Saturday, April 3, 2021

Would bike riding be a good way for me to lose weight? If so, what general info/tips do you have for beginning riding for obese people?

  • SW: 310
  • CW: 277
  • GW: 137

Probably a really dumb question but I’m wondering if biking is good for weight loss, and if it is, if it’s good for someone who is morbidly obese.

Prior to now my weight loss has been successful at ~3lbs/week with NO exercise because I’m following my doctor’s strict diet of 1200 calories per day. However now that I’ve got a good chunk of weight off we want to start adding movement in.

Before I became morbidly obese I was VERY fit, I was a state champion gymnast as a kid and I did competitive cheerleading, dance, club volleyball and soccer, all the way through college. I let myself go after college when I worked retail and hated every second of my working life. I used fast food to cope.

When I first went back to the gym I went WAY too hard too fast and injured myself in multiple ways. I was NOT prepared to be in a gym in a morbidly obese body. My mind had went straight back to my fit younger days where I could do a lot more a lot quicker. So I learned my lesson in that I have limits due to my size and how out of shape I am.

What I’m currently doing for activity is an aqua fit class 1-3 times a week depending on my schedule. It’s really easy (too easy) and I want to add more.

My sister-in-law just gave me her old bike and my husband is fixing it up for me and I’m wondering if this could be a good option for me for an activity. Is this a good way to burn calories? What should I know before starting? Is there anything special I should know about biking due to me being obese? Basically I’m just looking for any info / tips on starting biking for obese people.

My doc recommended I start with the aqua fit and walking (oh yeah I also walk my dog). And then he kinda left it up to me after that. He just said I need to start a lot lower and slower and listen to my body.

submitted by /u/292to137
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A message to the teenagers losing weight...

Hello fellow Redditors. I am a fifteen year old girl, 5’5 and two months ago I weighed 182 lbs . I was obese, unhealthy and began having back issues due to my bodying carrying so much weight. I decided to begin my journey to become healthier and more fit. I struggle with binge eating and anxiety as well. A message to teens who are looking to lose weight keep in mind it’s not a fast process especially if you are making a lifestyle change as well. You will make mistakes and will gain weight then lose it again. It’s a rough journey and you will experience so many emotions; motivation, disappointment, gratitude, regret. Be prepared to fail and start again. Be prepared to have people say mean horrible things. You got this. Look at your weight loss journey as a health goal rather than a way to look “hotter or prettier”. Adapting these lifestyle changes now will help you as an adult. Keep in mind you can still enjoy food and be healthy and fit. Never stop enjoying food. Allow yourself to enjoy the flavors and tastes without binging afterwards. Focus on food as something that helps your body to feel healthy and great rather than for pleasure. It’s your body, it deserves all the love you have, I’m not saying obsess over your health but treat your body well, you have to live in it for the rest of your life. Don’t ever punish yourself when you make mistakes, instead think of ways you can do better tomorrow. Most importantly stay strong. I know how hard it is to lose weight especially when adults, parents, siblings, friends and strangers can be cruel and comment on your weight in bad ways rather than motivating you. I know those hard nights crying because you hate the way you look and feel, but rest assured everyone can find the motivation to lose weight. Whether it takes weeks or a year, once you are persistent and never give up you will achieve your goals eventually. Stay strong everyone <3

submitted by /u/UpsidedownSunsets
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Family frustrations

I've been working on losing weight and getting fit for about a year now, I've taken some breaks here and there and it's been up and down but I've been very serious since January and I've been making some great progress. I (5'6"/168cm) started at 175lbs (last year) and I'm currently down to 147lbs :o I'm honestly not sure what my goal is anymore, weight-wise, but I'm currently very happily still on my program working on building up my muscles.

My problem has been my family, they aren't outwardly disapproving but seem to keep undermining how much progress I've made. My mother and father first made some comments that I was "skinny enough" and essentially told me to stop losing weight. This really bugged me, as I was definitely overweight and it's not a situation where I'm going too far. The most recent time I saw my dad he seemed to warm up to it, saying it was good I was looking after myself but again no congratulations on losing almost 30 pounds. They encouraged me when I was younger to lose weight so I figured they would be really happy for me but they're not. They want to keep focusing on that "I was never fat," which again I don't understand. I was overweight and now I'm not, there is no point protecting my feelings about someone that I no longer am and I feel it just reduces all my progress to nothing. Maybe it's the use of the word "fat" that is bugging them? But I don't see how calling my past self fat is even a problem or worth focusing on.

I want to celebrate myself and my transformation, it's what I've wanted for so long, but I feel so deflated now. Maybe it's my fault for trying to seek approval from others about my weight loss but I just want someone to say something along the lines of "wow you look great, amazing job." Maybe I just have to accept that it's not going to come and praise my work myself.

submitted by /u/extrastuffedravioli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Something I want to share with people that want to eat more and still lose weight.

Hello everyone, I'm new here and want to share some of my experiences of my weight loss journey from 230lb to 157lb.

If you are like me and want to eat a lot while still losing weight, it may be possible, but you will have to put in some serious work with intense workouts. I know many people say outrunning your fork is not great, but from my experience, it truly is and could be very rewarding. Of course, this is mainly for people that have the time and ability to do so!

So, starting out, my TDEE is around 2000 calories per day, and at one time, I used to eat 1800 calories for a few weeks with 40 mins of exercise a day and lost next to no weight every week. I thought I was exercising pretty hard, but apparently not. Fast forward to now, I still eat 1800 calories a day, and even with a massive cheat meal of 3000+ calories every Saturday, I still lose close to 2 pounds a week. I couldn't believe this at first until I realized that it's very consistent across 5 whole weeks and my body seemed to be losing a large amount of actual body fat that has been very stubborn. There was a period of time where I also ate 2400-2500 calories per day and this caused me to gain a pound every week.

So, with all of this information that includes that massive cheat meal days that leave me full the entire day, it's possible I may be burning over 1000 calories a day from pure exercise. I have made no other changes other than increasing the intensity of the exercise by a very large amount.

The exercise is very low-impact and I do it a minimum of twice a day. This allowed me to lose a little over a pound every week despite basically having a full cheat day. I then however increased it to three times a day with the 3rd being much shorter and somewhat less intense. This caused me to lose closer to 2 pounds a week. I even had days where I increased my calories to 2400-2600 and still lost close to 2 pounds by the end of the week.

I'm not very knowledgeable about exercise or anything. I just researched different exercises, performed them for a few days, and watched how my body reacted. It consists of modified Burpees that include 5 close-hand pushups, and 5-10 mountain climbers. After that 15 High Knees, 10 Jumping Jacks, and a modified version of shadow boxing that really works my upper and lower body by doing small hops very often, which keeps my heart rate sky high with a rest time of only 5-10 seconds after reaching failure.

I believe the key to burning a huge amount of calories is in keeping your heart rate VERY high for as long as possible. To achieve this for someone not very fit, you do lower intensity exercises that you can safely push yourself to do with ease. For me, this is the modified shadow boxing and Jumping Jacks. Both of these alone can keep my heart rate very high if I only allow a rest time of 5-10 seconds. I also lift very heavy weights(for me) 10 reps in between my workouts about 2-3 times, but I have doubts that this makes much of a difference, but I know it helps me keep the muscles I've built over the year. The workouts last 25-35 mins each. Once in the morning and once in the evening. My whole journey was done right in my own home.

I know this is really long and I'm sorry, I'm not the best with things like this. I just wanted people to know that it is possible to eat a lot more than you think you can and still lose a noticeable amount of weight each week.

I'm not sure if I have become a much fitter person and the average person cannot do this, but it's really easy for me to do and I tend to avoid overdoing hard exercises in favor of keeping my heart rate up with easier ones.

I was previously just some near obese gamer guy that ended up falling in love with exercising. This is the first time that exercise actually seems to be making a huge impact on my weight loss in the 2 years that I have been losing weight. Nowadays, I just eat to fuel my workouts, mostly because I'm scared that the workouts could make me burn too many calories and cause issues.

This probably didn't come out great, but I hope it may help someone that enjoys exercising!

submitted by /u/Scarla21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Why Eggs Are So Egg-cellent

Surprised that eggs are considered a superfood? It wasn’t too long ago that eggs picked up a reputation as an unhealthy food to avoid because they could contribute to serious health problems. Now we know that just the opposite is true: Eggs are a concentrated source of potent nutrients and provide many health benefits. They can play a vital role in our diets, especially when we’re trying to shed excess pounds.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the many benefits of eggs… and a few tasty ways to prepare them!:

Nutrition Highlights

Eggs are PowerFuels on the Nutrisystem program because they are a source of high-quality protein with only about 80 calories per serving. One large egg (one serving) comes with five grams of fat, including 1.6 grams of saturated fat. The concerns about egg consumption were based on the 187 milligrams of cholesterol in an average egg.  High blood cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease, but recent research has determined that eating foods high in cholesterol does not directly increase the levels stored in your body. (Foods loaded with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, are more likely to lead to high blood cholesterol.)

7 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein

Read More

A typical large egg provides you with about seven grams of complete protein (yet another one the superfood benefits of eggs), contained in both the yolk (yellow) and the albumen (white) parts. The yolk is a rich source of vitamin A and D, B vitamins, zinc and iron. It also delivers two important antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients protect your eyes from aging related conditions, such as macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the United States that affects over 10 million people. They also support healthy brain functioning.

benefits of eggsEggs supply you with choline, a nutrient that is especially important for pregnant women, as it plays a key role in fetal brain development. For everybody, choline helps our bodies maintain and replenish all kinds of cells, transmit nerve impulses and process fat and cholesterol in our diets. Only beef liver gives you more choline than eggs do.

For all of us on a weight loss journey, eggs may be most valuable because they help stave off hunger. People who ate an egg breakfast felt fuller afterwards and consumed significantly fewer calories at lunch and over the next 24 hours than those who ate a bagel-based breakfast with the same number of calories, according to study published in the journal Nutrition Research.

RELATED: The Benefits of Almonds >

Buyer’s Guide

If you buy eggs in the supermarket, they most likely have white shells. You may also see eggs with brown shells in grocery stores and if you shop at farmer’s markets or other sources, you may come across bluish and even speckled eggs. The color of the shells is directly related to the breed of chickens that laid them—there are no significant nutritional differences between eggs of different colors.

Many stores and farmers now offer “free-range” or “pasture-raised” eggs, which come from hens that feed themselves on their natural diet—insects and seeds—while roaming around outside. Chickens raised in standard conditions are kept inside and they get feed that’s pre-formulated for them, mostly from corn and soybeans. Egg yolks from free-range chickens tend to be brighter yellow or more orange than standard. Some research has found that free-range eggs are lower in saturated fat and higher in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Fresh Ideas

The many benefits of eggs make this superfood a healthy way to fuel up for your day, but breakfast isn’t the only time to enjoy them. Separating the yolk from the white greatly expands the kinds of dishes you can make with eggs.

RELATED: Why You Need More Ginger in Your Diet >

Now check out these six delicious and egg-cellent superfood recipes to reap the many benefits of eggs:

1. Cloud Eggs >


For a light and fluffy egg dish, whip up the albumen (the white part!) and then cook the yolk within the foamy cloud of white.

2. Veggie Omelet Muffins >

Take your eggs to go with these simple muffins, loaded with cheese and veggies, along with the nutritional punch of eggs.

3. Not So Devilish Deviled Eggs >

benefits of eggs

The party-time favorite gets a healthy makeover, so you and your guests can enjoy it during the holiday season or whenever you all get together.

4. Skinny Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich >

You can make a filling flex lunch with all of the creaminess and flavor you love, but with more healthy fats and plenty of protein to keep you energized all afternoon.

5. 5-Ingredient Veggie Frittata >

benefits of eggs

Eggs are the foundation of this filling and nutritious meal that comes with rich mozzarella and cottage cheese.

6. Spicy Buffalo Deviled Eggs >

Buffalo wings and deviled eggs come together to create this unique appetizer. Our Spicy Buffalo Deviled Eggs recipe is perfect for your holidays or Sunday football parties.

The post Superfood Saturday: Why Eggs Are So Egg-cellent appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Chart of non-linear weight loss in 32/F. Just to show that weight loss takes time, sometimes weeks for results to be seen.

I've been on my weight loss journey from July 2020 till present [220lbs>152lbs = 68lbs], and I noticed 3 months into my journey that my weight loss wasn't linear and seemed to fluctuate with my menstrual cycle. So I started to properly track it back in November and after 4 months, the pattern seems quite clear.

Weight shown is in kg. Red box= Period week, green box=ovulation week, Star= New recorded low before it fluctuates back up temporarily.

I hope this helps out those who feel discouraged by your weight fluctuating day-by-day, especially women. After a couple of months, I've learnt to freak out less by sudden weight gains during periods/ovulations and just trust that the weight WILL go down as long as the diet and exercise remains consistent. I've also started to look at non-weight progress such as the dress sizes I'm able to fit into and measuring my waist, thighs and arms (and flatter boobs :( )

submitted by /u/captainobviouslynot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A huge milestone in my weight loss!

F: 21/ W: 249 pounds / H: 164 cm / Weight loss so far : 44 pounds :)

A huge milestone! I've finally gotten under 250 pounds!

This is such a massive accomplishment, and I never thought I would be able to say I weighed under 250 pounds so I'd like to thank you all for your support along the way! The scary part now is losing the next 50 pounds to get under 200!

I've been tracking my weight every day to see fluctuations as well as weekly to see the overall change. In order to lose weight I've been calorie counting (under 1500 a day with some weeks where I eat 1200), as well as exercise 3 times a week minimum (C25K) and trying to get 8k steps a day in :)

If anyone has any advice on where to go from here I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you :)

submitted by /u/groovyfigs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat