

I gave in for 2 days and today I said no more cheating and I’m getting back on track but I feel like everything was ruined.

Sorry just ranting. I’m really tired and frustrated.

submitted by /u/sisiisdj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Dhg3qM

I finally feel good about myself, and comfortable with my body!

My stats are in my flair, but for ease of reading here they are: 24M 6'0" / SW:211 / CW:176 / GW:170

Been a lurker for a little while now, but I figured now would be a good time to make my own post. I started my weight loss journey back in February, right before quarantine started in my area, and I never really noticed the difference until I looked at the two photos below side-by-side. I can't believe how round my face used to be, and how not-round it is now!

Me at my own wedding last August 2019, approximately 219 according to Dr's records

Me a few weeks ago attending a friend's wedding, weighing in at 180

Side note and a bit of a NSV, those are my brother's clothes in the second picture, and I was absolutely ECSTATIC to be able to fit into them!! That definitely would not have been possible last year!

Weight loss graph for anyone who's interested

I didn't start tracking my weight until about mid-May, so my starting weight for the graph is 193lb, 3 months after starting to lose weight. I have lost on average about 1.5 pounds per week, which is exactly what I was aiming for, so that's great. Even though I have not quite reached my overall goal, I wanted to share my progress because I honestly just feel super proud. I never thought I'd be able to actually lose weight, especially to this extent, and it's so great to see that it is possible.

I also just had my yearly doctor's appointment (physical) this morning, and he was very happy to see that I had lost so much weight. Last year my cholesterol was high and he said I should try to lose 1 pound per month. Well, I obviously surpassed that by quite a bit, and he expects my cholesterol to be much better this time, which was one of the bigger reasons I decided it was time to lose weight in the first place.

I just want to thank you all for all of the support I've seen on other posts, and for posting your own progress and achievements, as it has been extremely motivating for me. Keep being awesome r/loseit!

If anyone happens to have any questions I'd be happy to answer them!

Sorry for the long post, it got a lot longer than I expected it to be. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/XUndeadA55asinX
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2DcErtU

Becoming an uncle was the kick in the pants I needed.

Hi everyone! I've been on this subreddit for a while, and the posts on here are always very encouraging, so I thought I'd share my story. My journey is just beginning, but I'm confident that I can see this through to my goal.

I've been overweight/obese for a long time. For the past few years, I've hovered around 300 lbs. I've done different diets on and off with promising results, but was never able to stick to them. I would lose motivation quickly and return to my old habits.

Shortly after my 34th birthday last year, I received some great news. My sister was pregnant! I was going to be an uncle! I couldn't wait to start playing with the kid, teaching them all the games I knew and doing magic tricks, all the stereotypical uncle stuff...but I knew I needed to drop these extra pounds or I wouldn't have the energy or stamina to keep up. I needed to come up with a plan that I could stick with. I decided to go in steps to establish one habit at a time so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed with a bunch of changes all at once.

I started by finding cooking apps to help teach me to cook better and healthier foods instead of frequently going out for fast food. I found recipes that use fresh veggies and I've fallen in love with some of them. Steamed broccoli is one of my favorite side dishes, and it's so easy to cook.

Next, I started tracking my intake. I have a Fitbit activity tracker, so I started tracking my food on the app. It also helped me set up a daily caloric budget. I knew that I could go over the budget, but it might mean slightly less loss for the week.

I also knew that with my mindset, I needed a reward system. I needed to gamify my weight loss. I came up with the idea of randomized rewards. My overall goal is to get to around 180 lbs. In the past, I always looked at the big picture, and would quickly become demotivated. This time around, I'm looking smaller. Because I'm looking at an overall goal of 120 lbs lost, I divided it into 12 mini-goals of 10 lbs each. With each goal comes a reward that I have written down. I shuffled the rewards, placed them in envelopes, then shuffled the envelopes before writing each sub-goal on them. As I reach each of these sub-goal, I now have a reward for myself. I can still look at the big picture, but now I have smaller, much more manageable things to look at as well.

My nephew was born late June. I started taking daily walks through some local parks the same day he was born (Pokémon Go helps make it more fun, though being out in nature is nice enough on its own). In the first 5 weeks of enacting my plan, I'm down almost 10 lbs, and am about to open my first envelope. I'm still highly motivated, and I've seen a huge improvement in my overall mood. I'm excited to get out every day, and I'm looking forward to when my nephew is old enough to run around and play (or even if/when I have kids of my own).

submitted by /u/OtakuTom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30pRzo4