Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Warning- Noom’s calorie budgets are incorrect and may get you off track

Low key kinda pissed right now.

I’ll skip my backstory except to say I’ve lost 40 pounds using the LoseIt app before, and decided to try to lose 15 before my October wedding with Noom.

2 weeks in I am only 1 pound down instead of 4 because the calorie budget is WRONG and I should have realized sooner. When I compared the two apps side by side, I realized why I wasn’t getting results.

Set at 2lb/week, LoseIt gives me a ~1300cal budget WITH the goal of burning 800cal over my BMR. No bonus cal unless I burn more than that.

On Noom, I have the same 1300 budget, and am then given back half of any calories above that I burn. Taking just a min to think about it, that’s straight up not enough of a deficit.

Noom is certainly helpful in its own ways but at the end of the day, weight loss is math. If I’m paying $20/month partly for an app to do that math for me, it should be correct. If you’re using this app with a time-sensitive goal, make sure you’re doing your own deficit calculations to adjust the app accordingly.

My other complaints with Noom: -The “coach” is an unhelpful bot that responds once a day max and abandons you entirely after awhile -The color system appears helpful but ends up being fairly inconsistent in practice on the app. The same exact food can be there twice, but different colors. -The database in lacking compared to LoseIt, leading to lots of manual input -The lack of weekly tracking is frustrating. I want to be able to be “extra good” during the workweek and use my leftovers to go out to dinner while still being on track. Or knowing how much exactly to cut the rest of the week after a cheat day. -the psych tips are nothing special. I have learned all of them just by being on this sub.

Overall, absolutely not worth the price. I spent the same for a year of Premium LoseIt than one month Noom. Hope this helps someone deciding what app to use.

submitted by /u/xkatniss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

NSV: An update to a 2 year problem

Two years ago, I was at the highest weight I've ever been. I posted about not being about to take off my wedding rings in April 2020.

It hurt so much, but I refused to have them cut off. So I ended up living with the pain for over two freaking years. I used to dream about getting my rings off.

Well, today, with the help of a 25lbs weight loss and some dental floss, I got my engagement ring and wedding ring off!!!

Not that it has anything to do with my marriage, but I'm so so so happy to have my finger free. It's so amazing. My finger looks a bit deformed, but I'm hoping that with time, it will return to its normal shape.

I'm doing it, I'm really really doing it.

submitted by /u/living_on_the_coast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Making Progress & Feeling Good

I found this picture of me from earlier this year at 252 lbs and decided to do the same pose sitting on a toy horse at 213 lbs. It's been 4 months since I began my weight loss journey. My starting weight was 252. I have been working hard everyday and it is paying off. I definitely do feel my body changing and feel like I can move around better. Here's to more progress!

What I've been doing: I workout everyday for 30-45 minutes on the treadmill. Before that, I do sit-ups, push-ups, and weight lifting. Also use a dumbbell during my cardio. As my body gets used to the workout, I increase the intensity and do segments of HIIT. I don't drink as much soda and drink a lot of water. I do intermittent fasting for a day (alternate day fasting) where I don't eat anything. During this time, I drink a lot of water. When I eat, I keep it between an allowed time frame (anytime from noon-7pm). I will have a protein shake that also counts as a meal replacement, especially post workout. I cut out all unnecessary snacking and only eat when I'm hungry. I focus on high protein, high fiber, and low carb.

submitted by /u/esb1018
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Prioritizing Health Doesn’t Always Mean Continuous Losing!

34F 5’9” - Sw: 226 cw: 203 (-23 lbs) gw: 170 I dropped about 23 lbs over the course of 6 months last year, then was hit with a divorce. I lost a bunch from stress then gained it right back, so that one year later I’m exactly the same weight as I was then. But hey, I’m not mad! My body revolted to the stress of a divorce and I had all kinds of health issues that are finally healing (things like alopecia, chronic infections and stress triggered eczema). Maintaining for a year despite the wild health problems and the ups and downs of a custody battle and divorce settlements seems like a win to me!

This is just a reminder that sometimes prioritizing your health means putting the weight loss on hold for a bit. I’m losing again and I couldn’t be in a better place to do it now :)

submitted by /u/gendtropy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The hardest thing to learn when losing weight is PATIENCE

I hate the fact that you won't see results right away. I hate that you can be eating right but still only see a little change on the scale. I know, I know, weightloss should be slow and steady. That's what I am doing, I swear. But still I hate it.

I trying to learn to be patient, to not be too harsh on myself and to not hate my body while I am losing the weight. I am only 3 kg from a healthy BMI (I gained back about 15 kg) and I will probably be in a normal BMI by mid to end of september (I am also very short, so weight loss is about 0.5 kg a week), but still I wish I would see results right away. I know that's not how it works and if I could see a magic ball that tells me I will be there at that date I think I would be fine. I am learning to trust the process and not the result. I am learning to be patient and kind to myself. I am learning that forming healthy habits (again) is more important than losing the weight. I am not putting a date on when I have to lose a certain amount of weight, but I am putting goals of staying within my calories, doing a half an hour of exercise every day and being mindful of what I am eating without cutting out all the things I love (like chocolate or tiramisu).

BUT STILL I HATE THAT IT GOES SO SLOW. Especially because a year ago I used to about 6 to 7 kg lighter and I wouldn't have had to lose this much. I will see it as a learning experience. I lost weight once before and the weight I am at now is actually the lowest I was that time, so I guess it's progress that now I am stopping myself at this point and was able to maintain it. I have thus installed some healthy habits that have been beneficial to me and now I am ready to create more.

Learning that patience is a good thing, and that it's not about quick and fast results, but about sustainable and long-term habits.

submitted by /u/NotKeepingUp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss progress

I posted on here a month ago, maybe a little over about losing my first 10 lbs and not having much support in my daily life. Starting weight was 192 and I'm now at 173. So close to 20lbs! I'm starting to notice differences in myself and my clothing now. I still haven't heard much from others but I'm less concerned about that now that I'm starting to see the results myself! I appreciate everyone being so supportive in my last post. My goal is around 155 or 160 as of right now 😁🥳

submitted by /u/alyashesS2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

dont be afraid to take a vitamin

Hey friends!

Just wanted to post something that was on my mind since yesterday. I wanted to say its OK to take a daily vitamin if you feel like you cant get your nutrients in.

I see a lot of people on here saying that macros dont matter and a calorie is a calorie when it comes to weight loss and thats true if youre just trying to lose weight, but if you're trying to be healthy as well, I really believe its another story.

For example, someone said they never eat nuts and I said to take a vitamin because there are essential daily nutrients in nuts that are hard to get from other food sources and if you're not getting them, its best to supplement with a vitamin.

I was down voted multiple times for saying that and it concerns me that the main focus of the forum is just losing weight, not even making sure youre eating enough to get your nutrients in OR taking a dailty multi vitamin for it.

this is my post begging people to do this for your health, not for a certain number on the scale. ive seen people who are 40 lbs more than me look fitter than me because they have a lot more muscle. the number on the scale is practically meaningless and so many are so focused on that they are not worried about their actual health.

i was the same way at first and i truly believe its because the weight loss is so focused on the scale numbers. at this point, i dont care what the scale says and dont think its an accurate measure of your actual health. as far as that goes, it basically means nothing.

please dont put everything you got into numbers on a scale. making sure your body is healthy and getting what it needs is the most important.

submitted by /u/Unlucky-Fortune7995
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from loseit - Lose the Fat