Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Looking to shed only a few pounds

20F, 165cm, 58 kgs, sedentary

I’m looking to lose about 5-7 pounds and I don’t really have a time restriction for it.

I don’t eat very well I think, in that maybe I don’t eat enough nutritious good food. I eat in limited amounts enough to maintain weight but also not too restricted. Definitely have had days of eating one full cake, 6-7 cupcakes in one round, etc. I’ve just maintained 128-130 for years now. I’m not a snacker at all.

Ive never consistently exercised bc my naive brain always thought exercise was only for weight loss, and since I was really skinny growing up I never had the motivation. It’s resulted in bad habits where I don’t make it a priority. I ate a lot growing up especially in high school so over the course of three years I steadily increased in weight from 108-130 lbs. Some of this weight gain might just be me growing up too.

I’ve gone three weeks of consistent exercise once a year ago and I was rlly proud of myself. But I gave up bc I didn’t see the scale change, I realize I was way too hasty.

Any tips would be appreciated! I want to do this as healthily as possible, even if that means slowly.

submitted by /u/Possible_Tap9227
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/5C4Mwtp

Completely Hit A Wall Need Advice.

Hi all i’m new here .Was hoping to get a little advice…Over a year ago i started my weight loss journey and lost 60 pounds..(yaaay !! lol) i’m a 50 year old male tw..I Basically i ate one meal a day. (with a sensible meal for dinner ) No carbs , low calories..This type of intermittent fasting diet worked for me..And i accomplished by goal in about 11 months…(60?pounds) Only problem was i stayed on that program a little too long and started getting a little thin lol…this was about 6 weeks ago…So i said to myself ‘let me take on some extra calories, this will be fun ‘ lol. And it WAS lol….what a glorious week it was , eating whatever i wanted …Only problem was a somewhat ‘overshot’ the finish line and managed to find 5 extra pounds lol .Oh well i said , just go back to ‘the plan’ and i’ll purge that in 3/4 weeks tops..Knowing full on well that maintaining this weight will be a game of ‘cat and mouse’..Well ‘the plan’ is suddenly not working anymore ..Its been a month of the ‘one meal a day’ low carb etc (basically doing exactly what worked to loose the initial 60) and i cant loose an OUNCE…I’m DEFINITELY on a caloric deficit…I’ve upped my daily exercise , up’d my water intake (Thinking maybe I was retaining water) doing anything i can think of to get tje ‘machine started’ again .and in a full Month i havent moved that needle an OUNCE. I understand that your body gets ‘used’ to certain programs but this was working VERY well for me only a few short months ago..Needless to say i’m pretty concerned and pretty disappointed.Has anyone ever experienced something like this ? (i’ve had the needle stay stuck for a couple weeks and then had a ‘whoosh moment’ but never been stuck a full month) .Would love to hear any suggestions or feedback. thank you so Very much.🙏

submitted by /u/Drumstar2112
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/EADy9TX

Weight Loss and Libido

Hey Everyone,

Love the community here, just looking for a bit of advice from fellow weight losers!

I've been through a bit of a depression period the last few years, and towards the end of last year I decided enough was enough and found some motivation. Got off my antidepressants and realized how much weight I had put on while on them.

Weighed myself on Jan 1st and since then I'm down from 341lbs to 271lbs. This is doing workouts twice a day and very strict calorie controlled died.

My question is around libido and erection strength, I realized when I was at the biggest point my erection strength and libido (which was mega high before) was awful compared to what I normally weighed (~220lbs). Recently started a new relationship and obviously don't want to disappoint the partner in question.

My libido is way improved and my erections are 'better' since losing some weight but obviously still got a long way to go. I know weight and testosterone are very heavily linked so it should continue to improve, I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience on specifically how long it takes to see improvements to this kinda thing? I'm assuming its a case of "lose the weight" and then testosterone takes some time to come back after its gone?

For now I'm about to try out some tadalafil to see how it goes, (side note, anyone know how it works with also using weed? ^^)

Mostly the question is just coming from an anxiety point of view, in my head I know it should continue to improve but sometimes its nice to hear re-assurance (or a harsh truth if thats the case!)

Keep it up guys, you're all inspiring. Thanks for any help anyone can give.

submitted by /u/TSOW1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ZLNKPJM

Monday, May 16, 2022

Getting my sh*t together after several half-failed weight loss attempts.

I’ll go ahead and give you all the story of my weight loss journey since this is my first post on this sub.

I am 6’3 (male) and currently weigh around 220lbs.

Around 2019 I was 245lbs (with little muscle) when I decided I wanted to start losing weight. At that time I lost around 25lbs over the course of a few months staying on a calorie deficit with light exercise, but then Covid hit and I went up to 250lbs by the end of 2019. In 2020 I did the same plan as I did in 2019 and lost about all the weight I gained and went back around the 220-223lb mark, but that was as far as a went before I gave back in to my eating habits. I’ve consistently stayed around this mark without losing or gaining any weight the past 2 years by just not overeating. This year I started to get back into my diet again and I went down to around 213lbs with some slight added muscle as I started light weightlifting as part of my diet, but then I gave into eating habits again and failed my diet after a month when I went to visit family out of state because we ate out every day I was there. This happened between March-April and most of this month. Right now I am ready to get my shit together and lose the weight that’s been plaguing my confidence for years. I never had much support from anyone during my diets so I think loss of motivation was a factor as to why I couldn’t stay consistent with my diet. But now I’m going to document my journey on this sub since I have no one else to share it with. My goal weight is 180 but 190lbs is probably where I’ll slow down and try to start losing weight less aggressively.

(Sorry if spelling is bad I am writing this on a slow phone and app is laggy)

submitted by /u/4th-Impact
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mFOX5nE

Riding the craving wave

Hi there, I’m new here 👉👈

I have been on a weight loss/lifestyle change around food and wellness for almost one year now. My greatest challenge is binging cookies.

What I have found helps is utilizing an app called Woebot. It is an interactive AI chat bot that has a tool called “surf my urges” that works 90% of the time. It helps me complain that all I want to do is eat cookies and then helps me look a bit into what those cookies mean to me, having me pause and breathe for a bit before deciding if I want the cookies still.

Any tips, resources or ideas on how to overcome cravings for sweets would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/okbirdnerds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/iICAQWN

My weight loss journey

Age: 29
Height: 6'6
Last year I went to the hospital and had my gallbladder removed, my weight then was 430lb, I made the decision 3 weeks ago to start to lose weight. I've completely revamped my diet, I quit most animal products except for salmon. I eat most of my veggies in their raw form. I've also started intermittent fasting, I only eat 12pm-8pm. For snacks I eat seaweed. I try to eat under 1500 calories while dancing for 15 minutes everyday.
Example of my past 3 days eating:
12pm: Smoothie (1Cup Kefir, 2 Cups Kale, 1 Cup Blueberries, 1/2 Cup Water)
4pm: 4oz Salmon, 1/2 Cup Basmati Rice, 1 Cucumber, 1 Avocado
6pm: 2 packs Seaweed snack

12pm: Smoothie (1Cup Kefir, 2 Cups Kale, 1 Cup Blueberries, 1/2 Cup Water)
3pm: 1/2 Cup Basmati Rice, 2 Cups Cabbage Sauteed
7pm: 1/2 Cup Popcorn

12pm: 1 Cup Broccoli, 1 Cup Shitake Mushrooms
5pm: Vegan Cheese Sauce (Cashews, Nutritional Yeast, Garlic Powder, Lemon Juice) 8 mini red peppers, 1 carrot, 15 grape tomatos.
6:45pm: Smoothie (1Cup Kefir, 2 Cups Kale, 1 Cup Blueberries, 1/2 Cup Water)

My goal is to lose 200lb, I plan to increase my exercise as I lose weight and increase my calories in a healthy way.

Would love any feedback if I need to change something about my diet or if I need incorporate other exercises.

submitted by /u/jaberus1993
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/pat4Sc8

my sister didn't recognize me

I have been in a strict weight loss journey for about a year (looser for a couple years.) I have lost 55 pds this year, 75 total. I don't see my family often because they make fun of me (weight, height, you name it). I choose to put my mental health first, so no judgment please. A couple weeks ago, my sister was in the hospital in the same city that I work at. She was admitted and didn't know they were going to keep her so I went and bought her a toothbrush, socks, a book, etc. When I took them to her, I walked into the room and she moved to put her mask back on and then paused and then said my name questioningly. I replied yeah? She laughed then took her mask off and asked how much had I lost cause she didn't even recognize me. She thought I was a nurse coming in to take more blood. People, we are in our 40s and she did not know who I was. Made my freaking day...no, made my entire year. I can't wait to lose another 50.

submitted by /u/itsOKeveryoneHatesMe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/GBcLHRv