Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Do you guys wanna go on this weight loss journey with me?

Current me is on the right, left is me a year and a half ago :(

30/female So yeah basically pic says it all. Covid really hit me hard in terms of eating and all that. Stopped going to the gym, was drinking a lot due to so many stressors in my life, a relationship ended, my kids drive me crazy (4&6). I can get back to the left, just need some help and motivation. Since the time on the left, I’ve become a single mom of two special needs boys working full time. Put in all of your best secrets for weight loss for a busy mama! I have POTS and Ehlers Danlos so I’m badly deconditioned. 🥺

One of my biggest concerns is binge eating. I’m coming off all of my meds unfortunately for a sleep study next month so I’m up and down I feel like. BUT! I went to the gym two days in a row and am planning on keeping up this exercise. I feel so much better, I’m eating better, drinking water and my lady parts are smelling like flowers 😂😂😂 I very much prefer to do weight lifting at the gym instead of at home HIIT workouts. I’ve passed out many times at the gym doing HIIT exercises.

submitted by /u/newgirlwhodis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3eQaqPj

I stopped giving myself harsh weight deadlines, and for the first time, I am feeling hopeful that I'm going to ride this thing out instead of quitting for the hundredth time.

I think I've finally cracked the code on why I fail at reaching my goal, over and over and over again. I'm 27 and have been riding this weight loss rollercoaster since I was a teenager. I've lost and gained the same 20, 30 pounds what seems like a million times, and still, I sit here, obese.

I've done all the different diets, I've tried all the different exercise regimens, tried all the motivational tools like having an exercise buddy or trying to be active on the MFP forums. But there has always been one constant: I force myself into these tiny constricted boxes of "I need to lose this much weight by this event." My birthday, a 4th of July party, a wedding, whatever. It was exciting to think about going to this thing and feeling great about myself for hitting a big milestone. But if I had a day where I didn't stick exactly to my diet, or I had a week where my weight didn't move because weight just does that sometimes, I would stress, hard. Tell myself that I'd work EXTRA hard to make up for it to meet my goal. And here it would come, after one or two months of this, the inevitable burn-out. I'd get burnt out on eating right, on exercising, and give up completely. Because I already failed, so what's the point, right? I'd always go from 0-100 right out the gate and get worn out before too long.

And then it hit me the other day, as I was thinking about how "I would like to lose x amount by this event," that...everyone already knows what my body looks like. Everyone already knows that I'm fat. It's not like I'm going to show up and people would be aghast at what I look like, like they're seeing me for the first time ever. THEY ALREADY KNOW. So why am I trying so hard and burning myself out trying to meet these unrealistic goals to impress people who already know what I look like and love me anyway?

So, it just kind of clicked for me. I'm down 20 pounds now and still going strong. Not feeling burnt out or like I want to quit. Not feeling like a failure because I have a piece of pizza one day. Working toward living a generally healthier life, eating better and being more active, not forcing myself into a strict diet that I hate after a few days. Like this week, I know my calories have been good, and I've been active, but the scale hasn't moved. This would normally cause me SO much stress that I'd just throw the whole day and feel terrible. But it's okay if the scale hasn't budged this week! I know I'm doing things right and it'll catch up eventually. I'm not trying to impress anyone, I'm just trying to change my life for the better.

P.s. I know everyone is different, and for some, having hard goals like that are a big motivator to stay on track. And I'm not trying to say that wanting to be down so much by a big event in your life is bad! I was just setting myself up for failure, and it doesn't work for me. I couldn't celebrate the weight I DID lose, it was always just, "but I didn't reach this exact goal, so I did something wrong."

submitted by /u/amanthasann
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33giHq8

Staying Motivated After Weight Loss

So I'm 35 and have been obese or overweight my whole life. I was a fat little kid since about 2 and got to 5'11 and 230 lbs in high school. Toward the end of high school I got down to 200 or so, then ballooned up to 280 after college once I started making real money, spent it on unhealthy food and lots of booze. Lost weight AGAIN (~22-23yo) after that and got back around 200 then had a few spurts of weight loss/fitness kicks over the years and was generally between 185 and 205 for the past 10 years or so, mostly around 200.

I've been a dedicated exercise person since I did my big weight loss when I was about 22-23. In Jan 21, I started doing calorie tracking again (had done this here and there over the years when I was feeling motivated) recently after I had a lasik surgery and was told not to exercise for 1 month. The weight started coming off very quick when I went down to 1600 cals a day and a few weeks into it I started doing my version of intermittent fasting (800-1100 cals 3 days per week). Started exercising again once the doc allowed and the weight loss really got into high gear. In about 4 months, I've lost about 30-35 lbs and am well into a "normal" weight for first time in my life and feeling lean, weighed in at 163 as of this morning, down from 199 in late Jan :-)

While I'm ecstatic about my progress, I do have this feeling like "OK, now what?". I originally thought losing 20-25 lbs would be satisfying but I lost 10 more than that and still want more, but not sure how exactly to stay motivated. Part of me wants to see abs just to prove to myself (and my wife haha) that I can do it, but that feels like kind of a silly goal.

I know being fit and trim is kind of it's own reward, but I still find myself really craving old bad habits (late night sweets, spoonfuls of peanut butter when I'm bored,etc;). I fight cravings, but keep thinking "what is even the point of this?". I keep hoping in time some of these cravings will dissipate and I will have 'broken' the bad habits for good. My plan is to stick with the diet for at least 6 months and hopefully make it permanent-ish.

I really think I need long-term goals to stay on track. I'm not particularly sporty, but love to run so maybe a marathon could be a good goal? I like yoga, so maybe keeping up with my practice and trying to do handstands or funky poses will be rewarding? Any ideas for making the most of my newfound fitness?

submitted by /u/baldordash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33dNgwP

Down 10lbs!!!!

I made a post a while back about how long it would take to lose weight... and now I’m down 10lbs of my 20lb goal in about a month and a half!

I’ve always had a body that changes very quickly when my diet changes. I have a background in grappling where I found how quickly I could gain or lose weight. I thought that 10 years later, that may have slowed down but at 28 years old I have melted fat off like butter in a microwave! I elected to do a low carb diet (110g-150g/ day, 2000-2500cal/day) and immediately saw weight come off. I indirectly became kind of gluten free because of it and it did wonders for my bloating. Though I do love beer lol see below...

Just wanted to share and hope that those of you struggling should stay motivated. My changes didn’t come only from dieting, only from working out, but BOTH! Figure out what works for you, and just do it. Weigh yourself every morning, record it, and keep yourself regimented. Get the MyFitnessPal app and a food scale and USE THEM. Research healthy alternatives to your favorite foods, and give yourself something everyday as a treat!...as long as it’s within your macros...(Mine was a pint of Guinness)

Anyway, I’m excited and enjoying the journey. Thanks for reading and good luck with your own weight loss journeys!


submitted by /u/HarryMcButtTits
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3gX8B5L

My BMI is NORMAL!!!!!

For the first time in my adult life, for the first time probably ever, my BMI is normal. At 164 at my height, that gets me to 24.9. BMI isn't that important to me, and it marks 11 lbs lower than my original goal weight set by my doctor, but I wanted to prove to myself that it was possible and that it's all in my control. This past year of weight loss just can't be put into words. I'm happy I made lemonade with lemons during the pandemic, and it's weird to think about that had the last year not forced me to make lifestyle changes, I may not have found the motivation, or the motivation that I found may have come much later, potentially too late for me. Now as we slowly return to normal, I'm ticking up my calories, still being mindful, eating and drinking a bit more, but keeping up with my exercise, keeping a 200-800 calorie/day deficit depending on the day, and slowly (very slowly now) but surely, the progress is accumulating.

The last time I was this weight might have been fifth grade if I'm being honest. I know I hit a size 40 pants and a weight of 192 in sixth grade, I now wear a size 33 and am about half a foot taller than I was back then. If you were or are like me, just remember it is all in your control. You will need to develop a you-specific routine that works for you, and for me that was counting calories, never lying to myself about what I was eating, developing mindful habits, will power, and never surrendering to old habits. As time went on and new habits built, it became much easier. And now here we are. This is life now, and I couldn't be happier. Keep losing, everyone!

submitted by /u/MarlnBrandoLookaLike
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3gZxIVu

Progress with Pregnancy in the Middle

Progress with Pregnancy

Last year at this time, I was working to lose weight after my first baby (I'd gained a fair amount after getting married and trying to conceive). When I found out I was pregnant again, I was six pounds lighter than when I found out I was pregnant the first time.

The attached graph shows my gradual weight loss before pregnancy, weight gain during pregnancy, rapid weight loss after the baby was born (no more baby, no more placenta, my body getting rid of extra blood for nourishing baby, uterus shrinking, etc.). I then plateaued (or started losing at a normal rate for fat loss) about 12 pounds heavier than when I found out I was pregnant.

I restarted my journey to a healthy weight. I never left this sub, even when I was pregnant and actively gaining weight, but I'm happy to start losing again. I'm also happy that I can fit into my early pregnancy non-maternity clothes for work. They are bigger than I want to be and even with them, I still have a bit of a muffin top, but they are a reminder that I want to keep losing. After my first baby, I stayed in stretchy clothes too long and after the initial rapid loss, didn't start losing until my boy was maybe 9 months old.

I'm so excited to make the effort toward being the me I want to be!

submitted by /u/a5121221a
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ujYqfs

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3eW1tnB