Saturday, February 12, 2022

How to deal with your post-weight loss body?

I am really struggling. I lost 80 lbs., so obviously my body has gone through a lot of changes. At times, I feel even more insecure than I did before.

Every body part is saggy, jiggly, and deflated. My chest hangs so low, and I’m stretch-marked everywhere. I feel so much shame and embarrassment from it. I’m in a LTR and I still cover my chest every time I’m changing or going to shower. I’m definitely a “lights off” person. I miss out on a lot of things because I’m so uncomfortable, like going to the beach, hiking in a tank top, wearing shorts on a sunny day, etc. I still wear the same clothes from when I was a size 22 even though I’m a 8/10 now.

How have you personally dealt with this? Surgery is the obvious option, but that’s not financially feasible for me right now.

submitted by /u/mentaltrilllness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks!

I've been half-assing weight loss since the middle of January. I got scared when I saw that my 5' 2.5" self was 176 lbs, the biggest I'd ever been including 4 pregnancies (1 of which resulted in a 10 lb newborn)! I was only doing reduced calories at that point, limiting myself to 1500/day.

However, 3 weeks ago I looked into fitness YouTubers and found Chloe Ting. I did 1 week of workouts, then found that if I joined a challenge I could have a workout schedule for 28 days, so I committed to that.

I'm 13 days into a 28 day challenge. After committing to the schedule for 1 week, I got weighed at the doctor's and had lost 5 lbs.

Today, 13 days in, I weighed myself again and have lost 14 lbs! I'm so happy! My goal weight is 130, so I'm 1/3 of the way there!

Once this challenge is over, I'll restart it and keep going!

submitted by /u/JaneAustinAstronaut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I posted a couple days ago…

I posted about whether or not my weight loss was externally noticeable. A couple people pointed out I only posted my midsection and astutely observed I was fixated on it. I went back through some old photos and noticed a couple of selfies from my highest weight. I went ahead and took some selfies today to compare…. Guys! I can tell my face looks different and I can tell I’m happier! My waist has always been my biggest insecurity, but I think I’m experiencing the paper towel effect.

As a former binge eater I have realized I focus on the biggest points of my physical insecurity, a part of me few people see… but what people do see, my face, feels like me again!

Thank you all so much for your previous support. Here is my face: the proof is in the pudding! And the smile!

We got this!

face progress!!!

submitted by /u/periwonka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale not moving but losing inches

Hi everyone I have a question and I hope you will answer me …. I’m on a weight loss journey and last month I lost 7 kilos/ 15 pounds …. Now this week I lost nothing and my weight seems to have stalled for 8 days …. I have been eating healthy and exercising five times a week ….I have not lost any weight but I lost two inches off my waist …. I’m at a loss for words as I don’t understand how I can lose inches but not weight … can someone please explain to me what could be the reason behind it ?? It can be a bit discouraging when you are doing everything right but the scale is remaining the same …..

submitted by /u/tiredofliving89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does exipure or javaburn really works?

Hello All,

I am 35 years old guy weighing 250 pounds. It's disaster for my life. I was having normal physic till highscool but suddenly started gaining weight. Some treatments were done and my doctor told me I am having thyroid and that's why it's impacting my body weight increase.

Being fat has ruined my entire life. no gf, no fiends. I am all alone. I tried putting efforts in gym. was regular for almost year but never lost a single pound. instead it got on increasing. I am totally lost now. While surfing over reddit found few people had success with fat burner pills like exipure or javaburn.

What I need to know is, does these kind of pills, supplements really works like they are advertised on websites like ? As I have done all I could to work on my weight loss, this is the only stone left untouched. But before going that route, thought of getting advice from people here.

submitted by /u/No-Advisor1423
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, February 11, 2022

Losing weight but I’m exhausted

Hi everyone, I’ve started my weight loss journey again and I’m happy to say I’m over 10 pounds down, but still have a long way to go. I’m super motivated right now and love the grind, but it comes with this one super annoying side effect. I’m so tired, like wanting to go to sleep tired and not wanna do anything tired. I’ve cut my calories down to about 1800 ish or so, and I’ve been doing 30 min- 1 hour run/walk everyday. It’s going great, but I’m just wondering if there’s anything I can do about the fatigue.

submitted by /u/Alternative-Froyo561
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you handle comments on your weight loss?

I apologize ahead of time if this is not the right place to post this. I just thought you guys might have some insight and advice.

I am a 22F and a recovering addict. While I am sober now, I am still a little thin. Like, 5’9 and 115lbs. I get comments all the time, especially by people I haven’t seen in a while, telling me to gain weight. That I am anorexic. That I look gross because I’m “so skinny “. How do you respond to people who comment on your weight? I feel fine, a thousand times healthier than in my addiction. I don’t feel like I urgently need to gain any weight and, more importantly, I don’t feel it’s anyones business but mine. I never know how to respond, especially because it’s awkward to just be like “haha yeah, I was doing hard drugs for a while”.

Anyone have any advice/responses?

submitted by /u/cardibatemyson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat