Monday, May 3, 2021

Strength training / eating back calories?

Hey all!

I’m 5’3, female, and started at 185 in January and am now down to about 167.

I used to be a long distance runner and have taken back up running 3-5x a week (and cycling as recovery), and in the last three weeks added yoga and strength training. I can easily burn 600-1100 activity calories a day, says my Garmin Fenix and HR strap, in tracked activities only (not counting walking around). My total calorie burn for the day is usually between 2450-3100.

After adding the strength training (which I am doing safely, and in moderation, and 3-4x a week with good form and light weights)...

1) my weight loss totally stalled 2) I felt super exhausted all the time 3) I couldn’t seem to recover

I upped my protein. Still no improvement. I hydrated. No improvement. Took more rest days. Marginal improvement to how I feel but not to weight loss.

So I went back into MFP, where it had been suggested I eat 1360 (and which I had diligently been doing with one cheat day a week) — and changed my activity from “lightly active” to “active.” It bumped me up to 1560 a day.

But now I’m terrified to eat the calories.

Anyone else on here running 25+ miles a week & strength training and have to wiggle their calorie goals around? Anyone else with similar stats and similar issues? Help, please! I’ll take any advice I can get.

submitted by /u/thebookflirt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Help

hi everyone. im (18f) and im looking for some advice on losing weight and becoming healthier. im not the most proud of my appearance, but ive always had a healthy relationship with my body. ive lose weight in the past when I was younger and unhealthy by eating healthier and watching what I ate, but I havent been able to do it again since.

my weight, as it is for many, is something that affects my confidence. im not obviously bigger, maybe a little chunky, but I weigh a surprising amount. I may look around 140-150ish, standing at about 5'6, but im really closer to 180ish. I have trouble with stamina and exercising, and anything I do, even walking at an incline, can tire me out pretty easily.

I go to a big state school with your typical unhealthy college food. there aren't a whole great deal of cooking options (no sustained access to a kitchen, and I dont have the money to eat out and buy groceries, etc). when I was younger, I calorie counted, and gave myself around 1500 calories a day, which was a change from the maybe 2500 I used to eat. there's no calorie statistics for food here which is tough. however, I could still definitely eat healthier. we have a gym that is open during covid, but I cant get over the embarrassment of others seeing me. I play soccer with some people on Wednesdays, but ive made it a point to joke about how unathletic I am, to the point where I am my own biggest bully, as I have given others permission to joke about it too.

I will be home soon. I cant really talk to my family about this, because a family friend who's a little older than me had an eating disorder when she was about my age, and my family as a result is super concerned about that. it is very sweet and they mean well, but it just makes it hard to talk about. I could not eat something because im not hungry, and they will be quick to worry and comment on my lack of eating. I dont want them to worry. I like food. I dont have an eating disorder, I just want to become healthier. they eat healthy to an extent, but just like college, it is difficult at home. cooking my own meals isn't really something they like me to do just because its like, a point of pride for my dad, and since I dont live there full-time anymore, it feels more like a visit than like, fully returning home.

I want to change. not for others, but for me. I am so quick to make fun of my weight and my unathletic nature for fear that if I dont do it first, someone else will. its like I have to be in on the joke because I think that everyone else is thinking poorly of my fitness anyways, even though I know that's probably not the case.

how do I do this? how do I eat healthier, both at home and at college? how do I exercise without feeling embarrassment? what are easy exercises that won't leave me dead but will help me build up stamina?

I just want what anyone wants when it comes to their body and their weight: to treat themselves right and know that their body has their back. when a friend says "hey, let's go on a hike!" I wanna be able to say "sounds great!" and not "oh idk id be more of a hassle than anything if I came." when we're playing soccer on Wednesdays, I wanna be there and in action, not wheezing by the sidelines. I feel as though im failing my body and then getting upset when it fails me. please help.

thank you

submitted by /u/LowTraditional8096
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gained all the weight back, but starting again tomorrow*

*Tomorrow because it's already past midnight here

I started my weight loss journey (F, 23, 93kg) in March of 2020, and I lost around 10-11kg (93kg to 82kg). I even made a progress photo post on r/loseit last year. I lost momentum in August and never quite got it back, and then I fell back into all of my bad habits. I keep looking at photos of myself from last year and being amazed that I ever had that self-control and willpower and that I'd made that progress. I literally don't recognise that person.

I stepped on the scale last week and I'm back at 93kg. I am embarrassed and disappointed in myself, but I am going to start again tomorrow. I'm posting this here for accountability and support. Does it get better the second time around?

TLDR: gained all the weight back (gained 10kg, back to 93kg) but willing to start again.

submitted by /u/ms930652210
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Almost at GW / Life after weight loss

I’m wondering if anyone can relate. I’ve spent almost my entire childhood and teen years overweight/obese and now that I’m in my late 20’s I have somehow managed, after what feels like countless failed attempts, to lose weight and achieve my “dream” body and goal weight. I’m about 5lbs away from what I feel like is the end of the weight loss. (If anyone is curious about how, I’ve honestly just never been this consistent with a calorie deficit) I’m not sure that I can imagine myself, but maybe it is possible just overtime, to not have obsessive thoughts about losing weight. Growing up overweight it’s just always been part of me. Has anyone been through this?

submitted by /u/Bright-Sample7487
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've almost lost all the weight, but I seem to have developed some new unhealthy food habits I can't break

So I've lost most of the weight I wanted to lose (35lbs, with 10lbs left to go), but I have developed what seems to be some specific food addictions.

I had a really bad sweet tooth before I started and was bingeing pretty regularly on candy (mainly chocolate). I'm a recovering alcoholic and addict and the joke is that early sobriety makes you fat because we all get addicted to sweets instead, and that's been pretty true for me. I gained 30lbs in my first three months of sobriety, which is what led me to this weight loss journey in the first place.

Now five months after reaching my highest weight, I've lost all of that weight and then some. But to be completely honest, every day I still eat around 500 calories in low calorie ice cream (yasso, halo top, etc.). Sometimes a little more or less. I'm short so my calorie budget is 1500. So that's 1/3 of my daily calorie intake... in ice cream. And I can't seem to stop.

I find fruit really boring, and jello/pudding just isn't substantial enough. I know I probably need to retrain my tastebuds to not be addicted to sugar. Any tips? Really good replacements for sweets? Lower calorie/lower sugar stuff I can slowly replace the ice cream with?

submitted by /u/reasonable_re
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pro tip: those little ‘soup and oyster’ crackers let you get some crunch in eat bite without the crazy calories of other crackers

Stats: 27F 5’5” SW 173, CW 152 GW 145. I’m a big texture eater so I gotta have some crunch in my soups and chilis. Let’s talk about chili for a sec because it’s been a go to meal for me since I started cooking 7 years ago (pre weight loss). I LOVE chili. I used to make a standard recipe (ground beef, beans, various canned tomatoes, onion, peppers, and spices) but then in my bowl I’d add a boat load of cheese, sour cream, have a glass of milk with it, and as many Ritz crackers as I desired. Since I started losing weight I realized chili itself is actually pretty low calorie and filling so it would be great to include in my meal plans. BUT I’d have to lower the calorie count on all the ‘extras’. Switched milk for sparkling water (easy). I actually found the cheese wasn’t adding much for me and the sour cream was enough to cut the spice so I just do two tablespoons of sour cream now. The issue has been the crackers. I just gotta have that crunch!! Ritz are 80 cals for just 5 crackers! So these last few months I’ve been eating about 8 with my bowls of chili but not getting a crunch in each bite without making a big mess crumbling them into smaller pieces.

This week at the grocery store I spied those little hexagonal oyster and soup crackers on the bottom shelf. Checked the nutrition label and they’re 37 crackers for 60 calories!! So I can double that amount and fit into my cracker allotment. Just finished a bowl of chili and got my nice crunch like I wanted and stayed in calorie budget. They’re not quite as buttery as ritz but not nearly as dry as saltines. They’ve got a nice flavor to them and a good balance of salt. I’m bummed it took me this long in my journey to think of this but wanted to share with you all in case it helps!!

submitted by /u/kuzzy235
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don’t Starve Yourself!

About 2 months ago I realized I needed to make some major lifestyle changes. I was 260 pounds and was not counting calories. I decided to begin a full keto diet paired with a ridiculously low calorie count of 1200... I had a protein shake in the morning(scoop of powder, almond milk, half tbsb of almond butter, 2 tbsb of organic hemp hearts), and then a 1 cup veggie/ 8 oz protein meal for dinner.

I quickly dropped 20lbs, but despite continuing to follow this diet 100%, I was not losing any more weight. I decided to do some research and calculated my macros online, and realized in order to achieve weight loss, I actually needed to eat 1650 calories, 130g of protein, 110g of fat, and 20 net carbs (because I enjoy eating low carb).

I started eating 3 meals a day, all conforming to my macros and calorie restrictions, and lost another 11 pounds with weight lifting 4 times a week and differing types of cardio 6 times a week (jogging, interval sprints, walking, row machine, stair master etc).

I feel much better throughout the day, have much more energy, and don’t feel starved! Your body needs food to fuel itself, and you are doing yourself a disservice by trying a “crash” diet or trying to eat around 1000 calories a day. Also I try to drink 100oz of water per day!

Keep on working hard and good things will come. Cheers!

submitted by /u/allenqb1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat