Friday, February 25, 2022

'cheat day' getting better

usually on friday night after work, i pig out. i let myself get pretty much whatever i want and can eat in one night. the rest of the week i'm pretty good with food. i don't buy any junk when i go grocery shopping and only eat the mostly healthy food i buy from this weekly shopping visit.

to be clear, i don't think pigging out like this even once a week is conducive for weight loss, i've just become very attached to over-eating and it's still something i need to realize i don't enjoy the way i used to (thank god). in reality, it doesn't really do much for me and i'm getting closer and closer to being a 'normal' person who's satisfied with something like a single donut as a treat after work on friday instead of eating half a dozen. good news is, i seem to be making progress in this regard.

as evidence of this progress, today i was doing my junk food run coming home from work and stopped at a store where i haven't shopped for months. i was there to pick up ice cream (two containers of ben and jerry's is way too much ice cream to eat in one night but still about half as much ice cream as a full tub) and went to see if these donuts i used to buy were still there. i was looking for them as i'd remembered them: a moderate assortment. i wasn't seeing them and when i finally did i was shocked. they were not a moderate assortment, the package of them was enormous! i was stunned that i used to eat all of them plus, like, a pizza or something on my cheat day.

i still have to work on the idea of a small amount of junk being enough and how i don't need something way over the top to be treated and satisfied. i'm confident i can get there.

submitted by /u/nobodynewknew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Welp, I've given up...

I lost a good chunk of weight. I'm super proud of that and kept most of it off thru the pandemic, but my true goal is to get at least under 200. I'm 35 lbs away!

I just cannot do it. I took a break for maintenance and then came back this October and to this date, I've only lost 5 lbs. And yes, I can acknowledge the fact that 5 lbs lost is better than nothing, but that is crazy slow weight loss and yes, I know my hashimoto's makes it slow.

So at my wellness check, I told my doctor that I need help. The nurse was nice and asked if I wanted medication or if I wanted a dietitian, and I said, I would like to try a dietitian so I can learn more and ask questions when I get confused. She put in a referral and I'm going to see her on Tuesday.

Part of me felt shame for admitting that I need more help or direction than the wealth that's online. The other part of me says that even just having a third party that'd educated telling me that I'm doing the right things or that I need to refocus here or work on this will be so helpful to me.

TLDR: I've given up on trying to grind thru this weight loss period and am working on giving in to the idea I need some help.

Anyone who has seen a dietitian that can provide helpful advice? (Please no negative, I am trying to keep my already shameful thinking open).

submitted by /u/Sjb1985
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am losing weight too fast

I started eating at an already aggressive deficit intending to lose 2 pounds a week. My initial calorie budget when I began was 1640/day and I started counting my calories using the loseit app.

When I started counting on January 14, I was 270lbs and 5 foot 7. While I haven’t shrunk in height, my waist has, and very dramatically. I have lost weight in the past when I was younger (I’m 23 now for reference) and though I wasn’t able to keep it off at the time, I learned through online research that it was possible and how to do it safely.

With that being said, I’ve never been heavier than 270lbs and so I didn’t know exactly what to expect when I started losing this time around. It is for that reason that I initially didn’t think much of the fact that I was losing more than 2lbs a week for the first few weeks. I knew that it was normal to lose water at first and then things would start to taper down.

However now at 6 weeks in, in the last 2 weeks I’ve lost 6.8lbs. Overall I’ve lost 23lbs in 43 days and I’m deathly afraid I am hurting my body and that I am going to suffer ill effects from counting calories.

As I am a loseit free member I can’t set my own plan, but I just the other day received a warning message that despite my calorie budget being automatically adjusted to 1496 as of today, that it is not recommended to eat less than 1500. I am currently 247lbs (23lbs lost).

The reason for my confusion is, I am not at all active, as I am not exercising at all and I am unemployed. I spend the majority of my time either applying for or interviewing for various jobs and that’s been the case the whole time. My excercise level used to calculate my tdee reflects this, and is currently set to sedentary (less than 5k steps a day according to the in-app option).

Unless I am exercising in my sleep, despite my insomnia, I am thoroughly confused as to why I am still losing much more than 2lbs/wk.

Over the course of my weight loss journey I have been losing about 0.53lbs/day and while I don’t feel any energy depletion or anything like that, I do take amphetamines as prescribed by my doctor and it might mask the effects of my diet to some degree.

My question is, should I be worried? As I have never experienced losing over 100lbs before, is it possible that this is normal when my starting weight is this heavy, or do I really just have to eat more? I weigh myself daily, and there is no sign of my weight loss tapering off to 2lbs as I had hoped that it would.

submitted by /u/humanwritesviolation
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to lose weight while unwell?

I have had long covid for over a year now. Long covid has been a big reason that I am currently overweight. I am single, live in a different country from the rest of my family and work full time. Once you add debilitating fatigue to the mix you can understand how I ended up living on takeaways for months on end. Also the tiredness from fatigue makes me overeat to compensate for my lack of energy.

The past six months I have felt a bit better. As in I no longer need to sleep 14 hours a day and I can actually do more physical exercise than a slow walk. However my reserves of energy are very small and I need to pace myself or else I risk regressing again. This means I can only do small amounts of low intensity exercise and suitably spaced out.

I know that weight loss is mainly due to calorie intake and I should count the calories in my meals and weight my food. I have successfully lost weight like that in the past. However getting through my days: working full time, forcing myself outdoors some days to see sunlight, going swimming whenever I can manage, doing housework, seeing friends to combat the isolation, contributing whatever little I can to community causes I care about is an uphill battle. I am finding it impossible not to fall back to takeaways at least twice a week. The other day was a working from the office day. After lunch I was so exhausted and not able to lie down a bit, that I ended up buying a pack of 5 custard filled donuts from the supermarket and eating them all in an effort to give myself the energy to make it to the end of the day.

I don’t know where I’m going with this. I just wanted to vent. And ask whether there are ways to lose weight while dealing with chronic fatigue and no family network to help you.

submitted by /u/blackbirdonatautwire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, February 24, 2022

No Seriously, Weigh All Your Food

I'm currently experiencing the weight loss stall that many of us know all too well. While reading a different post on LoseIt to see if I'm doing something wrong or if I need to be patient, I came across this very important lesson:

This comparison picture was made by u/brbgottagofast.

Weigh all of your food. Your measuring cups are adding calories. The serving size in grams is correct but how many pieces/slices that equates to on the package is probably not. Even the slices of ham that say two slices equals 39 calories each. Or 8 M&Ms equals X amount of calories. If you don't think companies are happily abusing their margin of error so they don't look as bad you're mistaken.

I was completely unaware of this and I had only been measuring anything that I would guesstimate before owning a food scale. Now I know it's not just the milk and the cereal that I need to be wary of.

Maybe a lot of you know this, but this was eye opening to me and I'm really happy brbgottagofast went out of their way to make the comparison images. Now I'm more confident I'll see significant weight loss next month!

submitted by /u/ValuableLemon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need to vent to people that understand

I'm so over unsolicited advice and judgment from people regarding my health journey. Especially people that have been unsuccessful at weight loss.

I want to scream at them that if they knows so dang much about living a healthy life then why are they eating junk food and severely overweight.

But I know it's more complicated than that so I'm polite and change the topic. But damn it's hard some days.

End. Rant.

submitted by /u/Single4MingleNow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Regretting my weight loss. I feel like a monster.

I've been crying for what feels like ages, staring at my naked self in the mirror. I have worked so freaking hard, and for what? For my body to look like a melted mess of skin, fat and stretch marks? For my stomach to sag with loose skin and left-over fat like a disgusting apron? For my boobs, which I used carry with pride, to deflate into flabby, empty, sad sacks of skin that I need to fold and roll into my bra? For my thighs and arms to turn into jiggly dough I can stretch with both hands? If I had known from the start this was to be my new body, I honestly would have rather stayed obese. This isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I worked for. I feel betrayed.

Hi. If you've read this far into my little breakdown vent, let me tell you some background info about myself and my journey. I'm a 25-year-old, 163 cm (~5'3) woman, who at her heaviest weighed 102 kgs (224 lbs), which means back in the day I was very obese according to BMI. I started my weight loss journey in 2019, and as of today I have lost 37 kgs (81 lbs) in total. The first ~20 kgs (~44 lbs) I lost during my first year or so. After that I maintained, then gained some and lost some for over a year because of personal life changes, eating disorder recovery attempts, covid and on-and-off gym habits. During the summer of 2021 I picked up calorie counting again and have since then lost another 10 kgs (22 lbs). I now weigh 65 kgs (143 lbs) and for the first time since childhood, I am now sitting inside the normal BMI weight range (albeit, still on the high end of the range).

This journey hasn't been easy on my mental health and throughout it I have struggled a lot with my body image. (And developing EDNOS mid-way hasn't helped at all, but that's a story for another time. Let's just say calorie counting can do funny things to your brain...) But now my self-image has gotten so bad it's seriously affecting my every-day life. For example, I dread showering since it means I have to strip naked and see and feel my body.

I feel so tired. How am I supposed to feel at home in a body I despise this much? At this point I have zero self-esteem left. I can't even be intimate with my boyfriend anymore because I feel so insecure about my loose skin, boobs (or more like the lack of them) and my body in general. I feel like a monster. I honestly don't even want to go outside anymore. I dress in the same baggy clothes every single day in attempts to hiding my body from the world and myself.

I just... really thought losing weight would help me feel better about myself? Make me feel more confident and healthy and more... Content? It feels like it did the exact opposite, I hate my body now more than ever. A 25-year-old body isn't supposed look like this. I feel like a deformed monster.

The things is, I feel like I have done everything by the book; taking good care of my skin, drinking 3 liters of water a day, trying to eat a lot of protein, nutrient dense foods and healthy fats, taking vitamins and collagen, exercising and trying to build muscle, maintaining my weight for a while, losing weight slowly... What else is there to do? It's been three years since I started after all! I suppose I just got really unlucky with my genetics, and I just have to accept that this will be my body for the rest of my life? Of course, the last, and probably the only option, would be to get surgery. The problem is I wouldn't even be able to afford it for another 10+ years. So surgery isn't really an option, at least not in near future.

I feel trapped, depressed and defeated. I'm stuck in a constant state of being scared of gaining the weight back, but also being scared of continuing to lose weight (which would mean even more loose skin), and all at the same time feeling extremely unhappy and anxious in my current body. Every day feels like a struggle. I just don't know what to do. This isn't living anymore.

I'm sorry for the lengthy vent. All of this is probably way above Reddit's pay grade, but I just needed a place to get this out. Maybe someone out there can relate.

(PS. I do go to therapy, have been going for years, but unfortunately it hasn't really helped me with my body image issues.)

((PPS. First time posting, and I'm on mobile. I hope the formatting is alright and not super wonky))

submitted by /u/Mementine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat