Tuesday, June 8, 2021

15.7 weeks, 15.8 kg Day 1

Hello all. I started my weight loss around 3 years or so ago at the measured weight of 126.7kg, though I think I was heavier before that. I got down to 94.3kg at the beginning of the year but am now back up to 101.8kg (just under 224lbs or a touch under 16 stones).

My aim is to get to 85kg by my (47th) birthday and a healthy BMI of 25 (sub 88kg) which is just under 16 weeks away for just under 16kg so a kg or just under 2lbs a week.

The plan to do this is quite simple. Better sleep, drink more water, improve my baseline activity (15-20k steps), eat more healthily and reduce the junk and eat at a slight calorific deficit. Also I plan to implement some gym work and cardio with a focus on weight loss only (though the increase in fitness levels will be welcome too).

Other benefits I would like are improvement in breathing (slight asthmatic) and skin (eczema and dermititis - I know I'm a catch right?).

My non-weight goal is to climb one of the 3 peaks each summer here in the UK before each of my next birthdays. This year I would like to walk up to the top of Mount Snowdon in Wales.

submitted by /u/barsukio
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Learning about complacency the hard way :o(

Hey all 42 M here.

Finally got on top of my weight last year, lost about 75lbs, all was going well, I thought that was it, bye bye extra weight.

So why am I posting? Because I’m an idiot.

Over the last 6 months or so I’ve become increasingly complacent with my weight loss ( or lack of ), I’ve taken my eye off the ball, and thought that I could ease off and ‘relax’ a bit.

Now I’m 30lbs heavier than I was at my lowest weight and I’m on that slippery slope back to being fat (ter).

I’m still 45lbs lighter than I was but I could kick myself for letting this happen.

I suppose I’m posting here for accountability and because Im realising that I have to accept that food will ALWAYS be something I will need to be conscious of.

Anyway. Here’s to day 1 (again).


submitted by /u/LastBlueDragon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3g1oXJw

Monday, June 7, 2021

Frustrating plateau that I can't break through, been really challenging on my mental health. Need some help.

25/M 5'8 SW: 296lbs CW: 230 GW: 175

Hi all,

Been lurking here for a while but finally need to make a post. I've encountered a plateau and it's been the absolute hardest challenge I've faced so far in my weight loss journey. For some background I started about 3 years ago at 296. Over a long journey of losing weight by using intermittent fasting
(typically OMAD, and if I'm being honest some days I ate severely under my calories at sometimes 1,200 or fewer), I made it down to 190 lbs. I stayed between 190-200lbs and was able to maintain that window for quite some time (a little over a year) before deciding that I wanted to bulk up a bit with the gym. I had been lifting on and off since I started losing weight but I wanted to get into it seriously. This was around August 2019. over the course of the next year and a half, between irresponsible decisions and laziness, I slowly creeped up back to around 230lbs (about October 2020). Since then I have been intently trying to lose weight and absolutely nothing I try is helping me. It's getting to a point where I am unfortunately losing hope and I'm not sure what else I can do. I'll list what I've done below.

So I'm 25, M, 230lbs currently. Most places I look (online calculators, MFP, etc.) put my maintenance calories at about 2,900 as I go to the gym 4-5 times a week.

When I initially tried to be responsible with my eating again, I tried to keep my calories under 2,500. This didn't work after over a month, I had been still gaining weight, so I decided to lower my calories to around 2,000. After several weeks of doing this as well, I was still seeing no progress. It seems like I would lose 2-3lbs and then immediately put it back on with the slightest break from the diet (one night out, one cheat meal). I obviously understand how rapidly your weight can change from day to day, but when I say I would put it back on I mean the trend of my weight was creeping up. I reigned in the discipline and still saw no change.

Currently, I am eating around 1,600 calories and am **still** seeing no changes. I've been eating under 2,000 calories on a consistent basis for a few weeks, with little to no cheat meals, and I'm seeing absolutely no progress. Throughout all of this I am counting my macros as well and making sure I get enough protein, I've tried low/no carb, a 40/40/20 carb/pro/fat split, very low sodium, etc. I lift pretty intensely when I go to the gym and I've even added minimum 15 mins of cardio at the beginning or end of each lifting session. I've been doing this last paragraph for about 6 weeks and my weight is not moving at all. I fluctuate between 232 and 228 with no movement at all.

I'm not sure what else I can be doing wrong. I know on a base level losing weight is burning more calories than you consume, and there is absolutely no way I am not burning 1600 calories daily between an average workday plus going to the gym. I have no idea what else to do. I eat chicken and rice most days, very little added to it (as in no dressing, not a lot of oil, weighed portioned servings) and my weight won't move at all, and then I will mentally take a break and have a cheat meal (by no means a large extravagant meal, I might literally get like a bowl from chipotle or 2 items from taco bell) and my weight simply goes and stays up. I keep progressively downing my calories but if I go any lower than 1,600 I simply won't have the energy to workout and get through the day.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/ayysizzle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2SlbTWp

Recently had a huge realization as to why I'm so ashamed of my weight.

F, 5'3", 235 lb. Made an account to get this off of my chest - I had a sort of epiphany about why I am so ashamed of my weight and how I look. I'm curious if any of you have had a similar experience.

I've often wondered how overweight individuals (particularly women) can feel strong and confident in their bodies. To me, I never bring up my size to even my closest friends because of how embarrassing the conversation is for me. Even typing this out right now is difficult. I believe that this sense of shame and humiliation regarding my weight has only led to a negative impact on my ability to lose it - I am overweight, which makes me dislike myself, which makes me feel a sense of apathy about my health, which leads me to overindulge in food and alcohol.

I think I've always known that this was how I felt, but I didn't fully realize why until recently. I was at the beach with my family, having a fantastic time, and I noticed that a woman and her boyfriend were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. The woman was wearing a bikini and was curvy, muscular, and tall - perhaps a bit extra weight, but certainly not fat. In fact, I thought she was quite attractive.

I was in the middle of a conversation with my mother (who, like me, is fairly overweight) and she looks over at the woman and says "Geez, some people just shouldn't wear bikinis". It floored me - I thought "Seriously? You're going to get on a high horse about this?" I just said "It's funny that you say that, because earlier I was thinking that she looked really good" and she dropped the subject.

I didn't really think all that much about it until my aunt (mother's sister, also a bit overweight) said the exact same thing. This time, I was a bit more impatient - "What the hell? My mom said the same thing - I think she looks great. What's up with you two?" My aunt immediately apologized and admitted that it was not a very nice thing to say.

(Just an aside - my mother and aunt are wonderful and incredibly supportive individuals whom I love very much. This story in no way reflects who they are as people, it was just a shallow moment, which we all have.)

It was after these two conversations that I realized why I was so embarrassed of my size - I was brought up in a household where being overweight was something to hide and cause shame. My mother has always been extremely self-conscious and sensitive about her weight, which has passed on to me because I saw the way she tried to hide that part of her rather than owning it. The same goes for my aunt. I think the more you disassociate yourself from your weight, the harder it becomes to confront and deal with it.

Now I'm not saying that I wish my mom had encouraged me to feel good about gaining weight or lied to make me feel better about how I look, but I do wish that the subject wasn't such a negative taboo growing up. I also wish that my self-worth was not so attached to my weight. If I had a higher sense of self-worth, I probably wouldn't have gotten to this point (but I can't blame that on my mother, or anyone for that matter).

I am a huge advocate for prioritizing physical and mental health over JUST "feeling good" about yourself, but I think you have to feel good and practice self-love in order to truly commit to improving yourself. I'm trying to train myself to believe that I'm not trying to lose weight so that I can value myself, but rather I am losing weight because I already value myself and I deserve to be healthy.

If you stuck with me through all of that, thank you for taking the time to read this. From what I can tell, weight loss is as much a mental game as it is a physical one and these kinds of realizations have actually helped me to stick to my path. Anyone else have a similar story to share?

submitted by /u/criminallybored
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3w5ZmVx

New mom ready to start weight loss journey and turn it into a lifestyle

I’m a new mom and 5 months postpartum. Right before I got pregnant I was at my heaviest weight [220]. I did gain a lot of weight during my pregnancy and thought I would lose a good amount after I had my son however these days I am weighing in at 270. I never thought I would get to this point and these days I am not taking care of myself at all.

I don’t drink enough water, exercise, and mostly eat out/fast food. I have lost control and tend to eat huge portions because I genuinely don’t care anymore.i will eat until i feel sick. I lost all self respect and can’t find any motivation or drive to get that back. Knowing how much weight I have to lose to be where I want to be just makes it so much harder.

I want to have more energy so I can be able to raise my son and actually do fun things with him as he grows. I want to feel confident and not hide under baggy clothes.

If anyone could please give me a starting point and how I can stick with something. I really don’t want myself to fall into a deeper hole than I already have. I’m so ready to begin I just don’t know how I can find the motivation.

submitted by /u/MastodonThin9981
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3zdPSd0

Am I doing this right?

M/31 Sw:347 cw:331 he:230

Hi guys. I kinda need help. So I’ve been eating way less calories than before and way healthier. Going to the gym like 4-5 times a week. I can’t do much so right now I’ve been doing 30-45 on treadmill 3.0 Speed with 3-9.0 incline (depending how sore or tired I am). Then I do elliptical for 10-15 min and if I have energy left bike for 10 min or so. I’ve noticed some weight loss but I’m terrified that it’s not happening as quicklay as I want (I know it’s day by day and I have to be patient). Will my current gym routine help. Or am I doing too little? My vest friend used to go and teach me about weightlifting and stuff but he’s recovering from surgery so for the next couple of weeks he can’t go.

submitted by /u/DotOchoah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pu5Wml

First goal accomplished!

Bragging post for me! Today we finally made it back to the amusement park, I had hit my 20lb weight loss goal! It felt so good to walk back through the gates knowing I’m (slightly) smaller than last year leaving those gates. I am definitely very encouraged to lose even more this summer. I started in March at 255lbs. As of today I am 235lbs. I changed my diet. Started buying much more healthier snacks and dinners. I eat two eggs every morning. There has definitely been some rough roads, and cheat meals. My best advice there is not to get hung up on the bad meals. Just try and do better next time.

In truth though the first 15 was hard. It was horrible. I wasn’t doing well on the diet. Check your mental health. Seriously. I do not have a counselor, no meds, I have tried all these in the past. I’m not sure what I did to overcome a pretty deep depression. I just woke up one morning very different. And that changed my world completely. I didn’t crave food, didn’t think of food constantly. I had no desire to overeat/ or binge eat. If I had a craving for chocolate suddenly a small piece was finally enough. Getting this out of my headspace made the next five pounds slip right off. And honestly made my chronic aches and pains disappear as well.

This week I’ve added a lot more movement. Walking every day. Doing a work out video. Just keeping me moving! Thanks for the encouragement and the support. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum now.

submitted by /u/anonymitywoman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cpFe8S