Tuesday, July 26, 2022

being treated differently in my social circle now that i'm not "the fat friend" anymore

nothing in the world would ever make me regret losing weight or getting fit (whatever "negatives" that have come with it are far outweighed by the positives), but i wasn't prepared for how it would affect the way my friends treated me.

i'd always been the fat friend in any group ever since i started getting chubby in elementary school. unless you've also been the fat friend, you really wouldn't understand what it's like to play that role, especially as a girl. you're never the one that gets hit on, guys will come to you to ask about your hot/skinny friends and/or you'll get asked out as a dare or a joke, going clothes shopping with your friends is a traumatic nightmare, etc etc.

when i first started losing weight up until i hit my lowest weight, i was living with two of my (now ex) best friends in an apartment the three of us shared. one (let's call her C), was maybe the lower end of the midsize range, and the other (let's call her R) was short and petite but very much skinnyfat (i do not at all mean either of these as insults; at the time, i was just plain obese, so they were definitely doing better than me). i didn't tell either of them i was trying to lose weight, but i did invite them with me to the fitness center in our apartment complex whenever i went, and i'm sure they could see the changes in my eating as we ate/cooked/went grocery shopping together a lot of the time.

when the weight loss started to show, they congratulated me at first, and i was happy to have the support. i'm not sure exactly what made their behavior start to change. i eventually became thinner than C, who got very upset upon finding out that i weighed less than her (i didn't tell her this btw. she went into my bathroom to use my scale and saw the sheet i'd been logging my weigh-ins on). R stopped going with me to the gym (C hadn't been going with us in the first place). when i finally lost enough body fat to see the definition in my muscles, i expressed to R how excited i was to have abs for the first time in my life, only for her to respond with an eye roll and a "well, of course the first thing you do is brag about it."

i started dressing cuter, no longer hiding my body behind baggy clothes, and started styling my hair and doing my makeup, no longer hiding my face behind my wild hair and overgrown bangs. i took better care of both my skin and hair, finally putting effort into all aspects of my appearance. carried myself with better posture and more smiles. suddenly i wasn't "the ugly fat friend" anymore. i didn't know how drastically that would change the dynamic. my friendship and roommate status with C and R ended due to a multitude of reasons, but the resentment started (noticably, anyway) with the change in appearance/lifestyle.

my childhood friends, who knew me as fat practically our whole lives, also treat me a bit strange, although nowhere near as blatantly as my former roommates.when we hang out in public, it feels like some strange one-sided competition of "who is the hotter one" whereas before it was always a given; i was always the fat, unattractive friend, and they were the hot ones. i was telling a friend (we'll call her U) about an encounter i had where i was pretty sure i was being flirted with (inconsequential, nothing came of the flirting and i'll never see the guy again) and she responded with "he probably wasn't actually hitting on you. you just assume that now because you're..." and didn't finish the sentence. it really hurt, ngl.

i've had only one friend who knew me from when i was fat seem legitimately happy for me. she's excited that i'm in shape and love physical activity now, as she's a very active and fit person herself so we have more compatibility in lifestyles.

i really don't mean for any of this to sound braggy or come off as "wow i think i'm the hottest person to ever exist and the only reason that anyone could ever dislike me is because i'm prettier than them" because that is 100% not the case. it just seems like in this instance, my dynamic with some friends was affected by the change in appearance. for people who used to be the fat friend in your group, is this something that happens when you lose weight?

submitted by /u/addi-ction
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/D3qn0Nu

Diary Of A Weight Loss Physician # 6

Want to know a secret?

I often get nervous before my patients step on the scale.

So what's the difference between the doctor and patient?

1) Experience with the journey.

I understand the highs and lows of weight loss. I expect plateaus, barriers, relapses and frustration.

Often, the patient does not have much experience. As a result they mistakenly take setbacks personally and get discouraged.

2) Process oriented vs. outcome dependent.

I try and focus our attention on diagnosing the cause of weight gain/stagnation.

This encourages action (process oriented) rather than disappointment from the lack of progress (outcome oriented).

Additionally, I work with patient to ensure the process is as fun as possible. Collaborative personalization is crucial.

Doing so maximizes consistency.

Consistency is the single most impactful variable in successful weight loss.

3) Battle hardened faith.

I've seen the end of the rainbow (goal weight achieved) over and over again.

And over and over again, I am reminded of the need for patience.

For the patient, the weight loss journey is a huge leap of faith.

Everyday can be daunting.

So what's the difference?

I've been to the promise land.

Despite my nerves, I have faith in the process. It's worked innumerable times.

Not always (almost never!) in the time we expect, but it does work.

So as a seasoned guide, my job is to simply keep the faith of the patient alive and walk with them step by step.

submitted by /u/No-Profit8657
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/aCUd9Xm

What do you do when you're feeling impatient about losing weight?

Long story short, I'm at the heaviest I've been due to a mixture of anti depressants, divorce and other things. I'm a 5ft8 woman at 112kg. Although my lowest weight was still overweight I would give anything to be 85 kg again in a heartbeat.

I'm off the meds and I've started counting calories again, how do you keep motivated and not be disheartened by how slow weight loss takes and just how you look in the mirror? I wish I appreciated how I was when I was smaller and I was so preoccupied with hitting my goal weight that I didn't enjoy being smaller if that makes sense. Sorry if this seems very rambly!

submitted by /u/Opalotls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/jCisWNM

3 successes today :)

Today was kinda of a success but a fail. I ended up not doing my calorie defcit and not exercising I ate 3000 calories today because of a binge. But I'll will just try better tomorrow and try to do better. Lucky 3000 is just around my maintenance so I don't think I will gain any weight on the scale other than water weight.

But according to Research and the Bmi Scale I'm no longer Morbidly Obese :) one step closer to my goal. I so lost 4kgs which was difficult but it only took roughly 3 weeks.

My mother also told me she started to see a weight loss difference in my neck. So that motivated me to keep trying tomorrow. One bad day doesn't cancel out 15 good days :)

submitted by /u/Iranyourdogover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/LPVc7WO

Monday, July 25, 2022

7 months, 7kgs down :)

My progress is a lot slower than most on here, but I am still so proud of myself. I've never been so consistant with weight loss in my life.

28F 5"2 SW 84kgs/CW 77kgs. I was stuck on 78kgs for the longest time and just not getting anywhere. But thanks to a big whoosh scale just suddenly dropped by just over 1kg one day. The number has stuck so I know its real, unless my scale is broken lol.

I'm bad at sticking with a deficit for a long time, I start to get super hungry and hard to focus. I might go a week or 10 days in a deficit, then I'll ease up on myself for a few days and eat until I'm full/my body is happy. It's hard weight training and being in a deficit at the same time, but I love that I'm stronger than I've been in years. I don't mind going slower if it means I can keep/build a little muscle. Hopefully I will be strong enough to do a proper push up by the end of the year, but we will see :)

Good luck to everyone on their journey! Keep at it :)

submitted by /u/Crispy_cucumber00
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BFl512k

Fun Win in Visualizing the Weight I've Lost :)

Wanted to share this fun win in this sub as it's been so helpful to scroll and lurk here through my journey. :)

The kids and I were preparing for an outing and I had to pack our lunch & supplies in a backpack. Surprised at how heavy it was, I jumped on the scale with it to see it's weight. I was stunned to see that the scale showed a total weight (me+backpack) of what I weighed in back in April! Meaning that the backpack represents exactly the almost 20lbs I have lost since April 😁.

It's tough for me to visualize my weight loss so it was a nice little win. It also really nailed in how much extra weight I was putting on my joints & why exercising was so painful back then. I'm about halfway to goal weight and it feels achievable knowing I've already gotten this far!

submitted by /u/dragonkalila
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/L1M0SQ9

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Stuck in a rut


I am a 26F 205lbs (around 93.2kg) 5' 1".

I am currently at my highest weight and stuck on what to do. I graduated last year and quit the job I had in school that required me to stand all day. By the end of last year, I reached 200lbs when I was previously 185lbs. I did not notice the change at first since I was job hunting for around 7 months and only wore stretchy things and sweats. I am now at a point where I am uncomfortable in my clothing; even if I wear things in a bigger size, it just kind of triggers my anxiety just thinking about it. I am at a point where I now stay in the house all day, have not talked to anyone besides family and coworkers in about 9 months, and feel like I am just wasting my life. I tried dieting before and tend to binge sometimes, but thankfully not as often as over a year ago. I am trying to create a new lifestyle/ plan for myself, but I am stuck on what I should do. I want to do something that works safely but semi-rapidly. I need ideas on good meals and exercises to do in the comfort of my own home since my depression is currently taking me to a low, and I do not want anyone looking at me.

I have tried MyFitnessPal, but logging calories and constantly weighing myself causes me to overthink things and just give up. I am looking for some good tips/ websites to aid in safe weight loss. My current goal is to be at 150-160lbs, and I really would love to have muscle.

submitted by /u/IDoWhatIWantSorry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/AtfXRKm