Friday, September 4, 2020

Came to a realization about self-control today

So what a lot of my unsuccessful weight loss attempts in the past have in common is that I got obsessed with restrictions and being really hard on myself if I made the smallest mistake and all the other stuff I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with. I was trying to figure out why this time has been so much easier and more successful and I think a huge part of it comes down to the language I’m using. A lot of the obvious ones like “there’s nothing I can’t eat, there’s things I’m choosing not to eat,” and “I’m taking care of my health because I love myself not because I hate myself,” and all that. But the biggest one by far has been that I don’t ever tell myself no anymore, I tell myself not now.

My boss was going to this new local milkshake shop today that makes the most insanely decadent milkshakes you’ve ever seen in your life and offered to get me one. If it was one of my previous weight loss attempts I would’ve said no I can’t eat foods like that. Then that same day I would’ve caved and gone and hated myself and decided I’d failed and might as well give up. But instead today I said “Oh no thanks, that doesn’t fit my meal plan today, but I’ll definitely have to check them out one day!” And I wrote down the name of the place and made a plan to have one on a planned indulgence day. Anyway that’s probably obvious, but for me it was a revelation that I don’t have to tell myself no, just not right now.

submitted by /u/chalkpastel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Having trouble continuously losing weight. Advice??

 Hello all! Here are some stats: 20 year old male, 278 lbs, have been dieting for about two weeks. I’m familiar to dieting as I have done it before, e.g. reducing calories and the like. However, I started my weight loss journey at 287 lbs, and after about 6 days I was down to 280—I assume I lost a lot of water weight. Ever since then, I have maintained the same weight, and this is day 16. I eat one meal a day at around 4:00 p.m. of around 1500 calories, but I don’t exercise at all. I’m fairly sedentary, so I don’t exercise a lot—but I am open to the idea of starting. Anyway, I can’t figure out why I am not losing any weight now. I figure I’m generating a calorie deficit of around 1200 a day, but I’m still oscillating up and down as if I’m eating like I was before I started my diet—which I am definitely not. So, any advice or personal experience to get me through this block? 


submitted by /u/jman486
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you shop for clothes during your weight loss journey?

I am almost at my goal weight and have been having difficulty when it comes to clothes. For the majority of my life I have been a US 10 (most likely US 12 at my highest weight). Now that I'm approaching my goal weight, I'm having trouble deciding what size I am. I went to the thrift store and bought a size 6 and fit into them. Once I found out my size, I ordered a pair of pants that were a size 4. By the time they arrived, I fit perfectly into the size 4. Quarantine also doesn't give you the ability of trying clothes on in the store anymore. I'm approaching my goal weight and cannot stand wearing my size 10 pants.. Since I'm so close, is it worth staying a size 4 or ordering a size down? How have you guys been handling clothing and sizing during the pandemic? Any general tips for clothes shopping during weight loss?

submitted by /u/oopsimthrowing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Someone explained anti-chafing shorts to me

This isn't about a milestone or a specific amount of weight lost.

I've been losing weight gradually over the course of about four years (aided by visiting this sub!), I'm not exactly where I want to be, but I am happy with myself and at peace with taking things at my own pace.

One thing I hadn't realised is that my mental image of myself, and my own knowledge of my experiences, now clashes with how the friends I have made in the last 1-2 years see me.

I still see myself as a big person losing weight. But I was talking to my friend about outfits & stuff, and she mentioned wearing safety shorts under her dress. I just agreed, yep, I also wear safety shorts under dresses/skirts to avoid accidentally flashing people, I get it.

She wasn't convinced by my agreeing, and proceeded to explain to me the shorts also stop her thighs chafing together.

I was like ??? I know ??? But I realised that she's only seen me look a certain way. So it was reasonable of her to explain this to me.

Sorry this is so long winded but it was really a moment of me wondering how to say, no buddy I DO know what you're talking about, without making it about me/my weight loss. I just let it pass but hey, thought you guys would find it funny like I did!

Anyone else have an obese person explain an issue to you that you used to experience yourself?

submitted by /u/moonlaunch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with bullying and negative self talk? Weight loss stumped


I have been trying to lose weight and was doing very well. I went from 240lbs (5'2 F) to 200lbs. That is until I moved back to my hometown due to the pandemic. I have since then gained 10 lbs. See I was bullied a lot from k-12 and when I initially started gaining weight I would run around my block to help combat this. However those around me weren't kind at all. They would laugh or mock me. One time one individual came up to me and said "look at you...look at me... you will never be fit, you'll never be pretty and you will never be good enough" he then spit and walked away. Another time a group of classmates mocked me for exercising "Your not in any sports, why are you trying?".

Soon after I went to College and started to drop tons of weight! But now that I am back and try to do my routine all I hear is negative self talk "they are right/ look how disgusting your body is/ etc" and I am also frightened that something like that will happen to me again, infact I have gotten scared of exercising outside, which was something I loved doing and I don't want to lose that habit. In college I would take 2 hour walks every evening and was starting to lift weights regularly!

For those of you who dealt with bullying and negative self talk, how did you manage to drown it out so it wouldn't get in the way of your weight loss? How did you move past this stump? I'm tired of letting the negative voices getting in my way but there are days were their so loud I just feel so down.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Learningforfun111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cheat days and a history of bulimia

I've been eating 1200-1300 calories per day and I eat what I burn walking (lose it calculator). Went Fromm 220-175 in 7-8 months (I'm not sure). So after 8 months of this, I get just hungry. I've only done it twice but I cheat and forget about weight loss. Eat 10 chicken wings w blue cheese. Take a break. Well I did that tonight and talked about it in a weight loss sub and something some one said just triggered the shit out of me. I've been recovered from bulimia for 6 years but I purged. I listen to what that chicks on Reddit said instead of listening to my instincts. So I don't know if there's anyone out there that has a history of eating disorders but be careful dieting and definitely don't listen to anyone's advice on Reddit.

submitted by /u/throwawayhiphop3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Halfway to my weight loss goal

Back around mid January, I weighed myself for the first time in years. I always thought I was under or around 300 lbs for the last few years, so it was to my surprise when I stepped on the scale and it said 346...after that moment I knew what I had to do.

I started dieting and experimenting with various supplements seeing what works and what doesn't (I still don't exactly know, I just know I'm shedding weight). I managed to be on a steady decline of 1-3 pounds a week. I set a goal for myself to be 220 or under. I haven't seen 220 since high school (I'm 6'4 so that could almost be considered a normal weight). As of this post, I'm now at 279.6 pounds and halfway to my goal. I lost almost 2 pants sizes and a shirt size.

I always thought I lacked the discipline to lose weight like this because I've always had an issue with controlling my eating habits, and to see progress of this kind is truly amazing. If you're on the same path, stay vigilant and focus. You can do it, I have all the faith in the world on that.

submitted by /u/Castille_92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat