Friday, September 3, 2021

I can't lose weight no matter what I do. A calorie deficit isn't working.

I used to be 350 pounds. I dropped down to 175 by following MyFitnessPal, and tons of weight lifting. It took about 2 years, but the weight loss was consistent and worked as expected while following a deficit. I got down to 14% body fat, with a solid amount of muscle.

Fast forward through corona, and I can't do it again. Ive gained 60 pounds through a horrible diet and alcohol. I needed to get my weight back under control.

I've done it before. I'm following the exact same process. Tracking calories, weighing my food, working out consistently. I've entertained the possibility that I'm overeating, but this is not the case. And I'm also aware that starvation mode is a myth. The law of thermodynamics is a law. I can't defy it. But I can't lose weight as a 230 pound man eating 1400-1500 calories a day while working out.

I'm a muscular 230 pounds, but I can definitely stand to lose about 30 pounds. I'm currently 23% body fat

I'm at a loss, and I just want to vent. Has anyone else experienced this, while being absolutely sure they they aren't overeating?

submitted by /u/cantdropit68
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(Rant) I subconsciously sabotage my weight loss because I was constantly body shamed as a kid

I have lost a significant amount of weight (40+ lbs) a few times in my life. I was able to do it because I really wanted to be “pretty”. Now that I’m in my early 20s with new found freedom, I really want to style myself the way that I want. Unfortunately for me, I have gained all the weight back and more and I’m now category 2 obese.

I was always a tall and thin kid. I was very “pretty” and people would always remark how tall and pretty I was. When my family moved away from my grandparents house, my mom would often body shame me and call me fat. But, she would also exclusively over feed me with junk food and buy me as much soda and snacks as she could. I gained some weight, but I was never fat.

When I was in middle school, I had enough of the body shaming and started to starve myself. I lost a lot of weight, and maintained until high school. I was put on meds for my “temper” by the request of mother so I gained 80 pounds and became obese for the first time. I lost the weight again and gained and lost one more time, all major weight loss.

Now, I’m stuck. I really want to lose weight, but I still can’t get over the bitterness I have in my heart from all the fat shaming and feeling like I’m just losing weight so I can be attractive to men. I don’t want to be a pretty girl anymore, but at the same time, I want to be attractive.

At this point, I just want to lose weight so I can look good in a pixie and dye my hair blue and dress myself in masculine clothing. I know that I can do that now, but I will get ridiculed more if I do.

Thanks for reading my post, hope this relates to someone out there.

submitted by /u/Roses_in_the_Rain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing 200 gm (0.45lb) per day!

So, I started my weight loss journey on August 2nd, 2021, and I bought a smart scale which arrived on August 31st. I started using it the second day (September 1st) first thing in the morning and at that time my weight was 106.4 kg then I weighed myself again on September 2nd and my weight was 106.2 kg. Today, I weighed myself again and my weight is 106.0 kg. Since I work out 6 days a week, I'll lose 1.2 kg per week.

Even though I'm happy that I'm losing weight, but I'm afraid that I'm losing it so fast that I'll get loose skin.

My question: Am I losing weight so fast that I'll get loose skin?

submitted by /u/Nameless-Death
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm Looking For a Accountability-Buddy to Help Me Lose Weight

Hey there, good morning, how-do-ya-do? I've been going through a crazy transition and realizations over weight and health in general. I've realized how much my mind can play a factor in losing weight and my overall happiness. To wrap this post up quickly, I'm looking for someone who can keep me accountable for my weight loss goal. I don't have many people in my corner to help me, and I just feel like having someone who we can strictly talk about weight would help me a lot.

I'm not exactly overweight, either. I'm just looking to shed the COVID weight, and it's given me a newfound respect for body builders, first time gym goers, dieters, and everyone in between. These 20 lbs have been the most frustrating thing to lose, and I know it's my fault, hence why I'm here. If you are interested in texting or emailing, that would be awesome, cause I could really use that extra push. And I will always been glad to give you that boost, too. Sometimes, that's all we need. Thank you and much love

submitted by /u/orangestockingcap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Small Victories & Vacation Tips

Obligatory long time reader, first time poster. I’m hoping to solidify my determination for weight loss this time around by joining this community, I’ve already gotten a lot of good advice from reading through posts. I am happy to report that even after a two week vacation for my wedding and honeymoon I still managed to lose 2 pounds and now I’ve lost half of my “COVID-19”! I was overweight before covid but now I’m closer to where I was before.

I wanted to share some of the habits I think helped us on our road trip honeymoon (DH(!) is also losing weight) to keep things on the right track, and hopefully you all have some other helpful tips!

1) Zero calorie drinks only during the day - I don’t know why we didn’t do this before on our various road trips, but we only drank water, diet coke or gatorade zero the whole trip unless we had drinks in the evening.

2) Splitting a plate at meals out - the theme of our roadtrip was booze & bbq, so we visited distilleries, breweries and top rated bbq joints in the US south. At the bbq places we would split a combination plate to try out their various foods, and it was always plenty of food! No need to worry about leftovers on the road either.

3) Finding ways to stay active - the distillery tours were a great way to walk around a pretty campus for an hour, and we also took chances to walk on city river-walks or beach boardwalks. Got a little bit of activity in and saw neat sights!

Please share what vacation/road trip tips you have!

submitted by /u/emeisenbacher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can someone help me calculate my TDEE? Currently struggling with a restrictive eating disorder, and I’d like to somewhat reassure myself I can eat more

Hi all,

I’m really sorry, I know this isn’t the right forum to post this but I’d just like to receive as much input as possible. Also, to clarify, I am not asking for tips on weight loss; I know I’m unhealthy right now and should not be worrying about calories at my age, but it’s difficult to stop tracking after it’s been ingrained in me for a considerably long period of time. I’m trying to at least eat at my maintenance and stop losing

I’m currently struggling with a restrictive eating disorder as teen female, and have been for the past two years. Recently I’ve become worried about my health and how my ed will affect my development and height. I know the obvious answer is to seek help, but at this point in time I really don’t think I’m in the right mindset for it. I’m actually making progress lately though, and have been eating more; i think I’ve been somewhat improving my health physically and mentally compared to the last few months. I find that tracking my calories actually helps me eat more; when i’m not, I become anxious and eat even less.

I really need the reassurance that I’m not eating more than my maintenance calories however, so I’m hoping somebody could help me with this?

TW numbers

I’m 14 years old, my height is 160cm and weight is 38kg. My body fat percentage is 13.5%. I run 2km about 3 times a week, I have a 40min boxing session 2 times a week (fairly new to boxing, so not too intensive), and I work on legs in the gym for around 40min 2 times a week (ie. deadlifts, weighted squats, HIT).

I keep coming up with varying TDEE estimates, and I want to sort of semi-recover on my own (I know that’s not possible, but I just want to do better at looking after myself than I am right now), so if anyone could provide any accurate TDEE estimates, that’d be very helpful

Again, to clarify, this is me taking a step towards regaining my health. I will seek help in the future, but right now that’d be too much of a leap… baby steps for now I guess

submitted by /u/Current_Apricot_4057
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New start for me - began my latest weight loss journey on 8/29/21

Late 40s male, 5'10" tall and my SW is 270 lbs. As of 9/3 CW is 267.6 lbs - weigh ins will be every Friday morning. All weigh ins that count will be done first thing in the morning for consistency. As of now I have no GW but I won't be surprised if it's 170 - 180 lbs.

It's been a decent week for me. Been drinking more fluids and have been eating better overall, but I've had 2 small bouts of late night snacking this week. I've incorporated exercise into my journey already with weight training 3 days a week to start plus cardio (walking, biking and eliptical).

Will strive to be a regular in this forum because the more I interact the easier it will be for my own journey. Good luck all in our quest for better health and looks!

submitted by /u/Losing_baggage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat