Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Starting to hate mirrors a little less

I'm down to 287 from a high of 350 last year, and I know I've never really liked what I saw my face in the mirror. I kind of hated it.

But I don't think I appreciated how abnormal it is to always feel worse after seeing my own face in a mirror. Now looking in a mirror always gets me cracking a smile!

And it's not like there's any one thing about my face that I can point to as having changed... it's just every time I see my face I can tell *something* is different in a good way.

That makes me feel like all of this struggling is paying off, and that gets me feeling better even when I'm down. I don't think the person I was at my heaviest (and most depressed) would have imagined that would ever be possible.

I still have a long way to go though. The other day I saw full body shot of myself riding a bike, and I still got uncomfortable and a little down... but part of that might be the fact a lot of my clothes became tents from the weight loss haha, and now that discomfort is mixed with determination to do something about it

submitted by /u/s-pop-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/WDOT742

Monday, April 25, 2022

Back to square one :(

Hi, I never posted on here so general info about me is that I’m 5’4”f started off 156lbs with a goal weight of 121lbs or at least 132lbs, somewhere in between.

I started my weight loss journey during the height of COVID. It was easy to start because back then all of my work and studies are being done at home, which means that I could really focus on losing weight. I cycled every morning everyday for about 2 hours. I did intermittent fasting while also trying to eat about half a plate (my version of cutting calories). I was also taking this weight loss pill, which is actually bad for health, but it did make me lose weight drastically. I was able to lose 20lbs in about a month or so.

I was able to achieve 134lbs, which made me really happy. I stopped taking the weight loss pills and started to ease off the fasting. I was so close to reaching my goal weight. But then, I ran into some really bad problems. Long story short, I developed a panic disorder, which made me lose focus on keeping my weight because I was constantly afraid of getting another panic attack. I couldn’t cycle again because the thought of my heart rate increasing was suddenly scary to me. I ate more and more without minding how much calories I ate because I was too busy trying not to get a random panic attack. It was a really horrible time for me, but I have gone to the psychiatrist for this, so I am a lot better now.

After I was recovering from the panic attacks and felt like I could start losing weight again (at this point I was about 143lbs), I got into a relationship. My boyfriend eats a lot, and loves to buy me food and feeds me A LOT, so now it’s becoming so hard to stay disciplined. I’m now back to square one (150lbs), and it’s making me so mad. When I was losing weight and cycled everyday, I was single and living with my parents who really supported me in my weight loss journey by providing me low calorie, healthy food. Now, I live with my boyfriend who constantly cooks me or buys me high calorie food, so it’s really hard to turn down those foods. I also don’t have a bike anymore, nor a gym membership (too expensive for me), so I don’t know what to do for exercising. I’m just so miserable and tired now.

submitted by /u/mischitato
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mPQ9J7x

Weird posture after weight loss

I've lost over 100lbs over the last year and I've developed a strange way of standing. My belly sticks out and my lower back archers. I have no idea why. It's only happened since losing the weight. It actually looks like I'm pregnant which is not ideal haha especially after dropping so much weight. I only noticed it when I saw photos of myself yesterday! What is that called? And can it be fixed? Is it common I wonder? I've been trying to consciously straighten up but that only lasts a few seconds and I slip back into doing it :(

submitted by /u/distantseagulls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ILRhb3t

Saving my life…..and my marriage (Update)

Heres an update to my post two weeks ago. “Saving my life…..and my marriage” has turned into “Saving my life….and my relationship with my son”. My wife has decided that she wants to leave me. It hurts…badly….but after a lot of self-reflection and honesty the part that hurts is knowing I won’t see my son everyday or have my partner to help raise him. We weren’t a great match and we grew apart…The great thing is that this has given me even more determination to lose it. I weighed myself the night of 4/11 and I was 399 lbs. Last night when I weighed myself I was 381. I know there is water weight and what not to be factored in but it feels good to see that number go down. My first week I walked a mile each day and I have been keeping my carbs under 20. On 4/20 I had my first screening with my weight loss doctor and left there excited to tell my wife about it. When I called she seemed disinterested…it was that night she told me she wants to move on. After trying and failing to change her mind I decided its best to leave her be for now and focus on myself. We still have to live together another 2 months. It has been a VERY hard last few days for me…I haven’t really wanted to eat. I had to force myself into eating at least something each day. I know this is awful for my overall weight loss/ lifestyle so I am trying to force myself out of it. Last night I made 4 big pieces of chicken for me to cut up and use throughout the week and tomorrow night my fit friends are going to get me started on weights at the gym. I am curious how much weight I can lose in the next few months. Maybe I don’t need the surgery….Anyway I am 18 lbs down in the last 2 weeks. Heres hoping the scale keeps going down and I can maintain while going through a divorce.

Original Thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/u220u3/saving_my_life_and_my_marriage/

submitted by /u/ClayTheMage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/PqpBvNg

First day of trying to lose weight, and I'm feeling great!

Today marked my first day of my hopefully 25-30 pound weight loss journey! Before beginning this, I was admittedly a little apprehensive and felt very overwhelmed, but now that it's here and I'm officially getting started, I am feeling extremely optimistic and excited not only about shedding those extra pounds I've put on since I started working from home, but also just leading a healthier lifestyle in general.

I'm going by the CICO method, and have been counting my calories. I'll admit that this is all still very experimental, as I am trying to figure out what foods keep me fueled the longest (and let me just say, protein shakes are a definite no-go for me, lol). But I do think that even just within my first few hours of officially being on this journey, I've learned more about what my body needs. Definitely reworking some meal plans for the week now that I know my body doesn't like me replacing breakfast with protein shakes, but I stocked the fridge and pantry over the weekend with more than enough low calorie and healthy food options to keep me going! Already looking forward to my dinner and before bed snack I have planned!

Editing to add that I am just absolutely amazed by how much more healthy food I can actually eat for a smaller amount of calories compared to when I was eating unhealthy food consistently. It just blows my mind when I look at the calories on some of the foods I used to eat. I can get so much more with fewer calories and feel fuller for longer.

submitted by /u/Al115
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/jMtQC8J

Eating during/before period


I guess this more a question for women, but I just need some advice.

I'm currently at the start of my weight loss journey, this isn't my first attempt but hoping for it to be my last. I'm currently doing CICO, so I'm on 1,500kcal restriction and increasing my activity.

The biggest worry for me at the moment is the week before I start my period. I suffer bad with my periods anyway severe pain, irritability ect. Increased hunger is also a massive issue and also lack of motivation for anything. I've found this time of the month to be a massive trigger for me in terms of losing weight, it's always the point were I give up or lose control. It's like I'm a completely different person with a different mindset.

So I just want to ask if anyone has any advice to keep this at bay, anyone who experiences a similar situation who has still managed to lose significant weight.

Thank you 🙂

submitted by /u/BeginningCake1266
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/rwl821u

ED Warning: Vent. The only way i can lose weight is if i starve myself. I feel like i'm literally ment to be fat.

I've been vegan for 5 years, transitioned from my ED into veganism, because eh, might aswell keep eating veggues, you can't get fat by eating veggies, right? WRONG, not with my body.

My body cannot do anything right, i am chronically constipated and i eat a lot of veggies, i tried smoothies and it still does not do anything. It just doesn't want to pass unless i have laxatives.

I tried "confusing my metabolism", Hiit trainings , on the weekends i walk 11 miles and i cannot lose 1 lbs. I have actually gained 2 lbs since Saturday, after exercising. I walk on a daily basis and i eat around 1200 cals a day, i have tried weight loss pills, lost 1 pound gained it back. I have tired eating even less cals, stating under 900, doesn't do shit.

I honestly feel so defeated and i feel like my only choice for me to lose weight is spiriling down into anorexia and bulimia (i miss the days where i was 99 lbs and everything fit). I am now 160 lbs and i hate myself, emotionally and i hate my body. I would honestly kill myself just so this stupid thing can suffer like it makes me suffer.

So HOW in the fuck do i lose the weight in a healthier manner, because honestly after this post i am about to give up. My SO is not attracted to me physically because of my gain weight, as shallow as that feels, most of my weight went to my arms and stomach and i look 6 mo pregnant even tho i am not. I just look disgusting and i'm tired of nothing fitting me anymore.

Edit: Also, how many cals should i b3 eating? Female, 20, 5'6, current weight 160, but looking to go down to 130. Every app says something different, with Samsung health saying i need 1000 (yes, my info i imput in there is correct).

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Today99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ZXERG6a