Monday, May 9, 2022

I lost control

I'm 19, 6"1. I started working out and eating healthy a month ago and i went from 288 pounds to 271 pounds in one month. I was feeling a lot better and i could see the weight loss but yesterday this weekend i just lost control. I am normally on a rather healthy diet and i treat myself with a shawarma(a type of chicken roll) every Sunday, and i never have cravings I'm very satisfied all the time. Idk what happened but i just lost it this time I ate like a medium pizza and i didn't even realise when i finished it. i felt disgusted and unsatisfied and i just broke down. i feel better today but i have no idea why that happened yesterday.

submitted by /u/madlad36
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What could I be doing better?

I’d like to start off by saying right now I’m at 230-235lbs. The healthiest I’ve been in my adult life was 190-195lbs. And the heaviest was three months ago at like 240-245.

I started a 2 year long relationship during Covid and I personally think Covid along with being in a relationship where I stopped going out and being active made me super extroverted and along with the weight gain I’m frankly embarrassed of how much weight I’ve put on which makes it difficult to go to the gym. I constantly notice the weight in my face, stomach and developed man boobs, New stretch marks etc.

I am a 27(M), 6’2” fairly inexperienced with gym routines and weight loss in general.

I’m at a calorie deficit of roughly 1800-2000 Cals a day. Diet consists of Tuna, chicken, and low carbs. Trying to incorporate more fiber as well.

I workout doing mainly cardio everyday and do a light PPL routine I found on

I’ve been doing this since March 15th for 3 times a week

I personally don’t care about muscle gain just trying to lose the weight. It started off well, and I dropped 10lbs quickly but for the past 2-3 weeks, I’ve been doing the same thing and haven’t seen any change.

Obviously I think it’s time for a change in eating habits or workout routine or maybe I’m just doing something wrong, but I’m at a loss and don’t really know what to change up.

(Im great at eating with no taste, so any dietary suggestions will be appreciated, as long as it’s quick to make)

So if any redditors have any tips. Im here for it!

submitted by /u/GreatValueJasonMomoa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m surprisingly motivated this time, I feel like nothing can stop me!

I don’t know if this is relevant but im 20 F, 5’3 and 199 lbs.

After about five years of being in a slump because “i can’t lose weight”, im finally enthusiastic about starting my weight loss journey. I think my negative attitudes towards diet and workout has been a major reason as to why my attempts at losing weight were never or hardly successful. These attitudes have made me go to extremes for weight-loss, such as self induced vomiting and fasting for very long periods of time, only to gain double the amount of weight i’ve lost once i stoped starving/purging… (I have professional help for that though lol.)

I have reached a new high weight and it is extremely concerning, but rather than feeling down about it, i surprisingly feel okay? i’ve accepted my weight and instead of putting myself down about it, im going to be positive, accept my body, and do my best to lose the weight in a healthy sustainable way.

I have a great feeling that i’ll achieve and maintain my goal this time.

I am on my second week of doing crossfit classes and im already feeling great!

I hope i can update this next year with news that i’ve reached my health and appearance related goals! :D

submitted by /u/luvoclock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

90 pounds lighter - 1 year effort!

Hello !

I made a reddit account just to tell my story, in the hopes I would light up the hearts of fellow members who gave up or about to give up... I tell you DON'T!

I started my weight loss journey back in beginning of May 2021, at 300 pounds on the scale. When I went to weigh myself and saw that dreaded number, 300, I felt like I failed at life. I had no friends, no girlfriend for 4 years (not even a date..) and no job. I felt miserable, I was 28 (now 29) and felt like 80, I always told myself that the better half of my life ended when I went into my mid-20s.

At 21 I was diagnosed with severe case of anxiety and depression and I started binge eating. The pills made it harder even... they opened up my appetite. By 23 years old I was obese, I must have eaten two pizzas and fries everyday those two years, it was horrible.

On 3rd of 4th (not sure) May 2021 something clicked in my brain. I had enough of obesity. I was blowing by the time I went a flight of stairs and even showering was taking a toll on me, it became harder to tie my shoes.

So I started counting calories. Disciplined myself, adapted to a new mindset. Felt I was being born again. I was blind but suddenly I felt I had hawk eyes on myself. The weight started getting off quickly at first, then it slowed after a few months, then it suddenly stopped. Searched around on the net and I found out it was normal, and it's called a Plateau. To everyone who is experiencing this, don't worry it's completely normal. In a year I went through them three times. You then start losing weight pretty fast after it ends.

Am now four months with my girlfriend, got a decent job and the wheel is turning for me. I went from 300 pounds to now 209 pounds, still got around 30 more pounds to go. It wasn't easy for me. During this year I felt like giving up countless of times, especially when weight loss stalled.

I still have no friends, it's hard to find 'real' friends nowadays but I thank God everyday for allowing me to meet my girlfriend, who is also my best friend :) And for the awesome job I got.

I had no accountability partners, I was single without even a date or (even a kiss!) from 24 yrs old to 28 years old, I had no professional weight loss help, no dieticians, no nutritionists, no gym memberships.

If I did it you can do it too, definitely.

29 / Male / 5"10

Yours Truly,

Brandon, the 90lb loser.

submitted by /u/Positiveloser93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What 100 Calories Really Looks Like

You can absolutely snack and still lose weight. In fact, the right snacks can help keep your fuel your day while crushing those between-meal cravings. But here’s the thing; what you choose to munch on drastically affects how much of it you can eat and how satisfied you’ll feel afterwards. When comparing 100 calories worth of different types of snacks, it is clear that not all calories are created equal.

Think about it; you can have three tablespoons of ice cream that tastes like pistachios or you can chomp on 25 actual pistachios. Both contain about 100 calories yet the whole pistachios are healthier, provide more nutrients and leave you feeling fuller for longer. We’ve put together this guide so that you can compare 100 calorie portions of different snack foods in order to make the healthiest choice for your Nutrisystem program.

Check out this handy infographic to learn what 100 calories really looks like:

100 calories

Now read on for the details about these smarter snacks!

1. Strawberries vs. Fruit Leather Roll


Strawberries: 2 cups

Fruit Leather Roll: 1 large

On Nutrisystem: 1 cup whole strawberries = 1 SmartCarb

Bright, juicy strawberries are packed with vitamin C and belly-filling fiber says Healthline. While fruit leathers and fruit snacks with the same flavor may be convenient, they don’t offer the same nutritional benefits and often contain added sugar. Opt for the real deal when a sweet craving hits. If you love the idea of an on-the-go leather, use fresh strawberries to make your own healthy version. Try this delicious recipe: Strawberry Kiwi Fruit Leather >

2. Popcorn vs. Potato Chips

100 calories

Popcorn: 3 cups

Potato Chips: 15 chips

On Nutrisystem: 1 cup plain popcorn = 1 Extra

You say you’ll stop at just a few. But once you start chomping down on salty potato chips, your good intentions go out the window. All it takes is a measly 15 chips to set you back 100 calories, plus a whole bunch of extra fat. With popcorn, you don’t need to test your restraint. If you think popcorn is boring, think again! Check out Four Ways to Pump Up Your Popcorn >

3. Apple vs. Individual Apple Pie

100 calories

Apple: 1 medium

Individual Apple Pie: 1/3 of a pie

On Nutrisystem: 1 medium apple = 1 SmartCarb

You get maybe two bites of an individual apple pie before you hit 100 calories. Pick the actual fruit for a snack and you get to eat the whole kit and kaboodle. Keep the skin on for more fiber. It will fill you up fast and leave your belly feeling satisfied for longer. Try making these Air Fryer Apple Chips >

4. Grapes vs. Jelly Beans

100 calories

Grapes: 60

Jelly Beans: 10

On Nutrisystem: 1 cup (about 40) grapes = 1 SmartCarb

That’s right—you get 50 more grapes than jelly beans (which are pretty much all sugar anyway). Go with red or black grapes for the sweetest flavor and weight loss benefit. Healthline explains that Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, has been shown to provide protection against cancer and heart disease and lower blood glucose levels. Freeze your grapes for a refreshing treat that tastes like candy or try this Lean, Green, Grape Machine Smoothie >

5. Sliced Peppers vs. French Fries

100 calories

Sliced Peppers: 4 cups

French Fries: 1 kids’ size

On Nutrisystem: 1 cup raw bell peppers = 1 Vegetable

Sure, sliced red peppers may lack the salty bite of fast-food fries. However, the vitamins, minerals, satisfying crunch and sheer volume you can eat for 100 calories makes up for it. Add some flavor by dipping your pepper slices in a yummy dip like this Artichoke Basil Hummus >

6. Baby Carrots vs. Crunchy Cheese Twists

100 calories

Baby Carrots: 30

Crunchy Cheese Twists: 12 twists

On Nutrisystem: 1 cup raw carrots = 1 Vegetable

They share a hue and are heavy on crunch. However, you can eat more than double the amount of baby carrots than you can of unhealthy twists. According to Healthline, studies show that carrots may help lower cholesterol and improve eye health. They are also a good source of fiber and antioxidants. Carrots are delicious raw or cooked. Check out this recipe for Honey Balsamic Glazed Carrots >

7. Salsa vs. Guacamole

100 calories

Salsa: 18 tablespoons (about 1 ¼ cups)

Guacamole: 3 ¼ tablespoons

On Nutrisystem: Salsa = Free Food

Don’t get us wrong; avocados have earned superfood status. They provide healthy fats, fiber and potassium but are quite high in calories. It’s important to watch your portions as only one tablespoon of avocado counts as one Extra on Nutrisystem. A lot of pre-packaged guac also comes with added saturated fats that you want to avoid. So, if you’re looking to dip a bunch of veggie sticks, consider lower-calorie salsa as a higher-volume alternative. Learn how to make your own delicious salsa here >

8. Blueberries vs. Fruit Flavored Candies


Blueberries: 1 ¼ cups

Fruit Flavored Candies: 1/8 cup

On Nutrisystem: 1 cup blueberries = 1 SmartCarb

Both of these little brightly-colored gems provide a pop of sweetness. However, you get more than an extra cup worth of fresh berries to fill your belly. You also get a healthy dose of antioxidants to help keep your heart and brain healthy says Healthline. Check out these 10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes >

9. Banana vs. Chocolate Chip Cookie


Banana: 1 medium

Chocolate Chip Cookie: 1 ½ cookie

On Nutrisystem: 1 medium banana = 1 SmartCarb

Granted these may not be an obvious pairing for comparison, but when one is sitting in a bowl on your countertop and the other in a jar right next to it, which do you go for? Preferably the yellow-skinned sweet and creamy option. According to Healthline, bananas are packed with heart-healthy potassium, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

When you’re not snacking on this healthy fruit, try these ideas: 10 Banana Recipes You’ll Go Bananas For >

*All calories per serving provided are from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The post What 100 Calories Really Looks Like appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Sunday, May 8, 2022

People that have lost weight for heart health, when did you start seeing changes in your blood pressure?

I (29M, 5'11", SW 243lb, CW 221) have high blood pressure. I've been working with my doctor who started me on some medication, but also working on myself. I excercise 5 times a week and cut my diet significantly, and lost 20lbs in the last 2 months.

Despite all these things, my blood pressure has only dropped from 140ish to 135ish. I'm wondering if I'm expecting too much? I really want to hit 120.

For folks that track these things during their weight loss journey, what changes did you see in your blood pressure, and when?

submitted by /u/ExoticDumpsterFire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Rewatched some clips of the biggest loser…no wonder I was scared of the gym

So I watched the biggest loser when I was a kid, I thought it was normal and that the contestants deserved the treatment. I was always fat so I just thought I would be one of the people who would never be a “loser.” Plus the people always looked miserable and crying, and I think they mostly only at salad.

But what the actual physical and mental abuse?! I didn’t realize how much this show shaped a lot of my beliefs about weight loss and dietary habits.

I now really enjoy going to the gym, and have lost around 80 pounds, still have a ways to go but um, not getting screamed at and belittled really is helpful. Also I do like salad, but I also like pizza haha.

submitted by /u/ThePancakeDocument
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from loseit - Lose the Fat