Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Question about women’s hormones and weightloss

Hi everyone! I marked this NSFW since it talks about mensuration and I know that’s a sensitive subject to some. I’m sorry if my post gets a bit ramble-y, but I just want to provide as much info as possible.

I’m not sure that this is the right sub to ask this question but I’m not sure where else to ask. So I have been on my weight loss journey for a little over a year now. I’ve lost around 115lbs (~52kg) and have a bit left to go. I have noticed a pattern in my weight loss that is directly tied to my cycle, which I am aware is 100% normal.

Recently I have been working with a physical trainer three times per week doing HIIT and I go to the gym and do cardio/weight lifting on my own three times per week. So I have stepped up my gym time quite a bit. I am currently in the part of my cycle where I am holding onto a bunch of water weight and about to start my period. The week after is when I generally lose a large amount of weight very rapidly. Since I am going to the gym more, should I expect to lose even more weight than I normally do? Am I losing fat but just holding onto water?

submitted by /u/StarkSparks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss is just Anime in disguise!

Salam everyone. Recently I just had a thought on how to motivate myself through my weight loss journey. A way to help remember that this is a marathon, not a race. As a huge fan of anime, I'm very much familiar with long and drawn-out storylines, consisting of multiple arcs. In these arcs, the main characters face challenges, and usually train hard to improve enough to beat them. Well, hear me out on this;

Arc 1: New Beginnings

This is the start of your new journey, and will likely be one of the toughest challenges you will face. You'll need to break down any misconceptions you've had your whole life, stop treating food as a comfort system, and start ingraining habits into your routine that will require an awful lot of discipline. You'll also start taking light walks, cycles, or jogs. Progress will likely be slow, but as you power through each day, you get closer and closer to your fitness goals.

Arc 2: Resistance

Now that you've overcome your first huge challenge, you'll be knocked down by a new one. Your initial gains will slow down, and as you get lower in weight, and can start being more active, you have to step up your routine. This could be going on frequent jogs, runs, or starting off with weight lifting. You will struggle, and you'll need all the discipline you can get, but by the end of this arc you'll see significant differences in your appearance, and you'll definitely feel a lot healthier

Arc 3: Domination

Now that you've gotten yourself nice and healthy, and maybe fit too, you reach a crossroads. If you're satisfied here, you can keep up with your healthy habits and end your show. But, if like me, you want to become the opposite of who you used to be, this is the time to step things up further. High-intensity workouts, weight training almost every day, and overall becoming the invert of who you once were. You don't need to looks like Chris Hemsworth, but getting muscle on you in place of fat will be one of the greatest feelings you will achieve, and you'll be stuck on ways to feel better about yourself in front of a mirror. This is where the main character - us - achieves all their goals, and ends their show on the happiest note possible.

Not all shows get this far. Whether because of us, or factors outside of our control, some of us will have to call it quits. Well, good luck to you and I hope you're able to be as healthy as possible in your circumstances. But for me? It's time to get this anime started.

submitted by /u/betteroneself
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cardio vs weights

So I keep hearing that I’m doing too much cardio and I will get weight loss results but not fat loss, just muscle loss. But when I’m doing cardio, such as high incline walk on the treadmill and HIIT on the bike (increasing levels and pushing myself on and off) I can feel the burn in my thighs/legs so surely that’s building muscle?

I do also do weights after my cardio but only 5-10 minutes, I have fat to lose before I really focus on toning and muscle gain.

I am 25 year old 5ft5 female, cw is 93kg, I’ve been exercising 4-5 times a week for the past 3 weeks and eating 1300-1400 calories a day. I am still yet to really see a change :(

submitted by /u/Artistic-Ad3469
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have ONE year exactly to lose 34 lbs - Is it possible?

Just found out last night that my cousin is getting married and she and her fiancee have set their wedding date for October 2022. It feels like a long time away!

I'm 5'6F and currently weigh 150 lbs (although lately it fluctuates between 150 - 152 lbs). I already have my dressed picked out, it's gorgeous and definitely requires me to be slimmer. I originally started out at 180lbs. I started my weight loss journey in February of this year. It's taken 7-8 months to lose 30 lbs (mainly i've been adjusting my portions, cutting out sweets, etc.) It's made a world of a difference.

Winter is now here and this is always the time of year when I lose momentum. I gain weight during this period because it's too cold (and so I stop walking outside), the holidays are here, and I have exams I'm studying for - requiring me to sit for long hours during the day.

Winter is a long season and I know the next 4-5 months (I'm counting March because March is cold too) will be crucial. I can do a lot within this span of time. Any suggestions on how to be successful this winter? I don't want to give up and gain all my weight back. I want to be healthy and I definitely want to look amazing going into 2022 and fit into my dress for my cousin's wedding in October of next year!

submitted by /u/futurehero622
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not seeing myself clearly

I am 2 years in to my weight loss journey. SW 223, CW 177, GW 150 (I think). I am 5’7 38F.

I was feeling so good about myself this morning. I have been consistent at the gym, have been consistent in my calorie counting, and have been losing weight. I have been doing DietBets, and have made money from losing weight, which is awesome. And then I saw myself on the security camera at work, and I look fat still! In my mind I look so much better than I used to, so I feel like I look skinny. But I realized the pants I’m wearing don’t do me any favors, the shirt I’m wearing makes my arms look huge, and I’m still overweight.

Oh well. I will just continue doing what I’m doing, and will hopefully reach my goal weight within the next few months. Then I can reevaluate how I look and feel, and see if I need to lose more or tone more at that point.

submitted by /u/onlyonecandikuka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friend congratulated me on weight loss, but it's a double-edged sword

I gained about 20 lbs during the pandemic. I'm 5'2" and I went from 120 to 140.

I'm three months into CICO and I'm down 10 lbs. I've never been able to lose weight before in a way that's consistent, healthy, and doesn't involve an eating disorder. I've been crushing this mind and body and I'm honestly really proud of myself.

Most of my friends are decent people who won't comment on somebody's body, but when I mentioned to my lifting buddy that my strength gains have felt slow and it's probably because I'm at a calorie deficit, she effusively congratulated me on losing weight as if she'd been waiting for a moment to bring it up. "You've lost hella weight. You look so good"

In the moment, it made me feel great, especially since I'm only halfway to my goal, but the more I think about it, I feel so exposed. I guess a part of me was hoping nobody had really noticed that I got chubby. But apparently not.

It sucks how our bodies are shaped by so much internal shit and habits that happen in private, but the result is so, so public. I'm working through my shit and that's great, but I wish everyone around me weren't privy to it.

submitted by /u/moveshake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I (28F) used to be really good at controlling my cravings and making healthy choices and working out but for the last month or so it’s almost too easy to make excuses for myself and I can feel that I’ve put a good amount of the 70lbs I originally lost back on. I have a list of approved foods (specific to PCOS) to stick to and a workout regimen and I’ll follow both for a few days and then I fall off of the wagon for weeks at a time.

Staying on track is no longer an option as I believe the unhealthy road I’m on is affecting my fertility.

If anyone else is in the same boat or has dealt with PCOS and cravings/weight loss I would really love someone to talk to and/or help hold me accountable.

My plan is to fast today (Wednesday) through Friday and make healthy PCOS approved dinners then Saturday get back into a normal meal routine and back into the gym.

Side note: Fasting has always worked really well for me in the past, I do much better eating 1-2 times a day. It’s the frequent eating and lack of control that gets me.

submitted by /u/Prudent-Valuable5453
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from loseit - Lose the Fat