Saturday, September 5, 2020

Help me sort my life out please

I've started my weight loss journey today, I was very active, cycled up and down hills, walked up hills all the time and was generally pretty healthy.

I let this slip for a few years focusing on relationships and work. I'm now ready to get back into cycling and walking again but my eating habits are shocking.

I recently gave up smoking and comfort eating has become my thing. I've got the will power to exercise it's the control with eating. Can anyone help me out with a decent meal plan that still let's me indulge in some of my favourite foods?

I'm male, 31 years old, 190cm and 240 pounds and from Scotland. Trying to get down to 180 pounds and eating a lot cleaner and healthier, I want to be around to watch my family grow.

Thanks guys.

submitted by /u/Gow89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why finding a realistic and healthy GW is so important

Context: F42/5'8/sw164/cw148/gw141

I've realised one of my critial yo-yo flaws this time around, and it's all based on getting a realistic GW.

I've always assumed that I would be destined to fail in a weight loss goal if aimed too low. I've been on stints of loosing weight for the last 20 years, sometimes a little sometimes a lot, sometimes maintained for a long time, sometimes barely three months.

The ah-ha moment came this time around when I did some research and saw that my GW should be much less that I've considered previously.

Based on my stats my GW should be 143-136, I thought that's IMPOSSIBLE! That's my youthful metabolism / eat terrible / do what I like / 21 yr old weight. I've had a baby now, I'm over 40 for goodness sake, this is crazy talk!

However... I do know people my age who are fit and thin. It's not actually impossible. It seems through the years I've shifted my idea of an ideal weight for me a little higher, over and over. I genuinely thought of 150 as basically impossible and would shoot for it, and give up at 156 satisfied. That leave no wiggle room for maintenance though, and before I knew it I'd gained back those 8 pounds again, when I really should have lost 18 to start with!

My surprise realisation is that my assumed a healthy weight for me was too high. I never reassessed my goals I just padded them higher with excuses. So my tip is to look honestly at the recommendations for your gender and age and go for it. I've seven pounds to go... Eye on the prize!

submitted by /u/watchingonsidelines
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Beginning my weight loss journey

Hi all, I’m excited to have found the app and this subreddit. I had a lot of stress in my life and the quarantine didn’t help, so I ended up gaining some weight. My current goal is to lose 25Ibs. Tracking what I eat has opened my eyes as to how much I actually consume. I always thought that I eat healthy and that’s enough but I guess healthy overeating is still bad. My biggest issue in the past was consistency, whether it’s eating or exercising. Have you found a way to help you stay consistent? What has worked for you? Also, I’ve lost 5Ibs so far but feel bloated today. Is that normal? I feel like I should feel skinner. Maybe I need to incorporate more strength training into my exercise routine?

submitted by /u/HalfDoneEsq2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I needed to vent & share some hard lessons.

When I was most successful in weight loss was a few years ago I had managed to drop 50 pounds basically by committing to doing at least one healthy thing a day.

What I did was mostly intuitive eating and trying to make good choices no drink water I would avoid desserts I would try to stop myself if I wanted to over eat.

I would try to move more, little things like parking farther away from the store taking Sears stuff like that and then the weight loss leveled off and I wasn't really losing anything anymore. I had gotten back to the point where I was not pay attention to what I was consuming and basically i'm the queen of yo yo dieting, id gained most of what I lost back.

Id start again, not really ever giving up, weight loss is always on my mind with everything I put in my mouth. Up-and-down and kept playing with the same 10 pounds over and over again.

I'd have bouts where I was focused on counting calories moderately. I didnt want to burn myself out with it so i wasn't very scientific with it, if my food wasn't scandals the amounts were clarified with "about" this much lol.

I would weigh things on the scale but I found it frustrating and difficult because complex food recipes where hard to weigh. I would forget to weigh the pan that I was putting my recipe in and then I throw in all these ingredients and I would count the calories and measure those ingredients but then at the end I didnt know what the serving was.

Those methods were not strict enough to facilitate weightloss. What I found was that mentally I was very focused on weight loss but I wasn't losing. You know that's really frustrating when you are putting forth the effort and what you consume is on your mind all the time just constantly thinking about food and I didn't like that because I felt all this stress was for naught.

I wanted to have the lifestyle of somebody that was at a healthy weight I was focused on thinking thin and I know that thin people don't obsess over what they're eating. I was obsessing over what I was eating but I wasn't obsessing accurately and it became this exercise of me obsessing and not losing.

So recently I have gone down the rabbit hole I have been extremely strict about counting everything. I am weighing lettuce, the foods that are obviously nutritionally dense and low in calories I never before bothered to weigh before because I figured those calories were inconsequential.

Who weighs out onions and broccoli and lettuce you know? Those are foods that are so low in calories a person doesn't have to weigh those is what I thought.

This go around I'm weighing everything, even by the gram. Even my vegetables. I have switched over to low calorie versions of regular foods and I'm weighing it all. Before when I knew it wasn't going to be a weightloss day, I would not bother to log all my food. Once most of my calories were used and I hadn't even had dinner I'd just give up for the day. Not anymore, im even logging when I go over my calories.

What I have found is that it is working I am consistently losing weight. I have mixed feelings over this. There is a saying I can't remember it correctly but its something about "Dont half ass anything unless you want to make a whole ass out of yourself.". What im realizing is that, half assing something doesn't make it less stressful, easier or simpler. You have the same amount of mental anguish with the added disappointment of not reaching your goals. Self pity happens & leads to a spiral.

"I just cant lose weight, im trying, im planning, im counting, etc."...these are thoughts I frequently had. But I was half assing it. Thinking I was making it simpler & still mostly doing things right & would see mostly good results.

Its like taking the minimum maintenance road as a short cut rather than driving around the mile section. You think you'll save time by driving a shorter distance but you have to drive slower & there are bumps and branches in the path. You should have driven around the section. You didn't save time. You didn't work any less hard. You didn't spare yourself any stress. Yet the person that went around gets there sooner and has done less damage to their vehicle lol. Meanwhile you are stuck in the mud on an unmarked path.

Im frustrated that I have to weigh/scan everything, EVERYTHING. It can be annoying when its complicated & scary when its impossible (like eating out). For the most part I think its actually kind of fun.

I have a friend that saw me scanning the bar code on my beer. She feels sorry for me, thinks im obsessed, making things too hard for myself. Whats harder is not scanning the beer & then crying the next day bc I gained a pound.

Whats fun is making a ten ingredient salad & KNOWING its 327 calories. Achievement, unlocked. Whats fun is finding out cold brew coffee with sugar free Torani doesnt need added milk, & that low calorie cheese is actually really yummy & that watered down ranch dressing still tastes just like the good Hidden Valley Rnach.

I'm done yo-yoing, im done half assing it. It doesn't take any more effort to log a weighed amount of ingredients than it does to wonder if that handful was a quarter cup or a half cup.

submitted by /u/Penetrative
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Really excited with my progress! Just wanted to share it!

I have been posting on this reddit a few times since I started my weight loss journey. I normally try to update every week if I can. I know I still have ALOT to go, but it feels really good so far. I started on July 30th 2020 weighing in a massive 412lbs. I couldn't keep up with my daughter when she wanted to play, I was always out of breath. I started by counting all of my calories on MyFitnessPal and walking a few miles in the afternoon after work. I have lost 35lbs so far, while I fully know its still a long journey and my weightless wont be as rapid as it has been, I am so fully dedicated to this new life style. Here is my current progress.

July 30th - 412lbs

August 6th- 399lbs

August 13th - 393lbs

August 20th - 390lbs

August 27th - 385lbs

Sept 3rd - 379lbs

Today - 377.2lbs (I normally check my weight every sunday but I randomly checked today)

Today is a big day for me because I am officially my daughters weight down. I weigh the same now while carrying my daughter as I did 5 weeks ago without her. Small bit of progress to hopefully motivate someone else into starting to lose weight. If my 400lb ass can get the motivation I hope you can too!. Will post pics @ 50lbs down!

submitted by /u/Mr_GrahamOS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - Bought a New Dress and Loving The Way I Look In It

Today I am going to a friends wedding, and since I’ve lost weight I decided to buy a new dress. This is something I haven’t done in a while.

For the first time in a long time, i wasn’t dreading trying things on. Things fit so much better than they used to. I wasn’t thinking that the sales lady helping me was judging me. I can’t explain how much more enjoyable it is to go shopping.

I have a long ways to go in terms of my weight loss but I am really proud of how I look in this dress. Beginning in March I started incorporating way more ab and oblique workouts and it has been a game changer in terms of how I look in clothing. Chloe ting and other YouTube workouts were so helpful and motivating. I’ve been doing one 20 minute video every day (almost) and I feel so much stronger and healthier. This is the first time I’ve really noticed how much it has done for my figure! This dress even has an open back and I’m confident in how my back will look! I’ve been doing more upper body workouts than I’ve ever done in my life, and I think I can credit the way my back looks in this dress to push ups, planks, spider mans, and more! I know it usually goes that you notice the changes in yourself first, then others will follow, but it’s been totally the opposite for me. I’m so proud that my consistent strength exercises have had such a great effect on the way i look in clothes. The change in mindset of losing weight but ALSO getting stronger has been so healthy and life changing for me.

Happy Saturday everyone.

submitted by /u/throwawayy7275
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost ~5lbs in my first week.

25 Male / 5'9" / 210lbs

I just started dieting and tracking my calories a week ago and as of this morning, a week since start of my diet, I've lost 5 lbs. While that is great and encouraging to me because my whole life I thought I had some defect in my body and was uncapable of losing weight, I am slightly worried if the loss is too much or that it won't be sustainable for long? I don't want to exchange weight loss for other health problems in the future.

My diet for the past week consists of eating around 1200 calories/day, sometimes even less - NOT INTENTIONAL. From all that I've searched, this seems to be very low but I don't feel hungry? So it is not like I'm intentionally keeping the calories that low or starving myself, I am genuinely not that hungry and 1200 calories is enough food for me. Looking back, I was never a big eater, hence why I thought I had some body defect to still be as fat as I am. But I have come to the realization now that even though I didn't eat a lot, I certainly didn't eat well and that led to consuming a lot of calories despite not eating a lot during my meals. I guess I have a small stomach.

I currently don't exercise but I am planning to start walking at least 30-45 mins on a treadmill very soon. I'm just wondering if it's even worth my time when I'm already on a heavy calorie deficit diet - even if it is unintentional and I just don't feel very hungry to eat how much I should, which is apparently around 1500-1700 calories. Will exercise even help my situation? In terms of weight loss.

Any help regarding my situation here is much appreciated. I am aiming to be 175-180lbs by end of December.

submitted by /u/MeIn2016LUL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat