Thursday, February 10, 2022

Attraction To People Out Of My League Because Fat? Ugly? Both?

This is probably a really dumb post, but I just feel…annoyed l, and like I need some advice, perspective maybe?? I don’t even know.

I’m not sure if I’m good looking. I’m about to be thirty three and I honestly roll my eyes as I write that because I’m old enough to know that questioning is pretty immature/an unworthy thought/a place of insecurity and shitty self esteem.

The issue is, I’ve been overweight most of my life. So when I was young, boys didn’t really have crushes on me. One once told me they did. Privately. It wasn’t until I was anorexic and bulimic that I got down to a very small size (5) and started to get a lot of sexual attention. I had a lot of boys that were friends, obviously BS because they didn’t stick around when I gained weight lol. I was often called “cute,” never really called hot or pretty or beautiful. Just cute. Sometimes sexy. I got a lot of attention that I really didn’t like. It was overwhelming and some of it was really inappropriate, like from male family members, horrifyingly enough.

Here I am at almost thirty three. I’ve missed a lot of dating because of a bad period in my life where I was chronically I’ll from undiagnosed autoimmune disease. Then the pandemic. But also since I’m overweight again, and obese, I haven’t really dated. Which is pretty much since I’m sixteen and started gaining after starving myself. I haven’t wanted to. I used it as a crutch. I was in a LTR from seventeen to twenty. But he wasn’t nice to me and I felt like maybe I was settling for a person like him because I was fat and insecure. So when I broke up with him I just stopped dating. I’d date when I lost my weight, was happier and healthier. That time never came.

There’s this guy at my local grocer that I think is really cute. He’s overweight, too, and just really good looking. Mask up, at least. And I just realized that his eyes look like Gavin Underwood’s. Lmao. A super hot actor. I feel like I’m always attracted to people who are way out of my league. And maybe that is another way for me to avoid dating. Because I know there’s no chance, I mean I’ve read that’s a thing. But I don’t know. Are they only out of my league because I’m so overweight? And then that makes me feel like shit about myself. Like my whole worth is in my body. I know attraction, physical, is really important. I wouldn’t be attracted to me the way I look now. It just feels like a vicious cycle. Where I feel like a slave to my disgusting body. My imperfect body. My ugly body.

Idk. Maybe this is just a vent, because it sounds so fcking stupid. But I guess I feel super deprived of intimacy lately. Like I’ve starved myself of it because I don’t think I deserve it in this body. And I’m just frustrated. Still working towards weight loss. Obviously really need to work on my self esteem.

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

I’m a month in a half to getting back into shape. No progress in weight loss, but I see progress in other areas.

My routine so far is to hit 10k-15k steps daily and lift weights every other day, nothing too intensive.

I haven’t lost weight, but my clothes feel bigger, my posture has gotten so much better, I see definition in my arms, thighs and calfs.I feel like I have so much more energy now! Fat from my crotch has sunk down so there’s ‘more’ if you know what I’m saying and I’ve gotten morning wood! I don’t remember the last time that’s happened (I’m 30).

It just looks like the weight goes to my face. Some days I’ll have a jawline and some days I won’t. It bloats easily. It is discouraging and so is the scale that doesn’t move.

But I need to remind myself of all the positives that’s happened so far just to keep me going.

submitted by /u/Starryicelight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost ~4 lbs in 6 weeks. Why am i not seing more progress?

Hi everyone! 23 y/o Female 5,4 (163 cm) here. I recently started my weight loss journey in the beginning of January. I started at 81.3 kg, eating around 1500 calories a day and lifting weights (moderately heavy, adding more weight as I go) and doing 30 minutes of LISS Monday-Friday. It’s been 6 weeks since I started and I have only lost 1.8 kg, I’m currently weighing in at 79.6 kg.

I’m happy with any progress but I honestly was expecting to have lost more? I measure myself once a month and have only lost 1-2 cm over all measurements. Could lifting weights have anything to do with it/ could I be retaining water/ building muscle (unlikely)?

I track my calories religiously down to oil I use to cook my chicken, weigh and measure all my food, am eating 100-120 grams of protein a day and drinking 3 liters of water a day on average. I don’t track my calories during the weekends but I don’t stuff my face and drink once or twice a month, and even then my calorie deficit is big enough during the week that my cheat meals shouldn’t be affecting the process as much. I track my activity levels on an Apple Watch.

I calculated my TDEE and maintenance calories are 2,425 a day. Eating 1500-1600 a day is well below my cutting calories of 1,925, so why am I not losing more? I thought it could be that my calories are inaccurate but I have been tracking everything to an almost obsessive point.

Any advice/ insight is very appreciated!

submitted by /u/Ready_Arrival3990
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Making a healthy choice can be an act of self-love and self-acceptance at any weight - that's not a privilege reserved just for people of a certain body shape.

I just came across this fairly negative take on another sub:

Losing weight sucks, because it's intrinsically a negative judgement of yourself.

I totally disagree. Making a healthy choice can be an act of self-love and self-acceptance at any weight - that's not a privilege reserved just for people of a certain body shape.

Don't get me wrong - I'm sure the negative vibe is true for many. We all have our hangups to deal with. But here's the thing:

Losing weight is more likely to be successful if it is an expression of loving yourself rather than an expression of hating yourself. Making a healthy choice and honouring your body and your future can be an act of self-love and self-acceptance at any weight - that's not a privilege reserved just for people of a certain body shape.

We should treat ourselves with the love we deserve - making consistently healthy choices and treating your body with care is a great way to practice that love and acceptance.

Every day can be full of gratifying victories as you make healthy decisions - to eat the right thing, to exercise, to get back on the horse after going over your calorie budget, to log something diligently.

Sadly, if the logic of "lose weight = self hate" was true, losing the weight won't actually solve the core problem. Imagine an extremely health person who is only making healthy choices because there's still a fat version of themselve sitting in the back of their mind somewhere that they're hating on and running away from. They might stay physically healthy, but they're still not respecting themselves and their body. If the mere idea of being a certain weight is enough to make me hate a version of myself in spite of all of the other things about me, I don't think I'll be able to find happiness at any size.

As for me, I have had both negative thoughts at times AND loved my body and myself at times at every weight I have ever been. Sometimes the self-hate is a trigger, but my weight loss is never sustainable without the self-love.

I know that certain weights and fitness levels are going to allow me to do what I want to do (run far, parent good, carry groceries in one trip, not die, etc) more effectively. That's not self-hate, it's self-love.

If lose weight = self hate is true for you, that's just as important to work on as the weight itself. I'm no psychologist, but there are lots of stories on this sub of people who have totally changed their mindset as part of their journey. It's one of the things I like about being here and it reminds me to have some grace with myself, even when I make mistakes.

You're great at any weight. You deserve to be the best weight for your body and life. Be kind to your body to be kind to yourself.

submitted by /u/ennuinerdog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

I am trying to loose 30kg

Hello, i am 27 y.o male and a week ago i started journey to my old body.

Shortly about me. I am 6’1 and up until 22-23 i was 170-180lbs (around 80kg) I was active: work out in gym 2-3 times, 2 basketball practices and 2 football practices a week. I never had balanced diet, ate fast food, irregular eating hours, but sport kept me from being overweight and fat. After graduation all my sport ended and i started doing office job all sitting next to computer all day long. In these 4-5 years my eating habits did not change, and i gained about 80lbs (35kg) Problem is that I never had any health problems regarding to weight, and that’s why I never worried about it. Even now i could do 10km run in under an hour without “dying” I started going to gym last Monday and already lost 5kg from 115 to 110. I understand that pace like this wont last and i have basic knowledge about calories and healthy weight loss pace.

Taking everything into consideration what would be best approach towards my goal? Daily cardio? Mixture of cardio and weight training? Strict diet?

Any advices and personal experience would be highly appreciated!

The goal is to be back at 80kg (-30kg) at he begging of the summer. But I understand that healthy and realistic progression would be 16kg max for upcoming 16 weeks!

Apologies for long post and i am looking forward to hearing your advices and personal experience!

submitted by /u/Waste_Information937
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ive lost 50 lbs, but I'm still fat

Long post is long, but to say any less feels like a disservice to all the things I've fought so hard to overcome. I've been lurking here for a while and I felt like it was time to share my story.

I've recently started trying to make my first solid attempt at losing weight. I'm 5'8", female, 32 y/o, and currently 303 lbs. I weighed in at my highest weight ever at 353 lbs in Dec of 2020. Since then I've lost 50 lbs, 20 lbs of that weight loss was unintentional, but the last 30 lbs I've worked my ass off for. I'm walking for exercise, around 7k steps a day, and I'm still on track with my diet (I use noom to track) which I've been adjusting to include lots more vegetables and lean proteins as well as healthy snacks. But what really bothers me is that despite all this, I'm still fat.

I was an extremely average weight for most of my young adult life (typically I fluctuated between 150-160 lbs), I only really started gaining weight after college. I got an office job where I was very sedentary and there were always snacks readily available. I was able to keep that mostly in check, but then I lost my job due to untreated anxiety/depression and that's where things really started to spiral. I was having panic attacks daily and too scared to leave my house, I started using food as comfort and eating ridiculous amounts of anything and everything I wanted. My anxiety and depression got so crippling that I finally got help about a year later, but the damage was already done. In that time I had packed on 100 lbs.

As time went on I continued to eat to mitigate stress at work, financial stress, etc etc. You name it, I used food to deal with it; It was my biggest source of comfort. My self image deteriorated until I was so ashamed I gave up altogether, baggy jeans, dirty T-shirts and no makeup became my norm because I just didn't care. I felt like being that weight, I would be disgusting no matter what I did, so why even bother? This is in stark contrast to what had been the norm for most of my life prior, I was a don't leave the house without makeup type of person. Conventionally attractive enough that men regularly paid attention to me, I got dates without issue. I felt pretty, I felt like I was worth it. I did have some self esteem issues that I struggled with because of how I was raised, my mother always was very critical of my weight and acted like being fat was tantamount to committing some kind of heinous crime. My father was extremely verbally abusive and demeaning. Both of these things contributed to what would be a very unhealthy relationship with food. But for the most part after I got out of the house and struck out on my own, I was comfortable and confident in my own skin. That is, until the weight gain started.

Fast forward to August 2020 when I lost my job due to Covid and had been eating completely uncontrolled for about 7 years at that point. I weighed in at my highest ever weight, 353 lbs, in December of that year. At some point, I started to lose weight out of sheer laziness at home (think literally too lazy to get up and go to the kitchen). My car also broke down so I had no means of transportation to even go get fast food or the like even if I wanted it desperately, which I think helped as well. So at my next dr appointment I was surprised to learn I had lost ten pounds, then another ten pounds at the subsequent appointment a few months later. About the middle of 2021, when my unemployment was about to run out, I started working on making real positive changes to what had become a very sad and purposeless existence. I got my car fixed, I started applying for jobs and was hired on to a great place I'm still very happy at, I even started dating again and started a relationship, something I hadn't had the self worth to attempt in years. Things were looking up in a way they hadn't for years and I was excited for the future for the first time in a long time. But like most good things, some of that came to an abrupt end.

My relationship started to take a downward turn, I had made the mistake of showing my partner pictures from when I was younger and in shape, and really hurtful comments started getting made on the regular. Things like "Man if you still looked like that I'd be all over you", or "if you could get to the weight my ex was, I guess I could settle for that", and "Not to say you're not attractive, but I've always wanted to be with a really skinny girl". On top of the hurtful comments there was food shaming, when we exercised together there was only negative criticism. I was never trying hard enough, never walking long enough, never moving fast enough. Nothing I did was satisfactory. It even got to the point where I was informed out of the blue that I would be staying the night less because I was so fat I was making a dent in the mattress. Needless to say when I became less important than the integrity of a used mattress, I ended the relationship. But the last two months of it were incredibly stressful and I broke down and binged more than once to deal with all the pressure and the hurt. I hit a plateau for a month or two where I wasn't necessarily gaining weight, but I wasn't losing any either.

Its been about a month since then and I've got back on track with my eating, reduced my stress levels, and shifted my focus back to myself and improving my circumstances, but the weight loss has slowed down considerably. I've only been losing maybe a pound a week, which has been really frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything right. On top of that is the real crux of the issue: I'm still fat. I'm still considered morbidly obese, I'm still at the farthest upper range for most commercially available clothing, no one who doesn't know me personally and hasn't seen my progress is going to look at me and think wow she looks great! I struggle to see the difference myself, although my friends assure me they can tell the difference. I want to keep losing weight and being healthier, but its disheartening that I've lost so much and still have such a long way to go, especially considering how slow the weight loss has become. My next goal is 253 lbs, which I hope to accomplish by the end of the year, then 200 lbs, which I haven't set a timeline for. Ideally I'd like to get back to my 'normal ' weight of 160 lbs, but I have trouble believing that will ever be a reality again.

Physically I do see a definite difference in things like my endurance and stamina, when I started dating my partner walking up a single flight of stairs winded me and I had to sit down. By the end of the relationship I could walk several hours and go up and down the stairs at will without issue. My self confidence has also improved, I feel more like myself than I've felt in a long time, and I don't feel automatic disgust when I look in the mirror. I went out and bought new clothes last week for the first time in years and was actually happy about how I looked.

I think part of why it's hard for me to see progress is just the way my body distributes fat. My arms and legs have remained fairly normal sized, while my belly has continued to swell until I basically have an entire extra person draped around my abdomen, an 'apple' body shape if you will. My belly is huge and drapes over the top of my legs, and my breasts gave up the ghost a long time ago which contributes to my overall saggy/lumpy look.

So TLDR, I've lost a lot of weight and overcome a lot of poor life circumstances, but I feel overwhelmed and disheartened by how much weight I still have to lose to be even close to a healthy weight.

Have any of you struggled with the same thing? I used to use the sheer amount of weight I needed to lose as a means of psychological sabbotage for not even making the attempt at weight loss, and it still overwhelms me sometimes.

submitted by /u/unsolicited_peetpics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateau at 130 pounds. Struggling with 1200 calories a day.

So, over quarantine I gained a ton of weight. 25+ pounds. When I started my first weight loss, I started at 130 and got down to 115. The first 10 pounds were easy and I was eating 1200 a day. Then I slowly gained it all back because of emotional eating and then shot up after covid. Now, I’ve gotten back down from 150 to 130 pretty easily by eating 1200 calories again. But I just can’t seem to break back into the 120s. I’m still the same height, only a couple years older. Every time I eat more I just gain weight. What do I do? How do I stay disciplined and motivated when I’m not losing any weight? I’m so tired and frustrated. I’m not happy with my weight. I feel heavy and it puts pressure on my knees. And I don’t like the way I look. Any tips on losing the last 15?

submitted by /u/bluebookz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat