Friday, March 5, 2021

The power of water.

Here is what I have found out about water and weight loss. Starting the day by filling stomach up with water and waiting until hunger passes to eat or to wait thirty minutes before doing some cardio(calorie burning) has helped me lose 80 lbs. spacing your meals out and fighting hunger by the use of water is the safest method of weight loss I have tried and it is the only way the weight has stayed off. Staying with water for a consistent 3 months(no alcohol) has allowed my cellular processes to change so that my metabolism is up and I am now accustomed to getting energy from nutritious diet of my choosing.

submitted by /u/Sant_Cian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[ADVICE NEEDED] Serious weight loss advice for myself

Current status- 203lbs/5ft7in/21yrs/M

(Sorry for my bad English in advance, not a native speaker)

I started going to gym 2 years ago when my weight was 192 lbs and initially I lost considerable amount of weight(15lbs) in a month doing cardio mostly and was on my way towards my goal, but i became overconfident and acquired bad eating habits that resulted in nullification of all my hard work, as a result of demotivation i quit gym. My situation worsened and i gained even more weight, again i said enough is enough and joined the gym, this time i weighed 196 lbs, did everything right but results were not visible like last time even in two months, i became demotivated again and started eating junk foods (worth 1500 calories at a time) at an alarming rate, all the constraints that i had put (no sugar, no carbs ) over my diet became nonexistent, all this combined with my grandfather's recent death lead me to serious depression and i became mentally unstable for more than 5 months where i had no control over my life, i am in college so my grades were also affected.

But from last 2 months, i am taking my life seriously and this time i want to make things right for sure. I have been reading few self help books lately and one thing that i have learned from them is that no war is won without a proper strategy. All those time where i spent hours in gym sweating and going hard on myself resulted in nothing because my strategy was poor and non-existent, my diet was shit and my discipline was a joke. Hence this time i am asking for your advice, any advice or strategy regarding diet, exercise, discipline or anything that you can give to this amateur to help in his weight loss journey. Please.

submitted by /u/Ercrab299792458
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One Step Forward, Five Steps Backwards

Hi all! This is a bit of a rant but also a need for motivation I suppose.

For almost 2 months, I’ve done so well with my weight loss journey. I was eating extremely healthy, working out 6 days a week, drinking more water than a fish, and I loved it! I was always so excited to exercise or to plan my next meal. Seeing ab lines appear and my legs slim down was more satisfying than any dessert I could ever imagine. I was only 10 pounds away from my final weight goal, I had never been more motivated in my life!!

Then, I went to Miami... and listen, I did not at all expect to laze around and eat well over 1600 calories every day. I had my entire week planned out: I found healthy restaurants, had brought my tennis shoes, and packed tight outfits so I wouldn’t eat so much that I couldn’t fit into them.

Alas, all of that fell through.

For 7 days I slept, layed out in the sun, drank one too many margaritas (....or four), and spent an absurd amount on giant dinners. I kept telling myself “I’ll work out once I get back!” I’ll cut calories once I go home!” “I’ll do a juice cleanse!”

Welp, I’ve been home for about a week now and I’m still eating junk. I’m not joking, yesterday I ate an entire box of thin mints. I’m terrified to step on the scale.

I somehow managed to drag myself downstairs today and had a 40 minute workout planned, but I didn’t even last 15 minutes. I feel so weak. My abs have disappeared, my stomach is so rounded, my legs look exactly as they do when I started. I’m frustrated and depressed, and have no idea how to overcome this. I miss being my lively self and loving my workouts. I miss cooking my healthy meals. I miss confidently wearing whatever I want. And yet, I can’t seem to get myself to go there again.

Please help!

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Term-27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Small, consistent efforts over time.

That’s how I got here. How I gained 85 pounds over the past ten years. Starbucks drinks. Disregarding portion sizes. Treats. Eating out. Ice cream for breakfast. Chips “because I need it”. Fried instead of grilled. Empty carbs to fill me up. I could go on forever about the small choices I made every single day that got me to where I am today. I made seemingly small choices that pushed me further and further away from my goals. I am flipping the switch now. I will continue to make small, consistent efforts. Weight loss isn’t magic, I can’t get rid of all this fat overnight because I didn’t gain it overnight. Each moment is an opportunity to move towards my goals or farther away and I am finally ready to make that switch. I am trying to take it minute by minute. Meal by meal. And hopefully 10 years from now I can be proud of all the small, consistent efforts I have made instead of being ashamed.

submitted by /u/misspurplegirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

tdee feels too high

hi all, i'm a 19 year old female and kind of starting my weight loss journey. i say kind of because i've yoyo-ed between periods of weight loss and weight gain since i was 12, with my highest weight being 275 at 13 and my lowest weight being about 210 at 16. a lot of this was due to disordered eating and easier weight gain due to pcos, going between periods of bingeing and self starvation with no consistent exercise. i just moved to college and have regular access to a gym for the first time and am trying to take full advantage of it, and i don't keep food in my room (other than a few snacks) to control bingeing and only get food from the dining hall which has pretty healthy options.

so i am 19, 5'7", and about 235 pounds, and according to this calculator, my tdee is 2,900 for my current exercise level, which is moderate (hard cardio for 40 minutes 4 times a week). subtracting 500 calories for a deficit leaves me at 2,400. this still feels WAY too high. i started ADHD medication that has made my appetite decrease, and if i eat around 1,800 for the day i feel really full and i have trouble imagining eating more for the day. i also realize that if i don't eat enough/rest enough it will only be damaging in the long run. having pcos makes this equation more difficult as there's a lot of conflicting information on whether it impacts BMR or not.

since my weight has fluctuated so much i'm honestly also just scared of intentionally eating 2,400 calories for the day even if i'm more active than i've ever been and i put in good work at the gym. i just have trouble trusting this number and trusting the process in general. if anyone has been in this spot before and has any advice, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

submitted by /u/hidemypassport
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Feeling Positive and Resetting Expectations

Hi fellow losers,

It's been a long and weird journey getting here, but I just wanted to share my feelings about health and weightloss and hopefully some of you can relate.

I have no incredible weight loss to report, in fact, I've been hovering up and down for several weeks now, but for the first time in my life when trying to lose weight, I haven't given up and I haven't been discouraged. I've never stuck with a lifestyle change long enough to understand what it is I need to do to succeed, when things hadn't gone my way in the past, I'd just give up and double-down to find I'd gained another 10+ pounds a few months later.

I have lost weight before - 75lbs! But I lost it by eating almost nothing and allowing myself to fall into an incredible depression that made starving myself an appealing type of self-punishment.

For this and other reasons, obviously I gained it all back.

For over 2 months now, however, I've been on MFP and WW. I track most days, even on really bad days. I've had days where I don't track and weeks where I felt like giving up. I've gone from going on walks consistently to falling back into old sedentary habits, to walking consistently and then back again.

My point is, the process has been messy. It's been imperfect and inconstant. And yet, I've stuck to it.

Like a baby learning to walk, you have to crawl before you can run. I feel so good about just trying and failing and still fighting to get better at this everyday. Though my weight has gone up and down, I've maintained a 10lb loss overall from where I started, and as I get better and better at learning how to tailor my journey to my habits and goals, I can't wait to look back on this time with even more pride than I already feel now.

In my opinion, this is how you lose weight. Not by crash dieting and not by obsessively managing every aspect of your weight loss with overzealous perfectionism. You try. You fail. You try again.

submitted by /u/Shayzy93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

20 Easy Recipes for a Healthy Pasta Dinner

Pasta and weight loss simply don’t sound like two things that can go hand-in-hand. But here at Nutrisystem, we believe that transitioning to a healthier lifestyle should not have to mean giving up all of the things that you love—pasta included! Sometimes all it takes is just a little bit of creativity to devise pasta recipes that use healthy substitutions.

At your local grocery store, you can most likely find a large variety of healthy pasta swaps, such as spiralized veggies, whole wheat noodles, gluten free pasta and even spaghetti squash! We’ve rounded up 20 of our best (and simple) recipes that will give you your healthy pasta fix while still keeping you on track with your weight loss goals.

5 Healthy Veggies That Make Awesome Pasta Substitutes

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1. Pasta and Meatball Skewers >

pasta and meatball skewers. healthy pasta recipes

If pasta and meatballs is one of your favorite comfort food combos, then you probably know how easy it is to overindulge on this classic dish. One heaping turns into two or more and soon you’ve eaten way too many servings. That’s what makes these skewers so great. It forces you to slow down and savor what you’re eating. That helps with portion control but also allows you to realize when you’re full. Oftentimes when we eat fast, we don’t give our stomach the chance to tell our brain that we’re satisfied!

2. Cashew Cream Veggie Pasta >

cashew cream veggie pasta. healthy pasta recipes

This pasta meal gives you the decadence of a creamy dish but without the cheese. Instead, we prepare it with a homemade cashew cream sauce. If you’re trying to avoid dairy, this will be one of your go-to healthy pasta recipes. Filled with healthy fats and fiber, this dish also features vitamin-packed spinach and tomatoes to help you get your fill of daily veggies.

3. Chicken A La King >

chicken a la king with healthy vegetables. healthy pasta recipes

This flavor-filled recipe has a little bit of everything by combining chicken, ziti and a variety of veggies all in one delicious dish. It’s colorful and nutritious with wholesome vegetables like mushrooms, bell peppers, onions and celery cooked in just a small amount of butter. If you’re someone who is tired of boring chicken dishes night after night, then this is a great way to jazz up your dinner.

20 Healthy Recipes You Can Make for the Whole Family

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4. No-Bake French Onion Beef Casserole >

no-bake french onion beef casserole

If you’re looking for comfort food that won’t totally derail your healthy eating plan, then this dish is sure to become a new favorite. Although most casseroles are made in the oven, this no-bake version is cooked on the stovetop. While the end result is creamy and decadent, a serving is a mere 326 calories. This is achieved with some healthy substitutions, such as using part skim mozzarella and light sour cream instead of the full fat versions. That means you’ll get your creamy pasta fix in a healthful way.

5. Shrimp Pasta with Garlic Asparagus >

shrimp pasta with garlic asparagus

If you’re someone who thinks healthy shrimp pasta recipes are too difficult to make at home, this meal will change your tune. Shrimp dishes can be much simpler to whip up than you might imagine and are a great way to incorporate lean protein into your diet. This particular recipe also features asparagus, which is a great source of nutrients including fiber, folate and vitamins A, C and K. You’ll feel like you got a restaurant-quality meal but will know that it was a healthy choice—and you’ll be proud that you made it yourself.

6. Shrimp Fra Diavolo >

shrimp fra diavolo with cilantro garnish

If you love spicy seafood dishes, then Shrimp Fra Diavolo might be a favorite. In this recipe, we’ve created a lighter version of this classic favorite. With antioxidant-packed tomatoes and the addition of some bell peppers and onions, it’s got plenty of veggies. But it’s the lean protein that shines in this dish! Shrimp is high in several vitamins and minerals while also serving as a rich source of protein.

Hungry? 8 Foods to Help You Fill Up Fast

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7. Sweet & Savory Spaghetti Squash Bowl >

sweet & savory spaghetti squash bowl with goat cheese. healthy pasta recipes

This recipe is a great choice if you’re looking for a pasta-like dinner without the pasta. Spaghetti squash makes an excellent noodle-alternative for your healthy pasta recipes because it’s low in calories and high in fiber. It’s one of our favorite foods here at Nutrisystem, thanks to being considered a non-starchy, unlimited veggie that is highly versatile. In this dish, we combine it with diced sweet potato, seasonings, honey and goat cheese for a decadent-tasting meal that’s good for you, too. One serving is just 288 calories.

8. Zoodle Mac and Cheese with Roasted Veggies >

zoodle mac and cheese with roasted veggies. healthy pasta recipes

This meal is a great way to get your pasta fix without the pasta by using spiralized zucchini (also known as zoodles). It features a lighter cheese sauce that’s made with reduced fat shredded cheese and some nonfat milk. Plus, it packs in a ton of roasted veggies for plenty of antioxidant goodness. With everything from broccoli and bell peppers to onions and sweet potatoes, this dish is chock-full of flavor and healthy fiber, too.

9. Shrimp Scampi with Zucchini Pasta >

shrimp scampi with zucchini pasta

Shrimp scampi is often a restaurant favorite. However, it’s known for having lots of butter and being loaded with carb-heavy white pasta. Our version removes the butter and goes low-carb with healthy spiralized zucchini and just a handful of whole wheat spaghetti. But have no fear, all that flavor you love is still there. It’s a great way to enjoy a classic dish with a healthy twist.

Power in Protein: The Major Health Benefits of Shrimp

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10. Instant Pot Pasta e Fagioli Soup >

instant pot pasta e fagioli soup. healthy pasta recipes

Besides being warm and comforting, particularly during colder months, soups are also fantastic for packing in the veggies. This soup does not disappoint! It has carrots, celery and tomatoes featured alongside hearty beans, lean ground chicken and just enough pasta to fulfill your craving without sending you into carb overload. A serving is hearty enough to count as a Flex Meal and won’t leave you feeling hungry after eating.

11. 15-Minute Beef Lo Mein >

15-minute beef lo mein with cilantro as garnish. healthy pasta recipes

Nothing tops an easy-to-make meal that’s healthy, too. That is certainly the case for this tasty Beef Lo Mein dish that incorporates flank steak strips with lo mein noodles, healthy snow peas and carrots. It has all the flavor of take-out without the typical fat and calories associated with it. Plus, you’ll be able to whip it up a lot faster than calling for delivery.

12. Spinach Stuffed Mussels & Shrimp >

spinach stuffed mussels & shrimp with cilantro as garnish. healthy pasta recipes

If you’re a seafood lover, then you’ll definitely want to add this recipe to your weekly lineup. It combines mussels and shrimp with cooked spinach, parmesan cheese and whole wheat spaghetti—all covered in a tomato garlic sauce that adds a major burst of flavor. It’s both delicious and nutritious, making it a win all around.

Healthy Pasta Alternatives: Which Should You Buy & Which Should You Skip

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13. Slow Cooker Turkey Bolognese with Spaghetti Squash Pasta >

slow cooker turkey bolognese with spaghetti squash pasta. healthy pasta recipes

Pasta Bolognese is an Italian favorite—but the pasta and the red meat can also make it a heavy, calorie-packed and fat-filled dish. Our version is much lighter, swapping out pasta with spaghetti squash and the traditional mix of beef, veal and pork with lean ground turkey. Still packed with flavor, our healthier recipe also shines a spotlight on the veggies with peas, zucchini, onions and tomatoes sneaking their way in. It’s so full of flavor that you’ll forget it’s a healthy twist on a classic dish.

14. Creamy Spinach Gnocchi >

creamy spinach gnocchi. healthy pasta recipes

If you’re looking for the creamy goodness of pasta in cheese sauce but don’t want to wreak havoc on your weight loss regimen, then this dish has got you covered. It uses low-fat ricotta and parmesan cheese for a simple sauce that kicks up the flavor factor on some whole wheat gnocchi. Add in some vitamin-packed spinach and sundried tomatoes and it’s clear to see how this dish has it all.

15. Healthy Chicken Piccata >

healthy chicken piccata with cilantro as garnish. healthy pasta recipes

As yummy as classic chicken piccata may be, its downfall is in the heaps of butter it’s traditionally browned in. Typically served atop carb-loaded pasta, it’s easy to see how this dish can be a diet detour. But don’t worry—we’ve created a healthier version! This recipe eliminates the butter but adds in nonfat plain Greek yogurt to get that creamy texture. It still has plenty of flavor. Served over top of whole wheat pasta, it’s also got some hearty fiber.

Healthier Comfort Food: 10 Homemade Mac and Cheese Recipes

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16. Vegetable Lasagna Bake >

baked vegetable lasagna. 

Our Vegetable Lasagna Bake is a great example of how you can have your favorite pasta recipes while still sticking to your healthy weight loss plan. This version packs in spinach and butternut squash, a low-calorie, fiber-rich winter veggie that adds a touch of sweetness. With just the right amount of low-fat cheeses, it’ll satisfy your lasagna longing without derailing your diet.

17. Vegetarian Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles >

vegetarian meatballs with zucchini noodles. healthy pasta recipes

Whereas traditional meatballs are made from a combination of pork, beef and veal, our healthy vegetarian meatballs are made from brown lentils, mushrooms and oats. Still seasoned and baked to deliciousness, these meatballs are big on flavor—and fiber—while being low in fat and calories. Served atop zucchini noodles with no-sugar-added marinara sauce, it’s a great way to get your spaghetti and meatball fix in a healthful way.

18. Slow Cooked Beef Stroganoff >

slow cooked beef stroganoff. healthy pasta recipes

This classic meal has the same ingredients as the traditional version, including top round roast, beef broth, onions, mushrooms and noodles. However, some healthy substitutions help to make it lighter and healthier. Fortunately, it’s still so full of flavor that you would never notice the difference! It will give you that classic comfort that you crave from this hearty favorite.

Grocery Shopping 101: Your Guide to the Pasta & Rice Aisle

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19. Sweet Potato Noodle Bowl with Creamy Almond Butter Sauce >

sweet potato noodle bowl with creamy almond butter sauce. healthy pasta recipes

This noodle bowl replaces carb-laden noodles with healthy spiralized sweet potatoes. Add to that some lean cooked shrimp, antioxidant-packed spinach and a delicious, homemade almond butter sauce and you’ve got a tasty meal that won’t disappoint.

20. Air Fryer Italian Spaghetti Squash >

air fryer spaghetti squash lasagna

Spaghetti squash and lasagna unite in this healthy air fryer recipe that’s filled with Italian-inspired ingredients. Low sodium marinara sauce, part skim ricotta, mozzarella cheese, spinach and oregano are tossed with spaghetti squash noodles and stuffed back into the homemade squash “bowl.” It’s a healthy and simple meal that almost tastes too good to be true.

5 Ways a Meal Delivery Service Can Improve Your Life

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The post 20 Easy Recipes for a Healthy Pasta Dinner appeared first on The Leaf.

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