Friday, March 5, 2021

tdee feels too high

hi all, i'm a 19 year old female and kind of starting my weight loss journey. i say kind of because i've yoyo-ed between periods of weight loss and weight gain since i was 12, with my highest weight being 275 at 13 and my lowest weight being about 210 at 16. a lot of this was due to disordered eating and easier weight gain due to pcos, going between periods of bingeing and self starvation with no consistent exercise. i just moved to college and have regular access to a gym for the first time and am trying to take full advantage of it, and i don't keep food in my room (other than a few snacks) to control bingeing and only get food from the dining hall which has pretty healthy options.

so i am 19, 5'7", and about 235 pounds, and according to this calculator, my tdee is 2,900 for my current exercise level, which is moderate (hard cardio for 40 minutes 4 times a week). subtracting 500 calories for a deficit leaves me at 2,400. this still feels WAY too high. i started ADHD medication that has made my appetite decrease, and if i eat around 1,800 for the day i feel really full and i have trouble imagining eating more for the day. i also realize that if i don't eat enough/rest enough it will only be damaging in the long run. having pcos makes this equation more difficult as there's a lot of conflicting information on whether it impacts BMR or not.

since my weight has fluctuated so much i'm honestly also just scared of intentionally eating 2,400 calories for the day even if i'm more active than i've ever been and i put in good work at the gym. i just have trouble trusting this number and trusting the process in general. if anyone has been in this spot before and has any advice, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

submitted by /u/hidemypassport
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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